My disappointment with the Left in the Wilson-Brown case.

That would make you illiterate.

Why would you say something like that? You toss around empty insults. Calling me illiterate is empty. There's no bite to it given the fact that my communication skills exceed yours.

You read something I didn't post. That either makes you illiterate or delusional. I was trying to be polite in my choice.

I read what you posted. The words that one uses.... when strung together into sentences, result in the message that one offers. To anyone who can read and grasp the meaning of words, you were claiming that FOX simply reports and lets the viewer decide. That is claiming that they are not biased.

Now...I understand that you aren't a complete idiot and you wish to walk that claim back. Excellent. You are conceding to the fact that FOX is biased. Works for me.

Where did I say that Fox News was unbiased? But never mind because now you're getting it right. In the news reporting, Fox News reports, you decide. If you ever watched it, you'd see a wide variety of opinions including from the Left, far more than any time given to conservatives on CNN or MSNBC. Fair and Balanced doesn't mean there is no bias. For that to be true, we'd have to get rid of Hannity (please!!), O'Reilly (double please!!), and Huckabee. The news portion is fair and balanced, meaning that it offers many viewpoints, but it isn't unbiased because it doesn't shy away from covering things that might embarrass Hussein, unlike CNN and MSNBC that bend over backward to hide anything critical of him. And the "fair and balanced" goes both ways, because Bush received scathing criticism when he was wrong (often!).

Biased. Fair and Balanced. Two very different animals.

You're wasting your breath. like arguing with a idiot.
Just a clue dear:beer:

I sure do love how Fox News pisses these asshats off.
get a grip and accept the facts.

When I look at the "facts" as provided by the GJ testimony all I have are some serious questions that need to be answered.

Let's throw a couple of them out there and ignore the media, just look at them from a logical POV.

The legal purpose of a GJ is not to view exculpatory evidence. Instead it is only required to examine the evidence to see if it meets the low bar necessary to press charges. What happened in the Ferguson GJ instead? The jurors were shown exculpatory evidence. WTF?

Furthermore the person against whom the charges might be filed is NEVER allowed to testify in front of a GJ. Officer Wilson was allowed to testify and to answer questions. WTF?

The FDP had access to two videos of what transpired in the shop. One showed a minor altercation and the other showed Brown purchasing the cigarillos. Why was only the incriminating one released by the FPD?

Michael Brown was walking down the middle of the road in broad daylight with the "evidence" from the alleged "robbery" in his hand. He did not try to flee the scene when stopped by Officer Wilson. He only started running after Wilson shot him in the hand. Why would a robbery suspect not behave like a suspect? Was it because he had done nothing wrong?

In Wilson's testimony to the GJ he claimed that MB hit him 3 times. Twice before shooting him in the hand and once afterwards. Who hits someone in the face with the same hand he was just shot in at point blank range? I don't recall any of the autopsy results mentioning abrasions on MB's hands that occur when you have been punching someone in the face.

Those are just a few of the questions that need to be answered in my opinion. If there had been a genuine trial these are the kinds of questions that would have been raised.
You are wrong, the person being investigated by a GJ may or may not testify at their choice. Facts don't set well with you do they?
While I try to take a moderate, reasonable view of many issues that arise in the US, there are times when the extreme views of those either on the far right or the far left move my barometer of understanding to one side or the other. The reaction of many in the far left community has been a disappointment, and yet, one that does not surprise me. Just as facts sometimes get in the way of the far right, I think this is an instance when the far left turns a blind eye to what really happened.

I am very disappointed with CNN. The majority of what I have heard is race bating and interviews with "lawyers" who have their agenda's labeled on their foreheads even as they are introduced. The far left and ultra-liberals need to understand that just as the far right can run themselves into bias partisan, so too can the left. Stop trying to skew the facts and ignore the news that does not fit your agenda. While I may have missed it, I have seen nothing either on the CNN web site or the TV news show that even mentions the travesty of the NY Times publishing Wilson's address. CNN, the left, get a grip and accept the facts.

cnn was up to their elbows in home made "media evidence"

the stuff that helps to instigate riots

but does nothing in the court of law
Same to you Steph, especially if you add your beloved FOX to that list.

