My fellow Conservatives...please read this.

So you want to hold Romney up to a detailed plan and see how it might function, while Obama has had four years to show us his program and the results were terrible.

Well, you're in the minority of people who think that apparently.
I'm not sure one can correlate a win of a candidate to belief that the economy is on the correct path.

In fact, the polls - which so many today agree are accurate - indicate that a majority, much more that the majority vote for Obama, believes the country is NOT on the right track.

Faulty logic.
So you want to hold Romney up to a detailed plan and see how it might function, while Obama has had four years to show us his program and the results were terrible.

Well, you're in the minority of people who think that apparently.
I'm not sure one can correlate a win of a candidate to belief that the economy is on the correct path.

In fact, the polls - which so many today agree are accurate - indicate that a majority, much more that the majority vote for Obama, believes the country is NOT on the right track.

Faulty logic.

Then your unreasonable statement, which is based on the same logic, would also be faulty. So perhaps simmer down.
Well, you're in the minority of people who think that apparently.
I'm not sure one can correlate a win of a candidate to belief that the economy is on the correct path.

In fact, the polls - which so many today agree are accurate - indicate that a majority, much more that the majority vote for Obama, believes the country is NOT on the right track.

Faulty logic.

Then your unreasonable statement, which is based on the same logic, would also be faulty. So perhaps simmer down.
Well, I'm not trying to correlate a thing from the election results, except that Obama won.

Sorry pointing out faulty logic upsets you so, Buttercup.
We have suffered a major setback...there is no denying that.

The natural kneejerk reaction it's to lash out, point fingers, distance oneself from defeat.

Instead, I would ask that you take time to process the election results and thoughtfully consider the ramifications of the election, the constructive criticism that you glean from that reflection, and how we can rectify the shortfall we suffered here.

What we need is an After Action Review, not a rerun of the Blame Game.

Defeat is a fork in the path leads to internal destruction, the other to strength through adversity.

Today we choose...choose wisely.

EDIT -- Before replying to this post, read the clarification here:

Please, oh please, become more conservative. You weren't conservative enough. You allowed FOX News and Super PACs to dictate your reality.

You selected Mitt Romney over ALL other Republicans in the GOP primaries.
when will you keneysians ever get a grip...?

When the evidence starts contradicting the theory. So far it only confirms it.

And no, bumper stickers do not count as a valid argument.

one option you didn't mention is less spending and less taxes..

Taxes don't matter much (cutting them only increases the deficits), but the spending cuts weaken the economy real bad. Enough to make paying off the debt even harder. Greece is a perfect example of that policy failure. It was forced to make deep cuts and now its economy is again in deep recession (it shrank 6.2% in the second quarter).
So, Obama spends MORE and the economy is in the shitter.

Yup, that works real well.

Excuse me, but are you really that dumb? Every single president in the history has spent MORE. And Obama had a special reason for that -- fighting the Great Recession.
when will you keneysians ever get a grip...?

When the evidence starts contradicting the theory. So far it only confirms it.

And no, bumper stickers do not count as a valid argument.

one option you didn't mention is less spending and less taxes..

Taxes don't matter much (cutting them only increases the deficits), but the spending cuts weaken the economy real bad. Enough to make paying off the debt even harder. Greece is a perfect example of that policy failure. It was forced to make deep cuts and now its economy is again in deep recession (it shrank 6.2% in the second quarter).

Let me get this straight, we've OVER spent by $16 trillion (again, that's not what we've spent, that's what we've OVER spent) and in your THEORY (and that's exactly what it is - a fuck'n stupid theory) we haven't spent enough?!?!

You think that using a big font makes for a good argument? If only that were true, you'd be the smartest thing in the world, not a dumbass that you are.

As for you question -- yes, the for the past 230 years the US government accumulated 16 trillion debt (2/3 of which is owned by Americans) and no, since 2008 recession the government has not spend enough to return the unemployment back to its normal level.

Any more questions?

Say you spend $30,000 a year. And then you spend $4 million to buy a new house and two ferraris for someone else. But your other regular (so-called fixed) spending stayed about the same. Did your spending stay the same or did you just engage in reckless spending? We all know the answer. Government is not exempt from reality.
We have suffered a major setback...there is no denying that.

