My fellow Conservatives...please read this.

It gives me great comfort that we will not depend again on the extremists. Nor will we let you guys define the issues. That's over.
Bizarros like you are the extremists, the small minority, you are not the mainstream. Being concerned about proper fiscal management of the economy is one thing, you guys wild-eyed nonsense is something else. You cost us the election, and you will never be allowed to do it again.

Enough of us to decide an election. And... Just because one voted dem or repub does not mean they are a dem or repub. I can think of several posters here on this forum that aren't republicans but voted for one.
*shrugs* If that helps you sleep at night.
It gives me great comfort that we will not depend again on the extremists.
Actually... That's what Mitt tried to do. If he would have ran on the same things he did in 2008 as governer he might have beat Obama. You know... When he was more centrist than Republican.

Nor will we let you guys define the issues. That's over.
*shrugs* Again... If republicans don't change their platform, meaning Romney should have ran on what got him elected not what the party stands for, then... Expect the same result.

I mean it's insane to do the same things over and over and expect different results.
You have demonstrated that you don't understand what you think much less what GOP needs to do. *shrug* We need to reach out to women and minority and others, according to Boehner, who do not look like or talk like us. He is right.

It gives me great comfort that we will not depend again on the extremists.
Actually... That's what Mitt tried to do. If he would have ran on the same things he did in 2008 as governer he might have beat Obama. You know... When he was more centrist than Republican.

Nor will we let you guys define the issues. That's over.
*shrugs* Again... If republicans don't change their platform, meaning Romney should have ran on what got him elected not what the party stands for, then... Expect the same result.

I mean it's insane to do the same things over and over and expect different results.
They won't come grips with that idea because it is not true.

The economy is depressed because everyone is trying to save, but the weak economy makes for more debt. Spending is what is needed to break the vicious circle.

And it is hard to convince people that more spending and lower taxes (a.k.a Obama stimulus) were bad for economy, but less spending and higher taxes (fiscal cliff) would be just as bad. Many people are smart enough to see the contradiction.

It was telling that during the second "town hall" debate, there were many questions about jobs, but no one cared to ask how the candidates are planning to deal with deficits.

when will you keneysians ever get a grip...?

When the evidence starts contradicting the theory. So far it only confirms it.

And no, bumper stickers do not count as a valid argument.

one option you didn't mention is less spending and less taxes..

Taxes don't matter much (cutting them only increases the deficits), but the spending cuts weaken the economy real bad. Enough to make paying off the debt even harder. Greece is a perfect example of that policy failure. It was forced to make deep cuts and now its economy is again in deep recession (it shrank 6.2% in the second quarter).

In any case, Republicans can't argue honestly for the spending cuts now, while opposing the fiscal cliff.
If spending cuts are made in the right areas specifically, it will only fix the economy instead of hurting it further, but to ignore spending cuts in the right areas specifically, will place this nation over the cliff finally. People will not keep paying for irresponsibility run wild in this nation, and especially they won't with their hard earned dollars, and so they will lock up those dollars quickly, not invest, probably fire workers or lay them off as they scale back quickly for the coming storm (especially in the coal industry) and/or energy sectors that are under attack by Obama and his crew very ignorantly now. I road by a hydrogen fueling station today on my route, and do you know how long this station has been there now ? It has been there for a long long time now, and I have never seen a car fueling up at it yet. Maybe these hydrogen burning hybrids are hybernating or something to that effect...LOL

Problem is, is that Obama can't touch the areas in which spending cuts and reform is badly needed across America, or he will be seen as an instant trader if he does, so gridlock will continue onward, as everyone will be on high alert now, and highly suspect of even their most thought of reps in government, in which they will now be keeping one eye on them, and the other one on their pocket books all at the same time.
So great, I rewound and watched that 4 times when it first aired because it so perfectly sums up the problems with the republican party, should be required watching for any who voted for Romney.
You're simply mistaken. I work for a small business. My dad ran a small business for 30+ years. I'm a free market capitalist. I'm a self-sufficient woman who is putting my daughter through college without debt (on her part or mine) or aid. I'm a hard working person who has been professionally succesful for years and who takes care of my kids.

I just, apparently, want this country to be something different from what you want it to be.

Villifying me as someone who wants freebies is why you lost this election.

I'm not part of the 47%, but my retired parents and my military husband are.

My husband paid the bill for your war-mongering by spending years in a middle eastern hellhole away from his family.

I know all about paying for things, Newby. DO YOU?

Dear CM: I am also a hardworking Democrat, working two jobs to pay for the messes made in two BLACK districts in Houston because of corruption and abuses under DEMOCRAT leadership.

The model that works to break the cycle of poverty is NOT depending on govt or govt leaders. I have been paying for those kinds of mistakes, since none of the leaders will recognize the abuses and help push for restitution. I've been financing the community groups doing this without pay as volunteers while the govt does nothing to fix its own mess.

What I have found is going to STOP this insane unsustainable reliance on govt is investing and training local community groups to purchase property and manage their own schools, teaching the same business and finance skills that large investors use. That solution is totally outside govt, based on partnerships between charity and business leaders to do things themselves and QUIT waiting or depending on govt to do it!

health care, education and all other services can be managed through community campuses, even incorporating student internships into the programs.

the main reason govt would have to be involved, is that is where the restitution is owed to taxpayers who watched millions of dollars abused by corporate interests and profits, that needs to be paid back into community programs to break out of this dependence mentality.

because public funds/resources have been abused, then these are owed back to taxpayers.
in the meantime, until such a program is set up, I have been working to keep the nonprofit groups going who have been doing the remediation work in the community without pay.

So the model for this is based on the ideas of the conservative/Republican party of rewarding investors for creating jobs, NOT in taxing them more and putting control in the hands of an already overbogged down govt.

I am trying to get the control BACK to the people who have the solutions, insetad of the govt taking the funding and control AWAY from the community who could manage it better.

That is where I see the changes coming, shifting the control BACK to local communities
and away from huge govt bureaucracy that led to unchecked abuses we are still owed for.

neither party has talked about paying citizens back for corporate abuses and crimes.
But given this can be done by enforcing constitutional protections of due process, the GOP and independents have a better grasp of enforcing the Constitution than the Democrats do.

So that is why the conservative/Constitutional principles and rule of law are the key to taking back the country and turning the tables on bad govt and economy.
Government dependence is not freedom or liberty.

What is it then?

If you once had a good job and lost it and now struggle to support your family....are you a leech depending on government handouts?
What is it then?

If you once had a good job and lost it and now struggle to support your family....are you a leech depending on government handouts?

Yes, you are. Particularly if you choose to stay on it for an extended period.

I'm glad we didn't elect you guys

As long as you protect the one percent.....right?

I protect everyone's income. An equal protection under the law. Your legalized stealing needs to end.
If we GOP come back in 2016 as we did two days ago, we will be destroyed as surely as were the Federalists, Whigs, the Knowing Nothings, the Dixiecrats, and the American Party. The party will be atomized.

I think you read too much into idealogy and not enough into character.

Mitt Romney lost because he was the cross between the guy who lays you off and the weirdo who shows up on your doorstep in a white shirt wanting to tell you about another Testatment of Jesus Christ.

A charsimatic person would have no problem selling the TEA message. or the OWS message.

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