My fellow Conservatives...please read this.

Unfortunately, historians don't watch FoxNews

Screaming FAIL after every action Obama takes will not sway the historical record

You obviously don't watch Fox News. Are you speaking of their primetime opinion shows? That's a whole other ball game. Now MSNBC, they use their pundits to do things like election analysis and you get the crazies like Chris Tingle saying he was glad the storm happened when it did to help reelect Obama. Wisely, he later apologized. You won't catch a person on Fox election analysis spewing that kind of shit.

Think PBS

Credible historians ignore the lunatic fringe on both sides. They look at facts, challenges faced, results, lasting impact

Well I like BBC. I know, I know I'm a conservative but I still don't have bite marks on my neck for going there.

I know the BBC Swings hard time left, but at least they give you the news. Now they have this *cough* issue who was this pedophile beyond.

And a lot of folks covered up for him, but the actual news? They are stellar. BBC. France24 is pretty good as well.

Anything Middle East I run with Al Jazeera and JP. Then you get fair and balanced when you can look at both sides.
Obama supporters celebrate no more Israel - YouTube

This is a Obama supporter....Ignorant and full of hate.

I don't feel sorry for the JewishAmerican. They voted for obama and his policies in large numbers. The consequence is theirs to live with now. They own it.

So did Catholics

I don't understand how anyone claiming to be a person of faith can support a man who would leave an aborted baby who is alive to die on a side board. I mean that's cold.

I just don't get it. I really don't.

Can you imagine this baby who they didn't nuke in the process just being left to die?

We are really talking cold. But that's your guy.
Oh and by the way, if John, Bobby or Martin were still alive they'd have punched out anf run from the democrat party.
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I don't feel sorry for the JewishAmerican. They voted for obama and his policies in large numbers. The consequence is theirs to live with now. They own it.

So did Catholics

I don't understand how anyone claiming to be a person of faith can support a man who would leave an aborted baby who is alive to die on a side board. I mean that's cold.

I just don't get it. I really don't.

Can you imagine this baby who they didn't nuke in the process just being left to die?

We are really talking cold. But that's your guy.

Obama left an aborted baby who was alive to die on a side board?

If I had known that, I wouldn't have voted for him
So did Catholics

I don't understand how anyone claiming to be a person of faith can support a man who would leave an aborted baby who is alive to die on a side board. I mean that's cold.

I just don't get it. I really don't.

Can you imagine this baby who they didn't nuke in the process just being left to die?

We are really talking cold. But that's your guy.

Obama left an aborted baby who was alive to die on a side board?

If I had known that, I wouldn't have voted for him

He supported legally allowing that to happen, but then you knew that already. And you still support him, go figure.
I don't understand how anyone claiming to be a person of faith can support a man who would leave an aborted baby who is alive to die on a side board. I mean that's cold.

I just don't get it. I really don't.

Can you imagine this baby who they didn't nuke in the process just being left to die?

We are really talking cold. But that's your guy.

Obama left an aborted baby who was alive to die on a side board?

If I had known that, I wouldn't have voted for him

He supported legally allowing that to happen, but then you knew that already. And you still support him, go figure.

In the Fox nation he did.
In reality, he voted against the bill because there were already laws in place to prevent that from happening. The bill in question was a thinly veiled Republican attempt to block womens access to legal abortions while they claimed the bill was to save aborted babies from dying on a sideboard
Our country is held hostage by a sea of freeloading losers.

Obama can tax the rich til the cows come home but more and more people will figure why shouldn't I freeload too, and as that happens, there won't be enough money to sustain it.

This may be the end of liberalism not the empowerment of it.
The leadership of the GOP has made it clear that you hatred, that of Sean and Rushbo and Glenn will no longer be tolerated as worthy of party endorsement.

Step off, go away, don't want you anymore. Take the hatred with you, please.

This is not going to end we;ll for the progressives....They are to ignorant to realize what they did to themselves by sticking to this ant-american piece of shit in the white house....Might as well call it the ghetto house cause that what it is going to look like when Obama is done with it.
We have suffered a major setback...there is no denying that.

The natural kneejerk reaction it's to lash out, point fingers, distance oneself from defeat.

Instead, I would ask that you take time to process the election results and thoughtfully consider the ramifications of the election, the constructive criticism that you glean from that reflection, and how we can rectify the shortfall we suffered here.

What we need is an After Action Review, not a rerun of the Blame Game.

Defeat is a fork in the path leads to internal destruction, the other to strength through adversity.

Today we choose...choose wisely.

EDIT -- Before replying to this post, read the clarification here:

I think you are overreacting a bit. Sure it would be better to have won but at the end of the day you had a big vote for the status quo and an election against an INCUMBENT president. Fact is -- most of them win, and with the possible exception of Herbert Hoover there isnt one of them who people would have been shocked if they had won (Carter, Bush41).

After everyone of these elections the stories are the same about the loser -- only the names are changed. Where did they do wrong? Are they doomed for the future? When does the circular firing squad start? etc etc etc . Fact is this was not an election anyone reasonably should have expected them to win -- was it possible? yes - but not something that should have been expected or that they were ever favored to win. 2016 will be far more significant. FAR MORE
If we GOP come back in 2016 as we did two days ago, we will be destroyed as surely as were the Federalists, Whigs, the Knowing Nothings, the Dixiecrats, and the American Party. The party will be atomized.
If we GOP come back in 2016 as we did two days ago, we will be destroyed as surely as were the Federalists, Whigs, the Knowing Nothings, the Dixiecrats, and the American Party. The party will be atomized.

To their advantage, I think that the Tea Party will be a distant memory in 2016. Grover Norquist should be gone and hopefully leaders like Christie, Bush, Daniels and Rubio will have more clout on the party agenda and rhetoric

Say you spend $30,000 a year. And then you spend $4 million to buy a new house and two ferraris for someone else. But your other regular (so-called fixed) spending stayed about the same. Did your spending stay the same or did you just engage in reckless spending? We all know the answer. Government is not exempt from reality.

That is the problem with you guys -- you buy every right-wing lie w/o ever thinking for yourself.

You don't need to have a degree in economics to understand that the government fiances are very different from those of a household. Your analogy is wrong on so many levels, I don't know were to start!

For example -- government does not have to pay down its debt. EVER. And the US government never did, including the huge debt it left with after WWII. It just kept rolling it over, selling new bonds to pay for the maturing ones.

You really should start reading something more insightful than those bumper stickers.
A rational Republican can only hope so, and that we have enough strength to banish the evil ones.
He lost because of the bizarros of the far right and the libertarian wing scared the crap out of the center.
A rational Republican can only hope so, and that we have enough strength to banish the evil ones.

"the personal beliefs of some Republicans dampened the party's focus on the economy this election year."

"We had Republican candidates who got very high profile and said some very stupid things. I think that really tainted the party," Republican Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison of Texas said on CNN's "Starting Point with Soledad O'Brien."

Hutchison: ‘Stupid’ comments hurt Republicans – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs
If we GOP come back in 2016 as we did two days ago, we will be destroyed as surely as were the Federalists, Whigs, the Knowing Nothings, the Dixiecrats, and the American Party. The party will be atomized.

To their advantage, I think that the Tea Party will be a distant memory in 2016. Grover Norquist should be gone and hopefully leaders like Christie, Bush, Daniels and Rubio will have more clout on the party agenda and rhetoric

Well, according to what we (I mean the humanity) know about economics and social issues, Democratic party is center-right. And Republicans are simply off the scale, that is why they are steadily marginalized. Both parties will have to move significantly to the left before we come back to real two-party system.

And that, I guess, is a good news.

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