"My Body, My Choice": The Worst Abortion Talking Points

No other takers on that question? Come on you fighters for killing rights, why so silent? NotYourBody? BWK?

Oh, but thank you to DBlack for answering, even if his answer was wrong. At least he answered.

How will you know the homicide happened? If you don't know it happened, how will you stop it? You don't make any sense.

*Facepalm* Are you completely unfamiliar with the case? They found her body, she was 8 months pregnant. Everyone knew, when she went missing, that she was 8 months pregnant.

Answer the question. Stop with the neverending red herrings.

How about you answer her question for a change? You've been dodging it for three days. How are you going to know she's pregnant? You're arguing for laws that will require draconian control of pregnant women to meaningfully enforce. Why don't you want to talk about that?
Wrong. He was convicted of TWO counts of murder - one for his wife, and one for his unborn child.

Thanks for playing.

I was asked my opinion, dipshit. My opinion differs with the court. I think they made a mistake. That happens a fair amount. It's certainly the case with your campaign - most of which isn't law yet. Hopefully never will be.

You disagree with the court, fine. Then I'll ask you again - why aren't you calling up judges and demanding that fetal homicide convicts be released?

What makes you think I'm not? I'll fight you fascist fucks in every way I can manage.

Because you're not.

Guess again.
Wrong. He was convicted of TWO counts of murder - one for his wife, and one for his unborn child.

Thanks for playing.

I was asked my opinion, dipshit. My opinion differs with the court. I think they made a mistake. That happens a fair amount. It's certainly the case with your campaign - most of which isn't law yet. Hopefully never will be.

You disagree with the court, fine. Then I'll ask you again - why aren't you calling up judges and demanding that fetal homicide convicts be released?

What makes you think I'm not? I'll fight you fascist fucks in every way I can manage.

Because you're not.

Guess again.

Oh? Then put your money where your mouth is. Provide us with the list of judges you've called demanding that fetal-homicide convicts be released, and your name. Since it would be a matter of public record it would be easy enough to verify.
Womb monitors are the only way I can think of. Or maybe they'll have live in 'minders' who keep an eye on women of child-bearing age.

The womb monitors would have to be installed before the girl started menstruation. Once those eggs start releasing, anything can happen. Some girls start their periods very early, before the age of 10.

I think it would be too easy to get away from a minder. Too easy to overpower a minder. It would take at least two very large strong minders for each woman I would think. More if they are big girls.
No other takers on that question? Come on you fighters for killing rights, why so silent? NotYourBody? BWK?

Oh, but thank you to DBlack for answering, even if his answer was wrong. At least he answered.

How will you know the homicide happened? If you don't know it happened, how will you stop it? You don't make any sense.

*Facepalm* Are you completely unfamiliar with the case? They found her body, she was 8 months pregnant. Everyone knew, when she went missing, that she was 8 months pregnant.

Answer the question. Stop with the neverending red herrings.
Sorry, maybe I misunderstood. I wasn't really that interested in your question.
No other takers on that question? Come on you fighters for killing rights, why so silent? NotYourBody? BWK?

Oh, but thank you to DBlack for answering, even if his answer was wrong. At least he answered.

How will you know the homicide happened? If you don't know it happened, how will you stop it? You don't make any sense.

*Facepalm* Are you completely unfamiliar with the case? They found her body, she was 8 months pregnant. Everyone knew, when she went missing, that she was 8 months pregnant.

Answer the question. Stop with the neverending red herrings.

How about you answer her question for a change? You've been dodging it for three days. How are you going to know she's pregnant? You're arguing for laws that will require draconian control of pregnant women to meaningfully enforce. Why don't you want to talk about that?

The reason we haven't talked about that is because that has been used over and over as a red herring or deflection from the actual debate at hand. If you want to talk about that, start a new thread.

My view is that MANY (not all) young women who have abortions don't know what they're doing. They have been brainwashed by this messed up society we live in, and taught that there's nothing wrong with abortion. So in most cases, I actually have sympathy for the young women who end up at the abortion clinic... Many of them are borderline coerced, and feel like they literally have no choice. Why, because in many cases they aren't given other options. They aren't shown an ultrasound, in most cases, they aren't told the truth about abortion, they are lied to every step of the way. And then many of them don't even realize they're doing anything wrong. Especially the young, naive ones.

