My fellow Conservatives...please read this.

You have demonstrated that you don't understand what you think much less what GOP needs to do. *shrug* We need to reach out to women and minority and others, according to Boehner, who do not look like or talk like us. He is right.

Yeah... You have to change your platform. Reaching out saying and doing the same things you have been obviously isn't getting it done.

I'm glad we agree. Although for some reason agreeing with me is somehow wrong for you. Which... Frankly part of the republican problem.
Shelzin, there is no problem other than you have trouble understanding basic concepts. :lol:
Shelzin, there is no problem other than you have trouble understanding basic concepts. :lol:
Well... Can you, in simple terms please you are obviously way more intelligent than I, tell me how you are going to reach out to those women and minorities?

For the life of me I can't figure out how you would reach out to them by saying and doing all the same things.
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Can you, in simple terms please you are obviously way more intelligent than I, tell me how you are going to reach out to those women and minorities?

Shelzin, seems to me that's a big difference between the two parties. The Democrats "reach out", as you say. The Republicans refuse to, thinking instead that they can "attract" those people. One is proactive, the other isn't. It just isn't working, but the GOP just doesn't see it.

Shelzin, there is no problem other than you have trouble understanding basic concepts. :lol:
Well... Can you, in simple terms please you are obviously way more intelligent than I, tell me how you are going to reach out to those women and minorities?

For the life of me I can't figure out how you would reach out to them by saying and doing all the same things.

Shhhh... Jake was in on Romney's master plan. It was too fool the Right Wingers into thinking he was one of them, and then at the last minute, spring out and yell, "I'm really a moderate, suck it, teabaggers" and make deals with the Democrats.

No, really. Jakey thought this was going to really happen.
Hers the thing if you are a conservative on here..............

The fact that we lost makes the next 4 years on here far more fun. We get to comment on the landscape knowing the left has no pro-growth economic policies. ANd we all know what shitty growth rates translate into. As we march back to recession, we get all the laughs and get to abuse the k00ks and the otherwise hopelessly duped. Id prefer to have won this past Tuesday but fact is, a win would have made for a defensive posture all the time on here. Its alot more entertining to watch the fuck-ups fuck up.

Its not at all the case that unemployment numbers dont matter anymore. The president just barely duped enough people into thinking we are moving forward. 2016 will be here soon enough...........and we get to make fun of the meatheads while they fuck up. What more can you ask for from this forum??
Hers the thing if you are a conservative on here..............

The fact that we lost makes the next 4 years on here far more fun. We get to comment on the landscape knowing the left has no pro-growth economic policies. ANd we all know what shitty growth rates translate into. As we march back to recession, we get all the laughs and get to abuse the k00ks and the otherwise hopelessly duped. Id prefer to have won this past Tuesday but fact is, a win would have made for a defensive posture all the time on here. Its alot more entertining to watch the fuck-ups fuck up.

Its not at all the case that unemployment numbers dont matter anymore. The president just barely duped enough people into thinking we are moving forward. 2016 will be here soon enough...........and we get to make fun of the meatheads while they fuck up. What more can you ask for from this forum??

Fuk you skook. You lost. After proclaiming over and over and over and well you get the picture. Then again, no you don't. Your man lost.

Keep thinking that things are coming back your way. Sure it is you delusional fool.

Skooker........for the fail.
Hers the thing if you are a conservative on here..............

The fact that we lost makes the next 4 years on here far more fun. We get to comment on the landscape knowing the left has no pro-growth economic policies. ANd we all know what shitty growth rates translate into. As we march back to recession, we get all the laughs and get to abuse the k00ks and the otherwise hopelessly duped. Id prefer to have won this past Tuesday but fact is, a win would have made for a defensive posture all the time on here. Its alot more entertining to watch the fuck-ups fuck up.

Its not at all the case that unemployment numbers dont matter anymore. The president just barely duped enough people into thinking we are moving forward. 2016 will be here soon enough...........and we get to make fun of the meatheads while they fuck up. What more can you ask for from this forum??

Fuk you skook. You lost. After proclaiming over and over and over and well you get the picture. Then again, no you don't. Your man lost.

Keep thinking that things are coming back your way. Sure it is you delusional fool.

Skooker........for the fail.

Heres the thing s0n...........conservatives are perpetually optimistic:D. Most of the k00ks left on here are still miserable, even in victory..........something we all knew going into the election. Its the one constant on here. They are still all miserable because they blame successful people for their miserable lot in life. Win elections...........lost elections........they are still miserable. Their goal in life is to see the successful people in life get fucked...........thats what motivates them day to day, which, of course, leads to perpetual misery.

