"My Body, My Choice": The Worst Abortion Talking Points

Not my ethics, objective ethics. Feelings are irrelevant. If you had an argument against deontological ethics, you'd have made it instead of making filler posts. I suspect you're only responding, despite having no argument, to make yourself feel better. That would make your previous post projection.

Ok. I'll go there for a few minutes. I have a question. If the USA were to draft you, and tell you that you are going to go to some country in the Middle East, and kill people who live there whose religion offends us, would you go?
No. They have no legitimacy to demand that I murder anyone, especially on their behalf. They're just an organization of robbers, murderers, and kidnappers, who write opinions on paper, and back them with violence. I have no moral or ethical obligation to do anything they demand of me, and in fact, if they demand that I initiate force against someone else, I have a moral and ethical obligation NOT to do as I'm told.

Well, good for you! So, I have now established that at least one of your ethics is as valid as mine! Congratulations!
You seem to be confusing moral with ethical. Ethics are objective, morals are dependent on the individual. This means that the statement "Your ethics" is nonsensical at best.

Tell me, Pumpkin, just how many angels CAN dance of the head of a pin?
Completely unrelated to the discussion at hand. I suppose you think that if you fling enough snark at people, they'll momentarily forget how ignorant your pathetic excuse for argumentation is.
You really struggle with LOGIC, dont you!
You STILL have not explained to me, in any logical way, how you will stop/prevent a woman from having an abortion if that is her decision.

You don't because you aren't willing to follow that path to it's logical conclusion. Which is your brave new MAGA world where the state controls all human reproduction.

I'll never submit to that and neither will the majority of our society. You lose.

You STILL have not come to the realization that laws do not prevent unacceptable actions, they punish them.

So yes, if abortion were to become illegal, many women would likely still pursue them. You'll always be able to roll the dice - you will NOT be able to dictate how they land.

Pro lifers tend to get very hazy when talking about making abortions illegal. What you fail to remember is that the only people being punished are MD's who perform them. Do you really think that the USA would be a better place if more MD's are in prison? Secondly, it is all academic anyway, because MD's would just go back to doing D&C's again, like they did before Roe. So, what have you accomplished?

Yes. Anyone who intentionally kills an innocent in the womb, absent extenuating circumstances, deserves life in prison. IDGAF what their salutation is. As far as I'm concerned the doctor and the mother should rot together.

Ok, so you want to go back to the Middle Ages, when even the mother would forfeit her freedom, or life, because that was when the church ruled the world. There was no punishment for the mother in the US before Roe. Maybe bring back burning at the stake?

What part of "Anyone who intentionally kills an innocent in the womb, absent extenuating circumstances, deserves life in prison." did you not understand?

Yes. Both doctor, mother, and anyone else involved should be treated as murderers. Unlike you Mengelites I value the sanctity of life, and I believe if you maliciously take one your own life should be forfeit.
Yes. Anyone who intentionally kills an innocent in the womb, absent extenuating circumstances, deserves life in prison. IDGAF what their salutation is. As far as I'm concerned the doctor and the mother should rot together.

Life in prison no parole. Very good. That woman will NEVER have another abortion. Problem solved.

Like I said to another poster. Advocate for that. Convince society. Go for it. It's the only power you have. There's always a chance.
Ok. I'll go there for a few minutes. I have a question. If the USA were to draft you, and tell you that you are going to go to some country in the Middle East, and kill people who live there whose religion offends us, would you go?
No. They have no legitimacy to demand that I murder anyone, especially on their behalf. They're just an organization of robbers, murderers, and kidnappers, who write opinions on paper, and back them with violence. I have no moral or ethical obligation to do anything they demand of me, and in fact, if they demand that I initiate force against someone else, I have a moral and ethical obligation NOT to do as I'm told.

Well, good for you! So, I have now established that at least one of your ethics is as valid as mine! Congratulations!
You seem to be confusing moral with ethical. Ethics are objective, morals are dependent on the individual. This means that the statement "Your ethics" is nonsensical at best.

Tell me, Pumpkin, just how many angels CAN dance of the head of a pin?
Completely unrelated to the discussion at hand. I suppose you think that if you fling enough snark at people, they'll momentarily forget how ignorant your pathetic excuse for argumentation is.

I am a pragmatic, Pumpkin. If you want to talk about my post 1629, feel free. I am not even a little interested in parsing sentences and words of ethical philosophy, which leads nowhere.
Rape has disappeared from our world? Since when?
You really struggle with LOGIC, dont you!
You STILL have not explained to me, in any logical way, how you will stop/prevent a woman from having an abortion if that is her decision.