I believe that the abortionists, the ones who DO know exactly what they're doing, are the ones who should face jail time. They do it for money. If you don't believe me, I'll post tons of quotes from former abortionists and clinic workers.
Oh? Then put your money where your mouth is. Provide us with the list of judges you've called demanding that fetal-homicide convicts be released, and your name. Since it would be a matter of public record it would be easy enough to verify.
And this is how it starts...
The reason we haven't talked about that is because that has been used over and over as a red herring or deflection from the actual debate at hand. If you want to talk about that, start a new thread.

My view is that MANY (not all) young women who have abortions don't know what they're doing. They have been brainwashed by this messed up society we live in, and taught that there's nothing wrong with abortion. So in most cases, I actually have sympathy for the young women who end up at the abortion clinic... Many of them are borderline coerced, and feel like they literally have no choice. Why, because in many cases they aren't given other options. They aren't shown an ultrasound, in most cases, they aren't told the truth about abortion, they are lied to every step of the way. And then many of them don't even realize they're doing anything wrong. Especially the young, naive ones.

I believe that the abortionists, the ones who DO know exactly what they're doing are the ones who should face jail time. They do it for money. If you don't believe me, I'll post tons of quotes from former abortionists and clinic workers.

Holy fuckballs Cletus!!! Do you honestly think in this day and age that a young woman cannot not find every ounce of information that exists in the world about the choices available to her? Right on her cellphone?

Get a clue lady. get a clue.
I believe that the abortionists, the ones who DO know exactly what they're doing, are the ones who should face jail time. They do it for money. If you don't believe me, I'll post tons of quotes from former abortionists and clinic workers.

Of course they do it for money. You thought they did it for free?
Oh? Then put your money where your mouth is. Provide us with the list of judges you've called demanding that fetal-homicide convicts be released, and your name. Since it would be a matter of public record it would be easy enough to verify.
And this is how it starts...

Yeah, cuz asking someone to prove their claims on a backwater internet forum totally means "the fascists are coming!!!!"

Take your meds.
Oh? Then put your money where your mouth is. Provide us with the list of judges you've called demanding that fetal-homicide convicts be released, and your name. Since it would be a matter of public record it would be easy enough to verify.
And this is how it starts...

Personally, I don't make it a practice to reprimand judges for their decisions, since I never completed law school, myself. However, I have no problem ignoring the law, if it is unjust in my opinion. Any law restricting my right to provide for abortions for my family is, in fact, unjust. On the other hand, if the pro-life people are willing to meet me half way and give me the right, in return, to require them to get an abortion, if I so choose, I guess that would be fair.
I say "the worst" but in reality, they're all bad. The Abortion Industry has nothing on their side anymore: not science, not truth. They have talking points to win over the uninformed. That's all.

The one I particularly loathe is "My Body, My Choice". Stupid women love this one, but the stupidity is laughable. It's not your body, sweetheart. If it were your body, you could do what you like. Have your entire female organs removed, tattoo it up, pierce your entire face--I agree. Your choice.

But again. Not your body.

Your BABY'S body. Separate DNA, separate heartbeat, separate and unique set of fingerprints. Not yours. His. Or hers.

What other abortion talking points do you find stupid, laughable, both or other?
Bottom line is life isn’t that precious.....

There is nothing more precious. Normal humans know this on an instinctual level.
I believe that the abortionists, the ones who DO know exactly what they're doing, are the ones who should face jail time. They do it for money. If you don't believe me, I'll post tons of quotes from former abortionists and clinic workers.

Of course they do it for money. You thought they did it for free?

There's your deceptive nature again. Obviously they get paid, that wasn't the point. The point was that they KNOWINGLY do something heinous and evil, out of greed. FOR MONEY, as their motivation.

Any other words of mine you want to twist?
I was asked my opinion, dipshit. My opinion differs with the court. I think they made a mistake. That happens a fair amount. It's certainly the case with your campaign - most of which isn't law yet. Hopefully never will be.

You disagree with the court, fine. Then I'll ask you again - why aren't you calling up judges and demanding that fetal homicide convicts be released?

What makes you think I'm not? I'll fight you fascist fucks in every way I can manage.

Because you're not.

Guess again.

Oh? Then put your money where your mouth is. Provide us with the list of judges you've called demanding that fetal-homicide convicts be released, and your name. Since it would be a matter of public record it would be easy enough to verify.

