My city has another woke Mayor


Gold Member
Oct 28, 2023
The city I grew up in has a new Mayor. That new Mayor has a direct connection to the city's liberal arts college.

A tiny nucleus of people in a woke, liberal city is happy that things will stay the same. They have local media that are completely on board with the status quo. The status quo is that the city is a college town and a centrally located liberal arts college is good for the community. In fact it is so good that it has become one of the city's largest employers. The city has another large employer and that is the local medical center which houses the city's hospital. Viewed from the standpoint of a careful observer this may not be an inverse relationship. Alcohol, tobacco, and presciption pain killers provide a good living for many of the city's merchants and health professionals. Peddling the city's Hunter-Biden lifestyle to others is a way of life in the city, and the local newspaper's obituary pages are humming with shortened lifespans and suicides.

If you know someone that went braindead after unwittingly swallowing something laced with Fentanyl here you are not alone. Maybe you can justify the casualty by saying they did not suffer because they were clinically dead before they hit the ground. If you like a city where Narcan is as common as aspirin, you are in the right place. If powerful ADHD medications like Adderall, Ritalin, and Vyvanse, are right alongside reading, writing, and arithmetic in your school systems, you have the right Mayor.

The paychecks of the city's newspaper and radio programming are signed by this arrangement so obviously biting the hand that feeds them is basically off the table. The hearts, lungs, livers, and brain health of the people? Well, they are consenting adults are they not? Let them get chemotherapy and radiation and then spend what time they have left made comfortable on powerful opiods. The hospital and college in the city fit together like a hand in a glove. Who could ask for more? And now one of the college's woke lieutenants is the new Mayor.

Do you recall the last presidential election in the city? Busses brought votes from the college to the polls. The students on those busses were told that they could vote for the "Good" man who would pay their college debt or the "bad' man who would not. The good man (Biden) was all for liberal arts colleges that sprung up all over the country after the Russians launched Sputnik in 1957. The bad man (Trump) had a working relationship with the blue-collar sector of the economy-plumbers, electricians, welders, carpenters, brick layers, iron workers, multiple labor unions, etc. In other words, the bad man was friends with the basket of deplorables that was too stupid to get the new "woke" memo.

I do agree that "white" people are the main culprits in our chaotic society, but not the white people you think I'm talking about. Racist Jim crow white supremacy went out with George Wallace decades ago, but those events can be resurected as a flag to wave in the streets fomenting violence against political opposition. That's what George Floyd, Jussie Smollett, and renaming NFL teams were all about. I'm talking about a different kind of white people. I'm talking about the kinds of white people that have measured the odds and decided to throw you under the bus so they will be remembered and rewarded after postmodern wokeness rides to victory castrating your children in school and making your language unrecognizable.

Do you remember World War Two and the people who collabroated with the Nazis because they thought the Nazis would win? Take a good look at the people who publish and edit the city newspaper and those who run local radio programming. You know, the one's that sided with the Boston Globe nationally to smear your choice for president as a threat to free speech. His crime? Using free speech! After a mail-in "adjusted" presidential election, a protest with no guns is an insurrection? According to the citys local media it is.

I still have free speech speech and am using it. But my social credit score may be under review. Depending on the way things go the Stasi may visit me eventually. I'll take my chances.

Enjoy your new Mayor.

Carry on,

The city I grew up in has a new Mayor. That new Mayor has a direct connection to the city's liberal arts college.

A tiny nucleus of people in a woke, liberal city is happy that things will stay the same. They have local media that are completely on board with the status quo. The status quo is that the city is a college town and a centrally located liberal arts college is good for the community. In fact it is so good that it has become one of the city's largest employers. The city has another large employer and that is the local medical center which houses the city's hospital. Viewed from the standpoint of a careful observer this may not be an inverse relationship. Alcohol, tobacco, and presciption pain killers provide a good living for many of the city's merchants and health professionals. Peddling the city's Hunter-Biden lifestyle to others is a way of life in the city, and the local newspaper's obituary pages are humming with shortened lifespans and suicides.

