My fellow Conservatives...please read this.

I'm positive the liberals will lampoon this thread mercilessly.

They would like nothing better than to witness the self destruction of the Republican party.

Simply ignore it.

They have their motivation....we recognize will fail.

I for one would like to see the Republican party recognize the realignment that's taking place and adjust itself accordingly. As it is, they've set themselves up as slightly whiter, slightly richer, slightly dumber version of the Democrats. If they're not going to offer a real alternative, they shouldn't bother.

I am encouraged by the loss quite frankly!

Because this is the death throes of the liberal agenda.
In spite of Obama's JOB KILLING efforts the economy is growing!
In spite of Obama's ANTI-BUSINESS hatred of capitalism... it is growing!
IN spite of biased reporting by the MSM the truly ONLY reason Obama was re-elected was the UNINFORMED voter who depended on CBS/NBC/ABC biased reporting!
All others now seemed to understand their news sources were extremely favorable to Obama so the ONLY growth in Obama's bloc was UNINFORMED FOOLS!

SO with MSM losing advertising revenue, cutting back ABC/NBC/CBS all feeling these losses WE are getting more independent less biased sources.

The course of action is clear. Impeach Obama! Keep him diverted from implementing his socialist agenda even further!

FRANKLY I think he is a lazy SOB and hopefully will spend his last 4 years playing golf!

Wow ignorance runs deep in you. You are the problem. The no compromise, blame the other guy, if that's what you want, move, we would all be better off.
You'd be better off applying for a Government job. that's all there is left now. Capitalism is dead

And that is no lie either. I have watched a friend of mine make a huge salary for two years now in a job that basically pays him to do nothing but give presentations to "sell" Obamacare to the masses.

Once that monster is entrenched (along with the other government jobs that already soak the taxpayers with outrageous salaries and kickbacks) you can count on a future of voters basically voting for nothing but their own self interests.
Kmart wages isn't exactly a huge salary.

And when did voters vote against their own self interests? Oh, right....Republicans.

Perfect analogy of Obamacare. The Kmart of Healthcare. Pretty much sums it up too.
…and he was found guilty of murder in what court?

With the exception of democratic presidents, apparently.
We'll find out. The ACLU already has plenty of suits going on. Newest one against Panetta.

FOIA suits the administration ignores.

And, a suit against Obama.

Plenty of suits and when they go to trial, I would be very interested in the defense's strategy of violations of the Bill of Rights of American citizens.

The targeted killing program operates with virtually no oversight outside the executive branch, and essential details about the program remain secret, including what criteria are used to put people on CIA and military kill lists or how much evidence is required.

Outside of armed conflict zones, the use of lethal force is strictly limited by international law and, when it comes to U.S. citizens, the Constitution. Specifically, lethal force can be used only as a last resort against an imminent threat to life. Even in the context of an armed conflict against an armed group, the government may use lethal force only against individuals who are directly participating in hostilities against the U. S. Regardless of the context, whenever the government uses lethal force, it must take all possible steps to avoid harming civilian bystanders. These are not the standards that the executive branch is using.​

You can see the current list of court cases against this administration here.

Oh Panetta his one statement sticks in my craw. I've got good friends in places. They screamed when they heard this.

"It was too risky to rescue them"

Can you imagine this. Your Secretary of Defense saying this? I want to bazooka barf.
We'll, maybe, see what was up with Benghazi. Obama, the "constitutional scholar" is not so sharp on understanding FOIA so far.

But what I am talking about here is the targeted killings of US citizens (especially outside of conflict zones) without judicial review, as guaranteed in our Bill of Rights to ALL Americans, even those with funny names.

Who knows what criteria put a US citizen on a kill list? None of us do. And, I have faith that the ACLU will not let this go.
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The path is clear. I'm starting a solar battery company and applying for government grants.

Will also start a bankruptcy case within 24 hours of receiving the grant.

You'd be better off applying for a Government job. that's all there is left now. Capitalism is dead

And that is no lie either. I have watched a friend of mine make a huge salary for two years now in a job that basically pays him to do nothing but give presentations to "sell" Obamacare to the masses.

Once that monster is entrenched (along with the other government jobs that already soak the taxpayers with outrageous salaries and kickbacks) you can count on a future of voters basically voting for nothing but their own self interests.
I know contractors that were installing brand new garage doors in military housing, that got torn down right after they installed them. Infact they talked about hurrying up and getting it done because they knew the houses were coming down.

