My country, my ass.

Yea this OP has a weird obsession with coming here and screeching about how much he just hates that bad ole America. He already said he hated America and that's why he left. Yet he still comes to an American political message board everyday to express this hate. That just seems so lame & pathetic to me. It's not like his opinion matters. When he left he forfeited any credibility. Something's just not right with this picture. If you hated America so much and you left,then it really is time to just move on with your life outside "Evil America." I just don't get this OP's weird obsession with coming to an American political message board everyday and expressing the same ole "I hate America" chit. It just gets so old. Time to move on or at least get some new material. This One Trick Pony needs to learn another trick for sure. SHEESH!
Yea this OP has a weird obsession with coming here and screeching about how much he just hates that bad ole America. He already said he hated America and that's why he left. Yet he still comes to an American political message board everyday to express this hate. That just seems so lame & pathetic to me. It's not like his opinion matters. When he left he forfeited any credibility. Something's just not right with this picture. If you hated America so much and you left,then it really is time to just move on with your life outside "Evil America." I just don't get this OP's weird obsession with coming to an American political message board everyday and expressing the same ole "I hate America" chit. It just gets so old. Time to move on or at least get some new material. This One Trick Pony needs to learn another trick for sure. SHEESH!

and im sure whatever country he ran with his tail between his legs are just glad to have him....
Pieces of Shit....
other poor unfortunate Country....+1
God the "love it or leave it" mantra is so lame.

in this case the jerk left it because he does not like it here and with just about every post lets us you think he gave up his citizenship?.....i bet not.....because when things get better who do you think will turn up at one of our airports?.....
God the "love it or leave it" mantra is so lame.

Well this OP already stated that he hated America so much that he left. So he didn't love it and he left it. I actually respect him for this. Personally i don't think "Love it or leave it" is so lame. It actually sums things up perfectly. If you hate the country you're living in so much,why would you stay? See that's more lame to me. This OP already left so why does he feel a need to come to an American political message board everyday to express how much he hates that bad ole America? It's like it's time for him to move on. He hates America. Ok we get that. Posting the same ole chit day after day just seems loony. Let it go man. Let it go. Jeez!
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God the "love it or leave it" mantra is so lame.

Well this OP already stated that he hated America so much that he left. So he didn't love it and he left it. I actually respect him for this. Personally i don't think "Love it or leave it" is so lame. It actually sums things up perfectly. If you hate the country you're living in so much,why would you stay? See that's more lame to me. This OP already left so why does he feel a need to come to an American political message board everyday to express how much he hates that bad ole America? It's like it's time for him to move on. He hates America. Ok we get that. Posting the same ole chit day after day just seems loony. Let it go man. Let it go. Jeez!

And you guys were already chirping the usual song before you were aware of that.

I agree, the "same ole chit day after day just seems loony".

You guys need some new one liners.
God the "love it or leave it" mantra is so lame.

Well this OP already stated that he hated America so much that he left. So he didn't love it and he left it. I actually respect him for this. Personally i don't think "Love it or leave it" is so lame. It actually sums things up perfectly. If you hate the country you're living in so much,why would you stay? See that's more lame to me. This OP already left so why does he feel a need to come to an American political message board everyday to express how much he hates that bad ole America? It's like it's time for him to move on. He hates America. Ok we get that. Posting the same ole chit day after day just seems loony. Let it go man. Let it go. Jeez!

And you guys were already chirping the usual song before you were aware of that.

I agree, the "same ole chit day after day just seems loony".

You guys need some new one liners.

Yea you sound like you really do sympathize with him. So when ya leavin? Bon f*ckin Voyage! ;)
And you guys were already chirping the usual song before you were aware of that.

I agree, the "same ole chit day after day just seems loony".

You guys need some new one liners.

bullshit....he told us this in the summer of 09....but you just go ahead and thank him when he puts the Country i expect to see you defending that other anti-American asshole Yukon...
I have been wanting to move to Brazil for a few years now. I cant get the wife or any of my friends & family to go for it. It is the last great bastion of freedom on the planet & land is cheap & plentiful.