If you know someone that went braindead after unwittingly swallowing something laced with Fentanyl here you are not alone. Maybe you can justify the casualty by saying they did not suffer because they were clinically dead before they hit the ground. If you like a city where Narcan is as common as aspirin, you are in the right place. If powerful ADHD medications like Adderall, Ritalin, and Vyvanse, are right alongside reading, writing, and arithmetic in your school systems, you have the right Mayor.

The paychecks of the city's newspaper and radio programming are signed by this arrangement so obviously biting the hand that feeds them is basically off the table. The hearts, lungs, livers, and brain health of the people? Well, they are consenting adults are they not? Let them get chemotherapy and radiation and then spend what time they have left made comfortable on powerful opiods. The hospital and college in the city fit together like a hand in a glove. Who could ask for more? And now one of the college's woke lieutenants is the new Mayor.

Do you recall the last presidential election in the city? Busses brought votes from the college to the polls. The students on those busses were told that they could vote for the "Good" man who would pay their college debt or the "bad' man who would not. The good man (Biden) was all for liberal arts colleges that sprung up all over the country after the Russians launched Sputnik in 1957. The bad man (Trump) had a working relationship with the blue-collar sector of the economy-plumbers, electricians, welders, carpenters, brick layers, iron workers, multiple labor unions, etc. In other words, the bad man was friends with the basket of deplorables that was too stupid to get the new "woke" memo.

I do agree that "white" people are the main culprits in our chaotic society, but not the white people you think I'm talking about. Racist Jim crow white supremacy went out with George Wallace decades ago, but those events can be resurected as a flag to wave in the streets fomenting violence against political opposition. That's what George Floyd, Jussie Smollett, and renaming NFL teams were all about. I'm talking about a different kind of white people. I'm talking about the kinds of white people that have measured the odds and decided to throw you under the bus so they will be remembered and rewarded after postmodern wokeness rides to victory castrating your children in school and making your language unrecognizable.

Do you remember World War Two and the people who collabroated with the Nazis because they thought the Nazis would win? Take a good look at the people who publish and edit the city newspaper and those who run local radio programming. You know, the one's that sided with the Boston Globe nationally to smear your choice for president as a threat to free speech. His crime? Using free speech! After a mail-in "adjusted" presidential election, a protest with no guns is an insurrection? According to the citys local media it is.

I still have free speech speech and am using it. But my social credit score may be under review. Depending on the way things go the Stasi may visit me eventually. I'll take my chances.

Enjoy your new Mayor.

Carry on,

Well said, I feel ya, our Sanctuary City mayor just started her second term. The city is going down the tubes. Homelessness is rampant, people pitching freaking tents 10 feet from major streets. Violent crime way up.
Well said, I feel ya, our Sanctuary City mayor just started her second term. The city is going down the tubes. Homelessness is rampant, people pitching freaking tents 10 feet from major streets. Violent crime way up.

Well, you see Mike, the main problem here is the MEDIA. People depend on the MEDIA to INFORM them in their daily lives. People are busy in their daily lives and the MEDIA is supposed to be the watchdog to tell people this stuff. But the MEDIA is no longer the WATCHDOG of government, they are now the MOUTHPIECE of government, so, the people are not being told, and with a poor fund of information, most people just assume that /this is just the way things are/ now and never make the connection that all these problems are connected to democrat woke policies.

Keeping the electorate dumb--- that is the friend of democratic government today.
The city I grew up in has a new Mayor. That new Mayor has a direct connection to the city's liberal arts college.

A tiny nucleus of people in a woke, liberal city is happy that things will stay the same. They have local media that are completely on board with the status quo. The status quo is that the city is a college town and a centrally located liberal arts college is good for the community. In fact it is so good that it has become one of the city's largest employers. The city has another large employer and that is the local medical center which houses the city's hospital. Viewed from the standpoint of a careful observer this may not be an inverse relationship. Alcohol, tobacco, and presciption pain killers provide a good living for many of the city's merchants and health professionals. Peddling the city's Hunter-Biden lifestyle to others is a way of life in the city, and the local newspaper's obituary pages are humming with shortened lifespans and suicides.

If you know someone that went braindead after unwittingly swallowing something laced with Fentanyl here you are not alone. Maybe you can justify the casualty by saying they did not suffer because they were clinically dead before they hit the ground. If you like a city where Narcan is as common as aspirin, you are in the right place. If powerful ADHD medications like Adderall, Ritalin, and Vyvanse, are right alongside reading, writing, and arithmetic in your school systems, you have the right Mayor.

