My cat got away

Dalia right about now I would be checking all the dog/cat catchers', the local dog/cat rescue, and then heading down into the forest myself.

Cats usually sleep in the daytime, and are awake in the late evenings and all through the night into the early morning.

By the time the sun comes up they are back asleep.

So you need to search with a powerful flashlight during the hours when cats are awake.

With a flashlight you will be able to see lots of animals' eyes.

Cats' eyes are red (like mine is), yellow, green, or blue. That's what you need to look for.

If you don't do it soon you will never find your cat. Especially if it gets driven deeper and deeper into the forest.

Hello everyone, I do not always understand the humor in your words that you Americans uses sometimes it's humor or not ?and sometimes when I'm not certain I avoid answering because I do not know either if it ' Is a Vanne /valve Pic or an insult style.
For the forest yiostheoy you will understand that it is a big forest on a small mountain with big thick trees, one of my neighbors the one who has the cat name John Wayne explained to me that his cat went to the forest and he returned home after .. From my window I can see the forest rising in height and the animals descending the forest, with little space by location and it is wild , I did not see my pomponnette, I Put her litter, her food, water and also her blanket with her bed outside at the entrance but she did not come back this is the cat of my neighbor who come to the entrance, he told me That he would not let him go out to see if my pomponnette would return to his bed and would come home, it's been three days already she has not come back.:crybaby:
I know how you feel, sweetie. We found our pet cat on the side of the road; a victim of a steel belted radial. We buried him with his old friend, the family dog, in the gardens of some friends of ours; the forested part. (Friends run the property).

Nearly twenty years later the children still miss their pets. We visit them still on occasions.They're buried just behind these trees in a small glade.(below)


Not long after we inherited my father's dog after my father died. It was never a part of the family like those other two though.

Just a question; would you know if your Pomponnette was having a litter(Famale cat??)

Dalia right about now I would be checking all the dog/cat catchers', the local dog/cat rescue, and then heading down into the forest myself.

Cats usually sleep in the daytime, and are awake in the late evenings and all through the night into the early morning.

By the time the sun comes up they are back asleep.

So you need to search with a powerful flashlight during the hours when cats are awake.

With a flashlight you will be able to see lots of animals' eyes.

Cats' eyes are red (like mine is), yellow, green, or blue. That's what you need to look for.

If you don't do it soon you will never find your cat. Especially if it gets driven deeper and deeper into the forest.

Hello everyone, I do not always understand the humor in your words that you Americans uses sometimes it's humor or not ?and sometimes when I'm not certain I avoid answering because I do not know either if it ' Is a Vanne /valve Pic or an insult style.
For the forest yiostheoy you will understand that it is a big forest on a small mountain with big thick trees, one of my neighbors the one who has the cat name John Wayne explained to me that his cat went to the forest and he returned home after .. From my window I can see the forest rising in height and the animals descending the forest, with little space by location and it is wild , I did not see my pomponnette, I Put her litter, her food, water and also her blanket with her bed outside at the entrance but she did not come back this is the cat of my neighbor who come to the entrance, he told me That he would not let him go out to see if my pomponnette would return to his bed and would come home, it's been three days already she has not come back.:crybaby:
I know how you feel, sweetie. We found our pet cat on the side of the road; a victim of a steel belted radial. We buried him with his old friend, the family dog, in the gardens of some friends of ours; the forested part. (Friends run the property).

Nearly twenty years later the children still miss their pets. We visit them still on occasions.They're buried just behind these trees in a small glade.(below)


Not long after we inherited my father's dog after my father died. It was never a part of the family like those other two though.

Just a question; would you know if your Pomponnette was having a litter(Famale cat??)

Hello, thank you for your encouragement and I sympathize with you, we attach so much to his pet I have a pinch to the heart every day that it is difficult to live without it, pomponette is a female I spoke Of its cat litter.
Go into the forest. You want her back bad enough, that shouldn't stop you. Leave no stone unturned in your search. Place an ad in the paper of lost cat. Keep looking. Put up more flyers. Offer a reward.

When Karma dies..I am done with furkids. I'll get a goldfish.

For the forest if I go I go armed and not alone facing wild animals No one goes into the deep forest without being armed against wolves and I make posters of pomponette I want see for her in my village and I did not find her

You didnt find her? Ive had a couple indoor outdoor cats go out and never come back. It was AWFUL not knowing what happened to them. Both had been outdoorsy cats for years and didn't stay out too long. Well one did, but he always came back in the morning
Im sorry.:smiliehug:
Go into the forest. You want her back bad enough, that shouldn't stop you. Leave no stone unturned in your search. Place an ad in the paper of lost cat. Keep looking. Put up more flyers. Offer a reward.

When Karma dies..I am done with furkids. I'll get a goldfish.

For the forest if I go I go armed and not alone facing wild animals No one goes into the deep forest without being armed against wolves and I make posters of pomponette I want see for her in my village and I did not find her

You didnt find her? Ive had a couple indoor outdoor cats go out and never come back. It was AWFUL not knowing what happened to them. Both had been outdoorsy cats for years and didn't stay out too long. Well one did, but he always came back in the morning
Im sorry.:smiliehug:
Thank you featherlite , she did not come back and i feel she wont because i look for her and i leave everything for her at the door, Nothing what worry me she never been outside before so i think the worst could have happen to her.
It is just horrible she is like my child
Go into the forest. You want her back bad enough, that shouldn't stop you. Leave no stone unturned in your search. Place an ad in the paper of lost cat. Keep looking. Put up more flyers. Offer a reward.

