"My Body, My Choice": The Worst Abortion Talking Points

Hey dingbat. Only YOU have control of your "reproductive system." After you create a child it no longer has anything to do with your "reproductive system." I never realized crazy was also stupid.

THANK YOU. I was actually just about to post that to her. In case she misses the point, I'm going to post it for her as clearly as possible:

For the mentally challenged here (namely NotYourBody ) no one wants to control your reproduction.

You can have as many babies as you want. Or you can have NO babies. ONCE YOU GET PREGNANT YOU HAVE ALREADY REPRODUCED.

So any proabort who is even remotely honest (which I can see is very rare) would concede that you're not fighting for "reproductive rights." You're fighting for killing rights. At least be honest.
I've never been anything but honest. I will N.E.V.E.R allow you, or anyone else, to control my body or any FETUS inside of it.

Is that clear enough for you?
You can bet your rear end they will try. And once they do that, they'll go to the next step. Full control and power over women is what the radicals are looking for. And never think they don't want it. The radical Right has big plans. I mean big plans. And none of those plans are good for you and I.
Life in prison no parole. Very good. That woman will NEVER have another abortion. Problem solved.

Like I said to another poster. Advocate for that. Convince society. Go for it. It's the only power you have. There's always a chance.

The tide is turning against abortion and you know it. That's why your flailing all over this thread like a lunatic. It's called desperation, sweetie. You WILL see abortion dramatically restricted, if not made outright illegal, in your lifetime. Get ready.

You'll have to employ violence to do it. And you can sure as hell expect violence in return. What you're asking for will require totalitarian government. I know you don't care but lots of us do, and we'll fight you tooth and nail.
Translation: I cant kill my baby up to, and beyond birth. I now live in a totalitarian state!
A government that claims authority over the contents of your body is crossing a line, and is inevitably totalitarian in nature. All you have to do is work through how all this would be enforced to see it.

The government already claims authority over your body you idiot. There are laws regulating everything from prostitution to drug usage to the god damn draft. Quit talking out of your ass.
The government doesn't outlaw abortion.
Hey dingbat. Only YOU have control of your "reproductive system." After you create a child it no longer has anything to do with your "reproductive system." I never realized crazy was also stupid.

THANK YOU. I was actually just about to post that to her. In case she misses the point, I'm going to post it for her as clearly as possible:

For the mentally challenged here (namely NotYourBody ) no one wants to control your reproduction.

You can have as many babies as you want. Or you can have NO babies. ONCE YOU GET PREGNANT YOU HAVE ALREADY REPRODUCED.

So any proabort who is even remotely honest (which I can see is very rare) would concede that you're not fighting for "reproductive rights." You're fighting for killing rights. At least be honest.
Which is a lie once again, because no one has established that you're killing life, because we have yet to establish when life begins. And no manner of Biological science or teaching can tell us that, because there is much, if not more, that tells us exactly the opposite. By the way, have you seen any live egg and sperm cells from human beings lying around anywhere that missed their targets? Neither have I. They must have been aborted.


I cant believe I'm even taking the time to argue something this inane. If there was no life, then you wouldn't have to get an abortion! You would just leave it, because it wouldn't grow and rapidly devlop. OF COURSE THE PREBORN IS ALIVE, come on, you guys can do better than this. This is completely ridiculous.

If I needed make an argument about WHY I need to protect my body from you, I would. I don't.

I only need to remind you that you don't even have a way to know I am pregnant in the first place.

And don't pretend you want nothing to do with my body. It makes your argument less than stupid. Try to be honest.

You want to force physical changes to MY BODY. For life. Lifetime changes happen to a woman's body when she gives birth.

I'll never allow you to take that control from me. You'll have to know I'm pregnant first, then you'll have to find me, then you'll have to fight me. And there are a lot of women like me. You should start training and planning now.
Yes. Anyone who intentionally kills an innocent in the womb, absent extenuating circumstances, deserves life in prison. IDGAF what their salutation is. As far as I'm concerned the doctor and the mother should rot together.

Life in prison no parole. Very good. That woman will NEVER have another abortion. Problem solved.

Like I said to another poster. Advocate for that. Convince society. Go for it. It's the only power you have. There's always a chance.

The tide is turning against abortion and you know it. That's why your flailing all over this thread like a lunatic. It's called desperation, sweetie. You WILL see abortion dramatically restricted, if not made outright illegal, in your lifetime. Get ready.