You don't because you aren't willing to follow that path to it's logical conclusion. Which is your brave new MAGA world where the state controls reproduction.

I'll never submit to that and neither will the majority our society. You lose.

OH MY GOSH. You are dense. That is not the issue! That is nothing but a red herring.

Furthermore, you're simply wrong. Abortion restrictions actually DO lessen the number of abortions. Again, watch this video, she thoroughly debunks that myth:

But even if that wasn't the case, even if laws DON'T make a difference at all (which is false), it's STILL irrelevant to the question of whether or not abortion is justified. Which is the crux of the abortion debate.

The crux of YOUR debate, not mine. I'm done with this lifelong debate. Tired of it. Finished.

Now I Just Say No. Along with the other pro-choice women and plenty of pro-choice men.

Welp that was fast--came in like a barrel of rifles, left saying you're done with the debate. That's because you were trounced, but at least you sort of admit it.

Negative! You haven't trounced shit. "NotYourBody sucked the "pro-life" bs right out of you. But I'm here anytime you need consultation.

Tell you what, let's not beat around the bush, and get started with my basic argument;
I did. It is a "that is this and that is that" video, that never breaks the code for the beginning of life. Anyone can tell you, even an embryologist that life begins at a certain time, but at the end of the day, science still tells us that really, there is no consensus. Only in the unknwn of God, can that power do that. I can post many more articles of "SCIENTISTS" telling us the same thing, that there is no consensus. And they are exactly right. All science can do is present theories. And it's up to us to filter the best possible one's.

Your video is based on theory, and quite likely a paid for Republican talking points video. The beginning of life is a state of mind that neither God, nor the science has given us concrete evidence of. That said, logic, through the best science, will always be our best clues. As my article points out, if the cells from the egg and sperm are alive, and they do not unite, then you just aborted "life", if we were to go by Right wing logic, that life begins at conception. The life was already there, with the living cells before conception, therefore, women abort all the time living cells. And so, science nor God, has given us the definitive answers to the "beginning of life " question. The explanation cannot be any more clearer than that.

When you think you have an intelligent counter argument to this one, please, bring it on.
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Yes. Anyone who intentionally kills an innocent in the womb, absent extenuating circumstances, deserves life in prison. IDGAF what their salutation is. As far as I'm concerned the doctor and the mother should rot together.

Life in prison no parole. Very good. That woman will NEVER have another abortion. Problem solved.

Like I said to another poster. Advocate for that. Convince society. Go for it. It's the only power you have. There's always a chance.

The tide is turning against abortion and you know it. That's why your flailing all over this thread like a lunatic. It's called desperation, sweetie. You WILL see abortion dramatically restricted, if not made outright illegal, in your lifetime. Get ready.
It's not 'my' debate, it's the abortion debate overall. And I don't blame you for being tired of this debate, it does get tiring. But I hope that at some point you will try to set aside your preconceived ideas and do some honest introspection. I was once on the other side of this debate, and eventually I changed my mind. It happens, more than you think. I'm not saying you will, but when it comes to ANYTHING, pride and stubbornness are blinding, and prevents one from learning and growing.

Oh gosh no! Have you not comprehended anything I've said? Let me make it crystal clear.

I will NEVER allow state control of my reproductive system. N.E.V.E.R. I will fight you with every fiber of my being and every weapon available to me if you try to take that control from me.

Is that clear?
You really struggle with LOGIC, dont you!
You STILL have not explained to me, in any logical way, how you will stop/prevent a woman from having an abortion if that is her decision.

You don't because you aren't willing to follow that path to it's logical conclusion. Which is your brave new MAGA world where the state controls reproduction.

I'll never submit to that and neither will the majority our society. You lose.

OH MY GOSH. You are dense. That is not the issue! That is nothing but a red herring.

Furthermore, you're simply wrong. Abortion restrictions actually DO lessen the number of abortions. Again, watch this video, she thoroughly debunks that myth:

But even if that wasn't the case, even if laws DON'T make a difference at all (which is false), it's STILL irrelevant to the question of whether or not abortion is justified. Which is the crux of the abortion debate.

The crux of YOUR debate, not mine. I'm done with this lifelong debate. Tired of it. Finished.

Now I Just Say No. Along with the other pro-choice women and plenty of pro-choice men.

Welp that was fast--came in like a barrel of rifles, left saying you're done with the debate. That's because you were trounced, but at least you sort of admit it.