The paychecks of the city's newspaper and radio programming are signed by this arrangement so obviously biting the hand that feeds them is basically off the table. The hearts, lungs, livers, and brain health of the people? Well, they are consenting adults are they not? Let them get chemotherapy and radiation and then spend what time they have left made comfortable on powerful opiods. The hospital and college in the city fit together like a hand in a glove. Who could ask for more? And now one of the college's woke lieutenants is the new Mayor.

Do you recall the last presidential election in the city? Busses brought votes from the college to the polls. The students on those busses were told that they could vote for the "Good" man who would pay their college debt or the "bad' man who would not. The good man (Biden) was all for liberal arts colleges that sprung up all over the country after the Russians launched Sputnik in 1957. The bad man (Trump) had a working relationship with the blue-collar sector of the economy-plumbers, electricians, welders, carpenters, brick layers, iron workers, multiple labor unions, etc. In other words, the bad man was friends with the basket of deplorables that was too stupid to get the new "woke" memo.

I do agree that "white" people are the main culprits in our chaotic society, but not the white people you think I'm talking about. Racist Jim crow white supremacy went out with George Wallace decades ago, but those events can be resurected as a flag to wave in the streets fomenting violence against political opposition. That's what George Floyd, Jussie Smollett, and renaming NFL teams were all about. I'm talking about a different kind of white people. I'm talking about the kinds of white people that have measured the odds and decided to throw you under the bus so they will be remembered and rewarded after postmodern wokeness rides to victory castrating your children in school and making your language unrecognizable.

Do you remember World War Two and the people who collabroated with the Nazis because they thought the Nazis would win? Take a good look at the people who publish and edit the city newspaper and those who run local radio programming. You know, the one's that sided with the Boston Globe nationally to smear your choice for president as a threat to free speech. His crime? Using free speech! After a mail-in "adjusted" presidential election, a protest with no guns is an insurrection? According to the citys local media it is.

I still have free speech speech and am using it. But my social credit score may be under review. Depending on the way things go the Stasi may visit me eventually. I'll take my chances.

Enjoy your new Mayor.

Carry on,

I was missing your long winded rants, good to see you back.
Democrats don't even bother fielding a token candidate where I live. All the action is in the Republican Primary. The winner of that runs unopposed in the general.
Democrats don't even bother fielding a token candidate where I live. All the action is in the Republican Primary. The winner of that runs unopposed in the general.
Missouri is deep red, you gotta wonder if all the acrimony in politics is best avoided by living in a district like this, as long as it aligns with your viewpoint. Makes life less stressful, if for no other reason.
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Missouri is deep red, you gotta wonder if all the acrimony in politics is best avoided by living in a district like this, as long as it aligns with your viewpoint. Makes life less stressful, if for no other reason.
As it should be. Right here in my neck of the woods, it is literally a "Tale of Two Cities". In the City of Buffalo, NY, there has NOT been decent governance since Mayor Anthony Massiello, and with now five term Byron Brown, Buffalo has basically gone down the shitter. I've lived in West Seneca, NY for over a year and a half and is solidly Republican ruled. Guess what? Better streets, policing, governance all around.
As it should be. Right here in my neck of the woods, it is literally a "Tale of Two Cities". In the City of Buffalo, NY, there has NOT been decent governance since Mayor Anthony Massiello, and with now five term Byron Brown, Buffalo has basically gone down the shitter. I've lived in West Seneca, NY for over a year and a half and is solidly Republican ruled. Guess what? Better streets, policing, governance all around.
Yeah right.
You may have been conditioned to read only soundbites and headlines. There are some books I could recommend, but I do not want to use culture shock on you.

Well said. The left's short attention span and child-like obedience to authority are the reasons why their cities have failed.
I live in Kansas. A state ruined so badly by a republican administration that Republicans endorsed a Democratic governor for the last 2 elections. And we had 2 republican presidents in this century, both left this country in shambles
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I live in Kansas. A state ruined so badly by a republican administration that Republicans endorsed a Democratic governor for the last 2 elections. And we had 2 republican presidents in this century, both left this country in shambles
Sigh .. How has Kansas been ruined?

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