My cat got away

I dont suppose the cat was chipped?
Sorry, if you are talking to me ? i don't understand the word chipped if you mean more declawed she not

In the US you can have a chip implanted under your pets skin that can be detected by a scanner at the vets office.
It contains your address and other info on your pet.
Yup, my cat has one of these, as well as a city pet license with a unique I/D number on it.

So either the pet license I/D or the implanted chip will identify my cat as mine and then either the city animal shelter or the Florida chip processing center for the USA can call me on my cell phone.

Always chip my dogs.
Bonsoir, Today I heard a meow at the door I thought it was she coming back but it was my neighbor's cat, his name is John Wayne because he walks the same way and he just ate the food That I leave for my darling.
I despair of seeing her again ... what I fear is that she does not come back because she is fearful she runs away when she sees someone other than me.
Yet I looked around for her from all around but nothing.
It's hard hard, and exhausting I'm afraid of what might have happened to her.

Keep calling for her and do check your local animal shelters too. Keep leaving out treats and keep your eyes out around the usual time when your cat would eat. Good luck. I really hope you find her.
My cats were always indoor/outdoor cats, so they knew their way around their neighborhood and they knew to come whenever I called. Of course, they only went outside during the daytime hours.
Bonsoir, my cat got to the door and got away and did not come back i look everywhere for her .
I put some foods and water at the door outside. but Nothing.
I am so sad...:crybaby:

Seems unusual for a cat to go away for too long. How long have you had the cat?
8 years,
my Pomponette a Norwegian.


Beautiful cat!

Have you put up posters maybe? In my area, we have community facebook groups where we can post missing pets, that can be helpful.

I hope she turns up soon :(
If she is fearful, I wonder if you can borrow a humane trap and try to trap her?
My cats were always indoor/outdoor cats, so they knew their way around their neighborhood and they knew to come whenever I called. Of course, they only went outside during the daytime hours.

The only problem with people letting their cats out to roam?
When they decide your flower bed right by your front door is now the litter box.

I ended up putting mouse traps in my beds to keep em out.

They dont tolerate free roam cats where I live now.
My two cats are indoor only - I try to give them an interesting space to live in, and we have birdfeeders on the porch so they can watch the Daily Bird.
My cats were always indoor/outdoor cats, so they knew their way around their neighborhood and they knew to come whenever I called. Of course, they only went outside during the daytime hours.

The only problem with people letting their cats out to roam?
When they decide your flower bed right by your front door is now the litter box.

I ended up putting mouse traps in my beds to keep em out.

They dont tolerate free roam cats where I live now.
Cat's normally don't poop unless there is soft soil where they can dig.

Then they dig a little hole, poop in it, and cover it back up.

Natural fertilizer for your plants.
My two cats are indoor only - I try to give them an interesting space to live in, and we have birdfeeders on the porch so they can watch the Daily Bird.
My cat is indoor-outdoor.

I let him out in the late evening after all the dog-walkers are gone so he can frolic. Last night he brought home a mouse and it got away. Last week he caught a bird and de-feathered and ate it in the front lawn.

He catches a lot of his own fresh meat and then eats it.
Bonsoir, my cat got to the door and got away and did not come back i look everywhere for her .
I put some foods and water at the door outside. but Nothing.
I am so sad...:crybaby:
Well it looks like it has been 4 days now.

In 4 days a cat can travel several miles in the wrong direction.

The other more hopeful possibility is that the cat is holed up under a nearby bush somewhere in the neighborhood still.

When cats are afraid they hide and curl up.

It is important to go looking for them in all directions and calling to them so they can hear your voice. They will normally reply to your voice and come out from hiding, and then you can carry them home, which is what you will need to do since they are lost and cannot return again.

4 days qualifies as a major emergency.

You should spend an entire day looking and take that day off from work.

You will need some kind of search pattern and you will need to look inside cavities and in the streets to see if there are any carcasses there that might resemble your cat.

I prefer to use an expanding circle search pattern.

First I will make a circle around my building. I prefer to search to my right, always turning to my right.

Then I will expand it slightly to include one other building in each direction north, east, south, and west.

Then one more larger. And larger and larger.

If you then don't find the cat, it means you have to go into a zigzag pattern first one way, then the opposite way, then another way, then opposite from the last. For me I like to go north first, zigzagging, then work my way back and keep going south, zigzagging, then back and east, zigzagging, then west, zigzagging.