The natural kneejerk reaction it's to lash out, point fingers, distance oneself from defeat.

Instead, I would ask that you take time to process the election results and thoughtfully consider the ramifications of the election, the constructive criticism that you glean from that reflection, and how we can rectify the shortfall we suffered here.

What we need is an After Action Review, not a rerun of the Blame Game.

Defeat is a fork in the path leads to internal destruction, the other to strength through adversity.

Today we choose...choose wisely.

EDIT -- Before replying to this post, read the clarification here:

Please, oh please, become more conservative. You weren't conservative enough. You allowed FOX News and Super PACs to dictate your reality.

You selected Mitt Romney over ALL other Republicans in the GOP primaries.
WTF Dante... I mean you can't really have a better response to a loss than that and you are trying to throw salt into the wound without making any kind of real point other than what he's already said they should do.

Don't get me wrong... I'm all for slinging some mud at a mud slinger... But what the fuck did Missourian do to deserve it?
The GOP has turned into a cesspool full of America's most radical factions. Time to call a pumper truck...

I watched the Occupy Wall Street "movement" (LMAO) - nothing screams CESSPOOL like you filthy, disease ridden, lazy fucking liberal communists. NOTHING.

Raping women. Murder. Spreading diseases. Yeah, cesspool is YOUR side of the aisle asshole...

Love that bitterness. :)
The GOP has turned into a cesspool full of America's most radical factions. Time to call a pumper truck...
Who knew the ACLU is now a branch of the GOP:

October 24, 2012

The American Civil Liberties Union and the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) have filed a lawsuit challenging the government’s targeted killing of three U.S. citizens in drone strikes far from any armed conflict zone.

In Al-Aulaqi v. Panetta (Al-Awlaki v. Panetta) the groups charge that the U.S. government’s killings of U.S. citizens Anwar Al-Aulaqi, Samir Khan, and 16-year-old Abdulrahman Al-Aulaqi in Yemen last year violated the Constitution’s fundamental guarantee against the deprivation of life without due process of law.​

Oops, he killed THREE US citizens. (I get the number of these guys killed mixed up with the number of US border agents who were killed.)

Al-Aulaqi v. Panetta | American Civil Liberties Union

Yuppers he got them killed. Didn't bat an eye. Went running to Vegas. He's a whore.

I don't care that he has won. He is a whore.

:lol: Who cares what you think? You aren't even American and you sure are taking this reelection hard. Stock up on tissues, nutter.
Who knew the ACLU is now a branch of the GOP:

October 24, 2012

The American Civil Liberties Union and the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) have filed a lawsuit challenging the government’s targeted killing of three U.S. citizens in drone strikes far from any armed conflict zone.

In Al-Aulaqi v. Panetta (Al-Awlaki v. Panetta) the groups charge that the U.S. government’s killings of U.S. citizens Anwar Al-Aulaqi, Samir Khan, and 16-year-old Abdulrahman Al-Aulaqi in Yemen last year violated the Constitution’s fundamental guarantee against the deprivation of life without due process of law.​

Oops, he killed THREE US citizens. (I get the number of these guys killed mixed up with the number of US border agents who were killed.)

Al-Aulaqi v. Panetta | American Civil Liberties Union

Yuppers he got them killed. Didn't bat an eye. Went running to Vegas. He's a whore.

I don't care that he has won. He is a whore.

:lol: Who cares what you think? You aren't even American and you sure are taking this reelection hard. Stock up on tissues, nutter.

Ravi's welfare check must be late
We have suffered a major setback...there is no denying that.

The natural kneejerk reaction it's to lash out, point fingers, distance oneself from defeat.

Instead, I would ask that you take time to process the election results and thoughtfully consider the ramifications of the election, the constructive criticism that you glean from that reflection, and how we can rectify the shortfall we suffered here.

What we need is an After Action Review, not a rerun of the Blame Game.

Defeat is a fork in the path leads to internal destruction, the other to strength through adversity.

Today we choose...choose wisely.

EDIT -- Before replying to this post, read the clarification here:

You guys will allow talk radio and the tea party to continue to push anyone that is not a rabid right winger away from you. They have already doubled down on their racism and bigotry.
Not if done by executive order in time of war.

