My Childhood Brainwashing

The hell is wasn't.

NO, it wasn't. Either you don't know what the word means or you are just some hysterical old drama queen trying to justify your own personal bigotry with hyperbole.

That time you eliminated 99% of my post. Just what kind of game are you folks playing here

In the sense of thoroughness I will add it:

At least during my life time this nation has moved from a near theocrasy to one where I don't have to look at public displays of that horse shit. Like I said Milan and McKenzie Tennessee in grammar school in the late 30's and early 40's we were required on a daily and weekly basis to say the lord's prayer and memorize bible verses. I'd like to see some brainwashed thumper try that shit today. The foolish ten commandments were displayed in the little county court houses all over the south. I'd like to see some brainwashed thumper try that shit today. It's a lot better than it used to be and if a few people(percentage wise) will simply continue to do what I've been doing for the last fifteen years we might be able to make a real difference in a few decades. I'm hoping for a day when brainwashing infants and small children with that ancient god worship will be a crime and if someone subjects a child to it they will be guilty of at least a misdemeanor.

In my lifetime I've seen at least a dozen cases where that superstitious nonsense completely ruined someone's life. One young girl was subjected to shock treatments before she left high school because she thought she was demon possessed. That brainwashing crap isn't as innocent as most folks think.

Perhaps a first step might be a required admonition "This Mythilogical Horseshit Isn't True And Could Affect A Child's Entire Life"
The hell is wasn't.

NO, it wasn't. Either you don't know what the word means or you are just some hysterical old drama queen trying to justify your own personal bigotry with hyperbole.

That time you eliminated 99% of my post. Just what kind of game are you folks playing here

I quoted the part of your post to which I was responding. Is that too difficult for you to understand, shitforbrains?

Do you feel the need for me to point out over and over that as a nation we will NOT be throwing out the First Amendment to accomodate your pathetic bigotry and insecurity?
The hell is wasn't.

NO, it wasn't. Either you don't know what the word means or you are just some hysterical old drama queen trying to justify your own personal bigotry with hyperbole.

That time you eliminated 99% of my post. Just what kind of game are you folks playing here

In the sense of thoroughness I will add it:

At least during my life time this nation has moved from a near theocrasy to one where I don't have to look at public displays of that horse shit. Like I said Milan and McKenzie Tennessee in grammar school in the late 30's and early 40's we were required on a daily and weekly basis to say the lord's prayer and memorize bible verses. I'd like to see some brainwashed thumper try that shit today. The foolish ten commandments were displayed in the little county court houses all over the south. I'd like to see some brainwashed thumper try that shit today. It's a lot better than it used to be and if a few people(percentage wise) will simply continue to do what I've been doing for the last fifteen years we might be able to make a real difference in a few decades. I'm hoping for a day when brainwashing infants and small children with that ancient god worship will be a crime and if someone subjects a child to it they will be guilty of at least a misdemeanor.

In my lifetime I've seen at least a dozen cases where that superstitious nonsense completely ruined someone's life. One young girl was subjected to shock treatments before she left high school because she thought she was demon possessed. That brainwashing crap isn't as innocent as most folks think.

Perhaps a first step might be a required admonition "This Mythilogical Horseshit Isn't True And Could Affect A Child's Entire Life"

Go back and read the Constitution. Obviously you don't get it.

Here....I'll help you.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Guess you'll be waiting a long time. Course you could always move. :eusa_whistle:

You may not believe this but wars have been started over religion. In an Islamic country people that think like you would be put to death.

