My dad told me i can't like my close friend because hes black

Me and this boy at my school have been friends for the past couple months, and I like him alott & i'm pretty sure he likes me too. And recently my dad asked if I liked anyone and so, i was honest because I didn't think anything of it, there's nothing wrong with liking someone anyway right? I have nothing to hide. So I told him. Then a week later it got brought back up and he asked this boys age and then asked if he was white or black. I told him black not thinking anything of it then he looks me dead in the eyes with disgust and said "I can't believe you" "i won't let you do that" then he goes on to say "what if you fall in love, start a family then have kids, "you'll have mixed kids you know" I replied "yea so what" then he looked at me and said "I'm so disappointed in you". That's basically the brief rundown of what happened. My dad has made some racial remarks here and there but I never thought he was like this. I'm honestly so shocked and hurt right now :cry: If anyone has any advice or anything to say I'd gladly appreciate it. I'm completely blindsided.
This is a good time for you to make your own decisions and evaluate you relationships on honesty, respect and knowledge.
Me and this boy at my school have been friends for the past couple months, and I like him alott & i'm pretty sure he likes me too. And recently my dad asked if I liked anyone and so, i was honest because I didn't think anything of it, there's nothing wrong with liking someone anyway right? I have nothing to hide. So I told him. Then a week later it got brought back up and he asked this boys age and then asked if he was white or black. I told him black not thinking anything of it then he looks me dead in the eyes with disgust and said "I can't believe you" "i won't let you do that" then he goes on to say "what if you fall in love, start a family then have kids, "you'll have mixed kids you know" I replied "yea so what" then he looked at me and said "I'm so disappointed in you". That's basically the brief rundown of what happened. My dad has made some racial remarks here and there but I never thought he was like this. I'm honestly so shocked and hurt right now :cry: If anyone has any advice or anything to say I'd gladly appreciate it. I'm completely blindsided.
Is your dad Alan Keyes Jr? Ben Carson? Clarence Thomas?
[QUOTE Young relationships usually don't last very long, especially these days. As long as you live under your parents roof and they are supporting you, its best not to rock the boat and show respect, even though they are wrong. You have plenty of years and relationships to go and eventually you will have to make a decision as to whether your relationship with your father is more important than your romantic relationships.

That said, your father is like other racist......they don't share that they are racist and would does not see himself as racist.[/QUOTE]
You're right on the fact that I live under his roof... I guess I'll just have to slowly keep distancing myself from him. I wouldn't want to get him involved in this anyway. No one deserves to be treated like that. I guess I never thought I'd ever be in this kind of situation.
Me and this boy at my school have been friends for the past couple months, and I like him alott & i'm pretty sure he likes me too. And recently my dad asked if I liked anyone and so, i was honest because I didn't think anything of it, there's nothing wrong with liking someone anyway right? I have nothing to hide. So I told him. Then a week later it got brought back up and he asked this boys age and then asked if he was white or black. I told him black not thinking anything of it then he looks me dead in the eyes with disgust and said "I can't believe you" "i won't let you do that" then he goes on to say "what if you fall in love, start a family then have kids, "you'll have mixed kids you know" I replied "yea so what" then he looked at me and said "I'm so disappointed in you". That's basically the brief rundown of what happened. My dad has made some racial remarks here and there but I never thought he was like this. I'm honestly so shocked and hurt right now :cry: If anyone has any advice or anything to say I'd gladly appreciate it. I'm completely blindsided.

Take your dad's advice...he is 100% correct
Me and this boy at my school have been friends for the past couple months, and I like him alott & i'm pretty sure he likes me too. And recently my dad asked if I liked anyone and so, i was honest because I didn't think anything of it, there's nothing wrong with liking someone anyway right? I have nothing to hide. So I told him. Then a week later it got brought back up and he asked this boys age and then asked if he was white or black. I told him black not thinking anything of it then he looks me dead in the eyes with disgust and said "I can't believe you" "i won't let you do that" then he goes on to say "what if you fall in love, start a family then have kids, "you'll have mixed kids you know" I replied "yea so what" then he looked at me and said "I'm so disappointed in you". That's basically the brief rundown of what happened. My dad has made some racial remarks here and there but I never thought he was like this. I'm honestly so shocked and hurt right now :cry: If anyone has any advice or anything to say I'd gladly appreciate it. I'm completely blindsided.
Your dad is right. Run from the black boy. When you're older and find an intelligent, hard working black man, then ok, but this black boy? You don't know how he'll turn out yet. Chances are he'll be a loser.

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