When Karma dies..I am done with furkids. I'll get a goldfish.

For the forest if I go I go armed and not alone facing wild animals No one goes into the deep forest without being armed against wolves and I make posters of pomponette I want see for her in my village and I did not find her

You didnt find her? Ive had a couple indoor outdoor cats go out and never come back. It was AWFUL not knowing what happened to them. Both had been outdoorsy cats for years and didn't stay out too long. Well one did, but he always came back in the morning
Im sorry.:smiliehug:
Thank you featherlite , she did not come back and i feel she wont because i look for her and i leave everything for her at the door, Nothing what worry me she never been outside before so i think the worst could have happen to her.
It is just horrible she is like my child
So sorry, Dalia. How long has she been gone now?
Sorry Dalia.......hopefully your cat will find the way home still.
Thank you eagle1462010, I doubt because she is fearful and my neighbor closest to always the house full of people and she is fearful, she runs away when she sees people, she is afraid of noise, wind, rain, you see how Is hard I imagine the worst
By the way, when they mate, there's usually a couple of males chasing around a female. They can run around for a week or so before they come back.
By the way, when they mate, there's usually a couple of males chasing around a female. They can run around for a week or so before they come back.
Thanks to you for this information last night in the night he had noises out of the cats that meowed that made shouts I looked at the window he had cats but not my pomponette I went down to see outside I called Her name pomponnette she was not there she never came home. I really despair I think of it all the time, what's happened? Where is she ? I did everything to find her! I'm so unhappy without her, it's horrible to think the worst and that's what I believe because I know in my heart she would have come home.
Well it looks like it has been 4 days now.

In 4 days a cat can travel several miles in the wrong direction.
They RARELY travel far.
Hello,Death Angel sometime it happen, i wish that my pomponette come back home one day.
I have this story for you. beautiful ending !
A cat call Cookie crosses whole of France to find his mistress

publié le 13/12/2014


A cat called Cookie has traveled more than 1000 km from the South-East to the North-West of France to find his mistress. A real solo crossing that lasted a year and a half.
It's almost a Christmas miracle. Cookie has finally found her mistress in Normandy, a thousand kilometers further north and a year and a half later. The cat of Dan Bouchery had disappeared since March 2013 in Grasse, at the other end of France.

Un chat traverse la France entière pour retrouver sa maîtresse
I read the whole thread hoping you'd have good news. I am sorry. Your cat still MAY come back. If it doesn't I hope you'll change your mind about taking in another. There are so many that need a good home.

My cat, Prince Harry, was gone for 9 days. I distributed fliers throughout the neighborhood (i offered $100), and when I returned home, THERE HE WAS under a bush! He was badly beaten up by some other animal, and I thought he was going to die, but he made a full recovery!

Here is my little buddy, Prince Harry, a grey Maine Coon:

I read the whole thread hoping you'd have good news. I am sorry. Your cat still MAY come back. If it doesn't I hope you'll change your mind about taking in another. There are so many that need a good home.

My cat, Prince Harry, was gone for 9 days. I distributed fliers throughout the neighborhood (i offered $100), and when I returned home, THERE HE WAS under a bush! He was badly beaten up by some other animal, and I thought he was going to die, but he made a full recovery!

Here is my little buddy, Prince Harry, a grey Maine Coon:

You have a beautiful cat, I'm glad it's okay.:)
I could with time perhaps take another cat, yes and a cat that would need a roof.
You have a beautiful cat, I'm glad it's okay.:)
I could with time perhaps take another cat, yes and a cat that would need a roof.
If you have animal shelters like we do, consider taking one of them. Consider the ones you think no one will want. They will be forever grateful.
I read the whole thread hoping you'd have good news. I am sorry. Your cat still MAY come back. If it doesn't I hope you'll change your mind about taking in another. There are so many that need a good home.

My cat, Prince Harry, was gone for 9 days. I distributed fliers throughout the neighborhood (i offered $100), and when I returned home, THERE HE WAS under a bush! He was badly beaten up by some other animal, and I thought he was going to die, but he made a full recovery!

Here is my little buddy, Prince Harry, a grey Maine Coon:

Awwww. He's a beauty!
Dalia after your vigil I firmly believe you should get a new kitty and then train him/her how to find its way home.

You do this by opening your door and going outside with her/him day after day until the kitty remembers the way back.

My kitty was outside last night for 5 hours from 10 pm to 3 a.m.

Usually he comes home around midnight so that's when I went to look for him. But I could not find him. He must have gone on a long foray further than usual.

Well since it was after midnight I could not search the neighborhood for him with my flashlight because the paranoid neighbors would have called the police on me. So I had to wait.

My cat came home finally around 3 a.m. while I was sleeping. I keep the patio door open a small crack so he can squeeze back in.

If you teach them the way home they will follow it on their own when need be.

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