My disappointment with the Left in the Wilson-Brown case.

Tried to give you a chance to show u are unbiased. You blew it.....

Tried to give you a chance to show you are unbiased and u blew it.

Nobody's unbiased. What are you some kind of freakin' borg?

I could have sworn that you claimed that FOX was unbiased. Perhaps I misunderstood. Happy Turkey Day!!
For the last time. It's not about whether Michael Brown stole something or got into an altercation with Wilson.

It's the excessive force used against Brown. That police instead of training them to subdue the suspect instead fires 10 shots at a clearly unarmed suspect. That the cop, who is trying to not to go to jail, uses his experience to say the right things to a Grand Jury so he doesn't get charged with murder. If this was anyone but a cop, you wouldn't believe that person but because someone wears a badge, they automatically tell the truth?

The police need cameras on their persons that is automatically uploaded to a server so that we have an accurate description of the event without rely heavily on a person who is trying to avoid jail time to completely say the truth.

Exactly true.

get a grip and accept the facts.

When I look at the "facts" as provided by the GJ testimony all I have are some serious questions that need to be answered.

Let's throw a couple of them out there and ignore the media, just look at them from a logical POV.

The legal purpose of a GJ is not to view exculpatory evidence. Instead it is only required to examine the evidence to see if it meets the low bar necessary to press charges. What happened in the Ferguson GJ instead? The jurors were shown exculpatory evidence. WTF?

Furthermore the person against whom the charges might be filed is NEVER allowed to testify in front of a GJ. Officer Wilson was allowed to testify and to answer questions. WTF?

The FDP had access to two videos of what transpired in the shop. One showed a minor altercation and the other showed Brown purchasing the cigarillos. Why was only the incriminating one released by the FPD?

Michael Brown was walking down the middle of the road in broad daylight with the "evidence" from the alleged "robbery" in his hand. He did not try to flee the scene when stopped by Officer Wilson. He only started running after Wilson shot him in the hand. Why would a robbery suspect not behave like a suspect? Was it because he had done nothing wrong?

In Wilson's testimony to the GJ he claimed that MB hit him 3 times. Twice before shooting him in the hand and once afterwards. Who hits someone in the face with the same hand he was just shot in at point blank range? I don't recall any of the autopsy results mentioning abrasions on MB's hands that occur when you have been punching someone in the face.

Those are just a few of the questions that need to be answered in my opinion. If there had been a genuine trial these are the kinds of questions that would have been raised.

A lot of questions that will never be answered because everyone's got an agenda.

And then there's this -

I agree totally. It has gotten to a very uncomfortable point where each news item cannot be judged at face value anymore. All of the media outlets have their own agenda and spin according to their predetermined perception. Why can't they just report the news and let us decide what it means?

That's precisely what Fox News does. At the risk of being labelled a "right winger" for watching it, you should give it another look. No other cable news channel gives more air time to diverse and opposing points of view. And compared to MSNBC, which has been estimated to be 85% political opinion, Fox News gives you more actual "news" than any of these other networks too. Their motto, "We report, YOU decide," is precisely what you're asking for, and they deliver on that promise.


That's pretty funny.

Watch the documentary, Orson Rolls In His Grave to see the actual footage of Murdoch saying that's a lie and telling staff to keep repeating that same lie over and over again.

The documentary is available on You Tube.

Or, alternatively, you could just keep on believing the shit they spoon feed you.
While I try to take a moderate, reasonable view of many issues that arise in the US, there are times when the extreme views of those either on the far right or the far left move my barometer of understanding to one side or the other. The reaction of many in the far left community has been a disappointment, and yet, one that does not surprise me. Just as facts sometimes get in the way of the far right, I think this is an instance when the far left turns a blind eye to what really happened.

I am very disappointed with CNN. The majority of what I have heard is race bating and interviews with "lawyers" who have their agenda's labeled on their foreheads even as they are introduced. The far left and ultra-liberals need to understand that just as the far right can run themselves into bias partisan, so too can the left. Stop trying to skew the facts and ignore the news that does not fit your agenda. While I may have missed it, I have seen nothing either on the CNN web site or the TV news show that even mentions the travesty of the NY Times publishing Wilson's address. CNN, the left, get a grip and accept the facts.

