My dad told me i can't like my close friend because hes black


Feb 16, 2018
Me and this boy at my school have been friends for the past couple months, and I like him alott & i'm pretty sure he likes me too. And recently my dad asked if I liked anyone and so, i was honest because I didn't think anything of it, there's nothing wrong with liking someone anyway right? I have nothing to hide. So I told him. Then a week later it got brought back up and he asked this boys age and then asked if he was white or black. I told him black not thinking anything of it then he looks me dead in the eyes with disgust and said "I can't believe you" "i won't let you do that" then he goes on to say "what if you fall in love, start a family then have kids, "you'll have mixed kids you know" I replied "yea so what" then he looked at me and said "I'm so disappointed in you". That's basically the brief rundown of what happened. My dad has made some racial remarks here and there but I never thought he was like this. I'm honestly so shocked and hurt right now :cry: If anyone has any advice or anything to say I'd gladly appreciate it. I'm completely blindsided.
This probably breaks the site's "no family" rule, but your dad sounds like a complete douchenozzle. :dunno:
Me and this boy at my school have been friends for the past couple months, and I like him alott & i'm pretty sure he likes me too. And recently my dad asked if I liked anyone and so, i was honest because I didn't think anything of it, there's nothing wrong with liking someone anyway right? I have nothing to hide. So I told him. Then a week later it got brought back up and he asked this boys age and then asked if he was white or black. I told him black not thinking anything of it then he looks me dead in the eyes with disgust and said "I can't believe you" "i won't let you do that" then he goes on to say "what if you fall in love, start a family then have kids, "you'll have mixed kids you know" I replied "yea so what" then he looked at me and said "I'm so disappointed in you". That's basically the brief rundown of what happened. My dad has made some racial remarks here and there but I never thought he was like this. I'm honestly so shocked and hurt right now :cry: If anyone has any advice or anything to say I'd gladly appreciate it. I'm completely blindsided.
Troll thread...
Me and this boy at my school have been friends for the past couple months, and I like him alott & i'm pretty sure he likes me too. And recently my dad asked if I liked anyone and so, i was honest because I didn't think anything of it, there's nothing wrong with liking someone anyway right? I have nothing to hide. So I told him. Then a week later it got brought back up and he asked this boys age and then asked if he was white or black. I told him black not thinking anything of it then he looks me dead in the eyes with disgust and said "I can't believe you" "i won't let you do that" then he goes on to say "what if you fall in love, start a family then have kids, "you'll have mixed kids you know" I replied "yea so what" then he looked at me and said "I'm so disappointed in you". That's basically the brief rundown of what happened. My dad has made some racial remarks here and there but I never thought he was like this. I'm honestly so shocked and hurt right now :cry: If anyone has any advice or anything to say I'd gladly appreciate it. I'm completely blindsided.

Not sure why you signed up and posting on this site... Their is more your age and want to talk about
Me and this boy at my school have been friends for the past couple months, and I like him alott & i'm pretty sure he likes me too. And recently my dad asked if I liked anyone and so, i was honest because I didn't think anything of it, there's nothing wrong with liking someone anyway right? I have nothing to hide. So I told him. Then a week later it got brought back up and he asked this boys age and then asked if he was white or black. I told him black not thinking anything of it then he looks me dead in the eyes with disgust and said "I can't believe you" "i won't let you do that" then he goes on to say "what if you fall in love, start a family then have kids, "you'll have mixed kids you know" I replied "yea so what" then he looked at me and said "I'm so disappointed in you". That's basically the brief rundown of what happened. My dad has made some racial remarks here and there but I never thought he was like this. I'm honestly so shocked and hurt right now :cry: If anyone has any advice or anything to say I'd gladly appreciate it. I'm completely blindsided.

The question you should ask yourself in this case is what is more important to you? Can you see yourself with this boy 5-10 years from now? Is he worth potentially losing your father? Is this something that is about your values and how you want to live your life as a good person or are you attempting to shock your father? If your father is willing to express disappointment in your choice of what makes you happy he has some deep seated issues he needs to work out and thats not your fault. I've dated several white girls whos father had basically the same reaction. It can get ugly and you have to be sure of what you truly want.
Troll thread...
I'm truly not trolling. Just looking for advice[/QUOTE]
FYI. 99% of the white guys are going to call you nasty names or claim you are trolling. Its like a baby thats over stimulated. They just cant deal with reality.
Me and this boy at my school have been friends for the past couple months, and I like him alott & i'm pretty sure he likes me too. And recently my dad asked if I liked anyone and so, i was honest because I didn't think anything of it, there's nothing wrong with liking someone anyway right? I have nothing to hide. So I told him. Then a week later it got brought back up and he asked this boys age and then asked if he was white or black. I told him black not thinking anything of it then he looks me dead in the eyes with disgust and said "I can't believe you" "i won't let you do that" then he goes on to say "what if you fall in love, start a family then have kids, "you'll have mixed kids you know" I replied "yea so what" then he looked at me and said "I'm so disappointed in you". That's basically the brief rundown of what happened. My dad has made some racial remarks here and there but I never thought he was like this. I'm honestly so shocked and hurt right now :cry: If anyone has any advice or anything to say I'd gladly appreciate it. I'm completely blindsided.
Welcome to a dysfunctional parent.
Of all the places a girl could go looking for advice, she signs up to a political message board and heads straight towards the race relations section? Don't be naive.[/QUOTE]
I didn't know where else to post honestly. I didn't want to just post my predicament on Reddit or something. I thought I should go to a forum that could possibly take me seriously and is semi-related to my problem.
Young relationships usually don't last very long, especially these days. As long as you live under your parents roof and they are supporting you, its best not to rock the boat and show respect, even though they are wrong. You have plenty of years and relationships to go and eventually you will have to make a decision as to whether your relationship with your father is more important than your romantic relationships.

That said, your father is like other racist......they don't share that they are racist and would does not see himself as racist.
I have a white step daughter whos father thinks like your father. In her case its a blessing he no longer comes around.
Exactly. The only question is “who’s sock is this”? Probably asslips after his “hiatus”, trying to get some attention. Anyone else notice he was on this post like stink on shi... I mean a groid?[/QUOTE]
Well, people replied to my thread so of course, I'm going to reply back..
Exactly. The only question is “who’s sock is this”? Probably asslips after his “hiatus”, trying to get some attention. Anyone else notice he was on this post like stink on shi... I mean a groid?
Well, people replied to my thread so of course, I'm going to reply back..[/QUOTE]
No he thinks you and I are the same poster. Like I told you racist white guys have a hard time dealing with reality.
No he thinks you and I are the same poster.[/QUOTE]
And... why exactly does he think that?

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