We concreted a flight line at a military base around a year or so ago, now they are back in there tearing out the new concrete so I hear, and are going to re-place it with new again.
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The GOP has turned into a cesspool full of America's most radical factions. Time to call a pumper truck...

I watched the Occupy Wall Street "movement" (LMAO) - nothing screams CESSPOOL like you filthy, disease ridden, lazy fucking liberal communists. NOTHING.

Raping women. Murder. Spreading diseases. Yeah, cesspool is YOUR side of the aisle asshole...
Am I happy Obama has 4 more years? No. But I AM happy that Mitt Romney isn't President either because Americans would have gone back to sleep thinking we'd been put on the right track. As it is they're waking up. If it's too late well, we'll certainly find out won't we?

The glass is half empty. It's a Pyrrhic victory. Etc...

It's so funny to watch the radical right mercilessly bash Mitt Romney. Yet, just like the idiot dumbocrats who never tell you what they would replace the "evil" capitalism with, the radical right wing never mentions who should have been the GOP nominee.

So please, oh wise one, amuse us with your insight (I can't wait for this). Who do YOU think should have been the GOP nominee (here comes "Ron Paul" or "Gerry Johnson", neither of which are capable of earning 9% of the popular vote :rofl:).

In my humble opinion, we have not seen a better tandem in our lifetime than Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan. Period. They were the complete package - well spoken, well informed, men of character/integrity with real experience, and genuine conservative principles. Fuck almighty, if that's not good enough for you, you're a fuck'n moron of epic proportions.

So please, tells us how Ron Paul or Gerry Johnson was the "answer" to beating Obama..... (we could all use a good laugh I guess)
Would you have voted for Obama instead of either Gary or Ron?
Am I happy Obama has 4 more years? No. But I AM happy that Mitt Romney isn't President either because Americans would have gone back to sleep thinking we'd been put on the right track. As it is they're waking up. If it's too late well, we'll certainly find out won't we?

The glass is half empty. It's a Pyrrhic victory. Etc...

It's so funny to watch the radical right mercilessly bash Mitt Romney. Yet, just like the idiot dumbocrats who never tell you what they would replace the "evil" capitalism with, the radical right wing never mentions who should have been the GOP nominee.

So please, oh wise one, amuse us with your insight (I can't wait for this). Who do YOU think should have been the GOP nominee (here comes "Ron Paul" or "Gerry Johnson", neither of which are capable of earning 9% of the popular vote :rofl:).

In my humble opinion, we have not seen a better tandem in our lifetime than Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan. Period. They were the complete package - well spoken, well informed, men of character/integrity with real experience, and genuine conservative principles. Fuck almighty, if that's not good enough for you, you're a fuck'n moron of epic proportions.

So please, tells us how Ron Paul or Gerry Johnson was the "answer" to beating Obama..... (we could all use a good laugh I guess)

We couldn't beat the media.

Now I love the fervor of the Paulites and I do believe they came out in droves because of the likes of guys like Paulitician who went screw it, I have to vote for Romney.

I mean they were dragging themselves to the polls. Bless their souls. Come on you have to give the Paulites credit here.

Romney's hair sets them clean off to begin with.

I like these guys though. I know we can work together. Give me a couple of days. I need a break, but Paulites are going to be our saviours. I know it for true.
We have suffered a major setback...there is no denying that.

The natural kneejerk reaction it's to lash out, point fingers, distance oneself from defeat.

Instead, I would ask that you take time to process the election results and thoughtfully consider the ramifications of the election, the constructive criticism that you glean from that reflection, and how we can rectify the shortfall we suffered here.

What we need is an After Action Review, not a rerun of the Blame Game.

Defeat is a fork in the path leads to internal destruction, the other to strength through adversity.

Today we choose...choose wisely.

EDIT -- Before replying to this post, read the clarification here:


Well, as you can see in this thread it's all about blame. Blame the media, blame the electorate and blame the libertarians. Blame anyone except Romney.

If this were an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting, you guys would swear you don't have a problem. You'd blame the media for Romney not being more likable. You'd blame the electorate for wanting "free stuff". And you'd blame the libertarians for taking away "your votes".

