My Childhood Brainwashing

i think priests should refrain from fucking the altar boys...that is what i think

and i think the catholic church (the vatican being one of the richest countries in the world) should pay thru the nose
i think priests should refrain from fucking the altar boys...that is what i think

and i think the catholic church (the vatican being one of the richest countries in the world) should pay thru the nose

Did you know that that sort of thing happens more often in our schools and universities? Should we close them all down now taking into consideration the Penn State incidents?

Does it matter that no new incidents have taken place in the church in years?

Is this stereotype to be held over the church forever or are we going to move on some day?

I've already pointed out the cause of the abuse; False doctrine.
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We need to close every school in the country because of Jerry Sandusky molesting boys.

Do the way the left does it.

There's to much evil coming out of them anyway.

The Virginia Tech killings
One teacher after another have sex with under-age boys
The Occupy Wall Street crowd
Harvard Law grads destroying our economy

Yup, close them down now while we can.
Allow me to snap us back into reality.

What happened in the church is history.

What's happening today and is responsible for much of the damage that will effect our lives today and the next few years comes from our education system, not from a bunch of people wearing crosses.
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i think priests should refrain from fucking the altar boys...that is what i think

and i think the catholic church (the vatican being one of the richest countries in the world) should pay thru the nose

Yep however those types of posts usually get me negged by CG.
Repeating it doesn't make it true.

You're completely disregarding all the good that has been accomplished with the money generated by the churches. We tithe to give them the ability to do those things. that's not to say sinful people don't abuse the privilege of receiving and handling that money, but that's just a part of the sinful nature of humans..and the church, since it is made up of humans. That isn't a problem with God or the bible.

Bullshit. I was in the church for most of my adult life. I was on several committees. Most of a church's donations go to pay for the preacher's salary, his transportation, his home, building and maintenance, oak and mahagony pews, stained glass, steeples, musical instruments, sound systems, religious retreats, youth programs, missionaries etc. Off the top...10% of our income went to the Southern Baptist Convention. Most of what actually ended up with the needy was clothing, Christmas toys etc. donated by individuals.

Our church decided to build a new building and after about eight years defaulted on the mortgage and ended up back in our original building. A Church of God bought the new building from us.

Side note: Two other churches had used our old building before we got it back.

Like has been said so many times before..."Folla De Dolla" or "Money Talks And Bullshit Walks"

So you think the Priest should starve, wear rags, go homeless?

Jesus would be considered homeless today, but he offered something to those who were generous to him. And your priest offered leadership to your church. There is value in that. Imagine services where the priest just went up there and said "you guys run this thing". I'm going golfing.

Don't talk to me about some preacher in rags. Jesus' message take care of the poor is strung thoughtout the new testament. When the rich young ruler made his ploy Jesus told him to sell his possessions, give it to the poor and follow him. He also said a rich man had as much chance of entering heaven as a camel had to pass through the eye of a needle. He beats up on the wealthy all the way through his testament.

People are so stupid. They talk about faith, hope and charity, then go to church for an hour and a half on Sunday, wear their good clothes, drop off their support money so the preacher will have a little something then go home with their "Feel Good" all escalated and make it another week. It's money...that's all it is and it's all it's ever been.
Bullshit. Maybe the people YOU know are like that, or maybe you just assume they are because that's the way YOU are.

Kindly keep your broadbrush to yourself. And why on earth do you care what other people do in church, or what they think about God? After all, you don't believe.

It always comes down to a power issue.
Bullshit. I was in the church for most of my adult life. I was on several committees. Most of a church's donations go to pay for the preacher's salary, his transportation, his home, building and maintenance, oak and mahagony pews, stained glass, steeples, musical instruments, sound systems, religious retreats, youth programs, missionaries etc. Off the top...10% of our income went to the Southern Baptist Convention. Most of what actually ended up with the needy was clothing, Christmas toys etc. donated by individuals.

Our church decided to build a new building and after about eight years defaulted on the mortgage and ended up back in our original building. A Church of God bought the new building from us.

Side note: Two other churches had used our old building before we got it back.

Like has been said so many times before..."Folla De Dolla" or "Money Talks And Bullshit Walks"

So you think the Priest should starve, wear rags, go homeless?

Jesus would be considered homeless today, but he offered something to those who were generous to him. And your priest offered leadership to your church. There is value in that. Imagine services where the priest just went up there and said "you guys run this thing". I'm going golfing.

Don't talk to me about some preacher in rags. Jesus' message take care of the poor is strung thoughtout the new testament. When the rich young ruler made his ploy Jesus told him to sell his possessions, give it to the poor and follow him. He also said a rich man had as much chance of entering heaven as a camel had to pass through the eye of a needle. He beats up on the wealthy all the way through his testament.

People are so stupid. They talk about faith, hope and charity, then go to church for an hour and a half on Sunday, wear their good clothes, drop off their support money so the preacher will have a little something then go home with their "Feel Good" all escalated and make it another week. It's money...that's all it is and it's all it's ever been.


But, hey... You go on and think those things if that is your *feel good* medicine.

