My Childhood Brainwashing

Many of the anti-christians learned it all in school. Some learned it from watching TV or anti-religious images in Hollywood movies.

The rest are usually Catholics that are pissed at abusive psycho nuns.

I thought the Catholics were best known for hiding pedophiles.

Sorry JoePa...I didn't think about how that was going to play on the air :)
That's just the last 5 years.

Most Catholics remember the nuns.

Nuns welding a ruler like a Samurai.

Do they still have Nuns When I was young we would see Nuns in full atire every time we took a walk in town or flew commercial. I haven't seen one in 30-40 years. Have they changed their clothes or do they forbid them to leave the church property
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Many of the anti-christians learned it all in school. Some learned it from watching TV or anti-religious images in Hollywood movies.

The rest are usually Catholics that are pissed at abusive psycho nuns.

I thought the Catholics were best known for hiding pedophiles.

Sorry JoePa...I didn't think about how that was going to play on the air :)
That's just the last 5 years.

Most Catholics remember the nuns.

Nuns welding a ruler like a Samurai.

Do they still have Nuns When I was young we would see Nuns in full atire every time we took a walk in town or flew commercial. I haven't seen one in 30-40 years. Have they changed their clothes or do they forbid them to leave the church property

I was just curious
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I thought the Catholics were best known for hiding pedophiles.

Sorry JoePa...I didn't think about how that was going to play on the air :)
That's just the last 5 years.

Most Catholics remember the nuns.

Nuns welding a ruler like a Samurai.

Do they still have Nuns When I was young we would see Nuns in full atire every time we took a walk in town or flew commercial. I haven't seen one in 30-40 years. Have they changed their clothes or do they forbid them to leave the church property

They have more secular dress now
That's just the last 5 years.

Most Catholics remember the nuns.

Nuns welding a ruler like a Samurai.

Do they still have Nuns When I was young we would see Nuns in full atire every time we took a walk in town or flew commercial. I haven't seen one in 30-40 years. Have they changed their clothes or do they forbid them to leave the church property

They have more secular dress now

I thought they wore the pope. I can just see one in a mini
So you think the Priest should starve, wear rags, go homeless?

Jesus would be considered homeless today, but he offered something to those who were generous to him. And your priest offered leadership to your church. There is value in that. Imagine services where the priest just went up there and said "you guys run this thing". I'm going golfing.

Don't talk to me about some preacher in rags. Jesus' message take care of the poor is strung thoughtout the new testament. When the rich young ruler made his ploy Jesus told him to sell his possessions, give it to the poor and follow him. He also said a rich man had as much chance of entering heaven as a camel had to pass through the eye of a needle. He beats up on the wealthy all the way through his testament.

People are so stupid. They talk about faith, hope and charity, then go to church for an hour and a half on Sunday, wear their good clothes, drop off their support money so the preacher will have a little something then go home with their "Feel Good" all escalated and make it another week. It's money...that's all it is and it's all it's ever been.

Ever tried looking in the mirror instead of pointing your finger at others? Besides that, you are calling "people" stupid. Do you even realize the arrogance and self righteousness of your own stance?

In my experience, I've spent 31 years without people who knew the Lord. It wasn't until I was 31 until I started going to church. (not even attending one now, but going to be looking) Anyhow..the people who know the Lord yes, make mistakes, get pride too, etc. But the difference is, they usually get humbled and say they are sorry when they make a mistake. Because they get convicted, because the WANT to love others, even though we all fail at it sometimes.

Since then, I've learned that many (not all) outside the church are the judgemental ones, but it's because of their own insecurities, fears, and self righteousness.

You, yourself are on a mighty high horse looking down your nose at others as if you know the depths and secrets of life and how everyone should live. Sheesh, Get orf yerself paleeese! LOL

You are right. I get fired up and call names also which I am truly sorry for. Someone told me once long ago before I was a Christian that you know you are saved because you have a conscience that convicts you when you sin.
Don't talk to me about some preacher in rags. Jesus' message take care of the poor is strung thoughtout the new testament. When the rich young ruler made his ploy Jesus told him to sell his possessions, give it to the poor and follow him. He also said a rich man had as much chance of entering heaven as a camel had to pass through the eye of a needle. He beats up on the wealthy all the way through his testament.

People are so stupid. They talk about faith, hope and charity, then go to church for an hour and a half on Sunday, wear their good clothes, drop off their support money so the preacher will have a little something then go home with their "Feel Good" all escalated and make it another week. It's money...that's all it is and it's all it's ever been.

Ever tried looking in the mirror instead of pointing your finger at others? Besides that, you are calling "people" stupid. Do you even realize the arrogance and self righteousness of your own stance?

In my experience, I've spent 31 years without people who knew the Lord. It wasn't until I was 31 until I started going to church. (not even attending one now, but going to be looking) Anyhow..the people who know the Lord yes, make mistakes, get pride too, etc. But the difference is, they usually get humbled and say they are sorry when they make a mistake. Because they get convicted, because the WANT to love others, even though we all fail at it sometimes.

Since then, I've learned that many (not all) outside the church are the judgemental ones, but it's because of their own insecurities, fears, and self righteousness.

You, yourself are on a mighty high horse looking down your nose at others as if you know the depths and secrets of life and how everyone should live. Sheesh, Get orf yerself paleeese! LOL

You are right. I get fired up and call names also which I am truly sorry for. Someone told me once long ago before I was a Christian that you know you are saved because you have a conscience that convicts you when you sin.

