My fellow Conservatives...please read this.

Killings without judicial review are murders.

Obama had no judicial review of his killing of two American citizens.

So, yeah.

Not in a war, my dear. If you protested the war on terror you would have a point.

I personally think killing even with a judicial review is murder. Except in war.
Oh, I am anti-DP all the way.

But, there cannot be summary executions of US citizens without judicial review. Due process is in the Bill of Rights - granted to ALL Americans.
Tell that to the burglars that got killed in Texas by a "concerned" neighbor. Or anyone killed by a cop on the street.
Not in a war, my dear. If you protested the war on terror you would have a point.

I personally think killing even with a judicial review is murder. Except in war.
Oh, I am anti-DP all the way.

But, there cannot be summary executions of US citizens without judicial review. Due process is in the Bill of Rights - granted to ALL Americans.

They don't care. They are liberals. We kill people. No prob. We protest only when conservatives do it though.

They just don't care. It's that simple.

This from the twit that orgasimed over the Iraq war.
Not in a war, my dear. If you protested the war on terror you would have a point.

I personally think killing even with a judicial review is murder. Except in war.
Oh, I am anti-DP all the way.

But, there cannot be summary executions of US citizens without judicial review. Due process is in the Bill of Rights - granted to ALL Americans.
Tell that to the burglars that got killed in Texas by a "concerned" neighbor. Or anyone killed by a cop on the street.
Imminent threat.

All of which also have had judicial review after the fact to ensure the imminent threat was present.
The path is clear. I'm starting a solar battery company and applying for government grants.

Will also start a bankruptcy case within 24 hours of receiving the grant.

You'd be better off applying for a Government job. that's all there is left now. Capitalism is dead

And that is no lie either. I have watched a friend of mine make a huge salary for two years now in a job that basically pays him to do nothing but give presentations to "sell" Obamacare to the masses.

Once that monster is entrenched (along with the other government jobs that already soak the taxpayers with outrageous salaries and kickbacks) you can count on a future of voters basically voting for nothing but their own self interests.
Of course. I'm just talking about public perception - the image Republicans have been pegged with. It doesn't much matter whether it's true or not. The Democrats sell themselves as supporters of civil liberties and defenders against corporate greed - both laughably wrong - but people buy it.

Still... as I said, I don't think the answer is for the Republicans to get better at lying than the Democrats. I think they should follow RP's lead and get better at telling the truth. People respond to that. It's what real leadership is all about.

And the insinuation is that Romney didn't tell the truth? He ran a very forthcoming and proper campaign that was predicated upon hope, principle, success and integrity.

That said, I get the over-arching point. The state of Republican party is shiz.

You should just ignore the Paulbots....They think they won something ...They are not to bright.

Anyone else get as much of a chuckle out of this as I did?
Oh, I am anti-DP all the way.

But, there cannot be summary executions of US citizens without judicial review. Due process is in the Bill of Rights - granted to ALL Americans.
Tell that to the burglars that got killed in Texas by a "concerned" neighbor. Or anyone killed by a cop on the street.
Imminent threat.

All of which also have had judicial review after the fact to ensure the imminent threat was present.
That's a big help when you're dead.
The path is clear. I'm starting a solar battery company and applying for government grants.

Will also start a bankruptcy case within 24 hours of receiving the grant.

You'd be better off applying for a Government job. that's all there is left now. Capitalism is dead

And that is no lie either. I have watched a friend of mine make a huge salary for two years now in a job that basically pays him to do nothing but give presentations to "sell" Obamacare to the masses.

Once that monster is entrenched (along with the other government jobs that already soak the taxpayers with outrageous salaries and kickbacks) you can count on a future of voters basically voting for nothing but their own self interests.
Kmart wages isn't exactly a huge salary.

And when did voters vote against their own self interests? Oh, right....Republicans.
The people have voted. The republicans in the house should let them drive over the proverbial "fiscal cliff". Obama is bankrupting the nation. It is better to get it over with while there is still some wealth, than to wait until everyone has absolutely nothing, and then declare bankruptcy. Fasten your safety belts, we are in for an ugly ride thanks to the voters that embraced corruption over reality.
Let's play.

The Dems were full of love for GWB. No hate at all with movies about assasinating him and protests with signs to have him killed.

The GOP was full of love for Clinton.

Reagan was another story.

We can keep going back if you'd like to see who has more hate. I'm OK with that.

But, I am loving your hate. We'll see if the POTUS finally lets HIS hate go. :thup:
Dude. You've been running around calling Obama a murderer.
Killings without judicial review are murders.

Obama had no judicial review of his killing of two American citizens.

So, yeah.

…and he was found guilty of murder in what court?

Killings without judicial review are murders.

Obama had no judicial review of his killing of two American citizens.