I get that completely. I am currently debating on another thread with a lefty that insists Brown paid for the smokes even though Browns friend Johnson ADMITS they stole them.

Obviously this lefty knows more than Johnson.

You are right though, the far right is sometimes as guilty as the left and the media does not help at all
Did he even have the cigars on him when shot?

I thought he threw them down, then shook the store owner in frustration at not getting away with it.

It was stupidity got him killed, his own stupidity.

Nothing else.

The anger seething in the black community is over Barack Hussein Obama not being able to deliver anything to them, Hope and Change was a fraud, like the "Arab Spring".

And down in the hood, they know they didn't get jack shit after six years of the phony.

Brown actually had the cigars with him when he was confronted by Wilson...both Wilson and Johnson testified that Brown handed the cigars to Johnson to free up one of his hands. Wilson and Johnson's testimony diverges at that point...Wilson says Brown used his free hand to punch him in the face...Johnson says he used it to try and get away from Wilson.
For the last time. It's not about whether Michael Brown stole something or got into an altercation with Wilson.

It's the excessive force used against Brown. That police instead of training them to subdue the suspect instead fires 10 shots at a clearly unarmed suspect. That the cop, who is trying to not to go to jail, uses his experience to say the right things to a Grand Jury so he doesn't get charged with murder. If this was anyone but a cop, you wouldn't believe that person but because someone wears a badge, they automatically tell the truth?

The police need cameras on their persons that is automatically uploaded to a server so that we have an accurate description of the event without rely heavily on a person who is trying to avoid jail time to completely say the truth.

With all due respect, can it NOT be about whether Brown got into an altercation with Wilson? If he didn't then Officer Wilson should be locked up in jail right now for using excessive force. If he did...then that changes EVERYTHING! When someone assaults a police officer then the response is always going to escalate. If you go for a police officer's weapon? That response is most likely going to be extreme.
What's telling about this entire case is how "media driven" it's been. If you see a crowd of a hundred people on the street during this debacle it looks like half of them are the media themselves trying to report on the situation that's taking place.
get a grip and accept the facts.

When I look at the "facts" as provided by the GJ testimony all I have are some serious questions that need to be answered.

Let's throw a couple of them out there and ignore the media, just look at them from a logical POV.

The legal purpose of a GJ is not to view exculpatory evidence. Instead it is only required to examine the evidence to see if it meets the low bar necessary to press charges. What happened in the Ferguson GJ instead? The jurors were shown exculpatory evidence. WTF?

Furthermore the person against whom the charges might be filed is NEVER allowed to testify in front of a GJ. Officer Wilson was allowed to testify and to answer questions. WTF?

The FDP had access to two videos of what transpired in the shop. One showed a minor altercation and the other showed Brown purchasing the cigarillos. Why was only the incriminating one released by the FPD?

Michael Brown was walking down the middle of the road in broad daylight with the "evidence" from the alleged "robbery" in his hand. He did not try to flee the scene when stopped by Officer Wilson. He only started running after Wilson shot him in the hand. Why would a robbery suspect not behave like a suspect? Was it because he had done nothing wrong?

In Wilson's testimony to the GJ he claimed that MB hit him 3 times. Twice before shooting him in the hand and once afterwards. Who hits someone in the face with the same hand he was just shot in at point blank range? I don't recall any of the autopsy results mentioning abrasions on MB's hands that occur when you have been punching someone in the face.

Those are just a few of the questions that need to be answered in my opinion. If there had been a genuine trial these are the kinds of questions that would have been raised.
Do you often make up your own definitions? That is NOT the legal purpose of a Grand Jury. They are to view ALL evidence. The fact that the DA's in most states only give them evidence they want presented does not in any way bind a Grand Jury to ONLY evidence against the accused. I can't believe anyone would actually believe this.

The accused is NOT Forbidden from testifying in front of a Grand Jury. The fact that they almost........ALMOST.....never testify is because any defense lawyer will know that testimony CAN and WILL be used against them in the case of an indictment. This has nothing to do with the evidence or any kind of wrong doing by the Grand Jury or the DA.