In any case, I hope you have a safe and uneventfully relaxing Thanksgiving.

I knew you couldn't let Fox news go for some reason. They are the # 1 news station watched by people. so you decide why.
I've shown you this gif over and over. It explains for the BIAS of the Lamestream channels. More people need to wake up to it. Or be mislead or outright lied to

Same to you Steph, especially if you add your beloved FOX to that list.

In any case, I hope you have a safe and uneventfully relaxing Thanksgiving.

I knew you couldn't let Fox news go for some reason. They are the # 1 news station watched by people. so you decide why.
I've shown you this gif over and over. It explains for the BIAS of the Lamestream channels. More people need to wake up to it. Or be mislead or outright lied to

Tried to give you a chance to show u are unbiased. You blew it.....

Tried to give you a chance to show you are unbiased and u blew it.

awww, we didn't jump through your hoop. tsk tsk
You just couldn't help yourself could you. You aren't on here to give anyone, A CHANCE. And we aren't on here to bow to you... so shave your hairy chest and and stop beating it.

Same to you Steph, especially if you add your beloved FOX to that list.

In any case, I hope you have a safe and uneventfully relaxing Thanksgiving.

I knew you couldn't let Fox news go for some reason. They are the # 1 news station watched by people. so you decide why.
I've shown you this gif over and over. It explains for the BIAS of the Lamestream channels. More people need to wake up to it. Or be mislead or outright lied to

Same to you Steph, especially if you add your beloved FOX to that list.

In any case, I hope you have a safe and uneventfully relaxing Thanksgiving.

I knew you couldn't let Fox news go for some reason. They are the # 1 news station watched by people. so you decide why.
I've shown you this gif over and over. It explains for the BIAS of the Lamestream channels. More people need to wake up to it. Or be mislead or outright lied to

Tried to give you a chance to show u are unbiased. You blew it.....

Tried to give you a chance to show you are unbiased and u blew it.

awww, we didn't jump through your hoop. tsk tsk
You just couldn't help yourself could you. You aren't on here to give anyone, A CHANCE. And we aren't on here to bow to you... so shave your hairy chest and and stop beating it.


I suggest just a tad more lipstick, Steph....:biggrin:
Why would you say something like that? You toss around empty insults. Calling me illiterate is empty. There's no bite to it given the fact that my communication skills exceed yours.

You read something I didn't post. That either makes you illiterate or delusional. I was trying to be polite in my choice.

I read what you posted. The words that one uses.... when strung together into sentences, result in the message that one offers. To anyone who can read and grasp the meaning of words, you were claiming that FOX simply reports and lets the viewer decide. That is claiming that they are not biased.

Now...I understand that you aren't a complete idiot and you wish to walk that claim back. Excellent. You are conceding to the fact that FOX is biased. Works for me.

Where did I say that Fox News was unbiased? But never mind because now you're getting it right. In the news reporting, Fox News reports, you decide. If you ever watched it, you'd see a wide variety of opinions including from the Left, far more than any time given to conservatives on CNN or MSNBC. Fair and Balanced doesn't mean there is no bias. For that to be true, we'd have to get rid of Hannity (please!!), O'Reilly (double please!!), and Huckabee. The news portion is fair and balanced, meaning that it offers many viewpoints, but it isn't unbiased because it doesn't shy away from covering things that might embarrass Hussein, unlike CNN and MSNBC that bend over backward to hide anything critical of him. And the "fair and balanced" goes both ways, because Bush received scathing criticism when he was wrong (often!).

Biased. Fair and Balanced. Two very different animals.

You fall victim to a familiar trap. You believe that the "liberals" who voice their opinion on FOX are for real and are not guided or scripted in any way. That's actually kind of cute.

The news portion.....are you talking about Shepard Smith? He tries. MSNBC doesn't have a news portion. The entire network is opinion. CNN is a news focused network. They give you the story and in most cases are not trying to save anyone from embarrassment. That is you repeating talking points. Their staff....especially the Cuomo guy....have begun to editorialize more of late. But they haven't proven to be leftist by any stretch. Check out the Smerconish guy on Sat. morning. Who on CNN rivals Hannity or O'Reilly or The Five or Kilmeade or Doocey when it comes to straight up bullshit?

