My fellow Conservatives...please read this.

GoneBezerk is why my GOP lost in part: his hatred is no longer acceptable to the American people as a whole. They will not accept it any more. I would suggest he go find a 3rd party of hatred where he will be happy because his tantrums are no longer going to get him acceptance in the GOP. Watch what Boehner does to the TP during the lame duck session: he knows what he wants, and he will reach across the aisle for governance if necessary.

Boehner's got aspirations for 2016 and the way Republicans nominate "moderates", he's got a shot at the nomination at least.

Yeah, yeah, I'm sure I will hear from conservatives that Boehner is a strong conservative... funny, I heard that about Romney.


Boehner has been one of our worst Speakers of the House. His legislative accomplishments are non existent. He has passed no major bills and couldn't pass a budget. He barely avoided a government shutdown and default on our debt

Unless he is able to act like a Speaker is supposed to and pound out some compromises, he will be viewed as a failure

Sorry, not even close to being as bad as his predecessor. She basically told the entire nation to drop their trousers, bend over and spread 'em.

And the fact that Boehner has not accomplished anything, is a plus in my book seeing as how any political accomplishment for at least the last 12 years has been a detriment to the freedoms of the citizens of the United States.

Boehner has been one of our worst Speakers of the House. His legislative accomplishments are non existent. He has passed no major bills and couldn't pass a budget. He barely avoided a government shutdown and default on our debt

Unless he is able to act like a Speaker is supposed to and pound out some compromises, he will be viewed as a failure

I found him very effective in keeping Obama in check. Expect the same this term.

He wasn't terribly effective at stopping the Teahadists in the caucus from trashing the GOP brand, though.
Equating teapartiers to jihadists?

Loving your hate, there. :thup:
Am I happy Obama has 4 more years? No. But I AM happy that Mitt Romney isn't President either because Americans would have gone back to sleep thinking we'd been put on the right track. As it is they're waking up. If it's too late well, we'll certainly find out won't we?

The glass is half empty. It's a Pyrrhic victory. Etc...
Corporate America will either embrace Obama or they will not, and therefore we will see continued gridlock in this nation until they get there way finally against the American workers of America, and this by them residing over the (destruction of our constitution and the destruction of the American culture and way), and they will do this residing over in order to get their way finally. Why ? It's because they are the true controllers of this nation anymore, and they are also joined in with the world corporations to, and this regardless of who we are as a nation who is with a constitution and a purpose anymore. They are right now and have been controlling our government in order to control us through our government (breaking us down). The world is at stake for them in all of this, and this is in their greedy hardened opinion and/or knowledge of. It is always in their eyes now when it comes to trade in the world that we as a nation must conform finally. The mission by corporations in the world, is not complete until America/Americans are brought into submission by them through our government.

Remember Nafta and how it began bringing down American's wages that were of the middle class to lower class workforce in this nation, and I mean faster than a speeding bullet it was all being done ? Remember it taking away America's jobs quicker than we could spit, and how it was said that everything will soon even out across the world in concerns of labor rates and etc. and that this is what the ultimate goal was, where as once this supposed equalling out came, then the whole world could rise up together, and grow onward together afterwards ? Well how's that been working out for us here in America so far (anyone seen the middle to lower middle class wokforce lately) ? Nope, because they have taken up residence at or near the bottom now...

So I ask, just how can we have a three or four teer incentive driven level society, like we have had in the past properly, and that which worked outstandingly for so long in America, in which is one where one starts at the bottom, makes his way to the lower to upper middle, and then on to the top maybe if he so chooses, if we have corporate thinkers and their culture wanting now for all of us to be equal in pay, benefits and etc. (cheapened down equally) and this so that the only teer system that will exist afterwards yes will still remain, but it will be completely backwards afterwards?

The labor force will be stagnated on purpose, but the management and the ownerships will make out like bandits in such a messed up system anymore, where as the labor will stand stablized and without much movement to be either found in pay, advancements, benefits, profit sharing and such, and this for the employee's whom do labor, while the management gets all these perks and sometimes bonuses and more, and then the CEO or O's get millions as a result of the way it is now set up in a socialistic, communist style set up in which is operated, and is being found within many corporations or companies that are being run right now in these ways in America and the world.