I suggest you go and download the evidence given to the Grand Jury and read it. That evidence, gives direct lies to many of the people here who would like to claim otherwise.

Last. When people like you and the left have an agenda to follow, there are always more questions to ask. Regardless of how many times the previous questions were answered, there will always be more. Until you and your ilk get the outcome you wish.

Not the truth. Just the outcome your agenda demands.

This is called dishonesty, and many of you excel at it.
While I try to take a moderate, reasonable view of many issues that arise in the US, there are times when the extreme views of those either on the far right or the far left move my barometer of understanding to one side or the other. The reaction of many in the far left community has been a disappointment, and yet, one that does not surprise me. Just as facts sometimes get in the way of the far right, I think this is an instance when the far left turns a blind eye to what really happened.

I am very disappointed with CNN. The majority of what I have heard is race bating and interviews with "lawyers" who have their agenda's labeled on their foreheads even as they are introduced. The far left and ultra-liberals need to understand that just as the far right can run themselves into bias partisan, so too can the left. Stop trying to skew the facts and ignore the news that does not fit your agenda. While I may have missed it, I have seen nothing either on the CNN web site or the TV news show that even mentions the travesty of the NY Times publishing Wilson's address. CNN, the left, get a grip and accept the facts.

I get that completely. I am currently debating on another thread with a lefty that insists Brown paid for the smokes even though Browns friend Johnson ADMITS they stole them.

Obviously this lefty knows more than Johnson.

You are right though, the far right is sometimes as guilty as the left and the media does not help at all
Did he even have the cigars on him when shot?

I thought he threw them down, then shook the store owner in frustration at not getting away with it.

It was stupidity got him killed, his own stupidity.

Nothing else.

The anger seething in the black community is over Barack Hussein Obama not being able to deliver anything to them, Hope and Change was a fraud, like the "Arab Spring".

And down in the hood, they know they didn't get jack shit after six years of the phony.

Brown actually had the cigars with him when he was confronted by Wilson...both Wilson and Johnson testified that Brown handed the cigars to Johnson to free up one of his hands. Wilson and Johnson's testimony diverges at that point...Wilson says Brown used his free hand to punch him in the face...Johnson says he used it to try and get away from Wilson.

I know that every time I am in a fight with someone and trying to take their gun from them and punch them in the face, I stop to hand off my 50 cent cigars to my friend. I don't just throw them away. I don't expect my friend to help me in the fight. I just want him to hold my stuff.
Tried to give you a chance to show u are unbiased. You blew it.....

Tried to give you a chance to show you are unbiased and u blew it.

Nobody's unbiased. What are you some kind of freakin' borg?

I could have sworn that you claimed that FOX was unbiased. Perhaps I misunderstood. Happy Turkey Day!!

No I didn't, did I?

Yeah. I think you did.
Tried to give you a chance to show u are unbiased. You blew it.....

Tried to give you a chance to show you are unbiased and u blew it.

Nobody's unbiased. What are you some kind of freakin' borg?

I could have sworn that you claimed that FOX was unbiased. Perhaps I misunderstood. Happy Turkey Day!!

No I didn't, did I?

Yeah. I think you did.

That would make you illiterate.
Tried to give you a chance to show u are unbiased. You blew it.....

Tried to give you a chance to show you are unbiased and u blew it.

Nobody's unbiased. What are you some kind of freakin' borg?

I could have sworn that you claimed that FOX was unbiased. Perhaps I misunderstood. Happy Turkey Day!!

No I didn't, did I?

Yes, actually, you did say that - about faux.

get a grip and accept the facts.

When I look at the "facts" as provided by the GJ testimony all I have are some serious questions that need to be answered.

Let's throw a couple of them out there and ignore the media, just look at them from a logical POV.

The legal purpose of a GJ is not to view exculpatory evidence. Instead it is only required to examine the evidence to see if it meets the low bar necessary to press charges. What happened in the Ferguson GJ instead? The jurors were shown exculpatory evidence. WTF?

Furthermore the person against whom the charges might be filed is NEVER allowed to testify in front of a GJ. Officer Wilson was allowed to testify and to answer questions. WTF?