:dunno: Perhaps something someday will rescue you from your moronic bitterness. It seems to me that you are cutting away your own lifeline.

Why reject so many with so little consideration toward your own flaws, cammmpbell?
Bullshit. I was in the church for most of my adult life. I was on several committees. Most of a church's donations go to pay for the preacher's salary, his transportation, his home, building and maintenance, oak and mahagony pews, stained glass, steeples, musical instruments, sound systems, religious retreats, youth programs, missionaries etc. Off the top...10% of our income went to the Southern Baptist Convention. Most of what actually ended up with the needy was clothing, Christmas toys etc. donated by individuals.

Our church decided to build a new building and after about eight years defaulted on the mortgage and ended up back in our original building. A Church of God bought the new building from us.

Side note: Two other churches had used our old building before we got it back.

Like has been said so many times before..."Folla De Dolla" or "Money Talks And Bullshit Walks"

So you think the Priest should starve, wear rags, go homeless?

Jesus would be considered homeless today, but he offered something to those who were generous to him. And your priest offered leadership to your church. There is value in that. Imagine services where the priest just went up there and said "you guys run this thing". I'm going golfing.

Don't talk to me about some preacher in rags. Jesus' message take care of the poor is strung thoughtout the new testament. When the rich young ruler made his ploy Jesus told him to sell his possessions, give it to the poor and follow him. He also said a rich man had as much chance of entering heaven as a camel had to pass through the eye of a needle. He beats up on the wealthy all the way through his testament.

People are so stupid. They talk about faith, hope and charity, then go to church for an hour and a half on Sunday, wear their good clothes, drop off their support money so the preacher will have a little something then go home with their "Feel Good" all escalated and make it another week. It's money...that's all it is and it's all it's ever been.

Can't win with you.

The church members suck cuz they don't give everything to the church and the priest sucks for taking what they do give.

Jesus didn't say for us to sell everything. He told that particular rich man to sell everything as a test.

Jesus didn't want us to be poor and suffer. He just said don't worry about your riches. He told us to consider the Lillies in the field. How beautiful they are dressed. The birds in the trees They are the least of us yet God cares for them.

God wanted us to prosper but the trappings of great wealth is usually a love for money. More so than for God.
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Bullshit. I was in the church for most of my adult life. I was on several committees. Most of a church's donations go to pay for the preacher's salary, his transportation, his home, building and maintenance, oak and mahagony pews, stained glass, steeples, musical instruments, sound systems, religious retreats, youth programs, missionaries etc. Off the top...10% of our income went to the Southern Baptist Convention. Most of what actually ended up with the needy was clothing, Christmas toys etc. donated by individuals.

Our church decided to build a new building and after about eight years defaulted on the mortgage and ended up back in our original building. A Church of God bought the new building from us.

Side note: Two other churches had used our old building before we got it back.

Like has been said so many times before..."Folla De Dolla" or "Money Talks And Bullshit Walks"

So you think the Priest should starve, wear rags, go homeless?

Jesus would be considered homeless today, but he offered something to those who were generous to him. And your priest offered leadership to your church. There is value in that. Imagine services where the priest just went up there and said "you guys run this thing". I'm going golfing.

Don't talk to me about some preacher in rags. Jesus' message take care of the poor is strung thoughtout the new testament. When the rich young ruler made his ploy Jesus told him to sell his possessions, give it to the poor and follow him. He also said a rich man had as much chance of entering heaven as a camel had to pass through the eye of a needle. He beats up on the wealthy all the way through his testament.

People are so stupid. They talk about faith, hope and charity, then go to church for an hour and a half on Sunday, wear their good clothes, drop off their support money so the preacher will have a little something then go home with their "Feel Good" all escalated and make it another week. It's money...that's all it is and it's all it's ever been.
I see you are still a blithering idiot. You have no idea what the Bible is saying so stop acting like you do.
Bullshit. I was in the church for most of my adult life. I was on several committees. Most of a church's donations go to pay for the preacher's salary, his transportation, his home, building and maintenance, oak and mahagony pews, stained glass, steeples, musical instruments, sound systems, religious retreats, youth programs, missionaries etc. Off the top...10% of our income went to the Southern Baptist Convention. Most of what actually ended up with the needy was clothing, Christmas toys etc. donated by individuals.

Our church decided to build a new building and after about eight years defaulted on the mortgage and ended up back in our original building. A Church of God bought the new building from us.

Side note: Two other churches had used our old building before we got it back.

Like has been said so many times before..."Folla De Dolla" or "Money Talks And Bullshit Walks"

So you think the Priest should starve, wear rags, go homeless?

Jesus would be considered homeless today, but he offered something to those who were generous to him. And your priest offered leadership to your church. There is value in that. Imagine services where the priest just went up there and said "you guys run this thing". I'm going golfing.

Don't talk to me about some preacher in rags. Jesus' message take care of the poor is strung thoughtout the new testament. When the rich young ruler made his ploy Jesus told him to sell his possessions, give it to the poor and follow him. He also said a rich man had as much chance of entering heaven as a camel had to pass through the eye of a needle. He beats up on the wealthy all the way through his testament.