You'll have to employ violence to do it. And you can sure as hell expect violence in return. What you're asking for will require totalitarian government. I know you don't care but lots of us do, and we'll fight you tooth and nail.

Your beta male soyboys and fat shrieking feminazis will surely have us all quaking in our boots. :rolleyes:
You can bet your rear end they will try. And once they do that, they'll go to the next step. Full control and power over women is what the radicals are looking for. And never think they don't want it. The radical Right has big plans. I mean big plans. And none of those plans are good for you and I.
I agree completely!

It's why I will never stop informing them if they want control of my body, they will have to FIGHT me for it. Literally.
I've never been anything but honest. I will N.E.V.E.R allow you, or anyone else, to control my body or any FETUS inside of it.

Is that clear enough for you?

Your words mean nothing. You are a proven hypocrite, you have no respect for the lives of others, yet you want people to respect your life. Thankfully, contrary to what your lost mind thinks, you are NOT in control. You never were and never will be.
Hey dingbat. Only YOU have control of your "reproductive system." After you create a child it no longer has anything to do with your "reproductive system." I never realized crazy was also stupid.

THANK YOU. I was actually just about to post that to her. In case she misses the point, I'm going to post it for her as clearly as possible:

For the mentally challenged here (namely NotYourBody ) no one wants to control your reproduction.

You can have as many babies as you want. Or you can have NO babies. ONCE YOU GET PREGNANT YOU HAVE ALREADY REPRODUCED.

So any proabort who is even remotely honest (which I can see is very rare) would concede that you're not fighting for "reproductive rights." You're fighting for killing rights. At least be honest.
Which is a lie once again, because no one has established that you're killing life, because we have yet to establish when life begins. And no manner of Biological science or teaching can tell us that, because there is much, if not more, that tells us exactly the opposite. By the way, have you seen any live egg and sperm cells from human beings lying around anywhere that missed their targets? Neither have I. They must have been aborted.


I cant believe I'm even taking the time to argue something this inane. If there was no life, then you wouldn't have to get an abortion! You would just leave it, because it wouldn't grow and rapidly devlop. OF COURSE THE PREBORN IS ALIVE, come on, you guys can do better than this. This is completely ridiculous.
Your argument is so unbelievably idiotic, it isn't worth the response. There you people go again, playing God. It's totally disgusting. No human has established when life begins. Are you that dense that you cannot grasp the understanding of what Life actually is? Maybe that is your problem? Did that fetus say hello to you? Did it tell you what it's name was? Did it open its eyes in the womb and say hello? This is madness to think adult humans do not understand the simple concept of life.
You can bet your rear end they will try. And once they do that, they'll go to the next step. Full control and power over women is what the radicals are looking for. And never think they don't want it. The radical Right has big plans. I mean big plans. And none of those plans are good for you and I.
I agree completely!

It's why I will never stop informing them if they want control of my body, they will have to FIGHT me for it. Literally.
Good for you. Keep fighting. If you don't, they'll take your rights from you.
A fetus isn't a "child". And as long as is physically attached, is very much a part of a women's body.

Definition of CHILD


And no, the preborn is not "part" of the mother's body, unless you think a person can have 2 unique sets of DNA, 2 different blood types, 2 beating hearts, 4 arms and 4 legs, etc. Come on now, you're once against proving the OP correct.

Nope. A fetus isn't a child, and it should never be afforded legal rights apart from those of its owner. To do so is insane and creates a bizarre legal environment where pregnant women are treated as state property.

Well, you better get on the phone with a shitload of judges and inform them that all of the fetal homicide suspects they've sentenced were innocent & demand their release from prison.

Hop to it. :rolleyes:
The tide is turning against abortion and you know it. That's why your flailing all over this thread like a lunatic. It's called desperation, sweetie. You WILL see abortion dramatically restricted, if not made outright illegal, in your lifetime. Get ready.

You'll have to employ violence to do it. And you can sure as hell expect violence in return. What you're asking for will require totalitarian government. I know you don't care but lots of us do, and we'll fight you tooth and nail.
Translation: I cant kill my baby up to, and beyond birth. I now live in a totalitarian state!
A government that claims authority over the contents of your body is crossing a line, and is inevitably totalitarian in nature. All you have to do is work through how all this would be enforced to see it.

