My Body My Choice

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Let's break this down shall we.

1. That mantra has been used as a political weapon to defend killing human beings for decades.
2. Why doesn't that very same mentality carry over to the choices people make on immunization?
3. If the shot actually worked then the only risk would be to TRUMPERS, as the left love to lable those who won't get the shot.
4. Blacks, young adults and children are a large portion of the percentage who have not received the shot so are they all TRUMPERS?
5. My Body My Choice seemingly is only applicable to the left.

I personally have not gotten the shot. Not because I am an antivaxer but because the long term effects of the drug are COMPLETELY UNKNOWN. As a self employed individual I can not take the risk of intentionally putting a substance in my body that could jeopardize my future in my profession. I do incredibly demanding physical labor for a living and with some of the known reactions to the drug I CHOOSE to take my chances for my life & livelihood. Call it selfish if you want but unless YOU are going to support me if I were to be one of the few to get the debilitating side effects that some have gotten then you know what you can do with your opinion.

And just to be clear I have no opinion of those that choose to get the shot. It is your life to live not mine.
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Ignorant jerks are spreading the disease to hundreds or more.

The good news is that its very likely a whole lot of them will stop exhaling, thus saving countless lies.

(There is obviously no comparison between the two. )
It never was "my body my choice. It's just a political cliche. You can't take drugs, it's illegal to attempt suicide, you can't intentionally kill the life inside you without a doctor's authorization and you can't intentionally mutilate yourself. On the other hand society can't force you to take drugs whether or not they are intended to help you. The hypocrisy is stunning when the administration allows thousands of illegal aliens, who have never seen a vaccination in their lives, into the Country per day while the crazy angry left criticizes people who refuse to risk a vaccination with a sub-standard and in many cases a drug that might kill you in a matter of hours.
Someone aborting a fetus doesn't threaten my life or my family's life.

I thought you were smarter than this.

Actually it's your false sense of security and vaccine-superiority complex that makes you a threat to everyone else. It doesn't matter that you and you family took the clotshot. You can still become infected, you can still infect others, and you can still die from either the vacccine or the coronavirus

You think everything is going back to normal, just because you allowed yourself to be used as a human guinea pig? You might as well stay home the rest of your life, put on three masks, curl up in your closet, suck your thumb, and cry yourself to sleep. Because you will never ever be "normal" again.
Ignorant jerks are spreading the disease to hundreds or more.

The good news is that its very likely a whole lot of them will stop exhaling, thus saving countless lies.

(There is obviously no comparison between the two. )

Considering that they've already said that those who receive the shot can still get COVID that makes you just as likely to be a carrier.

So why don't you crawl back into your bubble and suck on your thumb and try not to cry too awful much while wearing your mask and maintaining your social distancing.


You are aware there are other people in the world, yes?
You could be infecting them.
Don’t be a pussy.
Get the shot.
Stop being selfish.

He's being selfish? You're trying to boss him around and shove your beliefs down his throat and he's being the selfish one? People like you really piss me off. It's his right as an American not to get the shot just as much as it was my right to get it and I did. You really need to shut up and grow up because you always fuck up and say hurtful things to other people.
Contraception would prevent all of this yet some of my Christian evangelicals believe differently. Sad...and sick. More and more young married couples are not having kids. They are brave, courageous, and patriotic.
Contraception would prevent all of this yet some of my Christian evangelicals believe differently. Sad...and sick. More and more young married couples are not having kids. They are brave, courageous, and patriotic.

Funny...I dont have a problem with BC or the morning after pill.
I dont even mind abortion if its done EARLY in the pregnancy.
I object to late term abortion where you're pulling the kid out in pieces.
That should be wrong to anyone with an ounce of morality.
You are aware there are other people in the world, yes?
You could be infecting them.
Don’t be a pussy.
Get the shot.
Stop being selfish.
There are indeed others in the world. THEY are responsible for their safety. Their well being is not dependent on my decisions unless the shot is not what it is portrayed to be.
Please were are you getting the stats for "thousands a day" and if true what are the stated reasons for allowing thousands a day to cross the border?
Let's break this down shall we.

1. That mantra has been used as a political weapon to defend killing human beings for decades.
2. Why doesn't that very same mentality carry over to the choices people make on immunization?
3. If the shot actually worked then the only risk would be to TRUMPERS, as the left love to lable those who won't get the shot.
4. Blacks, young adults and children are a large portion of the percentage who have not received the shot so are they all TRUMPERS?
5. My Body My Choice seemingly is only applicable to the left.

I personally have not gotten the shot. Not because I am an antivaxer but because the long term effects of the drug are COMPLETELY UNKNOWN. As a self employed individual I can not take the risk of intentionally putting a substance in my body that could jeopardize my future in my profession. I do incredibly demanding physical labor for a living and with some of the known reactions to the drug I CHOOSE to take my chances for my life & livelihood. Call it selfish if you want but unless YOU are going to support me if I were to be one of the few to get the debilitating side effects that some have gotten then you know what you can do with your opinion.

And just to be clear I have no opinion of those that choose to get the shot. It is your life to live not mine.
Gramps you don’t see the difference between pregnant women and a pandemic?! Come on. Getting the shot is your choice. But there is a public health crisis going on and it is being propelled by people who don’t want to mask, distance or get the shot. If those who are supposed to be about less government and more personal responsibility could have just acted responsible we would not be in as much of a mess.

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