Now you're sounding like a conspiracy theory nutcase claiming that the liberals aren't really liberals.

And CNN refused to cover Fast and Furious, a huge scandal that one would have to try studiously to ignore. It's clear you're just as much a hack as they are, so you're glad to watch a news network that omits anything embarrassing about your hero Obama. To each his own.

And there's one more thing that trumps all your silly arguments. Fox News has dominated the ratings for the last decade, often getting a higher viewership than CNN and MSNBC combined. You can argue with a lot of things, but you just look stupid arguing with success.

Ratings don't matter. Cartoons get better ratings.
That would make you illiterate.

Why would you say something like that? You toss around empty insults. Calling me illiterate is empty. There's no bite to it given the fact that my communication skills exceed yours.

You read something I didn't post. That either makes you illiterate or delusional. I was trying to be polite in my choice.

I read what you posted. The words that one uses.... when strung together into sentences, result in the message that one offers. To anyone who can read and grasp the meaning of words, you were claiming that FOX simply reports and lets the viewer decide. That is claiming that they are not biased.

Now...I understand that you aren't a complete idiot and you wish to walk that claim back. Excellent. You are conceding to the fact that FOX is biased. Works for me.

Where did I say that Fox News was unbiased? But never mind because now you're getting it right. In the news reporting, Fox News reports, you decide. If you ever watched it, you'd see a wide variety of opinions including from the Left, far more than any time given to conservatives on CNN or MSNBC. Fair and Balanced doesn't mean there is no bias. For that to be true, we'd have to get rid of Hannity (please!!), O'Reilly (double please!!), and Huckabee. The news portion is fair and balanced, meaning that it offers many viewpoints, but it isn't unbiased because it doesn't shy away from covering things that might embarrass Hussein, unlike CNN and MSNBC that bend over backward to hide anything critical of him. And the "fair and balanced" goes both ways, because Bush received scathing criticism when he was wrong (often!).

Biased. Fair and Balanced. Two very different animals.

You're wasting your breath. like arguing with a idiot.
Just a clue dear:beer:

You read something I didn't post. That either makes you illiterate or delusional. I was trying to be polite in my choice.

I read what you posted. The words that one uses.... when strung together into sentences, result in the message that one offers. To anyone who can read and grasp the meaning of words, you were claiming that FOX simply reports and lets the viewer decide. That is claiming that they are not biased.

Now...I understand that you aren't a complete idiot and you wish to walk that claim back. Excellent. You are conceding to the fact that FOX is biased. Works for me.

Where did I say that Fox News was unbiased? But never mind because now you're getting it right. In the news reporting, Fox News reports, you decide. If you ever watched it, you'd see a wide variety of opinions including from the Left, far more than any time given to conservatives on CNN or MSNBC. Fair and Balanced doesn't mean there is no bias. For that to be true, we'd have to get rid of Hannity (please!!), O'Reilly (double please!!), and Huckabee. The news portion is fair and balanced, meaning that it offers many viewpoints, but it isn't unbiased because it doesn't shy away from covering things that might embarrass Hussein, unlike CNN and MSNBC that bend over backward to hide anything critical of him. And the "fair and balanced" goes both ways, because Bush received scathing criticism when he was wrong (often!).

Biased. Fair and Balanced. Two very different animals.

You fall victim to a familiar trap. You believe that the "liberals" who voice their opinion on FOX are for real and are not guided or scripted in any way. That's actually kind of cute.

The news portion.....are you talking about Shepard Smith? He tries. MSNBC doesn't have a news portion. The entire network is opinion. CNN is a news focused network. They give you the story and in most cases are not trying to save anyone from embarrassment. That is you repeating talking points. Their staff....especially the Cuomo guy....have begun to editorialize more of late. But they haven't proven to be leftist by any stretch. Check out the Smerconish guy on Sat. morning. Who on CNN rivals Hannity or O'Reilly or The Five or Kilmeade or Doocey when it comes to straight up bullshit?