I figure you should count your blessings that you weren't born in country that is sporting a real theocratic government, not the imaginary one you're whining about.
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here is what i think:

campbell is not that far out from the church.....he is still dealing with the inner turmoil that leaving the church causes...esp since it sounds like at one time he/she was highly involved in the church....

what caused you to leave the church? was it a crisis....i didnt leave in a crisis....i left with a hop, skip and jump.....i took the leap of faith into have not found anything it seems to replace the god you perhaps in your turmoil you are not being open to other things or perhaps you will simply be an atheist but i will tell you this...the bitterness is not helpeful.

now here is another thing: i get the 'christian basher' label at times cause i will speak out against the baptist church or the whole christian thing.....well people i dont know mal about islam or that much about judism to say anything much about them...but i know the baptist.....

i dont think giving your child your beliefs is all that wrong....i dont do it...i think we come to our beliefs thru our paths in life.....but damn to make it a crime to pass on one's religion....

get off the crazy got off the baptist crazy train but it seems you jumped right off that one on to this one..... friend dont have to denounce them all the time, it like teaching a pig to arent gona change them....simple as that...of course i am lucky in pagans dont try to witness or least most dont...
NO, it wasn't. Either you don't know what the word means or you are just some hysterical old drama queen trying to justify your own personal bigotry with hyperbole.

That time you eliminated 99% of my post. Just what kind of game are you folks playing here

In the sense of thoroughness I will add it:

At least during my life time this nation has moved from a near theocrasy to one where I don't have to look at public displays of that horse shit. Like I said Milan and McKenzie Tennessee in grammar school in the late 30's and early 40's we were required on a daily and weekly basis to say the lord's prayer and memorize bible verses. I'd like to see some brainwashed thumper try that shit today. The foolish ten commandments were displayed in the little county court houses all over the south. I'd like to see some brainwashed thumper try that shit today. It's a lot better than it used to be and if a few people(percentage wise) will simply continue to do what I've been doing for the last fifteen years we might be able to make a real difference in a few decades. I'm hoping for a day when brainwashing infants and small children with that ancient god worship will be a crime and if someone subjects a child to it they will be guilty of at least a misdemeanor.

In my lifetime I've seen at least a dozen cases where that superstitious nonsense completely ruined someone's life. One young girl was subjected to shock treatments before she left high school because she thought she was demon possessed. That brainwashing crap isn't as innocent as most folks think.

Perhaps a first step might be a required admonition "This Mythilogical Horseshit Isn't True And Could Affect A Child's Entire Life"

Go back and read the Constitution. Obviously you don't get it.

Here....I'll help you.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Guess you'll be waiting a long time. Course you could always move. :eusa_whistle:

You may not believe this but wars have been started over religion. In an Islamic country people that think like you would be put to death.

I figure you should count your blessings that you weren't born in country that is sporting a real theocratic government, not the imaginary one you're whining about.

Hey...90% of the people asked declared that they were Christians back when I was young. 'Course many places didn't really give a was either Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, etc. There were no choices for Atheist, Agnostic or Non Religious when I entered the military in 1957. That closely resembles a theocrasy.

As far as the religion in the constitution...I'm hoping for a change to the constitution when people finally come to their senses. Go back and read what I keyed...HOPING FOR

That's why I repeated it a couple of times...people here come up behind you here and spam the hell out of anything they don't like.
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Hey...90% of the people asked declared that they were Christians back when I was young. 'Course many places didn't really give a was either Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, etc. There were no choices for Atheist, Agnostic or Non Religious when I entered the military in 1957. That closely resembles a theocrasy.

That resembles absolutely nothing like a Theocracy, you ignorant shit.
...I'm hoping for a change to the constitution when people finally come to their senses. .

When you start believing that "finally come to their senses" means everyone agrees with YOU, then you know that YOU are the problem.
Hey...90% of the people asked declared that they were Christians back when I was young. 'Course many places didn't really give a was either Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, etc. There were no choices for Atheist, Agnostic or Non Religious when I entered the military in 1957. That closely resembles a theocrasy.

That resembles absolutely nothing like a Theocracy, you ignorant shit.

