"My Body, My Choice": The Worst Abortion Talking Points

Yes. Anyone who intentionally kills an innocent in the womb, absent extenuating circumstances, deserves life in prison. IDGAF what their salutation is. As far as I'm concerned the doctor and the mother should rot together.

Life in prison no parole. Very good. That woman will NEVER have another abortion. Problem solved.

Like I said to another poster. Advocate for that. Convince society. Go for it. It's the only power you have. There's always a chance.

The tide is turning against abortion and you know it. That's why your flailing all over this thread like a lunatic. It's called desperation, sweetie. You WILL see abortion dramatically restricted, if not made outright illegal, in your lifetime. Get ready.

You'll have to employ violence to do it. And you can sure as hell expect violence in return. What you're asking for will require totalitarian government. I know you don't care but lots of us do, and we'll fight you tooth and nail.
Translation: I cant kill my baby up to, and beyond birth. I now live in a totalitarian state!
I'm ready. I've been ready. Come for me pal.

Also, I promise I will NEVER try to stop you from trying to get those laws passed.
Yep. He reveals himself to be a guy even though he says he's not. Probably another of Basque's multiple personalities got loose!
You think only men have second amendment rights? Really?

You think all woman are so weak we'll submit to all your demands because you say we must?

Help me Rhonda! Is THIS how pro-life women behave?
This has been the worst "debate" from proaborts that I've ever seen. And I've been in tons of abortion debates before, so that's saying a lot!

It's really hard when people won't allow you a say in their bodily functions, isn't it?

If you actually believed the crap you're spouting, you would not be doing the very thing you claim to stand for, to someone else.

YOU are violating the bodily autonomy of another living being, while out of the other side of your mouth constantly claiming everyone is out to get you. You're not the victim. No one cares about YOUR body. We care about the innocent, namely the one you think you can control.

So every time you bring up that strawman (which you have about 50,000 times on this thread) I'm going to turn it right back around on you. You believe in autonomy? Respect the bodily autonomy of others. But of course you won't, because you have zero grasp of logic or ethics, and you don't care about anything but yourself.
OH MY GOSH. You are dense. That is not the issue! That is nothing but a red herring.

Furthermore, you're simply wrong. Abortion restrictions actually DO lessen the number of abortions. Again, watch this video, she thoroughly debunks that myth:

But even if that wasn't the case, even if laws DON'T make a difference at all (which is false), it's STILL irrelevant to the question of whether or not abortion is justified. Which is the crux of the abortion debate.

The crux of YOUR debate, not mine. I'm done with this lifelong debate. Tired of it. Finished.

Now I Just Say No. Along with the other pro-choice women and plenty of pro-choice men.

Welp that was fast--came in like a barrel of rifles, left saying you're done with the debate. That's because you were trounced, but at least you sort of admit it.

Negative! You haven't trounced shit. "NotYourBody sucked the "pro-life" bs right out of you. But I'm here anytime you need consultation.

Hahahaha, sure. If you haven't noticed NotYourBody is not even responding to me anymore, so soundly did I trounce her arguments--if you can call them that.

There are no valid arguments for being pro-choice other than convenience and, at heart, selfish desires. When I saw that, long about 25 years ago, I changed from pro-choice to pro-life. The ONLY reason I was formerly pro-choice is that I was too young, busy and foolish to have ever really looked at the arguments, and past the talking points, with any amount of critical thinking. Once I did, the whole thing went up in smoke.

Are you still yapping at me? Good grief. I'll engage with you when you demonstrate how you are able to take control of my reproductive system.

That's the only issue I care about. I know that's hard for you to comprehend but I can't help you with that.

Hey dingbat. Only YOU have control of your "reproductive system." After you create a child it no longer has anything to do with your "reproductive system." I never realized crazy was also stupid.
Hahaha. Woooooosh, the point went right over your head! But you actually proved my point that stubborn pride is blinding. Good job!

As for what you said, many people have been where you are. :itsok: Regardless of whether or not you ever admit it, you WILL eventually learn that you're wrong. Mark my words.

Just a little fyi, I'm pretty sure you are incapable of controlling my thoughts, just like you are incapable of controlling my reproductive system.

If you could accept that, you might be happier in your life.
They're miserable because they can't.
The crux of YOUR debate, not mine. I'm done with this lifelong debate. Tired of it. Finished.

Now I Just Say No. Along with the other pro-choice women and plenty of pro-choice men.