Negative! You haven't trounced shit. "NotYourBody sucked the "pro-life" bs right out of you. But I'm here anytime you need consultation.

Hahahaha, sure. If you haven't noticed NotYourBody is not even responding to me anymore, so soundly did I trounce her arguments--if you can call them that.

There are no valid arguments for being pro-choice other than convenience and, at heart, selfish desires. When I saw that, long about 25 years ago, I changed from pro-choice to pro-life. The ONLY reason I was formerly pro-choice is that I was too young, busy and foolish to have ever really looked at the arguments, and past the talking points, with any amount of critical thinking. Once I did, the whole thing went up in smoke.
No. They have no legitimacy to demand that I murder anyone, especially on their behalf. They're just an organization of robbers, murderers, and kidnappers, who write opinions on paper, and back them with violence. I have no moral or ethical obligation to do anything they demand of me, and in fact, if they demand that I initiate force against someone else, I have a moral and ethical obligation NOT to do as I'm told.

Well, good for you! So, I have now established that at least one of your ethics is as valid as mine! Congratulations!
You seem to be confusing moral with ethical. Ethics are objective, morals are dependent on the individual. This means that the statement "Your ethics" is nonsensical at best.

Tell me, Pumpkin, just how many angels CAN dance of the head of a pin?
Completely unrelated to the discussion at hand. I suppose you think that if you fling enough snark at people, they'll momentarily forget how ignorant your pathetic excuse for argumentation is.

I am a pragmatic, Pumpkin. If you want to talk about my post 1629, feel free. I am not even a little interested in parsing sentences and words of ethical philosophy, which leads nowhere.
Claiming to be pragmatic isn't an argument, it holds no explanatory power, it's just a buzzword. If you're not open to discussion, you should have erased your post instead of replying, you'd have saved yourself some embarrassment.
Yes. Anyone who intentionally kills an innocent in the womb, absent extenuating circumstances, deserves life in prison. IDGAF what their salutation is. As far as I'm concerned the doctor and the mother should rot together.

Life in prison no parole. Very good. That woman will NEVER have another abortion. Problem solved.

Like I said to another poster. Advocate for that. Convince society. Go for it. It's the only power you have. There's always a chance.

The tide is turning against abortion and you know it. That's why your flailing all over this thread like a lunatic. It's called desperation, sweetie. You WILL see abortion dramatically restricted, if not made outright illegal, in your lifetime. Get ready.

Fortunately, they still train gynecologists to do D&C's, so even Hobby Lobby will have to start paying their employees through their insurance plan to have this done. Personally, I appreciate the irony!
It's not 'my' debate, it's the abortion debate overall. And I don't blame you for being tired of this debate, it does get tiring. But I hope that at some point you will try to set aside your preconceived ideas and do some honest introspection. I was once on the other side of this debate, and eventually I changed my mind. It happens, more than you think. I'm not saying you will, but when it comes to ANYTHING, pride and stubbornness are blinding, and prevents one from learning and growing.

Oh gosh no! Have you not comprehended anything I've said? Let me make it crystal clear.

I will NEVER allow state control of my reproductive system. N.E.V.E.R. I will fight you with every fiber of my being and every weapon available to me if you try to take that control from me.

Is that clear?

The state already controls you, moonbat. We've been over this already. Your desperation is showing again.
Yes. Anyone who intentionally kills an innocent in the womb, absent extenuating circumstances, deserves life in prison. IDGAF what their salutation is. As far as I'm concerned the doctor and the mother should rot together.

Life in prison no parole. Very good. That woman will NEVER have another abortion. Problem solved.

Like I said to another poster. Advocate for that. Convince society. Go for it. It's the only power you have. There's always a chance.

The tide is turning against abortion and you know it. That's why your flailing all over this thread like a lunatic. It's called desperation, sweetie. You WILL see abortion dramatically restricted, if not made outright illegal, in your lifetime. Get ready.

I'm ready. I've been ready. Come for me pal.

Also, I promise I will NEVER try to stop you from trying to get those laws passed.
It's not 'my' debate, it's the abortion debate overall. And I don't blame you for being tired of this debate, it does get tiring. But I hope that at some point you will try to set aside your preconceived ideas and do some honest introspection. I was once on the other side of this debate, and eventually I changed my mind. It happens, more than you think. I'm not saying you will, but when it comes to ANYTHING, pride and stubbornness are blinding, and prevents one from learning and growing.

Oh gosh no! Have you not comprehended anything I've said? Let me make it crystal clear.