Let's play.

The Dems were full of love for GWB. No hate at all with movies about assasinating him and protests with signs to have him killed.

The GOP was full of love for Clinton.

Reagan was another story.

We can keep going back if you'd like to see who has more hate. I'm OK with that.

But, I am loving your hate. We'll see if the POTUS finally lets HIS hate go. :thup:
Dude. You've been running around calling Obama a murderer.
Killings without judicial review are murders.

Obama had no judicial review of his killing of two American citizens.

So, yeah.
The Dixiecrats used to be a separate party then they took over the Rep party. Exorcise yourselves of this influence and go back to your Lincoln roots ... dudes.[/URL]
Last edited:
We have suffered a major setback...there is no denying that.

The natural kneejerk reaction it's to lash out, point fingers, distance oneself from defeat.

Instead, I would ask that you take time to process the election results and thoughtfully consider the ramifications of the election, the constructive criticism that you glean from that reflection, and how we can rectify the shortfall we suffered here.

What we need is an After Action Review, not a rerun of the Blame Game.

Defeat is a fork in the path leads to internal destruction, the other to strength through adversity.

Today we choose...choose wisely.
The answer is we are screwed as a country. The GOP nominated a real moderate with a history of working across party lines. He chose as VP a smart guy who was serious about the budget. They promised credibly to do something about the entltlement crisis in Washington and work in a bipartisan way to rein in gov't debt and spending. They ran an excellent professional campaign that highlighted all of this.The people voted for free shit instead.
That means we are fucked, screwed, out of luck, and dead in the water as a country. The culture of entitlement has taken hold and will be hard if not impossible to break.

No wonder the Rethugs lost. The party is full of stupid, ignorant people. Completely out of touch with reality. Proven by reading the above. Like the part about the VP being "smart". If he was so fuking smart, why couldn't he explain his wonderful program of financial reform?

You lost, quit whining. Everybody likes a winner. NO one cares to listen to the whining of the Rethug party. You have only yourselves to blame for losing. Idiots.
We have suffered a major setback...there is no denying that.

The natural kneejerk reaction it's to lash out, point fingers, distance oneself from defeat.

Instead, I would ask that you take time to process the election results and thoughtfully consider the ramifications of the election, the constructive criticism that you glean from that reflection, and how we can rectify the shortfall we suffered here.

What we need is an After Action Review, not a rerun of the Blame Game.

Defeat is a fork in the path leads to internal destruction, the other to strength through adversity.

Today we choose...choose wisely.


I will examine this issue with my "How to fix the GOP" Series, but my short list is this.

First, Dump the Electoral college- It's not the GOP's friend.

Second- Get right with minorities. Tuesdays defeat really began in 1964, when Barry Goldwater opposed the Civil Rights act, and the GOP has been alienating minority voters ever since.

Third - Get right with working people- The GOP takes the side of business against workers every time, and workers vote.

Fourth- Put an end to "Next in Line". The GOP Lost 5 of the last six popular presidential votes because they've retreaded the losers or sons of losers. If someone sucked last time, he still sucks now.

Fifth- Stop playing "Sex Police". Abortion and homosexuality aren't any of the government's business.

Say you spend $30,000 a year. And then you spend $4 million to buy a new house and two ferraris for someone else. But your other regular (so-called fixed) spending stayed about the same. Did your spending stay the same or did you just engage in reckless spending? We all know the answer. Government is not exempt from reality.

When I was making $30,000 a year, I spent $162,000 to buy a house. I went into debt for $120,000 which was four times what I made. Was that reckless spending?
Not if done by executive order in time of war.

Dude. You've been running around calling Obama a murderer.
Killings without judicial review are murders.

Obama had no judicial review of his killing of two American citizens.

So, yeah.
Oh, dream on! :lmao:

Executive orders also must be constitutional.

And, what war do we have with Yemen? Is that a combat zone?

(rhetorical questions, of course...the answer is a big no to both)
You are not a constitutional expert, "murder" is a legal term defined by law, and no one is going to charge the president of the U.S. during a time of war with murder for the drone attacks. To do so would be tantamount, in my opinion, to treason.

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