I wish I could say it was sad but it isn't its funny to see blame get thrown at everyone except the elephant in the room (pun intended). Mitt Romney.

The Romney campaign was an amateurish campaign of mishap after mishap.

  1. They didn't hit back when Obama was defining him in the early days of the campaign. In a very real sense, he never recovered from that.
  2. To beef up his foreign policy credentials, they sent him to England, Israel, and Poland. England accomplished nothing, Israel is understandable, visiting Poland was a missed opportunity. Would have made much more sense to visit Russia, China or Saudi Arabia
  3. He allowed the one thing you can't allow at any convention if you're the nominee; he was overshadowed by a guy talking to an empty chair. The damn thing is that McCain went through the same thing 4 years earlier with Palin.
  4. He didn't capitalize on the momentum from the pick and the convention; he actually took time off the next week. If nothing else, it mitigates the Obama bounce.
  5. Paul Ryan added nothing to the ticket. His only legislative accomplishments were unusable.
  6. In the first debate, he changed course in the campaign which only added to the flip-flop reputation

Outside of the campaign, the man himself was ill suited for a run in 2012. I don't think it's a mystery about the 2010 mid-terms that Obamacare was one of the catalysts for the GOP victories. So what do the Republicans do in 2012? Nominate the architect of Obamacare. Did that make sense? Say what you want about the OWS movement but what the movement born was the phrase, "The 1%". So what do the Republicans do in 2012? Nominate the embodiment of a one-percent stereotype who is building a house with a car elevator who has offshore tax havens. Nothing illegal or even immoral about that but there is even less that is presidential about it. Say what you want about Obama but I don't think there is much debate about him being "cool" for a President. The man shoots hoops, bumps fists, is dynamic, youthful, and the entire Obama family projects a 21st century American family. I'm sure there will be snide remarks made about this but here's a clue--scoreboard. So what do the Republicans do in 2012? Nominate the most socially awkward, aloof, and uncharismatic character they could find who actually got less votes than John McCain. THAT fact in and of itself should tell you something. I said long ago that nobody was going to get their feet wet to go vote for Romney. Turns out, I was right.


What I would suggest is that the GOP make it clear that they are moving to the center and stop funding TEA party candidates. That is, if the GOP wants to be able to run a candidate that can win outside of their opponent's negatives. Obama would have creamed any of the GOP field this year. The idiotic pledges, ideological strait-jacket, and regrettable statements the TEA party forced the challengers into making hamstrung any campaign for the fall.

Sorry, not even close to being as bad as his predecessor. She basically told the entire nation to drop their trousers, bend over and spread 'em.

And the fact that Boehner has not accomplished anything, is a plus in my book seeing as how any political accomplishment for at least the last 12 years has been a detriment to the freedoms of the citizens of the United States.


It doesn't work like that. In spite of what FoxNews says, Pelosi will go down as one of our more effective Speakers. ACA was landmark legislation. Repeal of DADT was historic. Economic Stimulus will go down as a critical move to halt a depression

What will be Boehners legacy?

He was unable to contain his own party and nearly defaulted our debt payments. This resulted in a downgrade of our credit rating. He blocked essential jobs legislation in a time of 8% unemployment. He nearly allowed a government shutdown.
The next few months will seal his legacy if he can't hammer out a deal with the President on sequestration and the Bush tax cuts

I hate to think that you really believe that screwing all of America up the rear end is "effective, landmark legislation". DADT was your own shitty program and now you call its repeal historic? What does that say about the other things you have passed? The Stimulus plan and all of its shovel ready jobs? Are you kidding me?


The Fox is strong in you....history will have a different view. As of last night, Obamacare is here to stay. It is not perfect but provides a structure that future congresses can improve. Pelosi played a key role in it's passing. Repeal of DADT is a major milestone in the progression of gay rights and will again be part of Pelosi's legacy. An overwhelming number of economists acknowledge that the stimulus provided a critical influx of money into a crashing economy.