The FDP had access to two videos of what transpired in the shop. One showed a minor altercation and the other showed Brown purchasing the cigarillos. Why was only the incriminating one released by the FPD?

Michael Brown was walking down the middle of the road in broad daylight with the "evidence" from the alleged "robbery" in his hand. He did not try to flee the scene when stopped by Officer Wilson. He only started running after Wilson shot him in the hand. Why would a robbery suspect not behave like a suspect? Was it because he had done nothing wrong?

In Wilson's testimony to the GJ he claimed that MB hit him 3 times. Twice before shooting him in the hand and once afterwards. Who hits someone in the face with the same hand he was just shot in at point blank range? I don't recall any of the autopsy results mentioning abrasions on MB's hands that occur when you have been punching someone in the face.

Those are just a few of the questions that need to be answered in my opinion. If there had been a genuine trial these are the kinds of questions that would have been raised.
Do you often make up your own definitions? That is NOT the legal purpose of a Grand Jury. They are to view ALL evidence. The fact that the DA's in most states only give them evidence they want presented does not in any way bind a Grand Jury to ONLY evidence against the accused. I can't believe anyone would actually believe this.

The accused is NOT Forbidden from testifying in front of a Grand Jury. The fact that they almost........ALMOST.....never testify is because any defense lawyer will know that testimony CAN and WILL be used against them in the case of an indictment. This has nothing to do with the evidence or any kind of wrong doing by the Grand Jury or the DA.

I suggest you go and download the evidence given to the Grand Jury and read it. That evidence, gives direct lies to many of the people here who would like to claim otherwise.

Last. When people like you and the left have an agenda to follow, there are always more questions to ask. Regardless of how many times the previous questions were answered, there will always be more. Until you and your ilk get the outcome you wish.

Not the truth. Just the outcome your agenda demands.

This is called dishonesty, and many of you excel at it.

Who to believe as to what is the function of a Grand Jury?

Some biased poster on USMB or Justice Scalia?

Justice Scalia Explains What Was Wrong With The Ferguson Grand Jury ThinkProgress

Justice Antonin Scalia, in the 1992 Supreme Court case of United States v. Williams, explained what the role of a grand jury has been for hundreds of years.

It is the grand jury’s function not ‘to enquire … upon what foundation [the charge may be] denied,’ or otherwise to try the suspect’s defenses, but only to examine ‘upon what foundation [the charge] is made’ by the prosecutor. Respublica v. Shaffer, 1 Dall. 236 (O. T. Phila. 1788); see also F. Wharton, Criminal Pleading and Practice § 360, pp. 248-249 (8th ed. 1880). As a consequence, neither in this country nor in England has the suspect under investigation by the grand jury ever been thought to have a right to testify or to have exculpatory evidence presented.
Tried to give you a chance to show u are unbiased. You blew it.....

Tried to give you a chance to show you are unbiased and u blew it.

Nobody's unbiased. What are you some kind of freakin' borg?

I could have sworn that you claimed that FOX was unbiased. Perhaps I misunderstood. Happy Turkey Day!!

No I didn't, did I?

Yeah. I think you did.

That would make you illiterate.

Why would you say something like that? You toss around empty insults. Calling me illiterate is empty. There's no bite to it given the fact that my communication skills exceed yours.
While I try to take a moderate, reasonable view of many issues that arise in the US, there are times when the extreme views of those either on the far right or the far left move my barometer of understanding to one side or the other. The reaction of many in the far left community has been a disappointment, and yet, one that does not surprise me. Just as facts sometimes get in the way of the far right, I think this is an instance when the far left turns a blind eye to what really happened.

I am very disappointed with CNN. The majority of what I have heard is race bating and interviews with "lawyers" who have their agenda's labeled on their foreheads even as they are introduced. The far left and ultra-liberals need to understand that just as the far right can run themselves into bias partisan, so too can the left. Stop trying to skew the facts and ignore the news that does not fit your agenda. While I may have missed it, I have seen nothing either on the CNN web site or the TV news show that even mentions the travesty of the NY Times publishing Wilson's address. CNN, the left, get a grip and accept the facts.