Welp that was fast--came in like a barrel of rifles, left saying you're done with the debate. That's because you were trounced, but at least you sort of admit it.
Negative! You haven't trounced shit. "NotYourBody sucked the "pro-life" bs right out of you. But I'm here anytime you need consultation.

Hahahaha, sure. If you haven't noticed NotYourBody is not even responding to me anymore, so soundly did I trounce her arguments--if you can call them that.

There are no valid arguments for being pro-choice other than convenience and, at heart, selfish desires. When I saw that, long about 25 years ago, I changed from pro-choice to pro-life. The ONLY reason I was formerly pro-choice is that I was too young, busy and foolish to have ever really looked at the arguments, and past the talking points, with any amount of critical thinking. Once I did, the whole thing went up in smoke.
Are you still yapping at me? Good grief. I'll engage with you when you demonstrate how you are able to take control of my reproductive system.

That's the only issue I care about. I know that's hard for you to comprehend but I can't help you with that.
Hey dingbat. Only YOU have control of your "reproductive system." After you create a child it no longer has anything to do with your "reproductive system." I never realized crazy was also stupid.
Exactly, once you create a child, it's already been born. Get a clue.
Hey dingbat. Only YOU have control of your "reproductive system." After you create a child it no longer has anything to do with your "reproductive system." I never realized crazy was also stupid.

THANK YOU. I was actually just about to post that to her. In case she misses the point, I'm going to post it for her as clearly as possible:

For the mentally challenged here (namely NotYourBody ) no one wants to control your reproduction.

You can have as many babies as you want. Or you can have NO babies. ONCE YOU GET PREGNANT YOU HAVE ALREADY REPRODUCED.

So any proabort who is even remotely honest (which I can see is very rare) would concede that you're not fighting for "reproductive rights." You're fighting for killing rights. At least be honest.
This has been the worst "debate" from proaborts that I've ever seen. And I've been in tons of abortion debates before, so that's saying a lot!

It's really hard when people won't allow you a say in their bodily functions, isn't it?

If you actually believed the crap you're spouting, you would not be doing the very thing you claim to stand for, to someone else.

YOU are violating the bodily autonomy of another living being, while out of the other side of your mouth constantly claiming everyone is out to get you. You're not the victim. No one cares about YOUR body. We care about the innocent, namely the one you think you can control.

So every time you bring up that strawman (which you have about 50,000 times on this thread) I'm going to turn it right back around on you. You believe in autonomy? Respect the bodily autonomy of others. But of course you won't, because you have zero grasp of logic or ethics, and you don't care about anything but yourself.
I've never claimed everyone is out to get me! How did you come to that conclusion? It's only you people who think you have the right to force me to bear a pregnancy to term. Nobody else is out to get me. Only you and your ilk.

Oh I don't THINK I control it. I KNOW I control it. You have not made any argument that I do not.

I'll tell you exactly what I don't care about. YOU. I don't care about what YOU want to happen with my pregnancy.
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Hey dingbat. Only YOU have control of your "reproductive system." After you create a child it no longer has anything to do with your "reproductive system." I never realized crazy was also stupid.

THANK YOU. I was actually just about to post that to her. In case she misses the point, I'm going to post it for her as clearly as possible:

For the mentally challenged here (namely NotYourBody ) no one wants to control your reproduction.

You can have as many babies as you want. Or you can have NO babies. ONCE YOU GET PREGNANT YOU HAVE ALREADY REPRODUCED.

So any proabort who is even remotely honest (which I can see is very rare) would concede that you're not fighting for "reproductive rights." You're fighting for killing rights. At least be honest.
I've never been anything but honest. I will N.E.V.E.R allow you, or anyone else, to control my body or any FETUS inside of it.

Is that clear enough for you?
This has been the worst "debate" from proaborts that I've ever seen. And I've been in tons of abortion debates before, so that's saying a lot!

It's really hard when people won't allow you a say in their bodily functions, isn't it?

If you actually believed the crap you're spouting, you would not be doing the very thing you claim to stand for, to someone else.

YOU are violating the bodily autonomy of another living being, while out of the other side of your mouth constantly claiming everyone is out to get you. You're not the victim. No one cares about YOUR body. We care about the innocent, namely the one you think you can control.