If you saw Boehner last night, you can see he is scared shitless. He knows his legacy as Speaker will hang on his ability to work out a deal in the next 60 days. If he fails, he will be labeled as the worst speaker in modern times
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The only thing left now, is to vote your ideals and wishes with your own dollars spent, and do it right now people. If you want to quit empowering those who are against you and want to destroy you and your way of life, then simply stop supporting them, and vote them off of your back with your very own dollars, it's really quite simple if one thinks about it. Look how the people supported Chic-Fil-A that week, well duh how about just ramp that up ten fold now, and stay away from people and places that you know will be empowered by your dollar spent, in which will then come right back to haunt you later on with that same dollar, only it will be used against you this time instead of to support you as you had done with it when you spent it on them.
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The GOP has turned into a cesspool full of America's most radical factions. Time to call a pumper truck...

I watched the Occupy Wall Street "movement" (LMAO) - nothing screams CESSPOOL like you filthy, disease ridden, lazy fucking liberal communists. NOTHING.

Raping women. Murder. Spreading diseases. Yeah, cesspool is YOUR side of the aisle asshole...

We must decimate the media.

Fair game.
I'm positive the liberals will lampoon this thread mercilessly.

They would like nothing better than to witness the self destruction of the Republican party.

Simply ignore it.

They have their motivation....we recognize is no threat.

Alinsky's rules only work if you allow yourself to be cowed by them.

EDIT at 9:30...I am happy to amend this post to read "Some Liberals" as some have posted gracious comments in this thread...kudos to them.

The first thing you replied to this insightful, mature, intelligent post involves a completely untrue, hateful, divisive statement indicating you missed the point. This is not the tone the author of this thread, nor any liberals I know, are interested in continuing.
The only thing left now, is to vote your ideals and wishes with your own dollars spent, and do it right now people. If you want to quit empowering those who are against you and want to destroy you and your way of life, then simply stop supporting them, and vote them off of your back with your very own dollars, it's really quite simple if one thinks about it. Look how the people supported Chic-Fil-A that week, well duh how about just ramp that up ten fold now, and stay away from people and places that you know will be empowered by your dollar spent, and where as they will then come right back to haunt you later on with that same dollar, only it will be used against you this time.[/QUO:

I have no words but you are on the right track.....I think I like you.
I'm positive the liberals will lampoon this thread mercilessly.

They would like nothing better than to witness the self destruction of the Republican party.

Simply ignore it.

They have their motivation....we recognize is no threat.

Alinsky's rules only work if you allow yourself to be cowed by them.

EDIT at 9:30...I am happy to amend this post to read "Some Liberals" as some have posted gracious comments in this thread...kudos to them.

The first thing you replied to this insightful, mature, intelligent post involves a completely untrue, hateful, divisive statement indicating you missed the point. This is not the tone the author of this thread, nor any liberals I know, are interested in continuing.

You're one of the aussie kids. fuck off.

or as we say in Canada

fuck off. :eusa_angel:

Foure toi? I'm trying to remember it. Like the keeper ous est le salle de bain?
I'm positive the liberals will lampoon this thread mercilessly.

They would like nothing better than to witness the self destruction of the Republican party.

Simply ignore it.

They have their motivation....we recognize is no threat.

Alinsky's rules only work if you allow yourself to be cowed by them.

EDIT at 9:30...I am happy to amend this post to read "Some Liberals" as some have posted gracious comments in this thread...kudos to them.

The first thing you replied to this insightful, mature, intelligent post involves a completely untrue, hateful, divisive statement indicating you missed the point. This is not the tone the author of this thread, nor any liberals I know, are interested in continuing.

You're one of the aussie kids. fuck off.

or as we say in Canada

fuck off. :eusa_angel:

Foure toi? I'm trying to remember it. Like the keeper ous est le salle de bain?
Baise toi. But, in Canuck-frogese, I'm not so sure.
It doesn't work like that. In spite of what FoxNews says, Pelosi will go down as one of our more effective Speakers. ACA was landmark legislation. Repeal of DADT was historic. Economic Stimulus will go down as a critical move to halt a depression

What will be Boehners legacy?

He was unable to contain his own party and nearly defaulted our debt payments. This resulted in a downgrade of our credit rating. He blocked essential jobs legislation in a time of 8% unemployment. He nearly allowed a government shutdown.
The next few months will seal his legacy if he can't hammer out a deal with the President on sequestration and the Bush tax cuts

I hate to think that you really believe that screwing all of America up the rear end is "effective, landmark legislation". DADT was your own shitty program and now you call its repeal historic? What does that say about the other things you have passed? The Stimulus plan and all of its shovel ready jobs? Are you kidding me?