You'll know you are a Christian when you:

Walk The Extra Mile

Do Unto Others As You Would Have Them Do Unto You

Turn The Other Cheek

Love Thy Neighbor

Love Thine Enemies

Pray For Those Who Curse And Despise You

If Sued In Court For Coat, Voluntarily Give Cloak

"Be Ye Therefore Perfect Even As The Father In Heaven Is Perfect"

Remember, "Faith Without Works Is Dead"
Ever tried looking in the mirror instead of pointing your finger at others? Besides that, you are calling "people" stupid. Do you even realize the arrogance and self righteousness of your own stance?

In my experience, I've spent 31 years without people who knew the Lord. It wasn't until I was 31 until I started going to church. (not even attending one now, but going to be looking) Anyhow..the people who know the Lord yes, make mistakes, get pride too, etc. But the difference is, they usually get humbled and say they are sorry when they make a mistake. Because they get convicted, because the WANT to love others, even though we all fail at it sometimes.

Since then, I've learned that many (not all) outside the church are the judgemental ones, but it's because of their own insecurities, fears, and self righteousness.

You, yourself are on a mighty high horse looking down your nose at others as if you know the depths and secrets of life and how everyone should live. Sheesh, Get orf yerself paleeese! LOL

You are right. I get fired up and call names also which I am truly sorry for. Someone told me once long ago before I was a Christian that you know you are saved because you have a conscience that convicts you when you sin.

You'll know you are a Christian when you:

Walk The Extra Mile

Do Unto Others As You Would Have Them Do Unto You

Turn The Other Cheek

Love Thy Neighbor

Love Thine Enemies

Pray For Those Who Curse And Despise You

If Sued In Court For Coat, Voluntarily Give Cloak

"Be Ye Therefore Perfect Even As The Father In Heaven Is Perfect"

Remember, "Faith Without Works Is Dead"

ya just cant stop yourself can you? now you are defining what you are hating?

walk away....let it .....let it go....i left the church....but that is not my defining moment ....perhaps you should consider not making it yours?
You are right. I get fired up and call names also which I am truly sorry for. Someone told me once long ago before I was a Christian that you know you are saved because you have a conscience that convicts you when you sin.

You'll know you are a Christian when you:

Walk The Extra Mile

Do Unto Others As You Would Have Them Do Unto You

Turn The Other Cheek

Love Thy Neighbor

Love Thine Enemies

Pray For Those Who Curse And Despise You

If Sued In Court For Coat, Voluntarily Give Cloak

"Be Ye Therefore Perfect Even As The Father In Heaven Is Perfect"

Remember, "Faith Without Works Is Dead"

ya just cant stop yourself can you? now you are defining what you are hating?

walk away....let it .....let it go....i left the church....but that is not my defining moment ....perhaps you should consider not making it yours?

I lived in the church until after I was 60 years old. Not only me but my three children were brainwashed. Now they are brainwashing my grandchildren and my one great grandchild. I will continue to expose the 2000 year old crock of horse shit as long as I'm able to draw a breath.

I lived in the church until after I was 60 years old. Not only me but my three children were brainwashed. Now they are brainwashing my grandchildren and my one great grandchild. I will continue to expose the 2000 year old crock of horse shit as long as I'm able to draw a breath.

It is obvious and sad what you are really doing.
You aren't exposing anything except your own inadequacies, I'm afraid.

I kinda figured you were afraid. That's how all religions, thousands of them, began...based on the fears of primitive mankind. Basically his inablitly to accept his mortality.
I'm not sure how you came to that conclusion, but everything you post seems to be an exercise in random association so I'll just file it with the rest of the stupid crap you the trashcan.
I'm not sure how you came to that conclusion, but everything you post seems to be an exercise in random association so I'll just file it with the rest of the stupid crap you the trashcan.

Thank you. For every two of you who do that there'll be one out there somewhere who will pay attention to my story. It makes no difference one way or the other...I'm on a mission. As long as I live I will attempt to cause folks to open their eyes to the ignorance and fear of the primitive goat herders who believed in witchcraft, thought the earth was flat and through their inablity to control their developing imagination came up with that ancient crock of shit.
God I hope not. If there are, it's just evidence that our population is, indeed, growing dumber and dumber with each passing year.
You aren't exposing anything except your own inadequacies, I'm afraid.

I kinda figured you were afraid. That's how all religions, thousands of them, began...based on the fears of primitive mankind. Basically his inablitly to accept his mortality.

That's pretty funny considering that atheism is based on the deepest of existential fears.
You aren't exposing anything except your own inadequacies, I'm afraid.

I kinda figured you were afraid. That's how all religions, thousands of them, began...based on the fears of primitive mankind. Basically his inablitly to accept his mortality.

That's pretty funny considering that atheism is based on the deepest of existential fears.

Now who's fooling themselves. To begin with I'm not an atheist. I'm agnostic. I don't know and you don't either. There's one thing which is certain. If there is some supreme being who had the audacity to drop by during the stone age and leave the only keys to the kingdom with a bunch of ignorant goat herders...SCREW HIM AND THE JACKASS HE RODE IN ON.
Yes, can't wait to see you say that to God's face.

Obviously you have a beef with Him, hope that works out well for you and all.

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