Now you're sounding like a conspiracy theory nutcase claiming that the liberals aren't really liberals.

And CNN refused to cover Fast and Furious, a huge scandal that one would have to try studiously to ignore. It's clear you're just as much a hack as they are, so you're glad to watch a news network that omits anything embarrassing about your hero Obama. To each his own.

And there's one more thing that trumps all your silly arguments. Fox News has dominated the ratings for the last decade, often getting a higher viewership than CNN and MSNBC combined. You can argue with a lot of things, but you just look stupid arguing with success.

Ratings don't matter. Cartoons get better ratings.

Ratings don't matter in TV? You're officially an ass.
Why would you say something like that? You toss around empty insults. Calling me illiterate is empty. There's no bite to it given the fact that my communication skills exceed yours.

You read something I didn't post. That either makes you illiterate or delusional. I was trying to be polite in my choice.

I read what you posted. The words that one uses.... when strung together into sentences, result in the message that one offers. To anyone who can read and grasp the meaning of words, you were claiming that FOX simply reports and lets the viewer decide. That is claiming that they are not biased.

Now...I understand that you aren't a complete idiot and you wish to walk that claim back. Excellent. You are conceding to the fact that FOX is biased. Works for me.

Where did I say that Fox News was unbiased? But never mind because now you're getting it right. In the news reporting, Fox News reports, you decide. If you ever watched it, you'd see a wide variety of opinions including from the Left, far more than any time given to conservatives on CNN or MSNBC. Fair and Balanced doesn't mean there is no bias. For that to be true, we'd have to get rid of Hannity (please!!), O'Reilly (double please!!), and Huckabee. The news portion is fair and balanced, meaning that it offers many viewpoints, but it isn't unbiased because it doesn't shy away from covering things that might embarrass Hussein, unlike CNN and MSNBC that bend over backward to hide anything critical of him. And the "fair and balanced" goes both ways, because Bush received scathing criticism when he was wrong (often!).

Biased. Fair and Balanced. Two very different animals.

You're wasting your breath. like arguing with a idiot.
Just a clue dear:beer:

I sure do love how Fox News pisses these asshats off.

yep, what even funnier is they don't care how damn stupid they look. They obsess over the dumbest things, I bet their doctors take their vacations to Hawaii off them..:cuckoo:
I knew you couldn't let Fox news go for some reason. They are the # 1 news station watched by people. so you decide why.
I've shown you this gif over and over. It explains for the BIAS of the Lamestream channels. More people need to wake up to it. Or be mislead or outright lied to

I knew you couldn't let Fox news go for some reason. They are the # 1 news station watched by people. so you decide why.
I've shown you this gif over and over. It explains for the BIAS of the Lamestream channels. More people need to wake up to it. Or be mislead or outright lied to

Tried to give you a chance to show u are unbiased. You blew it.....

Tried to give you a chance to show you are unbiased and u blew it.

awww, we didn't jump through your hoop. tsk tsk
You just couldn't help yourself could you. You aren't on here to give anyone, A CHANCE. And we aren't on here to bow to you... so shave your hairy chest and and stop beating it.

I knew you couldn't let Fox news go for some reason. They are the # 1 news station watched by people. so you decide why.
I've shown you this gif over and over. It explains for the BIAS of the Lamestream channels. More people need to wake up to it. Or be mislead or outright lied to

I knew you couldn't let Fox news go for some reason. They are the # 1 news station watched by people. so you decide why.
I've shown you this gif over and over. It explains for the BIAS of the Lamestream channels. More people need to wake up to it. Or be mislead or outright lied to

Tried to give you a chance to show u are unbiased. You blew it.....

Tried to give you a chance to show you are unbiased and u blew it.

awww, we didn't jump through your hoop. tsk tsk
You just couldn't help yourself could you. You aren't on here to give anyone, A CHANCE. And we aren't on here to bow to you... so shave your hairy chest and and stop beating it.