Fuck you. I'm not about to give out personal details of my life to fascists.
Oh? Then put your money where your mouth is. Provide us with the list of judges you've called demanding that fetal-homicide convicts be released, and your name. Since it would be a matter of public record it would be easy enough to verify.
And this is how it starts...

Personally, I don't make it a practice to reprimand judges for their decisions, since I never completed law school, myself. However, I have no problem ignoring the law, if it is unjust in my opinion. Any law restricting my right to provide for abortions for my family is, in fact, unjust. On the other hand, if the pro-life people are willing to meet me half way and give me the right, in return, to require them to get an abortion, if I so choose, I guess that would be fair.

Let's see... one scenario saves a life, the other one takes it away. Sure, we'll get right on that... :cuckoo:
You disagree with the court, fine. Then I'll ask you again - why aren't you calling up judges and demanding that fetal homicide convicts be released?

What makes you think I'm not? I'll fight you fascist fucks in every way I can manage.

Because you're not.

Guess again.

Oh? Then put your money where your mouth is. Provide us with the list of judges you've called demanding that fetal-homicide convicts be released, and your name. Since it would be a matter of public record it would be easy enough to verify.

Fuck you. I'm not about to give out personal details of my life to fascists.

Imagine my surprise :rolleyes:
Oh? Then put your money where your mouth is. Provide us with the list of judges you've called demanding that fetal-homicide convicts be released, and your name. Since it would be a matter of public record it would be easy enough to verify.
And this is how it starts...

Personally, I don't make it a practice to reprimand judges for their decisions, since I never completed law school, myself. However, I have no problem ignoring the law, if it is unjust in my opinion. Any law restricting my right to provide for abortions for my family is, in fact, unjust. On the other hand, if the pro-life people are willing to meet me half way and give me the right, in return, to require them to get an abortion, if I so choose, I guess that would be fair.

Let's see... one scenario saves a life, the other one takes it away. Sure, we'll get right on that... :cuckoo:

Yet, both sceneries give the other party the right to take away your right to make the most important decisions in your life. Get it now? I doubt it.
Oh? Then put your money where your mouth is. Provide us with the list of judges you've called demanding that fetal-homicide convicts be released, and your name. Since it would be a matter of public record it would be easy enough to verify.
And this is how it starts...

Personally, I don't make it a practice to reprimand judges for their decisions, since I never completed law school, myself. However, I have no problem ignoring the law, if it is unjust in my opinion. Any law restricting my right to provide for abortions for my family is, in fact, unjust. On the other hand, if the pro-life people are willing to meet me half way and give me the right, in return, to require them to get an abortion, if I so choose, I guess that would be fair.

Let's see... one scenario saves a life, the other one takes it away. Sure, we'll get right on that... :cuckoo:

Yet, both sceneries give the other party the right to take away your right to make the most important decisions in your life. Get it now? I doubt it.

There's nothing to "get". The child's right to life trumps your 'right' to kill it and you will never change my mind.
Rape has disappeared from our world? Since when?
You really struggle with LOGIC, dont you!
You STILL have not explained to me, in any logical way, how you will stop/prevent a woman from having an abortion if that is her decision.

You don't because you aren't willing to follow that path to it's logical conclusion. Which is your brave new MAGA world where the state controls reproduction.

I'll never submit to that and neither will the majority our society. You lose.

OH MY GOSH. You are dense. That is not the issue! That is nothing but a red herring.

Furthermore, you're simply wrong. Abortion restrictions actually DO lessen the number of abortions. Again, watch this video, she thoroughly debunks that myth:

But even if that wasn't the case, even if laws DON'T make a difference at all (which is false), it's STILL irrelevant to the question of whether or not abortion is justified. Which is the crux of the abortion debate.

The crux of YOUR debate, not mine. I'm done with this lifelong debate. Tired of it. Finished.

Now I Just Say No. Along with the other pro-choice women and plenty of pro-choice men.

It's not 'my' debate, it's the abortion debate overall. And I don't blame you for being tired of this debate, it does get tiring. But I hope that at some point you will try to set aside your preconceived ideas and do some honest introspection. I was once on the other side of this debate, and eventually I changed my mind. It happens, more than you think. I'm not saying you will, but when it comes to ANYTHING, pride and stubbornness are blinding, and prevents one from learning and growing.

Good luck trying to convince these individuals who dwell on the dark side of life.

They are terminal.

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