So every time you bring up that strawman (which you have about 50,000 times on this thread) I'm going to turn it right back around on you. You believe in autonomy? Respect the bodily autonomy of others. But of course you won't, because you have zero grasp of logic or ethics, and you don't care about anything but yourself.
I've never claimed anyone is out to get me? How did you come to that conclusion? It's only you people who think you have the right to force me to bear a pregnancy to term. Nobody else is out to get me. Only you and your ilk.

Oh I don't THINK I control it. I KNOW I control it. You have not made any argument that I do not.

I'll tell you exactly what I don't care about. YOU. I don't care about what YOU want to happen with my pregnancy.

Ok, so you're admitting to being a hypocrite. Your sole "argument" here (which you're not even trying to defend, you even admitted that) is bodily autonomy. Yet you support violating the bodily autonomy of someone else.

Thank you for proving me correct that you're a hypocrite, you've been doing that a lot on this thread.

Your words are totally empty and meaningless now, because you don't truly care about bodily autonomy, or the Golden Rule. You have nothing, no argument, no logical or ethical consistency, no care about anything at all, except for yourself. You are everything that is wrong in this world. You are vile.
Hey dingbat. Only YOU have control of your "reproductive system." After you create a child it no longer has anything to do with your "reproductive system." I never realized crazy was also stupid.

THANK YOU. I was actually just about to post that to her. In case she misses the point, I'm going to post it for her as clearly as possible:

For the mentally challenged here (namely NotYourBody ) no one wants to control your reproduction.

You can have as many babies as you want. Or you can have NO babies. ONCE YOU GET PREGNANT YOU HAVE ALREADY REPRODUCED.

So any proabort who is even remotely honest (which I can see is very rare) would concede that you're not fighting for "reproductive rights." You're fighting for killing rights. At least be honest.
Which is a lie once again, because no one has established that you're killing life, because we have yet to establish when life begins. And no manner of Biological science or teaching can tell us that, because there is much, if not more, that tells us exactly the opposite. By the way, have you seen any live egg and sperm cells from human beings lying around anywhere that missed their targets? Neither have I. They must have been aborted.
This has been the worst "debate" from proaborts that I've ever seen. And I've been in tons of abortion debates before, so that's saying a lot!

It's really hard when people won't allow you a say in their bodily functions, isn't it?

If you actually believed the crap you're spouting, you would not be doing the very thing you claim to stand for, to someone else.

YOU are violating the bodily autonomy of another living being, while out of the other side of your mouth constantly claiming everyone is out to get you. You're not the victim. No one cares about YOUR body. We care about the innocent, namely the one you think you can control.

So every time you bring up that strawman (which you have about 50,000 times on this thread) I'm going to turn it right back around on you. You believe in autonomy? Respect the bodily autonomy of others. But of course you won't, because you have zero grasp of logic or ethics, and you don't care about anything but yourself.
I've never claimed anyone is out to get me? How did you come to that conclusion? It's only you people who think you have the right to force me to bear a pregnancy to term. Nobody else is out to get me. Only you and your ilk.

Oh I don't THINK I control it. I KNOW I control it. You have not made any argument that I do not.

I'll tell you exactly what I don't care about. YOU. I don't care about what YOU want to happen with my pregnancy.

Ok, so you're admitting to being a hypocrite. Your sole "argument" here (which you're not even trying to defend, you even admitted that) is bodily autonomy. Yet you support violating the bodily autonomy of someone else.

Thank you for proving me correct that you're a hypocrite, you've been doing that a lot on this thread.

Your words are totally empty and meaningless now, because you don't truly care about bodily autonomy, or the Golden Rule. You have nothing, no argument, no logical or ethical consistency, no care about anything at all, except for yourself. You are everything that is wrong in this world. You are vile.

Yes. Anyone who intentionally kills an innocent in the womb, absent extenuating circumstances, deserves life in prison. IDGAF what their salutation is. As far as I'm concerned the doctor and the mother should rot together.

Life in prison no parole. Very good. That woman will NEVER have another abortion. Problem solved.

Like I said to another poster. Advocate for that. Convince society. Go for it. It's the only power you have. There's always a chance.

The tide is turning against abortion and you know it. That's why your flailing all over this thread like a lunatic. It's called desperation, sweetie. You WILL see abortion dramatically restricted, if not made outright illegal, in your lifetime. Get ready.