People are so stupid. They talk about faith, hope and charity, then go to church for an hour and a half on Sunday, wear their good clothes, drop off their support money so the preacher will have a little something then go home with their "Feel Good" all escalated and make it another week. It's money...that's all it is and it's all it's ever been.

Way to generalize. I'd love for you to see what my grandmother does. She runs a pantry at her church (Catholic). I've helped her before when I can (she lives in NY). I've seen many hungry and poor people come in, and get food. She dedicates her life to feeding the needy. They don't need to be Catholic, or Christians. They come in, get a large brown bag of groceries that could feed a family of 4-5 for a week. The only rule is-you can only come in once a week (so other families can receive help too). As for my grandmother herself? She has almost no money-and has to live with one of my aunts.

There are many people like that who you're generalizing, due to your ignorance. Are there people who just show up once a week, and that's it? Yes. But what's wrong with that?

It's also painfully obvious that you're stuck on organized religion, and religion in general.
Bullshit. Maybe the people YOU know are like that, or maybe you just assume they are because that's the way YOU are.

Kindly keep your broadbrush to yourself. And why on earth do you care what other people do in church, or what they think about God? After all, you don't believe.

It always comes down to a power issue.

I'm not the one who falls for a 2000 year old con game...even though I stayed in the church for more than forty years I never believed all that virgin birth, laying on of hands and curing leprosy, raising from the dead, crucifiction, resurrection etc. Personally...I can't believe anyone with one eye and half sense believes it.

The idea that a loving caring god stopped by 2000 years ago and left the only keys to the kingdom with ignorant shepherds who believed in witchcraft and thought the earth was flat...then chose to never show up again is so rediculous that if it happened, screw him.
Of course he didn't.

Because all he's about is bashing Christians. There's no rhyme or reason to it, it's just his job to do it.

Talk about falling for a con game. If I'm going to be conned, I'd rather be used by God than the alternative.
Of course he didn't.

Because all he's about is bashing Christians. There's no rhyme or reason to it, it's just his job to do it.

Talk about falling for a con game. If I'm going to be conned, I'd rather be used by God than the alternative.

Go right ahead. At least during my life time this nation has moved from a near theocrasy to one where I don't have to look at public displays of that horse shit. Like I said Milan and McKenzie Tennessee in grammar school in the late 30's and early 40's we were required on a daily and weekly basis to say the lord's prayer and memorize bible verses. I'd like to see some brainwashed thumper try that shit today. The foolish ten commandments were displayed in the little county court houses all over the south. I'd like to see some brainwashed thumper try that shit today. It's a lot better than it used to be and if a few people(percentage wise) will simply continue to do what I've been doing for the last fifteen years we might be able to make a real difference in a few decades. I'm hoping for a day when brainwashing infants and small children with that ancient god worship will be a crime and if someone subjects a child to it they will be guilty of at least a misdemeanor.

In my lifetime I've seen at least a dozen cases where that superstitious nonsense completely ruined someone's life. One young girl was subjected to shock treatments before she left high school because she thought she was demon possessed. That brainwashing crap isn't as innocent as most folks think.

Perhaps a first step might be a required admonition "This Mythilogical Horseshit Isn't True And Could Affect A Child's Entire Life"
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I'm hoping for a day when brainwashing infants and small children with that ancient god worship will be a crime and if someone subjects a child to it they will be guilty of at least a misdemeanor.

Then you'd better move your empty, meaningless shell of a life somewhere else. We have a Bill of Rights here we are pretty fond of and won't be tossing out to accomodate the likes of you.
At least during my life time this nation has moved from a near theocrasy[sic]

No, it was never a "near theocracy." Stop lying for dramatic effect.

The hell is wasn't. I saw this first hand in the south before the second world war started. This nation embraced Christianity and any other religious group was the subject of major discrimination...just curious, how old are you

Also...why did you elimate 95% of my post

In the sense of thoroughness I will add it:

At least during my life time this nation has moved from a near theocrasy to one where I don't have to look at public displays of that horse shit. Like I said Milan and McKenzie Tennessee in grammar school in the late 30's and early 40's we were required on a daily and weekly basis to say the lord's prayer and memorize bible verses. I'd like to see some brainwashed thumper try that shit today. The foolish ten commandments were displayed in the little county court houses all over the south. I'd like to see some brainwashed thumper try that shit today. It's a lot better than it used to be and if a few people(percentage wise) will simply continue to do what I've been doing for the last fifteen years we might be able to make a real difference in a few decades. I'm hoping for a day when brainwashing infants and small children with that ancient god worship will be a crime and if someone subjects a child to it they will be guilty of at least a misdemeanor.

In my lifetime I've seen at least a dozen cases where that superstitious nonsense completely ruined someone's life. One young girl was subjected to shock treatments before she left high school because she thought she was demon possessed. That brainwashing crap isn't as innocent as most folks think.

Perhaps a first step might be a required admonition "This Mythilogical Horseshit Isn't True And Could Affect A Child's Entire Life"
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