I suggest just a tad more lipstick, Steph....:biggrin:

Sniff some muffler fumes, buddy
its amazing to me, still. Libs think they deserve a complete monopoly on the media. Hypocrites.
All of the media outlets have their own agenda and spin according to their predetermined perception. Why can't they just report the news and let us decide what it means?

Now how do you know that this address was not posted so that whites could go by the house and pay homage to that wonderful, brave police officer who only had to shoot the guy 14 times?

That's all they were doing. Giving Wilson's supporters a place to go worship.
Why would you say something like that? You toss around empty insults. Calling me illiterate is empty. There's no bite to it given the fact that my communication skills exceed yours.

You read something I didn't post. That either makes you illiterate or delusional. I was trying to be polite in my choice.

I read what you posted. The words that one uses.... when strung together into sentences, result in the message that one offers. To anyone who can read and grasp the meaning of words, you were claiming that FOX simply reports and lets the viewer decide. That is claiming that they are not biased.

Now...I understand that you aren't a complete idiot and you wish to walk that claim back. Excellent. You are conceding to the fact that FOX is biased. Works for me.

Where did I say that Fox News was unbiased? But never mind because now you're getting it right. In the news reporting, Fox News reports, you decide. If you ever watched it, you'd see a wide variety of opinions including from the Left, far more than any time given to conservatives on CNN or MSNBC. Fair and Balanced doesn't mean there is no bias. For that to be true, we'd have to get rid of Hannity (please!!), O'Reilly (double please!!), and Huckabee. The news portion is fair and balanced, meaning that it offers many viewpoints, but it isn't unbiased because it doesn't shy away from covering things that might embarrass Hussein, unlike CNN and MSNBC that bend over backward to hide anything critical of him. And the "fair and balanced" goes both ways, because Bush received scathing criticism when he was wrong (often!).

Biased. Fair and Balanced. Two very different animals.

You're wasting your breath. like arguing with a idiot.
Just a clue dear:beer:

I sure do love how Fox News pisses these asshats off.

As they also ignore facts quite frequently....
While I try to take a moderate, reasonable view of many issues that arise in the US, there are times when the extreme views of those either on the far right or the far left move my barometer of understanding to one side or the other. The reaction of many in the far left community has been a disappointment, and yet, one that does not surprise me. Just as facts sometimes get in the way of the far right, I think this is an instance when the far left turns a blind eye to what really happened.

I am very disappointed with CNN. The majority of what I have heard is race bating and interviews with "lawyers" who have their agenda's labeled on their foreheads even as they are introduced. The far left and ultra-liberals need to understand that just as the far right can run themselves into bias partisan, so too can the left. Stop trying to skew the facts and ignore the news that does not fit your agenda. While I may have missed it, I have seen nothing either on the CNN web site or the TV news show that even mentions the travesty of the NY Times publishing Wilson's address. CNN, the left, get a grip and accept the facts.

Listen to the little lamb criticizing the sheep in the other field.

All of the media outlets have their own agenda and spin according to their predetermined perception. Why can't they just report the news and let us decide what it means?

Now how do you know that this address was not posted so that whites could go by the house and pay homage to that wonderful, brave police officer who only had to shoot the guy 14 times?

That's all they were doing. Giving Wilson's supporters a place to go worship.
Oh, now he was shot 14 times.

Will it be 140 times next week?
All of the media outlets have their own agenda and spin according to their predetermined perception. Why can't they just report the news and let us decide what it means?

Now how do you know that this address was not posted so that whites could go by the house and pay homage to that wonderful, brave police officer who only had to shoot the guy 14 times?

That's all they were doing. Giving Wilson's supporters a place to go worship.
Oh, now he was shot 14 times.

Will it be 140 times next week?

You are a sad person who obviously needs a steady dose of meds. Please don't miss any....
its amazing to me, still. Libs think they deserve a complete monopoly on the media. Hypocrites.
Not complete, but the news, like education, is a liberal thing. Jesus doesn't provide either so you wouldn't understand.

Actually the US Mainstream Media is probably a touch RW rather than LW...