The Fox is strong in you....history will have a different view. As of last night, Obamacare is here to stay. It is not perfect but provides a structure that future congresses can improve. Pelosi played a key role in it's passing. Repeal of DADT is a major milestone in the progression of gay rights and will again be part of Pelosi's legacy. An overwhelming number of economists acknowledge that the stimulus provided a critical influx of money into a crashing economy.

If you saw Boehner last night, you can see he is scared shitless. He knows his legacy as Speaker will hang on his ability to work out a deal in the next 60 days. If he fails, he will be labeled as the worst speaker in modern times

The only way Pelosi gets a pass in the history books is if her fellow liberals write history and the way things are going that will probably happen although, it is likely to be written as post mortem for the USA.

It was over because whatever else he tried to be, Mitt Romney was as close to a caricature of a rich dick as you could get...

There's some advice Cons should listen to right there

The Rude Pundit

Let me get this straight, Mitt Romney is a (and I quote) "rich dick", but Barack Obama, worth many tens of millions of dollars, is just a poo ghetto boy tryins to make his way throughs life....?!?!?!?!? :cuckoo:

Could you people possibly be any fuck'n dumber?!?! To post something this fucking stupid when you're own "god" is filthy fucking rich is unbelievable...
the vast majority of Americans, but Democrat and Republican won't come to grips with the idea that we can't keep spending like there is no tomorrow.

They won't come grips with that idea because it is not true.

The economy is depressed because everyone is trying to save, but the weak economy makes for more debt. Spending is what is needed to break the vicious circle.

And it is hard to convince people that more spending and lower taxes (a.k.a Obama stimulus) were bad for economy, but less spending and higher taxes (fiscal cliff) would be just as bad. Many people are smart enough to see the contradiction.

It was telling that during the second "town hall" debate, there were many questions about jobs, but no one cared to ask how the candidates are planning to deal with deficits.

when will you keneysians ever get a grip...?

When the evidence starts contradicting the theory. So far it only confirms it.

And no, bumper stickers do not count as a valid argument.

one option you didn't mention is less spending and less taxes..

Taxes don't matter much (cutting them only increases the deficits), but the spending cuts weaken the economy real bad. Enough to make paying off the debt even harder. Greece is a perfect example of that policy failure. It was forced to make deep cuts and now its economy is again in deep recession (it shrank 6.2% in the second quarter).

In any case, Republicans can't argue honestly for the spending cuts now, while opposing the fiscal cliff.
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Am I happy Obama has 4 more years? No. But I AM happy that Mitt Romney isn't President either because Americans would have gone back to sleep thinking we'd been put on the right track. As it is they're waking up. If it's too late well, we'll certainly find out won't we?

The glass is half empty. It's a Pyrrhic victory. Etc...

It's so funny to watch the radical right mercilessly bash Mitt Romney. Yet, just like the idiot dumbocrats who never tell you what they would replace the "evil" capitalism with, the radical right wing never mentions who should have been the GOP nominee.

So please, oh wise one, amuse us with your insight (I can't wait for this). Who do YOU think should have been the GOP nominee (here comes "Ron Paul" or "Gerry Johnson", neither of which are capable of earning 9% of the popular vote :rofl:).

In my humble opinion, we have not seen a better tandem in our lifetime than Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan. Period. They were the complete package - well spoken, well informed, men of character/integrity with real experience, and genuine conservative principles. Fuck almighty, if that's not good enough for you, you're a fuck'n moron of epic proportions.

So please, tells us how Ron Paul or Gerry Johnson was the "answer" to beating Obama..... (we could all use a good laugh I guess)
Would you have voted for Obama instead of either Gary or Ron?

LMAO!!! So I was right, uh?

No, I absolutely would NOT have voted for Ron Paul or Gerry Johnson over Barack Obama (and I believe Barack Obama is the WORST thing to ever happen to America - and that includes 9/11 and Pearl Harbor).

I refuse to vote for a man (Ron Paul) who blames America for 9/11 and who vows to disband the military because it would be unnecessary since "leaving other nations alone" would solve all aggression towards us.... :cuckoo:

Your turn - what was wrong with Mitt Romney? I answered your question honestly and thoroughly - lets see if you can do the same.

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