I will NEVER allow state control of my reproductive system. N.E.V.E.R. I will fight you with every fiber of my being and every weapon available to me if you try to take that control from me.

Is that clear?

The state already controls you, moonbat. We've been over this already. Your desperation is showing again.

No. I am still in full control of my uterus.
Yes. Anyone who intentionally kills an innocent in the womb, absent extenuating circumstances, deserves life in prison. IDGAF what their salutation is. As far as I'm concerned the doctor and the mother should rot together.

Life in prison no parole. Very good. That woman will NEVER have another abortion. Problem solved.

Like I said to another poster. Advocate for that. Convince society. Go for it. It's the only power you have. There's always a chance.

The tide is turning against abortion and you know it. That's why your flailing all over this thread like a lunatic. It's called desperation, sweetie. You WILL see abortion dramatically restricted, if not made outright illegal, in your lifetime. Get ready.

I'm ready. I've been ready. Come for me pal.

Also, I promise I will NEVER try to stop you from trying to get those laws passed.

By all means, continue. Those fat sexless hags running around in pussy hats have surely been a boon for your cause...

It's not 'my' debate, it's the abortion debate overall. And I don't blame you for being tired of this debate, it does get tiring. But I hope that at some point you will try to set aside your preconceived ideas and do some honest introspection. I was once on the other side of this debate, and eventually I changed my mind. It happens, more than you think. I'm not saying you will, but when it comes to ANYTHING, pride and stubbornness are blinding, and prevents one from learning and growing.

Oh gosh no! Have you not comprehended anything I've said? Let me make it crystal clear.

I will NEVER allow state control of my reproductive system. N.E.V.E.R. I will fight you with every fiber of my being and every weapon available to me if you try to take that control from me.

Is that clear?

Hahaha. Woooooosh, the point went right over your head! But you actually proved my point that stubborn pride is blinding. Good job!

As for what you said, many people have been where you are. :itsok: Regardless of whether or not you ever admit it, you WILL eventually learn that you're wrong. Mark my words.
It's not 'my' debate, it's the abortion debate overall. And I don't blame you for being tired of this debate, it does get tiring. But I hope that at some point you will try to set aside your preconceived ideas and do some honest introspection. I was once on the other side of this debate, and eventually I changed my mind. It happens, more than you think. I'm not saying you will, but when it comes to ANYTHING, pride and stubbornness are blinding, and prevents one from learning and growing.

Oh gosh no! Have you not comprehended anything I've said? Let me make it crystal clear.

I will NEVER allow state control of my reproductive system. N.E.V.E.R. I will fight you with every fiber of my being and every weapon available to me if you try to take that control from me.

Is that clear?

The state already controls you, moonbat. We've been over this already. Your desperation is showing again.

No. I am still in full control of my uterus.

Really? Go sell it on a street corner then. Let us know how that works out. :rolleyes:
You STILL have not explained to me, in any logical way, how you will stop/prevent a woman from having an abortion if that is her decision.

You don't because you aren't willing to follow that path to it's logical conclusion. Which is your brave new MAGA world where the state controls reproduction.

I'll never submit to that and neither will the majority our society. You lose.

OH MY GOSH. You are dense. That is not the issue! That is nothing but a red herring.

Furthermore, you're simply wrong. Abortion restrictions actually DO lessen the number of abortions. Again, watch this video, she thoroughly debunks that myth:

But even if that wasn't the case, even if laws DON'T make a difference at all (which is false), it's STILL irrelevant to the question of whether or not abortion is justified. Which is the crux of the abortion debate.

The crux of YOUR debate, not mine. I'm done with this lifelong debate. Tired of it. Finished.

Now I Just Say No. Along with the other pro-choice women and plenty of pro-choice men.

Welp that was fast--came in like a barrel of rifles, left saying you're done with the debate. That's because you were trounced, but at least you sort of admit it.

Negative! You haven't trounced shit. "NotYourBody sucked the "pro-life" bs right out of you. But I'm here anytime you need consultation.

Hahahaha, sure. If you haven't noticed NotYourBody is not even responding to me anymore, so soundly did I trounce her arguments--if you can call them that.

There are no valid arguments for being pro-choice other than convenience and, at heart, selfish desires. When I saw that, long about 25 years ago, I changed from pro-choice to pro-life. The ONLY reason I was formerly pro-choice is that I was too young, busy and foolish to have ever really looked at the arguments, and past the talking points, with any amount of critical thinking. Once I did, the whole thing went up in smoke.