The government already claims authority over your body you idiot. There are laws regulating everything from prostitution to drug usage to the god damn draft. Quit talking out of your ass.
The government doesn't outlaw abortion.

Hey dingbat. Only YOU have control of your "reproductive system." After you create a child it no longer has anything to do with your "reproductive system." I never realized crazy was also stupid.

THANK YOU. I was actually just about to post that to her. In case she misses the point, I'm going to post it for her as clearly as possible:

For the mentally challenged here (namely NotYourBody ) no one wants to control your reproduction.

You can have as many babies as you want. Or you can have NO babies. ONCE YOU GET PREGNANT YOU HAVE ALREADY REPRODUCED.

So any proabort who is even remotely honest (which I can see is very rare) would concede that you're not fighting for "reproductive rights." You're fighting for killing rights. At least be honest.
Which is a lie once again, because no one has established that you're killing life, because we have yet to establish when life begins. And no manner of Biological science or teaching can tell us that, because there is much, if not more, that tells us exactly the opposite. By the way, have you seen any live egg and sperm cells from human beings lying around anywhere that missed their targets? Neither have I. They must have been aborted.


I cant believe I'm even taking the time to argue something this inane. If there was no life, then you wouldn't have to get an abortion! You would just leave it, because it wouldn't grow and rapidly devlop. OF COURSE THE PREBORN IS ALIVE, come on, you guys can do better than this. This is completely ridiculous.
Your argument is so unbelievably idiotic, it isn't worth the response. There you people go again, playing God. It's totally disgusting. No human has established when life begins. Are you that dense that you cannot grasp the understanding of what Life actually is? Maybe that is your problem? Did that fetus say hello to you? Did it tell you what it's name was? Did it open its eyes in the womb and say hello? This is madness to think adult humans do not understand the simple concept of life.

I've noticed a pattern in you. You constantly project, and you live in upside-down land.

You claim the preborn isn't alive, then when the inanity of that is pointed out, you respond with a school-yard level reply, akin to "I know you are but what am I?"

Your 'arguments' are horrible. Deal with it. And btw, I will openly admit that there ARE 1 or 2 decent arguments on the proabort side. The funny thing is, I haven't seen any of them on this thread. I won't help you out by telling you what they are, but dealing with these inane ones is getting old, so I'll let others deal with you, if they want to.
I've never been anything but honest. I will N.E.V.E.R allow you, or anyone else, to control my body or any FETUS inside of it.

Is that clear enough for you?

Your words mean nothing. You are a proven hypocrite, you have no respect for the lives of others, yet you want people to respect your life. Thankfully, contrary to what your lost mind thinks, you are NOT in control. You never were and never will be.
There you go again with that "lives" nonsense. We'll start calling you God. Lol! What a joke.
I've never been anything but honest. I will N.E.V.E.R allow you, or anyone else, to control my body or any FETUS inside of it.

Is that clear enough for you?

Your words mean nothing. You are a proven hypocrite, you have no respect for the lives of others, yet you want people to respect your life. Thankfully, contrary to what your lost mind thinks, you are NOT in control. You never were and never will be.
I don't care if you respect me or not, just to be clear.

Not your body, not your control. If God wants to stop me from getting an abortion, he will do that.
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You'll have to employ violence to do it. And you can sure as hell expect violence in return. What you're asking for will require totalitarian government. I know you don't care but lots of us do, and we'll fight you tooth and nail.
Translation: I cant kill my baby up to, and beyond birth. I now live in a totalitarian state!
A government that claims authority over the contents of your body is crossing a line, and is inevitably totalitarian in nature. All you have to do is work through how all this would be enforced to see it.

The government already claims authority over your body you idiot. There are laws regulating everything from prostitution to drug usage to the god damn draft. Quit talking out of your ass.
The government doesn't outlaw abortion.

Yea, we know what government your looking for;
A fetus isn't a "child". And as long as is physically attached, is very much a part of a women's body.

Definition of CHILD


And no, the preborn is not "part" of the mother's body, unless you think a person can have 2 unique sets of DNA, 2 different blood types, 2 beating hearts, 4 arms and 4 legs, etc. Come on now, you're once against proving the OP correct.

Nope. A fetus isn't a child, and it should never be afforded legal rights apart from those of its owner. To do so is insane and creates a bizarre legal environment where pregnant women are treated as state property.

Well, you better get on the phone with a shitload of judges and inform them that all of the fetal homicide suspects they've sentenced were innocent & demand their release from prison.