Let's go back to the 1860's now, and lets imagine that America is the world/single land mass that is surrounded by water/ocean, and now there is no other land mass in the world except North America, then the states will represent different countries in this small world, and yes we have slavery for a labor force, and so the plantations they will represent our new corporations in comparrison to or with, and of course we have the plantation CEO/family ownership, and it's management staff to boot. Ok so the slaves produce the goods and services in several states/countries in this North American world/landmass in which we do all live upon in this world together, and so upon this tiny piece of land in which exist, we have these states/countries that sell their goods to other states/countries within this world, and they do this in order for them to consume and trade in this grand trade set up they have, in which harbors many of these things that are traded and sold that are going on between these states/countries, just like it is now in America cept the hard core slavery part, in which back then just as it does today, it made the plantations/corporations super rich and the slaves well you know, they were still still slaves/cheap labor in this whole set up in which we are making this comparrison to or with now.

So I ask this, what is the difference today than back then in all of this now? Aren't corporations looking for the cheapest labor forces they can find still & to exploit, and they do this in order to exploit and use them just like they did back in the 1860"s plantations/corporations did ? Do we really want to equal out and become slaves now for the corporations of the world ? What has Obama done against these corporations who are dominating all markets now, and are displacing small businesses in which are being consumed faster than a speeding bullet or a black hole, suck hole or anything else within it's path in which represents the future in the same for these matters ?

What has Obama got planned to help these multi-national corporations to suceed in all of this even more ? Is this why he told Putin that as soon as the election was over, that he could do more ?

Where are we heading now America ? Have you been duped beyond your wildest imagination America ? Is an American voter even qualified to vote anymore America ?
How is the guy who was never going to win not winning and putting the same group of people into the senate a setback?
He wasn't terribly effective at stopping the Teahadists in the caucus from trashing the GOP brand, though.
Equating teapartiers to jihadists?

Loving your hate, there. :thup:

Ooh, somebody's a wee bit sensitive in their butthurt, aren't they?

I'm loving Obama's win. It brings out the worst in some. You can be proud and rejoice in that hate that you, and undoubtedly the buffoon in chief, will continue with over the next four years. :thup:.
Boehner has been one of our worst Speakers of the House. His legislative accomplishments are non existent. He has passed no major bills and couldn't pass a budget. He barely avoided a government shutdown and default on our debt

Unless he is able to act like a Speaker is supposed to and pound out some compromises, he will be viewed as a failure

I found him very effective in keeping Obama in check. Expect the same this term.

He wasn't terribly effective at stopping the Teahadists in the caucus from trashing the GOP brand, though.

No, he certainly wasn't. Is anyone else enjoying this thread as much as I am? :D
Equating teapartiers to jihadists?

Loving your hate, there. :thup:

Ooh, somebody's a wee bit sensitive in their butthurt, aren't they?

I'm loving Obama's win. It brings out the worst in some. You can be proud and rejoice in that hate that you, and undoubtedly the buffoon in chief, will continue with over the next four years. :thup:.

Not to worry, it's nothing compared to what your side has dished out the last 4 years. With the TP House Reps' antics especially the name "Teahdists" is well-earned.

Deal with it and have a nice 4 years. :)
Ooh, somebody's a wee bit sensitive in their butthurt, aren't they?

I'm loving Obama's win. It brings out the worst in some. You can be proud and rejoice in that hate that you, and undoubtedly the buffoon in chief, will continue with over the next four years. :thup:.

Not to worry, it's nothing compared to what your side has dished out the last 4 years. With the TP House Reps' antics especially the name "Teahdists" is well-earned.

Deal with it and have a nice 4 years. :)
Let's play.

The Dems were full of love for GWB. No hate at all with movies about assasinating him and protests with signs to have him killed.

The GOP was full of love for Clinton.

Reagan was another story.

We can keep going back if you'd like to see who has more hate. I'm OK with that.