Ha, I'm not interested in your life story. Can you lock horns or not? So far, I've seen zero from you that resembles intelligent material for debate. This is my basis for debate. If you can't do anything with it then head to the back of the bus, and quit your bellyaching about nothing;
I did. It is a "that is this and that is that" video, that never breaks the code for the beginning of life. Anyone can tell you, even an embryologist that life begins at a certain time, but at the end of the day, science still tells us that really, there is no consensus. Only in the unknwn of God, can that power do that. I can post many more articles of "SCIENTISTS" telling us the same thing, that there is no consensus. And they are exactly right. All science can do is present theories. And it's up to us to filter the best possible one's.

Your video is based on theory, and quite likely a paid for Republican talking points video. The beginning of life is a state of mind that neither God, nor the science has given us concrete evidence of. That said, logic, through the best science, will always be our best clues. As my article points out, if the cells from the egg and sperm are alive, and they do not unite, then you just aborted "life", if we were to go by Right wing logic, that life begins at conception. The life was already there, with the living cells before conception, therefore, women abort all the time living cells. And so, science nor God, has given us the definitive answers to the "beginning of life " question. The explanation cannot be any more clearer than that.
You STILL have not explained to me, in any logical way, how you will stop/prevent a woman from having an abortion if that is her decision.

You don't because you aren't willing to follow that path to it's logical conclusion. Which is your brave new MAGA world where the state controls reproduction.

I'll never submit to that and neither will the majority our society. You lose.

OH MY GOSH. You are dense. That is not the issue! That is nothing but a red herring.

Furthermore, you're simply wrong. Abortion restrictions actually DO lessen the number of abortions. Again, watch this video, she thoroughly debunks that myth:

But even if that wasn't the case, even if laws DON'T make a difference at all (which is false), it's STILL irrelevant to the question of whether or not abortion is justified. Which is the crux of the abortion debate.

The crux of YOUR debate, not mine. I'm done with this lifelong debate. Tired of it. Finished.

Now I Just Say No. Along with the other pro-choice women and plenty of pro-choice men.

Welp that was fast--came in like a barrel of rifles, left saying you're done with the debate. That's because you were trounced, but at least you sort of admit it.

Negative! You haven't trounced shit. "NotYourBody sucked the "pro-life" bs right out of you. But I'm here anytime you need consultation.

Hahahaha, sure. If you haven't noticed NotYourBody is not even responding to me anymore, so soundly did I trounce her arguments--if you can call them that.

There are no valid arguments for being pro-choice other than convenience and, at heart, selfish desires. When I saw that, long about 25 years ago, I changed from pro-choice to pro-life. The ONLY reason I was formerly pro-choice is that I was too young, busy and foolish to have ever really looked at the arguments, and past the talking points, with any amount of critical thinking. Once I did, the whole thing went up in smoke.

Are you still yapping at me? Good grief. I'll engage with you when you demonstrate how you are able to take control of my reproductive system.

That's the only issue I care about. I know that's hard for you to comprehend but I can't help you with that.
Yes. Anyone who intentionally kills an innocent in the womb, absent extenuating circumstances, deserves life in prison. IDGAF what their salutation is. As far as I'm concerned the doctor and the mother should rot together.

Life in prison no parole. Very good. That woman will NEVER have another abortion. Problem solved.

Like I said to another poster. Advocate for that. Convince society. Go for it. It's the only power you have. There's always a chance.

The tide is turning against abortion and you know it. That's why your flailing all over this thread like a lunatic. It's called desperation, sweetie. You WILL see abortion dramatically restricted, if not made outright illegal, in your lifetime. Get ready.

I'm ready. I've been ready. Come for me pal.

Also, I promise I will NEVER try to stop you from trying to get those laws passed.

By all means, continue. Those fat sexless hags running around in pussy hats have surely been a boon for your cause...

I will continue.
Yes. Anyone who intentionally kills an innocent in the womb, absent extenuating circumstances, deserves life in prison. IDGAF what their salutation is. As far as I'm concerned the doctor and the mother should rot together.

Life in prison no parole. Very good. That woman will NEVER have another abortion. Problem solved.

Like I said to another poster. Advocate for that. Convince society. Go for it. It's the only power you have. There's always a chance.

The tide is turning against abortion and you know it. That's why your flailing all over this thread like a lunatic. It's called desperation, sweetie. You WILL see abortion dramatically restricted, if not made outright illegal, in your lifetime. Get ready.

You'll have to employ violence to do it. And you can sure as hell expect violence in return. What you're asking for will require totalitarian government. I know you don't care but lots of us do, and we'll fight you tooth and nail.

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