My cat got away

We had a cat that vanished for 8 days. Then he shows up at the door. We think someone got him and he managed to escape. Good luck.
Bonsoir, my cat got to the door and got away and did not come back i look everywhere for her .
I put some foods and water at the door outside. but Nothing.
I am so sad...:crybaby:
Your cat will be fine in the morning. She's just out being an alley cat. If she gets hungry she'll come home and appreciate being fed. She won't do it again for a long time. Cats like to hunt.

Course if she's not fixed......she may be looking to hook up.....and she'll be gone a few days.
She is fixed since she 6 month.
When I was a kid I had a cats who would disappear for week or sometimes months at a time. And many cats have more than one home, especially when they get older.

But those were indoor/outdoor cats who were free to come and go as they pleased.
Most of my neighbors leave their cats out all of the time. I used to let mine go out whenever he wanted. Then he came back one day with a broken jaw. We had to feed him by hand for a few months because his jaw was wired shut. After he healed we let him out again all of the time. A year later he was on found my doorstep paralyzed from a broken pelvis. We had to put him to sleep. I don't let my cats out anymore.
Wow. Two highly suspicious, major impact injuries. Any idea of the cause(s)?

I will advise anyone who has a cat that goes outside. If you care about the cat -- be sure to have it vaccinated against FLV. It is a very common, very contagious cat sickness and it is a killer.
My neighbor across the street kept pigeons. I had to go over once to get my cat when I came back from over seas. He was inside the pigeon coop and the pigeons were sitting on top looking all scared. My cat wouldn't let anyone but me touch him.

I think it was either my neighbor or his son that hurt my cat.
Last year, I saw one of my neighbors wandering around out back and calling for her cat "Henry." This woman was in tears and was absolutely hysterical. I was like, "how long has he been missing?" She tells me around an hour. :cuckoo: Batty lady. I knew she was weird anyways.
I had a cat that got locked up in a neighbor's basement one time. He was missing for a few days. When the neighbor went to get something from the basement, the cat came running out. He couldn't catch him, but called us and the cat showed up at the door a couple of minutes after.
Last year, I saw one of my neighbors wandering around out back and calling for her cat "Henry." This woman was in tears and was absolutely hysterical. I was like, "how long has he been missing?" She tells me around an hour. :cuckoo: Batty lady. I knew she was weird anyways.

No not lunacy not here in France. After the most famous French delicacy, the salted snail, the second most coveted national delicacy is the roasted cat, right before the smoked dog. Every French person must guard her/his cat with a watchful eye.
Last year, I saw one of my neighbors wandering around out back and calling for her cat "Henry." This woman was in tears and was absolutely hysterical. I was like, "how long has he been missing?" She tells me around an hour. :cuckoo: Batty lady. I knew she was weird anyways.

No not lunacy not here in France. After the most famous French delicacy, the salted snail, the second most coveted national delicacy is the roasted cat, right before the smoked dog. Every French person must guard her/his cat with a watchful eye.

Last year, I saw one of my neighbors wandering around out back and calling for her cat "Henry." This woman was in tears and was absolutely hysterical. I was like, "how long has he been missing?" She tells me around an hour. :cuckoo: Batty lady. I knew she was weird anyways.

No not lunacy not here in France. After the most famous French delicacy, the salted snail, the second most coveted national delicacy is the roasted cat, right before the smoked dog. Every French person must guard her/his cat with a watchful eye.
SICK !!!
Hello everyone, thank you for your messages of support, she did not come back ... one of my neighbors told me that he had seen her this morning French time, she was running on the sidewalk in the direction down Of the climb, this neighbor wanted to go to her, but she is fearful of nature, she does not like people, she ran away right away I was looking for her all day shouting her name. I put the litter out, food and water but it still has not come back. I died of anxiety and exhausted.
Thanks for letting us know.

At least the neighbor gave you an update.

Now you know in which direction to go to look.

Your cat is most probably lost now and you will need to go find it.
When I search for cats I always go right after dark -- this is when cats come out. They sleep during the day.

And I also always bring an LED flashlight (off my mountain bike). This lights up their eyes and then they are easy to spot from 100 meters away.

Their eyes shine either yellow, green, blue, or red.

My cat shines red, which is fairly rare, so he is easy to find at night.

I have found him many times like this.
Tuna fish maybe...........special treats..............can only wait on hope. Hang in there.
Bonsoir, Today I heard a meow at the door I thought it was she coming back but it was my neighbor's cat, his name is John Wayne because he walks the same way and he just ate the food That I leave for my darling.
I despair of seeing her again ... what I fear is that she does not come back because she is fearful she runs away when she sees someone other than me.
Yet I looked around for her from all around but nothing.
It's hard hard, and exhausting I'm afraid of what might have happened to her.
Bonsoir, Today I heard a meow at the door I thought it was she coming back but it was my neighbor's cat, his name is John Wayne because he walks the same way and he just ate the food That I leave for my darling.
I despair of seeing her again ... what I fear is that she does not come back because she is fearful she runs away when she sees someone other than me.
Yet I looked around for her from all around but nothing.
It's hard hard, and exhausting I'm afraid of what might have happened to her.
Thank you for the update Dalia .

Now is a good time to make some bulletins and post them around the neighborhood.

There is a chance someone else has taken your cat in and does not know it is your cat.

If it were not so dangerous for you I would suggest getting a flashlight and going around the neighborhood looking for the cat with your light.

Cats' eyes light up at night with a flashlight as either red, yellow, blue, or green. They are easy to find at night with a bright flashlight like a LED bicycle headlight.

I would go with you and do it with you but I live 2 continents away, sorry.

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