So, yeah.

Not in a war, my dear. If you protested the war on terror you would have a point.

I personally think killing even with a judicial review is murder. Except in war.
Oh, I am anti-DP all the way.

But, there cannot be summary executions of US citizens without judicial review. Due process is in the Bill of Rights - granted to ALL Americans.

With the exception of democratic presidents, apparently.
The GOP has turned into a cesspool full of America's most radical factions. Time to call a pumper truck...
Who knew the ACLU is now a branch of the GOP:

October 24, 2012

The American Civil Liberties Union and the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) have filed a lawsuit challenging the government’s targeted killing of three U.S. citizens in drone strikes far from any armed conflict zone.

In Al-Aulaqi v. Panetta (Al-Awlaki v. Panetta) the groups charge that the U.S. government’s killings of U.S. citizens Anwar Al-Aulaqi, Samir Khan, and 16-year-old Abdulrahman Al-Aulaqi in Yemen last year violated the Constitution’s fundamental guarantee against the deprivation of life without due process of law.​

Oops, he killed THREE US citizens. (I get the number of these guys killed mixed up with the number of US border agents who were killed.)

Al-Aulaqi v. Panetta | American Civil Liberties Union
Doesn't matter. Fact of the matter is the TEAHADISTS have lost. And I'm enjoying their tears. And if they're the same assholes next year they were last year, then maybe they'll cost the GOP even more seats in 2014...maybe even their majority.


You don't have a clue do you? Only reason the turnout was this big is because we hate Obama so much.

Now we can just trash out the Republicans big time. We gave it. That we did. Now it's called RED DAWN.

I'm going to go out in my back yard tomorrow. About two acres just for fun. Percussion or bow kid?

Which would you choose? I love bow.
Boehner has been one of our worst Speakers of the House. His legislative accomplishments are non existent. He has passed no major bills and couldn't pass a budget. He barely avoided a government shutdown and default on our debt

Unless he is able to act like a Speaker is supposed to and pound out some compromises, he will be viewed as a failure

Sorry, not even close to being as bad as his predecessor. She basically told the entire nation to drop their trousers, bend over and spread 'em.

And the fact that Boehner has not accomplished anything, is a plus in my book seeing as how any political accomplishment for at least the last 12 years has been a detriment to the freedoms of the citizens of the United States.


It doesn't work like that. In spite of what FoxNews says, Pelosi will go down as one of our more effective Speakers. ACA was landmark legislation. Repeal of DADT was historic. Economic Stimulus will go down as a critical move to halt a depression

What will be Boehners legacy?

He was unable to contain his own party and nearly defaulted our debt payments. This resulted in a downgrade of our credit rating. He blocked essential jobs legislation in a time of 8% unemployment. He nearly allowed a government shutdown.
The next few months will seal his legacy if he can't hammer out a deal with the President on sequestration and the Bush tax cuts

I hate to think that you really believe that screwing all of America up the rear end is "effective, landmark legislation". DADT was your own shitty program and now you call its repeal historic? What does that say about the other things you have passed? The Stimulus plan and all of its shovel ready jobs? Are you kidding me?

Dude. You've been running around calling Obama a murderer.
Killings without judicial review are murders.

Obama had no judicial review of his killing of two American citizens.

So, yeah.

…and he was found guilty of murder in what court?

Not in a war, my dear. If you protested the war on terror you would have a point.

I personally think killing even with a judicial review is murder. Except in war.
Oh, I am anti-DP all the way.

But, there cannot be summary executions of US citizens without judicial review. Due process is in the Bill of Rights - granted to ALL Americans.

With the exception of democratic presidents, apparently.
We'll find out. The ACLU already has plenty of suits going on. Newest one against Panetta.

FOIA suits the administration ignores.

And, a suit against Obama.

Plenty of suits and when they go to trial, I would be very interested in the defense's strategy of violations of the Bill of Rights of American citizens.

The targeted killing program operates with virtually no oversight outside the executive branch, and essential details about the program remain secret, including what criteria are used to put people on CIA and military kill lists or how much evidence is required.

Outside of armed conflict zones, the use of lethal force is strictly limited by international law and, when it comes to U.S. citizens, the Constitution. Specifically, lethal force can be used only as a last resort against an imminent threat to life. Even in the context of an armed conflict against an armed group, the government may use lethal force only against individuals who are directly participating in hostilities against the U. S. Regardless of the context, whenever the government uses lethal force, it must take all possible steps to avoid harming civilian bystanders. These are not the standards that the executive branch is using.​

You can see the current list of court cases against this administration here.
The GOP has turned into a cesspool full of America's most radical factions. Time to call a pumper truck...
Who knew the ACLU is now a branch of the GOP:

October 24, 2012

The American Civil Liberties Union and the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) have filed a lawsuit challenging the government’s targeted killing of three U.S. citizens in drone strikes far from any armed conflict zone.