I get that completely. I am currently debating on another thread with a lefty that insists Brown paid for the smokes even though Browns friend Johnson ADMITS they stole them.

Obviously this lefty knows more than Johnson.

You are right though, the far right is sometimes as guilty as the left and the media does not help at all
Did he even have the cigars on him when shot?

I thought he threw them down, then shook the store owner in frustration at not getting away with it.

It was stupidity got him killed, his own stupidity.

Nothing else.

The anger seething in the black community is over Barack Hussein Obama not being able to deliver anything to them, Hope and Change was a fraud, like the "Arab Spring".

And down in the hood, they know they didn't get jack shit after six years of the phony.

Brown actually had the cigars with him when he was confronted by Wilson...both Wilson and Johnson testified that Brown handed the cigars to Johnson to free up one of his hands. Wilson and Johnson's testimony diverges at that point...Wilson says Brown used his free hand to punch him in the face...Johnson says he used it to try and get away from Wilson.

I know that every time I am in a fight with someone and trying to take their gun from them and punch them in the face, I stop to hand off my 50 cent cigars to my friend. I don't just throw them away. I don't expect my friend to help me in the fight. I just want him to hold my stuff.

Yet both Wilson and Brown's friend Johnson testified that was EXACTLY what Michael Brown did that day! He handed the cigars to Johnson to free his hand. He didn't throw them away. Let's be honest here, Lone...Michael Brown's behavior that entire day was incredibly brazen. He robs a convenience store and comes back in to shove the clerk who tries to stop him. He doesn't run from the scene. He walks down the middle of the street holding the cigars. When a police car comes he refuses to get out of the street even though the policeman hasn't put two and two together yet and made him as the robbery suspect. Who does that? I mean seriously...what was Michael Brown thinking that Saturday morning?
Nobody's unbiased. What are you some kind of freakin' borg?

I could have sworn that you claimed that FOX was unbiased. Perhaps I misunderstood. Happy Turkey Day!!

No I didn't, did I?

Yeah. I think you did.

That would make you illiterate.

Why would you say something like that? You toss around empty insults. Calling me illiterate is empty. There's no bite to it given the fact that my communication skills exceed yours.

You read something I didn't post. That either makes you illiterate or delusional. I was trying to be polite in my choice.
While I try to take a moderate, reasonable view of many issues that arise in the US, there are times when the extreme views of those either on the far right or the far left move my barometer of understanding to one side or the other. The reaction of many in the far left community has been a disappointment, and yet, one that does not surprise me. Just as facts sometimes get in the way of the far right, I think this is an instance when the far left turns a blind eye to what really happened.

I am very disappointed with CNN. The majority of what I have heard is race bating and interviews with "lawyers" who have their agenda's labeled on their foreheads even as they are introduced. The far left and ultra-liberals need to understand that just as the far right can run themselves into bias partisan, so too can the left. Stop trying to skew the facts and ignore the news that does not fit your agenda. While I may have missed it, I have seen nothing either on the CNN web site or the TV news show that even mentions the travesty of the NY Times publishing Wilson's address. CNN, the left, get a grip and accept the facts.

I get that completely. I am currently debating on another thread with a lefty that insists Brown paid for the smokes even though Browns friend Johnson ADMITS they stole them.

Obviously this lefty knows more than Johnson.

You are right though, the far right is sometimes as guilty as the left and the media does not help at all
Did he even have the cigars on him when shot?

I thought he threw them down, then shook the store owner in frustration at not getting away with it.

It was stupidity got him killed, his own stupidity.

Nothing else.

The anger seething in the black community is over Barack Hussein Obama not being able to deliver anything to them, Hope and Change was a fraud, like the "Arab Spring".

And down in the hood, they know they didn't get jack shit after six years of the phony.

Brown actually had the cigars with him when he was confronted by Wilson...both Wilson and Johnson testified that Brown handed the cigars to Johnson to free up one of his hands. Wilson and Johnson's testimony diverges at that point...Wilson says Brown used his free hand to punch him in the face...Johnson says he used it to try and get away from Wilson.

