My fellow Conservatives...please read this.

I hate to think that you really believe that screwing all of America up the rear end is "effective, landmark legislation". DADT was your own shitty program and now you call its repeal historic? What does that say about the other things you have passed? The Stimulus plan and all of its shovel ready jobs? Are you kidding me?


The Fox is strong in you....history will have a different view. As of last night, Obamacare is here to stay. It is not perfect but provides a structure that future congresses can improve. Pelosi played a key role in it's passing. Repeal of DADT is a major milestone in the progression of gay rights and will again be part of Pelosi's legacy. An overwhelming number of economists acknowledge that the stimulus provided a critical influx of money into a crashing economy.

If you saw Boehner last night, you can see he is scared shitless. He knows his legacy as Speaker will hang on his ability to work out a deal in the next 60 days. If he fails, he will be labeled as the worst speaker in modern times

The only way Pelosi gets a pass in the history books is if her fellow liberals write history and the way things are going that will probably happen although, it is likely to be written as post mortem for the USA.


Historians use a different criterion than republicans do. Republicans hate Pelosi because she is funny looking and was mean to them. A historian uses a different criteria. They look at what were the challenges to the country while you were Speaker and what legislation did you pass to meet those challenges. They also look for legislation that had a lasting impact on the country. Pelosi was involved in the passing of significant legislation at a critical time in our history.

Now, lets look a Boehner. While he was Speaker the country was suffering the effects of a major recession. Unemployment was above 8%. What legislation did he pass to address the crisis? Nothing
What is Boehners legacy? He was unable to control his own party and allowed Congress to nearly default on its debt. He also allowed petty bickering to nearly shut down Government. In the next 60 days, if he is unable to broker a deal to avert sequestration and the expiration of the Bush tax cuts, he will go down as the worst Speaker of the House in History
You are not a constitutional expert, "murder" is a legal term defined by law, and no one is going to charge the president of the U.S. during a time of war with murder for the drone attacks. To do so would be tantamount, in my opinion, to treason.
Let me say this again: We're not at war with Yemen. Yemen is not a combat zone.

Well, the murders themselves definitely would be "high crimes".

Anyway, I'll let the ACLU know about your scary post bordering on accusing them of treason.

If the "constitutional scholar" in office would actually respond to the ACLU's FOIA suits, maybe the ACLU will let it go.

And, we'll see what sort of defense the POTUS and Panetta have in the suits for their violations of three citizens' civil rights.
Let me say again you are entitled to your opinion, which in the scheme of things in reality, has no bearing at all on what is going on with the drone attacks. No one is going to charge the President with "murder".

ACLU, your favorite law concern, is the liberal equivalent of daveman. Their attempts mean nothing at all.

You are not a constitutional expert, "murder" is a legal term defined by law, and no one is going to charge the president of the U.S. during a time of war with murder for the drone attacks. To do so would be tantamount, in my opinion, to treason.
Let me say this again: We're not at war with Yemen. Yemen is not a combat zone.

Well, the murders themselves definitely would be "high crimes".

Anyway, I'll let the ACLU know about your scary post bordering on accusing them of treason.

If the "constitutional scholar" in office would actually respond to the ACLU's FOIA suits, maybe the ACLU will let it go.

And, we'll see what sort of defense the POTUS and Panetta have in the suits for their violations of three citizens' civil rights.
Let me say again you are entitled to your opinion, which in the scheme of things in reality, has no bearing at all on what is going on with the drone attacks.

ACLU, your favorite law concern, is being stupid. Their attempts mean nothing at all.

You are not a constitutional expert, "murder" is a legal term defined by law, and no one is going to charge the president of the U.S. during a time of war with murder for the drone attacks. To do so would be tantamount, in my opinion, to treason.
Let me say this again: We're not at war with Yemen. Yemen is not a combat zone.

Well, the murders themselves definitely would be "high crimes".