Hop to it. :rolleyes:
Homicides? You ain't seen nothing yet.
Hey dingbat. Only YOU have control of your "reproductive system." After you create a child it no longer has anything to do with your "reproductive system." I never realized crazy was also stupid.

THANK YOU. I was actually just about to post that to her. In case she misses the point, I'm going to post it for her as clearly as possible:

For the mentally challenged here (namely NotYourBody ) no one wants to control your reproduction.

You can have as many babies as you want. Or you can have NO babies. ONCE YOU GET PREGNANT YOU HAVE ALREADY REPRODUCED.

So any proabort who is even remotely honest (which I can see is very rare) would concede that you're not fighting for "reproductive rights." You're fighting for killing rights. At least be honest.
Which is a lie once again, because no one has established that you're killing life, because we have yet to establish when life begins. And no manner of Biological science or teaching can tell us that, because there is much, if not more, that tells us exactly the opposite. By the way, have you seen any live egg and sperm cells from human beings lying around anywhere that missed their targets? Neither have I. They must have been aborted.


I cant believe I'm even taking the time to argue something this inane. If there was no life, then you wouldn't have to get an abortion! You would just leave it, because it wouldn't grow and rapidly devlop. OF COURSE THE PREBORN IS ALIVE, come on, you guys can do better than this. This is completely ridiculous.
Your argument is so unbelievably idiotic, it isn't worth the response. There you people go again, playing God. It's totally disgusting. No human has established when life begins. Are you that dense that you cannot grasp the understanding of what Life actually is? Maybe that is your problem? Did that fetus say hello to you? Did it tell you what it's name was? Did it open its eyes in the womb and say hello? This is madness to think adult humans do not understand the simple concept of life.

If a single celled organism were to be discovered on another planet the ENTIRE scientific community would hail it as a discovery of extra-terrestrial LIFE.

But somehow, if it's a multi-celled organism inside another organism - it's not a life? Are you fucking stupid or what?
I've never been anything but honest. I will N.E.V.E.R allow you, or anyone else, to control my body or any FETUS inside of it.

Is that clear enough for you?

Your words mean nothing. You are a proven hypocrite, you have no respect for the lives of others, yet you want people to respect your life. Thankfully, contrary to what your lost mind thinks, you are NOT in control. You never were and never will be.
There you go again with that "lives" nonsense. We'll start calling you God. Lol! What a joke.
You've been thoroughly defeated several times and you know it. You're out of anything like rational replies
Translation: I cant kill my baby up to, and beyond birth. I now live in a totalitarian state!
A government that claims authority over the contents of your body is crossing a line, and is inevitably totalitarian in nature. All you have to do is work through how all this would be enforced to see it.

The government already claims authority over your body you idiot. There are laws regulating everything from prostitution to drug usage to the god damn draft. Quit talking out of your ass.
The government doesn't outlaw abortion.

Yea, we know what government your looking for;

A government that protects innocent life? Absolutely. You can blow your fear-mongering smoke up someone else's ass.
A fetus isn't a "child". And as long as is physically attached, is very much a part of a women's body.

Definition of CHILD


And no, the preborn is not "part" of the mother's body, unless you think a person can have 2 unique sets of DNA, 2 different blood types, 2 beating hearts, 4 arms and 4 legs, etc. Come on now, you're once against proving the OP correct.

Nope. A fetus isn't a child, and it should never be afforded legal rights apart from those of its owner. To do so is insane and creates a bizarre legal environment where pregnant women are treated as state property.

Well, you better get on the phone with a shitload of judges and inform them that all of the fetal homicide suspects they've sentenced were innocent & demand their release from prison.

Hop to it. :rolleyes:
Homicides? You ain't seen nothing yet.

Pro-aborts resorting to FICTION
I've never been anything but honest. I will N.E.V.E.R allow you, or anyone else, to control my body or any FETUS inside of it.

Is that clear enough for you?

Your words mean nothing. You are a proven hypocrite, you have no respect for the lives of others, yet you want people to respect your life. Thankfully, contrary to what your lost mind thinks, you are NOT in control. You never were and never will be.
I don't care if you respect me or not, just to be clear.

Not your body, not your control. If God wants to stop me from getting an abortion, he will do that.

Yep, the preborn is not your body, not for you to control. Hopefully one day you'll learn to apply the same ethics to others that you constantly claim people should apply to you.

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