My cat got away

On the weekends I normally let my cat out all morning because these are less dangerous days for a cat with less traffic since most people sleep-in and stay home and relax, bbq, etc.

He normally frolics all morning long then comes home at noon, eats, and crawls under the bedding and sleeps all afternoon.

Last Saturday he did not come home. This usually means he is lost.

So I got on my mountain bike around 1 pm -- his normal daytime bedtime -- and rode all over the neighborhood for a total of 15 miles (per the odometer) for 6 hours until I finally found him very close to home sleeping in the bushes in the big vegetable garden across the street.

He comes when I call him so my voice must have woke him up.

He did all his wake-up actions like stretch, yawn, and rub his eyes with his front paws.

Then he followed me home.

I hope your story Dalia has a similar happy ending.
like has been said litterbox outside, toys etc. check your local HS daily, and lost and found on FB. Put up flyers etc. Almost all lost cats are within a block, under a porch hiding, scared, in a shed etc...
Bonsoir, Today I heard a meow at the door I thought it was she coming back but it was my neighbor's cat, his name is John Wayne because he walks the same way and he just ate the food That I leave for my darling.
I despair of seeing her again ... what I fear is that she does not come back because she is fearful she runs away when she sees someone other than me.
Yet I looked around for her from all around but nothing.
It's hard hard, and exhausting I'm afraid of what might have happened to her.
Thank you for the update Dalia .

Now is a good time to make some bulletins and post them around the neighborhood.

There is a chance someone else has taken your cat in and does not know it is your cat.

If it were not so dangerous for you I would suggest getting a flashlight and going around the neighborhood looking for the cat with your light.

Cats' eyes light up at night with a flashlight as either red, yellow, blue, or green. They are easy to find at night with a bright flashlight like a LED bicycle headlight.

I would go with you and do it with you but I live 2 continents away, sorry.
Hello, thank you all for your advice, I have done what you have proposed and always no new ...

Yes yiostheoy , to go at night to seek for her is dangerous especially that here we do not carry weapons.
Here we are delivered to ourselves against the dangers so I can defend myself I took self defense but hey!
And the pomponette is in the wild before facing all dangers too.
I want her to come back home. I miss her so much.
I'm sorry, Dalia. It's so hard not to worry. I once had a cat who left for four days, and then just showed up on my porch. Another went "missing," but was just under the house for a couple of days.
Do you have pet pounds there? Over here you find a pet you should turn it into the pound. I turned a dog in twice and then they let me keep her. So here we are 12 years later, bestest dog ever.
I'm sorry, Dalia. It's so hard not to worry. I once had a cat who left for four days, and then just showed up on my porch. Another went "missing," but was just under the house for a couple of days.
Yes, it's hard to accept it's been 8 years since I ponponne/cherish her. she as evrything she want, she had two cats trees but I remember when she was a kitten she had also run to the door but that time I catch She was small.
This time I could not and I had my hands full with thing. I could not do anything.
Do you have pet pounds there? Over here you find a pet you should turn it into the pound. I turned a dog in twice and then they let me keep her. So here we are 12 years later, bestest dog ever.
Yes, we have a refuge in the area but here it is complicated. There is a refuge but it does not cover my area I have to speak to the SPA who are very far from home 40 km while the refuge is 3 km from my home.
You can make an announcement that you lost your cat on your computer, put a photo of the cat (black and white should be o.k. when printed) and contact information. Perhaps say you offer money if they help you (don't write how much, but maybe give them 10 or 20 Euros if they help you find your cat).

Then print several copies and stick them around the neighborhood.
My mother did that and she got calls from vile people saying things like they'd killed the cat and even worse etc. We never found the cat.
Bonsoir, Today I heard a meow at the door I thought it was she coming back but it was my neighbor's cat, his name is John Wayne because he walks the same way and he just ate the food That I leave for my darling.
I despair of seeing her again ... what I fear is that she does not come back because she is fearful she runs away when she sees someone other than me.
Yet I looked around for her from all around but nothing.
It's hard hard, and exhausting I'm afraid of what might have happened to her.
Thank you for the update Dalia .

Now is a good time to make some bulletins and post them around the neighborhood.

There is a chance someone else has taken your cat in and does not know it is your cat.

If it were not so dangerous for you I would suggest getting a flashlight and going around the neighborhood looking for the cat with your light.

Cats' eyes light up at night with a flashlight as either red, yellow, blue, or green. They are easy to find at night with a bright flashlight like a LED bicycle headlight.

I would go with you and do it with you but I live 2 continents away, sorry.
Hello, thank you all for your advice, I have done what you have proposed and always no new ...

Yes yiostheoy , to go at night to seek for her is dangerous especially that here we do not carry weapons.
Here we are delivered to ourselves against the dangers so I can defend myself I took self defense but hey!
And the pomponette is in the wild before facing all dangers too.
I want her to come back home. I miss her so much.
Don't give up hope, Dalia. My cat went missing for nearly a week and I was sure I'd never see him again. But he came home and never did that again. Keeping my fingers crossed :smiliehug:
Do you have pet pounds there? Over here you find a pet you should turn it into the pound. I turned a dog in twice and then they let me keep her. So here we are 12 years later, bestest dog ever.
Yes, we have a refuge in the area but here it is complicated. There is a refuge but it does not cover my area I have to speak to the SPA who are very far from home 40 km while the refuge is 3 km from my home.
Can't you call?
Do you have pet pounds there? Over here you find a pet you should turn it into the pound. I turned a dog in twice and then they let me keep her. So here we are 12 years later, bestest dog ever.
Yes, we have a refuge in the area but here it is complicated. There is a refuge but it does not cover my area I have to speak to the SPA who are very far from home 40 km while the refuge is 3 km from my home.
Can't you call?
Yes, i will go the see if she there ! but i did call the refuge but Nothing for the SPA i have to go in person.
I dont suppose the cat was chipped?
Sorry, if you are talking to me ? i don't understand the word chipped if you mean more declawed she not

In the US you can have a chip implanted under your pets skin that can be detected by a scanner at the vets office.
It contains your address and other info on your pet.
I dont suppose the cat was chipped?
Sorry, if you are talking to me ? i don't understand the word chipped if you mean more declawed she not

In the US you can have a chip implanted under your pets skin that can be detected by a scanner at the vets office.
It contains your address and other info on your pet.
Yup, my cat has one of these, as well as a city pet license with a unique I/D number on it.

So either the pet license I/D or the implanted chip will identify my cat as mine and then either the city animal shelter or the Florida chip processing center for the USA can call me on my cell phone.
I dont suppose the cat was chipped?
Sorry, if you are talking to me ? i don't understand the word chipped if you mean more declawed she not

In the US you can have a chip implanted under your pets skin that can be detected by a scanner at the vets office.
It contains your address and other info on your pet.
Ok, we don't have that here in France.
Maybe someone invited her in and eventually she will escape from there and come home. I had a beautiful Irish Setter that disappeared for more than a year. She jump into a guy's pickup at the college (six plus miles away) and the guy happened to live about ten blocks down the street from us. Once at his house she knew how to get back to our house. It was the evening of my twenty-first birthday that she knocked the back door open and came bouncing into the living-room to let me know she was home.

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