You'll have to employ violence to do it. And you can sure as hell expect violence in return. What you're asking for will require totalitarian government. I know you don't care but lots of us do, and we'll fight you tooth and nail.
Translation: I cant kill my baby up to, and beyond birth. I now live in a totalitarian state!
A government that claims authority over the contents of your body is crossing a line, and is inevitably totalitarian in nature. All you have to do is work through how all this would be enforced to see it.
A fetus isn't a "child". And as long as is physically attached, is very much a part of a women's body.

Definition of CHILD


And no, the preborn is not "part" of the mother's body, unless you think a person can have 2 unique sets of DNA, 2 different blood types, 2 beating hearts, 4 arms and 4 legs, etc. Come on now, you're once against proving the OP correct.
That is another failed argument. That's like saying nothing in human history has ever prevented rape, so we should just make it legal.

Wow. So much fail.

Rape has disappeared from our world? Since when?
You really struggle with LOGIC, dont you!
You STILL have not explained to me, in any logical way, how you will stop/prevent a woman from having an abortion if that is her decision.

You don't because you aren't willing to follow that path to it's logical conclusion. Which is your brave new MAGA world where the state controls all human reproduction.

I'll never submit to that and neither will the majority of our society. You lose.
You'll submit to it if it becomes law or you will lose. Fact. The state doesn't want to control human reproduction, only that all things pertaining to human rights and the handling of human life is done with the humility ,humanity, and dignity that all life deserves. The government is of we the people, and they aren't some separated entity that takes on a life of it's own, where behind the scenes you find the left controlling the puppet strings.
When did you prove it was the beginning of life again?
Hey dingbat. Only YOU have control of your "reproductive system." After you create a child it no longer has anything to do with your "reproductive system." I never realized crazy was also stupid.

THANK YOU. I was actually just about to post that to her. In case she misses the point, I'm going to post it for her as clearly as possible:

For the mentally challenged here (namely NotYourBody ) no one wants to control your reproduction.

You can have as many babies as you want. Or you can have NO babies. ONCE YOU GET PREGNANT YOU HAVE ALREADY REPRODUCED.

So any proabort who is even remotely honest (which I can see is very rare) would concede that you're not fighting for "reproductive rights." You're fighting for killing rights. At least be honest.
Which is a lie once again, because no one has established that you're killing life, because we have yet to establish when life begins. And no manner of Biological science or teaching can tell us that, because there is much, if not more, that tells us exactly the opposite. By the way, have you seen any live egg and sperm cells from human beings lying around anywhere that missed their targets? Neither have I. They must have been aborted.


I cant believe I'm even taking the time to argue something this inane. If there was no life, then you wouldn't have to get an abortion! You would just leave it, because it wouldn't grow and rapidly devlop. OF COURSE THE PREBORN IS ALIVE, come on, you guys can do better than this. This is completely ridiculous.
A fetus isn't a "child". And as long as is physically attached, is very much a part of a women's body.

Definition of CHILD


And no, the preborn is not "part" of the mother's body, unless you think a person can have 2 unique sets of DNA, 2 different blood types, 2 beating hearts, 4 arms and 4 legs, etc. Come on now, you're once against proving the OP correct.

Nope. A fetus isn't a child, and it should never be afforded legal rights apart from those of its owner. To do so is insane and creates a bizarre legal environment where pregnant women are treated as state property.
Yes. Anyone who intentionally kills an innocent in the womb, absent extenuating circumstances, deserves life in prison. IDGAF what their salutation is. As far as I'm concerned the doctor and the mother should rot together.

Life in prison no parole. Very good. That woman will NEVER have another abortion. Problem solved.

Like I said to another poster. Advocate for that. Convince society. Go for it. It's the only power you have. There's always a chance.

The tide is turning against abortion and you know it. That's why your flailing all over this thread like a lunatic. It's called desperation, sweetie. You WILL see abortion dramatically restricted, if not made outright illegal, in your lifetime. Get ready.

You'll have to employ violence to do it. And you can sure as hell expect violence in return. What you're asking for will require totalitarian government. I know you don't care but lots of us do, and we'll fight you tooth and nail.
Translation: I cant kill my baby up to, and beyond birth. I now live in a totalitarian state!
A government that claims authority over the contents of your body is crossing a line, and is inevitably totalitarian in nature. All you have to do is work through how all this would be enforced to see it.

The government already claims authority over your body you idiot. There are laws regulating everything from prostitution to drug usage to the god damn draft. Quit talking out of your ass.

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