90% of the population of a country being of one superstition doesn't resemble a theocrasy

Give me a break

Definition of resemble (verb)
forms: resembled; resembled; resembling
to be similar to; to be akin to; to look like; to have a similar appearance to
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Hey...90% of the people asked declared that they were Christians back when I was young. 'Course many places didn't really give a was either Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, etc. There were no choices for Atheist, Agnostic or Non Religious when I entered the military in 1957. That closely resembles a theocrasy.

That resembles absolutely nothing like a Theocracy, you ignorant shit.

90% of the population of a country being of one superstition doesn't resemble a theocrasy

Give me a break

Definition of resemble (verb)
forms: resembled; resembled; resembling
to be similar to; to be akin to; to look like; to have a similar appearance to

AGAIN proving you don't know what the word "theocracy" means, you ignorant old bigot.
Bullshit. I was in the church for most of my adult life. I was on several committees. Most of a church's donations go to pay for the preacher's salary, his transportation, his home, building and maintenance, oak and mahagony pews, stained glass, steeples, musical instruments, sound systems, religious retreats, youth programs, missionaries etc. Off the top...10% of our income went to the Southern Baptist Convention. Most of what actually ended up with the needy was clothing, Christmas toys etc. donated by individuals.

Our church decided to build a new building and after about eight years defaulted on the mortgage and ended up back in our original building. A Church of God bought the new building from us.

Side note: Two other churches had used our old building before we got it back.

Like has been said so many times before..."Folla De Dolla" or "Money Talks And Bullshit Walks"

So you think the Priest should starve, wear rags, go homeless?

Jesus would be considered homeless today, but he offered something to those who were generous to him. And your priest offered leadership to your church. There is value in that. Imagine services where the priest just went up there and said "you guys run this thing". I'm going golfing.

Don't talk to me about some preacher in rags. Jesus' message take care of the poor is strung thoughtout the new testament. When the rich young ruler made his ploy Jesus told him to sell his possessions, give it to the poor and follow him. He also said a rich man had as much chance of entering heaven as a camel had to pass through the eye of a needle. He beats up on the wealthy all the way through his testament.

People are so stupid. They talk about faith, hope and charity, then go to church for an hour and a half on Sunday, wear their good clothes, drop off their support money so the preacher will have a little something then go home with their "Feel Good" all escalated and make it another week. It's money...that's all it is and it's all it's ever been.

Ever tried looking in the mirror instead of pointing your finger at others? Besides that, you are calling "people" stupid. Do you even realize the arrogance and self righteousness of your own stance?

In my experience, I've spent 31 years without people who knew the Lord. It wasn't until I was 31 until I started going to church. (not even attending one now, but going to be looking) Anyhow..the people who know the Lord yes, make mistakes, get pride too, etc. But the difference is, they usually get humbled and say they are sorry when they make a mistake. Because they get convicted, because the WANT to love others, even though we all fail at it sometimes.

Since then, I've learned that many (not all) outside the church are the judgemental ones, but it's because of their own insecurities, fears, and self righteousness.

You, yourself are on a mighty high horse looking down your nose at others as if you know the depths and secrets of life and how everyone should live. Sheesh, Get orf yerself paleeese! LOL

Many of the anti-christians learned it all in school. Some learned it from watching TV or anti-religious images in Hollywood movies.

The rest are usually Catholics that are pissed at abusive psycho nuns.
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Many of the anti-christians learned it all in school. Some learned it from watching TV or anti-religious images in Hollywood movies.

The rest are usually Catholics that are pissed at abusive psycho nuns.

I thought the Catholics were best known for hiding pedophiles.

Sorry JoePa...I didn't think about how that was going to play on the air :)
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Many of the anti-christians learned it all in school. Some learned it from watching TV or anti-religious images in Hollywood movies.

The rest are usually Catholics that are pissed at abusive psycho nuns.

I thought the Catholics were best known for hiding pedophiles.

Sorry JoePa...I didn't think about how that was going to play on the air :)
That's just the last 5 years.

Most Catholics remember the nuns.

Nuns welding a ruler like a Samurai.

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