If you look at polls:
Americans Still Think Iraq Had Weapons of Mass Destruction Before War

Here is a poll that 'well over 8 out of 10 Americans believe it is likely that Iraq did in fact have weapons of mass destruction' in 2003... We knew full well at that stage that there was none there. It was a bluff by Saddam to control his own people.

Climate Change
At present, only one in ten (12%) Americans understand that 90% or more climate scientists have concluded that human-caused climate change is happening. - See more at: How to communicate the scientific consensus on climate change Yale Project on Climate Change Communication

The list is endless... If US Public is misinformed, it is usually to the Right Wing of an Issue...
Economy, Policing,.....

Ferguson incident in Europe would have a investigation why an unarmed was killed and how some cops where given live rounds in a riot situation...

Death of John Carthy - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

This is a killing by the cops in Ireland of a mentally unstable who was armed and approaching the them. The Irish public questioned why he was killed.. They even asked for the FBI's view on it... We can do this because we don't shoot many people in the first place, joys of unarmed society. This is a screw up by a proper police force and the investigation afterwards.
the Garda Síochána issued an apology to the Carthy family. They were, the statement said, "truly apologetic for the loss of John's life".

Reforms put in place as a result of the Barr Tribunal report have ensured that other armed sieges in Ireland, dealt with by a restructured armed response system, have ended without a single loss of life. In this respect at least, John Carthy's death was not in vain.

So to say that US Media is Liberal biased is a joke... In most ways they are just bad and unprofessional, reporting to cause reactions(if it bleeds it leads)... Compared to UK and Ireland the news in America is very superficial, not very investigative, lots of opinions, light on facts... Commercially that might be successful (just like Tabloids sell more that Broadsheet) but is that making socirety better
its amazing to me, still. Libs think they deserve a complete monopoly on the media. Hypocrites.
Not complete, but the news, like education, is a liberal thing. Jesus doesn't provide either so you wouldn't understand.

Actually the US Mainstream Media is probably a touch RW rather than LW...

If you look at polls:
Americans Still Think Iraq Had Weapons of Mass Destruction Before War

Here is a poll that 'well over 8 out of 10 Americans believe it is likely that Iraq did in fact have weapons of mass destruction' in 2003... We knew full well at that stage that there was none there. It was a bluff by Saddam to control his own people.

Climate Change
At present, only one in ten (12%) Americans understand that 90% or more climate scientists have concluded that human-caused climate change is happening. - See more at: How to communicate the scientific consensus on climate change Yale Project on Climate Change Communication

The list is endless... If US Public is misinformed, it is usually to the Right Wing of an Issue...
Economy, Policing,.....

Ferguson incident in Europe would have a investigation why an unarmed was killed and how some cops where given live rounds in a riot situation...

Death of John Carthy - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

This is a killing by the cops in Ireland of a mentally unstable who was armed and approaching the them. The Irish public questioned why he was killed.. They even asked for the FBI's view on it... We can do this because we don't shoot many people in the first place, joys of unarmed society. This is a screw up by a proper police force and the investigation afterwards.
the Garda Síochána issued an apology to the Carthy family. They were, the statement said, "truly apologetic for the loss of John's life".

Reforms put in place as a result of the Barr Tribunal report have ensured that other armed sieges in Ireland, dealt with by a restructured armed response system, have ended without a single loss of life. In this respect at least, John Carthy's death was not in vain.

So to say that US Media is Liberal biased is a joke... In most ways they are just bad and unprofessional, reporting to cause reactions(if it bleeds it leads)... Compared to UK and Ireland the news in America is very superficial, not very investigative, lots of opinions, light on facts... Commercially that might be successful (just like Tabloids sell more that Broadsheet) but is that making socirety better

Well ok, a couple articles surely must PROVE it is. You shouldn't talk about what is a joke:rolleyes-41:
Poll after Poll of the people in this country shows they feel the lamestream media leans left and a majority doesn't feel they can BE TRUSTED. And watching CNN,ABC,NBC, PmsNbc etc with Fergurson the people would be right. Not only are they not to be trusted but they had a hand in whipping up these riots and looting of innocent peoples BUSINESSES
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