I did get pwned on Tuesday.........but Im still here and KNOW these meatheads are going to keep fucking up. Because liberal economic policies never work. What better positon to be in on a POLITICS forum??

Who's going to be the dick when we hit recession again next year?:fu:
Skook. You're an inspiration. I thought things couldn't get worse. And you remind me that ultimately fuck ups fail and the libs are the biggest fuckips in history. They will take the greatest generator of wealth man has ever created and turn it into garbage. Eventually people will catch on.
Skook. You're an inspiration. I thought things couldn't get worse. And you remind me that ultimately fuck ups fail and the libs are the biggest fuckips in history. They will take the greatest generator of wealth man has ever created and turn it into garbage. Eventually people will catch on.
Well... That's the hope... However you are pointing fingers at what you see as wrong with the world, rather than how you can better it.

What can the republicans do to assure that they have a better turn out next election?
Nonsense a thousand times.

The great majority of us like the man but don't want him as a candidate in pat because of you real libertarian freaks hanging onto him.

After action review: Don't nominate the loser who lost in the primaries to the last loser, as have the last two GOP losers.

Republicans need to nominate better candidates

Romney was a good candidate. Gingrich, Santorum, Cain and Paul were not

Allowing the Tea Party to swamp your primaries and run candidates who are an embarassment to your party is not a winning strategy
Paul was screwed out of the nomination by the Republican Party.
Nonsense a thousand times.

The great majority of us like the man but don't want him as a candidate in pat because of you real libertarian freaks hanging onto him.

Republicans need to nominate better candidates

Romney was a good candidate. Gingrich, Santorum, Cain and Paul were not

Allowing the Tea Party to swamp your primaries and run candidates who are an embarassment to your party is not a winning strategy
Paul was screwed out of the nomination by the Republican Party.

What can the republicans do to assure that they have a better turn out next election?
Nonsense a thousand times.

The great majority of us like the man but don't want him as a candidate in pat because of you real libertarian freaks hanging onto him.

Paul was screwed out of the nomination by the Republican Party.

What can the republicans do to assure that they have a better turn out next election?

I think they should tailor their policies to be nearly identical to the opposition, and then find ways to offend anyone and everyone who might consider voting for them.
Nonsense a thousand times.

The great majority of us like the man but don't want him as a candidate in pat because of you real libertarian freaks hanging onto him.

What can the republicans do to assure that they have a better turn out next election?

I think they should tailor their policies to be nearly identical to the opposition, and then find ways to offend anyone and everyone who might consider voting for them.

Hey, I just a call from a dear old friend, Karl Rove. He says he thinks this might work
Government dependence is not freedom or liberty.

What is it then?

If you once had a good job and lost it and now struggle to support your family....are you a leech depending on government handouts?

If you are looking to CONTINUE depending on govt "instead of working" as your game plan, that is leeching.

If you are getting govt help temporarily, with the intent of paying back by investing your work and education to contribute to society, then that is different.

And if you are abusing the system, either to cover for criminal damages you are getting out of by exploiting the legal system or to cover for corporate profits at taxpayer expense, then that type of "welfare" whether by individual or corporation is what both parties are protesting (and blaming the other for) if we have to continue paying for these abuses.

The way to check both is to enforce Constitutional values of equal protection of interests and due process/right to petition for redress of grievances. If we all uphold and practice the same standards, the minute we see someone abusing the system, we can address and correct that. But if we don't all agree to follow the same rules, then we compete to use the system to protect our interests at the expense of someone else; and when everyone does that, then you end up with the mutual finger-pointing festival that we see going on today!

If we really care to stop the nonsense, we'd have to agree that BOTH sides of the abuses are equally wrong and bankrupting us as a nation. And quit competing and arguing over "which is worse" because they are both corrupting the integrity of the system. They are both wrongful, and both need to be corrected, whether it's the rich or the poor abusing and costing society, so why not fix both?

I believe when the parties can acknowledge that we all have been tolerating abuses to continue without correction, then we are all equally responsible, instead of blaming or excusing one group more than the other, causing division. If we work together to correct abuses of the system, then by organizing around restitution for the wrongs, we can invest our resources into programs that solve these problems and rebuild jobs and the economy around corrections, instead of wasting resources arguing who's more to blame.
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