Anyway, I'll let the ACLU know about your scary post bordering on accusing them of treason.

If the "constitutional scholar" in office would actually respond to the ACLU's FOIA suits, maybe the ACLU will let it go.

And, we'll see what sort of defense the POTUS and Panetta have in the suits for their violations of three citizens' civil rights.
While it's true that I am no "constitutional scholar", I have never posed as one, either.

But, I'm pretty sure the ACLU has plenty real constitutional scholars. When the US Constitution is on one's side, it's pretty hard to be wrong.

Maybe we'll see an EO to shut the ACLU down? (I would put a laughing smiley next to that statement, but I'm not laughing about violations of Americans' Bill of Rights by the POTUS.)
Historians use a different criterion than republicans do. Republicans hate Pelosi because she is funny looking and was mean to them. A historian uses a different criteria. They look at what were the challenges to the country while you were Speaker and what legislation did you pass to meet those challenges. They also look for legislation that had a lasting impact on the country. Pelosi was involved in the passing of significant legislation at a critical time in our history.

Now, lets look a Boehner. While he was Speaker the country was suffering the effects of a major recession. Unemployment was above 8%. What legislation did he pass to address the crisis? Nothing
What is Boehners legacy? He was unable to control his own party and allowed Congress to nearly default on its debt. He also allowed petty bickering to nearly shut down Government. In the next 60 days, if he is unable to broker a deal to avert sequestration and the expiration of the Bush tax cuts, he will go down as the worst Speaker of the House in History

So historians look at what the politican does with the mess they are handed? Boy, Obama is in big trouble.
Not if done by executive order in time of war.

Killings without judicial review are murders.

Obama had no judicial review of his killing of two American citizens.

So, yeah.
Oh, dream on! :lmao:

Executive orders also must be constitutional.

And, what war do we have with Yemen? Is that a combat zone?

(rhetorical questions, of course...the answer is a big no to both)

That's the gotcha with the 'everything is a war' motif of the neo-cons. That's why Bush pushed so hard to establish the 'War on Terror' as a war rather than a criminal problem. It gives them perpetual extra-constitutional powers whenever they want them - or at least whenever they can claim that whatever they did was in the name of thwarting terrorism.
Historians use a different criterion than republicans do. Republicans hate Pelosi because she is funny looking and was mean to them. A historian uses a different criteria. They look at what were the challenges to the country while you were Speaker and what legislation did you pass to meet those challenges. They also look for legislation that had a lasting impact on the country. Pelosi was involved in the passing of significant legislation at a critical time in our history.

Now, lets look a Boehner. While he was Speaker the country was suffering the effects of a major recession. Unemployment was above 8%. What legislation did he pass to address the crisis? Nothing
What is Boehners legacy? He was unable to control his own party and allowed Congress to nearly default on its debt. He also allowed petty bickering to nearly shut down Government. In the next 60 days, if he is unable to broker a deal to avert sequestration and the expiration of the Bush tax cuts, he will go down as the worst Speaker of the House in History

So historians look at what the politican does with the mess they are handed? Boy, Obama is in big trouble.

Actually, this is why Obama will be ranked as a top 10 President. He stepped in as the country was in the midst of an economic crash. He passed significant legislation which prevented a depression.
Obama came in with the country involved in two wars. He resolved both
Obama refocused the war on terror to attack terrorists wherever they are hiding. He got Bin laden
Obama took on an issue that had been unresolved for generations and passed a universal healthcare plan

Significant challenges...significant accomplishments
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Historians use a different criterion than republicans do. Republicans hate Pelosi because she is funny looking and was mean to them. A historian uses a different criteria. They look at what were the challenges to the country while you were Speaker and what legislation did you pass to meet those challenges. They also look for legislation that had a lasting impact on the country. Pelosi was involved in the passing of significant legislation at a critical time in our history.