Anybody Can Own Property in Brazil
Foreigners (non-Brazilians) are permitted to own property outright in Brazil. Also, foreigners have the same property rights as Brazilians and will obtain a free & clear title to the property. It is no different than owning real estate in Europe or the U.S. Brazil is quickly becoming the world-leader in attracting foreign investment and immigration. There are literally millions of foreign nationals in Brazil who own property and businesses. There is no risk since property ownership is guaranteed by the Constitution for Brazilians and foreigners. Land ownership is in perpetuity and always includes full mineral and water rights, since these cannot be separated from the land in Brazil. Title insurance is available from a USA based title company.

You can keep your USA citizenship and U.S. passport and still obtain permanent resident status in Brazil. Permanent residents of Brazil are allowed to hold both USA and Brazilian passports.

If things do not improve I will be ordering Rosetta Stone language traing course & move to Brazil alone. Free people may follow later.
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I also think Alex Jones has helped turn a lot of people into paranoid basket cases. Some of these Anti-American nutters you see on this board are loyal Alex Jones followers. I actually agree with Alex Jones on some of his Conspiracy theories but most are pretty much kooky. Conspiracy Theories are fun but most are not based in any reality. This OP and others who are cheerleading for him on this thread are likely either Conspiracy Theory nutters or just average run-of-the-mill Anti-American Leftists. So i will just have to say...LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT!!" Cause i know how much that p*sses the nutters off. :)
God the "love it or leave it" mantra is so lame.

Not as lame as the "Gaea, I hate it here so much but I'm not willing to leave or do anything to improve it so I'll just bitch impotently on the internet" mantra.

...And demand that the Government take over MORE of your life because your too lazy to do it for yourself...
Not as lame as the "Gaea, I hate it here so much but I'm not willing to leave or do anything to improve it so I'll just bitch impotently on the internet" mantra.

...And demand that the Government take over MORE of your life because your too lazy to do it for yourself...

I still find myself in a state of amazement that in this nation...the most LIBERAL [in regard to Liberty] nation ever to be coagulated in the ongoing human saga in history affords anyone to be what they wish...

We have people that still gripe because it requires too much work to get there.

Those of us whom toiled...tell these ingrates to LEAVE if they don't like it, would rather prefer to use the power of government to have their way at our expense.

And this is what it all boils down to. Misusing Government by Law to do what they refuse to do for themselves.

So as to the CRUX of this thread? We have a member here that chose to leave instead of FIGHT. Some prefer to take the coward's way out. But that fight would have required hard work.

~Go Figure.
...And demand that the Government take over MORE of your life because your too lazy to do it for yourself...

I still find myself in a state of amazement that in this nation...the most LIBERAL [in regard to Liberty] nation ever to be coagulated in the ongoing human saga in history affords anyone to be what they wish...

We have people that still gripe because it requires too much work to get there.

Those of us whom toiled...tell these ingrates to LEAVE if they don't like it, would rather prefer to use the power of government to have their way at our expense.

And this is what it all boils down to. Misusing Government by Law to do what they refuse to do for themselves.

So as to the CRUX of this thread? We have a member here that chose to leave instead of FIGHT. Some prefer to take the coward's way out. But that fight would have required hard work.

~Go Figure.
As I said, I give him props for actually leaving. The vast majority of people with his mindset sit around and bitch and insist that others change the country to suit them.
I have been & will continue to fight. The problem is the idiots who favor nanny state socialism out number freedom fighters. They don't want freedom anymore if you gave it to them. If they fail to see the light then why stick around & be made miserable by them or waste time trying to chance their mind. Let them fail. I may choose not to go down with the ship they hijacked & plan to sink.

Government has taken away water rights, mineral rights, oil rights, tax, track & confiscate gold. Government has the note on most of the homes in this country. Freedom is merely reduced to semantics & is not real in the USA any more. Fortunately most of the soldiers who fought for freedom in this country are not here to witness this.
God the "love it or leave it" mantra is so lame.

Not as lame as the "Gaea, I hate it here so much but I'm not willing to leave or do anything to improve it so I'll just bitch impotently on the internet" mantra.

Few people on here actually claim to "hate" their country. What often happens is that they are accused of "hating" their country for pointing out problems and flaws.

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