My Fellow Americans

Based on your posts I presume you are a Trump supporter. If I am wrong just let me know. If I am right. how do you reconcile your support of immigrants in the education system with the xenophobia and anti-immigrant rhetoric of the Trump movement. Do you not think your students hear that language and are offended or scared by it? What do you tell them?
Based on your posts I presume you are a Trump supporter. If I am wrong just let me know. If I am right. how do you reconcile your support of immigrants in the education system with the xenophobia and anti-immigrant rhetoric of the Trump movement. Do you not think your students hear that language and are offended or scared by it? What do you tell them?
I have never said I support any of the shitty choices we are likely to be faced with on the next presidential ballot. For the past three elections I have written in my son's name on the ballot. "the xenophobia and anti-immigrant rhetoric of the Trump movement" is YOUR partisan point of view, and certainly not a given. I support ALL students in the education system. Guess what? The clear majority of my students support Trump. Not my job to try and influence them one way or another.
I have never said I support any of the shitty choices we are likely to be faced with on the next presidential ballot. For the past three elections I have written in my son's name on the ballot. "the xenophobia and anti-immigrant rhetoric of the Trump movement" is YOUR partisan point of view, and certainly not a given. I support ALL students in the education system. Guess what? The clear majority of my students support Trump. Not my job to try and influence them one way or another.
Thank you for the clarification. I was just curious. I also agree that your Job is not to influence your students one way or another. It is up them to choose their own paths.
Here's the thing: The U.S. policy - "birthright citizenship" - that grants automatic citizenship to anyone born here is (a) anomalous (though not entirely unique) in today's world, and (b) unsupported by either the U.S. Constitution, any law, or logic. It is the result of an intentional mis-reading of a couple words in the 14th amendment, one that nobody dares to challenge for fear of being "cancelled" or permanently branded a bigot. But it it is bullshit. (Maybe Trump will start an initiative to kill it next year).

The people of whom you speak would, in just about every other country in the world, be NON-citizens because their parents are in the country illegally. So you can put lipstick on that pig if you like, but in fact those kids taking ESL classes are "illegals" in the view of most rational humans.
Here's the thing: The U.S. policy - "birthright citizenship" - that grants automatic citizenship to anyone born here is (a) anomalous (though not entirely unique) in today's world, and (b) unsupported by either the U.S. Constitution, any law, or logic. It is the result of an intentional mis-reading of a couple words in the 14th amendment, one that nobody dares to challenge for fear of being "cancelled" or permanently branded a bigot. But it it is bullshit. (Maybe Trump will start an initiative to kill it next year).

The people of whom you speak would, in just about every other country in the world, be NON-citizens because their parents are in the country illegally. So you can put lipstick on that pig if you like, but in fact those kids taking ESL classes are "illegals" in the view of most rational humans.

The Constitution says that all persons born or naturalized in the U.S. are citizens of the United States and the State where they reside. That was clarified in United States v Wong Kim Ark in 1898.
With all the ignorant vitriol so frequently expressed here, I note yet again that the vast majority of ESL students in US public schools are natural-born US citizens.

Come here legally. That's all. Speak English or no, we will teach you. If you did not break into our nation illegally.
The vast majority of ESL students WERE born in the US.

And even if they weren't, they're people not pathogenic microbes, which is how they're regarded by some. The U.S. is the country your students will call home and identify with the rest of their lives, and the cool thing about being an ESL teacher is that you're a major part of their acculturation.
How do you know that?
Come off it. Even ewe, as an NEA shill should know the US has been shortchanging our own kids at the expense of these so-called "refugees". We bend over backwards for foreigners, yet ignore the piss poor performance of our own.

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