My Brisket is stalled out a 183.

Bootney Lee Farnsworth

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2017
This is getting tiring.

I threw that brisket on EARLY this morning before work and it has been steady all day, but now it has stalled at 183 for the past hour. If I can't break this stall, Imma have to oven it, and I hate doing that.

Pray to the god of meats that my brisket busts through soon.

Memorial Day Brisket And A Couple Yard Birds w pics | Smoking Meat Forums -  The Best Barbecue Discussion Forum On Earth!

Recipe: Smoked Brisket
It hit the first stall at about 12:30, at about 150. It fell to 147, then slowly pushed past it.

Temps were climbing steadily until about 4:30, when I had rapped up work (working from home today).

I don't think I have had a brisket stall in the 180s. This is new for me.

Still sitting at 185.
When you say early how early?
And how many pounds?
And at what temp?
12 pounds. Started....6:30 or 7:00.

225-260, using briquettes and pecan wood.

I use my own recipe for the rub.

I usually give a brisket 1.5 hours per pound. Some say 2 hours per pound,but of course it varies with fat content.
So thats 18 hours for a 12 pound brisket, I try and stay at 225 as best I can. It may need all 1.5 hours or it may not. It's better to let it sit in the cambro than have everyone waiting or worse turning out a crappy brisket.
As they always's done when it's done.
I always use temp probes and of course the instant read thermo. When the instant read goes in with no resistance and the brisket shakes like jello it's done.
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It hit the first stall at about 12:30, at about 150. It fell to 147, then slowly pushed past it.

Temps were climbing steadily until about 4:30, when I had rapped up work (working from home today).

I don't think I have had a brisket stall in the 180s. This is new for me.

Still sitting at 185.

That is a little weird.
They usually stall around 160.
Now you have me wanting to smoke a brisket!
It's addicting.

Ain't that the truth!
For me it's half challenge and half wanting a nice brisket sandwich.
When you get the flat and the point to come out right you know you nailed it.
The kids nowadays have no idea how easy they have it. I first started BBQing 35 years ago when there was no internet to help you along.
We had to find an old timer willing to show you the ropes. That and destroy a shitload of briskets,it was truly trial and error.

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