After you have done all this, calling for the cat, and it does not come back to your voice, it means the cat is probably trapped inside somewhere. Either a garage door, or someone's home, or a large truck has trapped the cat. The worst case would be a truck because then it may have driven the cat far, far away.

My cat's collar has his name on it and my phone number in case someone finds him, they can then call me and tell me his name on the collar, and then I can go pick him up.
My cats were always indoor/outdoor cats, so they knew their way around their neighborhood and they knew to come whenever I called. Of course, they only went outside during the daytime hours.

The only problem with people letting their cats out to roam?
When they decide your flower bed right by your front door is now the litter box.

I ended up putting mouse traps in my beds to keep em out.

They dont tolerate free roam cats where I live now.
Cat's normally don't poop unless there is soft soil where they can dig.

Then they dig a little hole, poop in it, and cover it back up.

Natural fertilizer for your plants.

Soft as in mulch that everyone puts in their flower beds?
This cat was shitting and pissing in my beds right outside my front door.
The stench was intolerable.
My cat's collar with his name and my phone number on it, plus his city pet license on the collar with his unique I/D number, plus the chip imbedded under his furry skin, are the 4 ways I make sure I can somehow get my cat back if he becomes hopelessly lost, and somebody else finds him.

This way I can at least hope to get him back if he disappears.

My own search patterns however have been the most successful methods so far. Several times he has been so far way and lost that only by my search patterns and calling to him have I found him and brought him back. One he went way to the west. Another time he was way to the east. I am guessing that he follows the sun when he gets lost.

To the east was early in the morning and I searched for him around noon.

To the west was in the afternoon and I found him late in the evening after dark.

We lived in flatlands then and so downhill was not possible. Only following the sun was the only likelihood.
My cats were always indoor/outdoor cats, so they knew their way around their neighborhood and they knew to come whenever I called. Of course, they only went outside during the daytime hours.

The only problem with people letting their cats out to roam?
When they decide your flower bed right by your front door is now the litter box.

I ended up putting mouse traps in my beds to keep em out.

They dont tolerate free roam cats where I live now.
Cat's normally don't poop unless there is soft soil where they can dig.

Then they dig a little hole, poop in it, and cover it back up.

Natural fertilizer for your plants.

Soft as in mulch that everyone puts in their flower beds?
This cat was shitting and pissing in my beds right outside my front door.
The stench was intolerable.
All living animals have to sh!t and pee !!

Hello, thank you again for your support always nothing new everything has been done but I know what is afraid of nature she is afraid of the people of the noise that is why it must be well hidden somewhere.
It's harder because I know what's special, unique she is, I am afraid of the denouement because it is not like other cats.
My cats were always indoor/outdoor cats, so they knew their way around their neighborhood and they knew to come whenever I called. Of course, they only went outside during the daytime hours.

The only problem with people letting their cats out to roam?
When they decide your flower bed right by your front door is now the litter box.

I ended up putting mouse traps in my beds to keep em out.

They dont tolerate free roam cats where I live now.

Mine didn't do that, that I'm aware of. I don't really know where they went to the bathroom outside, TBH. I do know that cats like to poop in sandboxes though!
Hello, thank you again for your support always nothing new everything has been done but I know what is afraid of nature she is afraid of the people of the noise that is why it must be well hidden somewhere.
It's harder because I know what's special, unique she is, I am afraid of the denouement because it is not like other cats.

See if you can get a trap - if cats get that fearful the can become feral very quickly.
Hello, thank you again for your support always nothing new everything has been done but I know what is afraid of nature she is afraid of the people of the noise that is why it must be well hidden somewhere.
It's harder because I know what's special, unique she is, I am afraid of the denouement because it is not like other cats.

See if you can get a trap - if cats get that fearful the can become feral very quickly.
Thank you Coyote i will see what i could do.
Hello, thank you again for your support always nothing new everything has been done but I know what is afraid of nature she is afraid of the people of the noise that is why it must be well hidden somewhere.
It's harder because I know what's special, unique she is, I am afraid of the denouement because it is not like other cats.
Thanks for the further update Dalia .

If you are not putting up posters (fliers) by now and searching in grid patterns now that it has been almost 1 week you are unfortunately not going to get your cat back.

There is a ton of work involved in finding a lost cat.

I know because I have done it successfully several times and it is never easy.

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