But, I am loving your hate. We'll see if the POTUS finally lets HIS hate go. :thup:
I'm loving Obama's win. It brings out the worst in some. You can be proud and rejoice in that hate that you, and undoubtedly the buffoon in chief, will continue with over the next four years. :thup:.

Not to worry, it's nothing compared to what your side has dished out the last 4 years. With the TP House Reps' antics especially the name "Teahdists" is well-earned.

Deal with it and have a nice 4 years. :)
Let's play.

The Dems were full of love for GWB. No hate at all with movies about assasinating him and protests with signs to have him killed.

The GOP was full of love for Clinton.

Reagan was another story.

We can keep going back if you'd like to see who has more hate. I'm OK with that.

But, I am loving your hate. We'll see if the POTUS finally lets HIS hate go. :thup:
Dude. You've been running around calling Obama a murderer.
Doesn't matter. Fact of the matter is the TEAHADISTS have lost. And I'm enjoying their tears. And if they're the same assholes next year they were last year, then maybe they'll cost the GOP even more seats in 2014...maybe even their majority.

Boehner's got aspirations for 2016 and the way Republicans nominate "moderates", he's got a shot at the nomination at least.

Yeah, yeah, I'm sure I will hear from conservatives that Boehner is a strong conservative... funny, I heard that about Romney.


Boehner has been one of our worst Speakers of the House. His legislative accomplishments are non existent. He has passed no major bills and couldn't pass a budget. He barely avoided a government shutdown and default on our debt

Unless he is able to act like a Speaker is supposed to and pound out some compromises, he will be viewed as a failure

Sorry, not even close to being as bad as his predecessor. She basically told the entire nation to drop their trousers, bend over and spread 'em.

And the fact that Boehner has not accomplished anything, is a plus in my book seeing as how any political accomplishment for at least the last 12 years has been a detriment to the freedoms of the citizens of the United States.


It doesn't work like that. In spite of what FoxNews says, Pelosi will go down as one of our more effective Speakers. ACA was landmark legislation. Repeal of DADT was historic. Economic Stimulus will go down as a critical move to halt a depression

What will be Boehners legacy?

He was unable to contain his own party and nearly defaulted our debt payments. This resulted in a downgrade of our credit rating. He blocked essential jobs legislation in a time of 8% unemployment. He nearly allowed a government shutdown.
The next few months will seal his legacy if he can't hammer out a deal with the President on sequestration and the Bush tax cuts
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Btw, you think I'M rude, check out this guy:

A Few Brief Notes to Republicans on the Day After Their Defeat by Barack Obama:
In four of the last five presidential elections, you lost the popular vote (we won't get into the fact that you really lost four of the last five elections completely). Is that telling you something? No, it's not. Because you're Republicans. And you don't care what reality is. You prefer to attempt to bend reality like a contortionist porn actor trying and failing to lick his own taint from behind.

You lost. It wasn't close. It wasn't a squeaker. It wasn't a nailbiter. All of your internal magical mathematicians were wrong. It was over the second the polls closed on the West Coast because it was over before the election even started. It was over because you nominated a fraud, a Tin Man who spent the entire campaign looking for a heart not because he really wanted one but because his advisors told him that he needed one. It was over because whatever else he tried to be, Mitt Romney was as close to a caricature of a rich dick as you could get without looking like he was merely plagiarizing The Simpsons or Dickens. It was over because, despite every effort to smear and lie about the President, Americans saw that Barack Obama was not your crude Bolshevik monster, but a cool, rational man who kept trying to get things done despite monumental opposition, despite monumental debt, despite a monumental storm. You won't see these things, though, because you're Republicans, and self-reflection is to you what a hot needle is to a cyst on your ass.