Now, lets look a Boehner. While he was Speaker the country was suffering the effects of a major recession. Unemployment was above 8%. What legislation did he pass to address the crisis? Nothing
What is Boehners legacy? He was unable to control his own party and allowed Congress to nearly default on its debt. He also allowed petty bickering to nearly shut down Government. In the next 60 days, if he is unable to broker a deal to avert sequestration and the expiration of the Bush tax cuts, he will go down as the worst Speaker of the House in History

So historians look at what the politican does with the mess they are handed? Boy, Obama is in big trouble.

This is also why Bush is considered one of our worst presidents. He was handed a national crisis with the 9-11 attacks. He was given unprecidented national and international support afterwards. Rather than focus on hitting terrorists wherever they are he chose to engage in two preemptive wars that were poorly executed.
He was also given an economic bubble collapse which he was unable to contain. He led the world into an economic crisis.

History will not be kind to Mr Bush
Actually, this is why Obama will be ranked as a top 10 President. He stepped in as the country was in the midst of an economic crash. He passed significant legislation which prevented a depression.
Obama came in with the country involved in two wars. He resolved both
Obama refocused the war on terror to attack terrorists wherever they are hiding. He got Bon laden
Obama took on an issue that had been unresolved for generations and passed a universal healthcare plan

Significant challenges...significant accomplishments

Prevent a depression? I'd say the jury is still out on THAT claim.
Resolved both wars? NOTHING is resolved, and AQ is stronger than ever.
ACA is NOT the 'magic pill' that you think it is. Sold to America for $900 billion, now costing $2.7 TRILLION and it hasn't even slowed the rise in healthcare costs.

If you are going to be THIS delusional you could at least share the psychoactive drugs you are obviously overdosed on...
This is not going to end we;ll for the progressives....They are to ignorant to realize what they did to themselves by sticking to this ant-american piece of shit in the white house....Might as well call it the ghetto house cause that what it is going to look like when Obama is done with it.
Actually, this is why Obama will be ranked as a top 10 President. He stepped in as the country was in the midst of an economic crash. He passed significant legislation which prevented a depression.
Obama came in with the country involved in two wars. He resolved both
Obama refocused the war on terror to attack terrorists wherever they are hiding. He got Bon laden
Obama took on an issue that had been unresolved for generations and passed a universal healthcare plan

Significant challenges...significant accomplishments

Prevent a depression? I'd say the jury is still out on THAT claim.
Resolved both wars? NOTHING is resolved, and AQ is stronger than ever.
ACA is NOT the 'magic pill' that you think it is. Sold to America for $900 billion, now costing $2.7 TRILLION and it hasn't even slowed the rise in healthcare costs.

If you are going to be THIS delusional you could at least share the psychoactive drugs you are obviously overdosed on...

Unfortunately, historians don't watch FoxNews

Screaming FAIL after every action Obama takes will not sway the historical record
Actually, this is why Obama will be ranked as a top 10 President. He stepped in as the country was in the midst of an economic crash. He passed significant legislation which prevented a depression.
Obama came in with the country involved in two wars. He resolved both
Obama refocused the war on terror to attack terrorists wherever they are hiding. He got Bin laden
Obama took on an issue that had been unresolved for generations and passed a universal healthcare plan

Significant challenges...significant accomplishments

Obama will be remembered most for creating an entire future generation of economic slaves to debt.
You don't "fight" it. You don't "shame" people. You change minds and hearts.


How many years how many billions?

Okey dokey Mac, I've seen that you are a straight up owner of a business like I used to be.

Said person comes in, says I don't want to work but give me money.

You as a business owner say what?

This is the welfare of today. This is their attitude. Fucking give me money. That's them.

I'm not going to do that shit. I'm not going to give anymore.

As a business owner, I point to the door and hope they have the intellectual capacity to get my drift.

This isn't a political problem. It's deeper than that, it's a cultural problem. It can't be solved at the ballot box, it's far too ingrained for that. This could take ten, twenty years, because it's taken decades to create. But I'd rather start now than not start at all.