In Al-Aulaqi v. Panetta (Al-Awlaki v. Panetta) the groups charge that the U.S. government’s killings of U.S. citizens Anwar Al-Aulaqi, Samir Khan, and 16-year-old Abdulrahman Al-Aulaqi in Yemen last year violated the Constitution’s fundamental guarantee against the deprivation of life without due process of law.​

Oops, he killed THREE US citizens. (I get the number of these guys killed mixed up with the number of US border agents who were killed.)

Al-Aulaqi v. Panetta | American Civil Liberties Union

Yuppers he got them killed. Didn't bat an eye. Went running to Vegas. He's a whore.

I don't care that he has won. He is a whore.
And the insinuation is that Romney didn't tell the truth? He ran a very forthcoming and proper campaign that was predicated upon hope, principle, success and integrity.

That said, I get the over-arching point. The state of Republican party is shiz.

You should just ignore the Paulbots....They think they won something ...They are not to bright.

Anyone else get as much of a chuckle out of this as I did?
I admit... I grinned. The irony of the statement was just too much to contain.
Am I happy Obama has 4 more years? No. But I AM happy that Mitt Romney isn't President either because Americans would have gone back to sleep thinking we'd been put on the right track. As it is they're waking up. If it's too late well, we'll certainly find out won't we?

The glass is half empty. It's a Pyrrhic victory. Etc...

It's so funny to watch the radical right mercilessly bash Mitt Romney. Yet, just like the idiot dumbocrats who never tell you what they would replace the "evil" capitalism with, the radical right wing never mentions who should have been the GOP nominee.

So please, oh wise one, amuse us with your insight (I can't wait for this). Who do YOU think should have been the GOP nominee (here comes "Ron Paul" or "Gerry Johnson", neither of which are capable of earning 9% of the popular vote :rofl:).

In my humble opinion, we have not seen a better tandem in our lifetime than Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan. Period. They were the complete package - well spoken, well informed, men of character/integrity with real experience, and genuine conservative principles. Fuck almighty, if that's not good enough for you, you're a fuck'n moron of epic proportions.

So please, tells us how Ron Paul or Gerry Johnson was the "answer" to beating Obama..... (we could all use a good laugh I guess)
Killings without judicial review are murders.

Obama had no judicial review of his killing of two American citizens.

So, yeah.

…and he was found guilty of murder in what court?

Oh, I am anti-DP all the way.

But, there cannot be summary executions of US citizens without judicial review. Due process is in the Bill of Rights - granted to ALL Americans.

With the exception of democratic presidents, apparently.
We'll find out. The ACLU already has plenty of suits going on. Newest one against Panetta.

FOIA suits the administration ignores.

And, a suit against Obama.

Plenty of suits and when they go to trial, I would be very interested in the defense's strategy of violations of the Bill of Rights of American citizens.

The targeted killing program operates with virtually no oversight outside the executive branch, and essential details about the program remain secret, including what criteria are used to put people on CIA and military kill lists or how much evidence is required.

Outside of armed conflict zones, the use of lethal force is strictly limited by international law and, when it comes to U.S. citizens, the Constitution. Specifically, lethal force can be used only as a last resort against an imminent threat to life. Even in the context of an armed conflict against an armed group, the government may use lethal force only against individuals who are directly participating in hostilities against the U. S. Regardless of the context, whenever the government uses lethal force, it must take all possible steps to avoid harming civilian bystanders. These are not the standards that the executive branch is using.​

You can see the current list of court cases against this administration here.

Oh Panetta his one statement sticks in my craw. I've got good friends in places. They screamed when they heard this.

"It was too risky to rescue them"

Can you imagine this. Your Secretary of Defense saying this? I want to bazooka barf.
We have suffered a major setback...there is no denying that.

The natural kneejerk reaction it's to lash out, point fingers, distance oneself from defeat.

Instead, I would ask that you take time to process the election results and thoughtfully consider the ramifications of the election, the constructive criticism that you glean from that reflection, and how we can rectify the shortfall we suffered here.

What we need is an After Action Review, not a rerun of the Blame Game.

Defeat is a fork in the path leads to internal destruction, the other to strength through adversity.

Today we choose...choose wisely.

EDIT -- Before replying to this post, read the clarification here:

It is what it is. Each of us has a responsibility to Conscience. You do the right thing because it is the right thing to do, if you are good with that, at peace with that, no matter what camp you are a part of, you have done your part. Let time and circumstance determine the good or bad in this. Spin only covers up so far, so much, on either side. What we owe??? Sober and honest reflection. Whether this is a Victory or Loss for Anyone, or All of us, only time will tell.

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