I know that every time I am in a fight with someone and trying to take their gun from them and punch them in the face, I stop to hand off my 50 cent cigars to my friend. I don't just throw them away. I don't expect my friend to help me in the fight. I just want him to hold my stuff.

Yet both Wilson and Brown's friend Johnson testified that was EXACTLY what Michael Brown did that day! He handed the cigars to Johnson to free his hand. He didn't throw them away. Let's be honest here, Lone...Michael Brown's behavior that entire day was incredibly brazen. He robs a convenience store and comes back in to shove the clerk who tries to stop him. He doesn't run from the scene. He walks down the middle of the street holding the cigars. When a police car comes he refuses to get out of the street even though the policeman hasn't put two and two together yet and made him as the robbery suspect. Who does that? I mean seriously...what was Michael Brown thinking that Saturday morning?

He was thinking, "Damn that was stupid to attack a police officer. Now I'm dying and probably going to hell."
While I try to take a moderate, reasonable view of many issues that arise in the US, there are times when the extreme views of those either on the far right or the far left move my barometer of understanding to one side or the other. The reaction of many in the far left community has been a disappointment, and yet, one that does not surprise me. Just as facts sometimes get in the way of the far right, I think this is an instance when the far left turns a blind eye to what really happened.

I am very disappointed with CNN. The majority of what I have heard is race bating and interviews with "lawyers" who have their agenda's labeled on their foreheads even as they are introduced. The far left and ultra-liberals need to understand that just as the far right can run themselves into bias partisan, so too can the left. Stop trying to skew the facts and ignore the news that does not fit your agenda. While I may have missed it, I have seen nothing either on the CNN web site or the TV news show that even mentions the travesty of the NY Times publishing Wilson's address. CNN, the left, get a grip and accept the facts.

I get that completely. I am currently debating on another thread with a lefty that insists Brown paid for the smokes even though Browns friend Johnson ADMITS they stole them.

Obviously this lefty knows more than Johnson.

You are right though, the far right is sometimes as guilty as the left and the media does not help at all
Did he even have the cigars on him when shot?

I thought he threw them down, then shook the store owner in frustration at not getting away with it.

It was stupidity got him killed, his own stupidity.

Nothing else.

The anger seething in the black community is over Barack Hussein Obama not being able to deliver anything to them, Hope and Change was a fraud, like the "Arab Spring".

And down in the hood, they know they didn't get jack shit after six years of the phony.

Brown actually had the cigars with him when he was confronted by Wilson...both Wilson and Johnson testified that Brown handed the cigars to Johnson to free up one of his hands. Wilson and Johnson's testimony diverges at that point...Wilson says Brown used his free hand to punch him in the face...Johnson says he used it to try and get away from Wilson.

I know that every time I am in a fight with someone and trying to take their gun from them and punch them in the face, I stop to hand off my 50 cent cigars to my friend. I don't just throw them away. I don't expect my friend to help me in the fight. I just want him to hold my stuff.

Yet both Wilson and Brown's friend Johnson testified that was EXACTLY what Michael Brown did that day! He handed the cigars to Johnson to free his hand. He didn't throw them away. Let's be honest here, Lone...Michael Brown's behavior that entire day was incredibly brazen. He robs a convenience store and comes back in to shove the clerk who tries to stop him. He doesn't run from the scene. He walks down the middle of the street holding the cigars. When a police car comes he refuses to get out of the street even though the policeman hasn't put two and two together yet and made him as the robbery suspect. Who does that? I mean seriously...what was Michael Brown thinking that Saturday morning?

Except that the evidence doesn't corroborate that narrative.

The video evidence shows him buying the cigarillos.

He walks down the street with no attempt to "hide the evidence" of the alleged "robbery" and he doesn't attempt to flee from the police either.

All of which suggests someone who wasn't guilty of robbing a store and who hadn't done anything wrong other than jaywalking.

Where is the forensic evidence that he struck Officer Brown repeatedly in the face? There should be abrasions on his hands but I never saw any of that in the autopsy reports.

Plenty of questions that make your narrative rely upon an imaginary "state of mind" rather than the presumption of innocence.

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