I sure as hell understand your anger. I just think the best way to solve the problem is to help people understand that feeding into the entitlement attitude ultimately hurts more than it helps. It's like chemotherapy, sometimes the cure is worse than the disease. That's gonna take time.


I have to call bullshit on that. You say you are a business owner. Tell me, if you have an employee staling from you, do you gently explain to him that he needs to understand that stealing from you ultimately hurts more than it helps, or do you fire his ass? Do you give a drug addict more drugs to feed his habit while telling him why he should quit? Here, I'll keep feeding your habit while I try to educate you on why you should stop. Horse manure. The addict or thief will keep using or stealing while thinking what a chump you are. You will never convince people to give up entitlements. People like free shit. As long as you are providing free shit, they will take free shit. You cut out the free shit and they have no choice put to provide for themselves. You solve it in one generation, not 20 or 30 years. Ask yourself, has "just say no" had any affect on drug use?
Actually, this is why Obama will be ranked as a top 10 President. He stepped in as the country was in the midst of an economic crash. He passed significant legislation which prevented a depression.
Obama came in with the country involved in two wars. He resolved both
Obama refocused the war on terror to attack terrorists wherever they are hiding. He got Bon laden
Obama took on an issue that had been unresolved for generations and passed a universal healthcare plan

Significant challenges...significant accomplishments

Prevent a depression? I'd say the jury is still out on THAT claim.
Resolved both wars? NOTHING is resolved, and AQ is stronger than ever.
ACA is NOT the 'magic pill' that you think it is. Sold to America for $900 billion, now costing $2.7 TRILLION and it hasn't even slowed the rise in healthcare costs.

If you are going to be THIS delusional you could at least share the psychoactive drugs you are obviously overdosed on...

Unfortunately, historians don't watch FoxNews

Screaming FAIL after every action Obama takes will not sway the historical record

You obviously don't watch Fox News. Are you speaking of their primetime opinion shows? That's a whole other ball game. Now MSNBC, they use their pundits to do things like election analysis and you get the crazies like Chris Tingle saying he was glad the storm happened when it did to help reelect Obama. Wisely, he later apologized. You won't catch a person on Fox election analysis spewing that kind of shit.
Prevent a depression? I'd say the jury is still out on THAT claim.
Resolved both wars? NOTHING is resolved, and AQ is stronger than ever.
ACA is NOT the 'magic pill' that you think it is. Sold to America for $900 billion, now costing $2.7 TRILLION and it hasn't even slowed the rise in healthcare costs.

If you are going to be THIS delusional you could at least share the psychoactive drugs you are obviously overdosed on...

Unfortunately, historians don't watch FoxNews

Screaming FAIL after every action Obama takes will not sway the historical record

You obviously don't watch Fox News. Are you speaking of their primetime opinion shows? That's a whole other ball game. Now MSNBC, they use their pundits to do things like election analysis and you get the crazies like Chris Tingle saying he was glad the storm happened when it did to help reelect Obama. Wisely, he later apologized. You won't catch a person on Fox election analysis spewing that kind of shit.

Think PBS

Credible historians ignore the lunatic fringe on both sides. They look at facts, challenges faced, results, lasting impact
[ame=]Obama supporters celebrate no more Israel - YouTube[/ame]

This is a Obama supporter....Ignorant and full of hate.
Obama supporters celebrate no more Israel - YouTube

This is a Obama supporter....Ignorant and full of hate.

Here's another:


Apparently One Third of Destiny’s Child Vocalist Jay-Z’s Wife Political Expert Beyoncé had this note for Mitt Romney on her Tumblr page last night that has since been removed.. So eloquent in defeat those Hollywood types are. Karma, anyone?

Beyoncé Exudes Extreme Intelligence In Note To Romney Independent Journal Review

The left ... such a classy act, aren't they?


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