You are going to get advice from everywhere, all over, left, right, crazy. So the Rude Pundit's not going to attempt to say much here because you're not going to listen. It comes down to this: Stop being jerks, and, as Joe Biden said, get out of the way. Stop being jerks to women, to immigrants, to gays, to union members. Just...well, just fucking stop. If you don't understand how the GOP strategy of the last three and a half years affected you on a national basis, no matter what the gerrymandered House district yahoo votes told you, then you are damned to be party of nothing more than bodies in the road, slowing real progress, only to be crushed and run over one at a time, hoping that enough of your squashed and squeezed viscera gums up the engines of government enough to bring it to a halt. Or until the bodies are plowed out of the way, as they were in 2006 and 2008. If you think the lesson is that you weren't conservative enough, you know nothing about the United States.

Ultimately, you won't learn anything. Because you're Republicans. And there's something tragically touching and almost poetically ignorant about stubbornly clinging to the anchor of your principles even as the ship sinks and everyone around you is saying to let it go and take a life preserver.

Yeah, now we to look forward to the inevitable endless investigations of meaningless things before the push for impeachment. Because you're Republicans. And that's just easier to do than actually govern.


There's some advice Cons should listen to right there.

The Rude Pundit
Not to worry, it's nothing compared to what your side has dished out the last 4 years. With the TP House Reps' antics especially the name "Teahdists" is well-earned.

Deal with it and have a nice 4 years. :)
Let's play.

The Dems were full of love for GWB. No hate at all with movies about assasinating him and protests with signs to have him killed.

The GOP was full of love for Clinton.

Reagan was another story.

We can keep going back if you'd like to see who has more hate. I'm OK with that.

But, I am loving your hate. We'll see if the POTUS finally lets HIS hate go. :thup:
Dude. You've been running around calling Obama a murderer.
Killings without judicial review are murders.

Obama had no judicial review of his killing of two American citizens.

So, yeah.
Let's play.

The Dems were full of love for GWB. No hate at all with movies about assasinating him and protests with signs to have him killed.

The GOP was full of love for Clinton.

Reagan was another story.

We can keep going back if you'd like to see who has more hate. I'm OK with that.

But, I am loving your hate. We'll see if the POTUS finally lets HIS hate go. :thup:
Dude. You've been running around calling Obama a murderer.
Killings without judicial review are murders.

Obama had no judicial review of his killing of two American citizens.

So, yeah.

Not in a war, my dear. If you protested the war on terror you would have a point.

I personally think killing even with a judicial review is murder. Except in war.
Dude. You've been running around calling Obama a murderer.
Killings without judicial review are murders.

Obama had no judicial review of his killing of two American citizens.

So, yeah.

Not in a war, my dear. If you protested the war on terror you would have a point.

I personally think killing even with a judicial review is murder. Except in war.
Oh, I am anti-DP all the way.

But, there cannot be summary executions of US citizens without judicial review. Due process is in the Bill of Rights - granted to ALL Americans.
Dude. You've been running around calling Obama a murderer.
Killings without judicial review are murders.

Obama had no judicial review of his killing of two American citizens.

So, yeah.

Not in a war, my dear. If you protested the war on terror you would have a point.

I personally think killing even with a judicial review is murder. Except in war.

Hey ravi

Some one did a study I think its 59 die to try to take out 1 supposed terrorist.

So you are out there as Dems just freaking killing people at large without due process and you think you are cool?

You have real issues man.
Killings without judicial review are murders.

Obama had no judicial review of his killing of two American citizens.

So, yeah.

Not in a war, my dear. If you protested the war on terror you would have a point.

I personally think killing even with a judicial review is murder. Except in war.
Oh, I am anti-DP all the way.

But, there cannot be summary executions of US citizens without judicial review. Due process is in the Bill of Rights - granted to ALL Americans.

They don't care. They are liberals. We kill people. No prob. We protest only when conservatives do it though.

They just don't care. It's that simple.
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We have suffered a major setback...there is no denying that.

The natural kneejerk reaction it's to lash out, point fingers, distance oneself from defeat.

Instead, I would ask that you take time to process the election results and thoughtfully consider the ramifications of the election, the constructive criticism that you glean from that reflection, and how we can rectify the shortfall we suffered here.

What we need is an After Action Review, not a rerun of the Blame Game.

Defeat is a fork in the path leads to internal destruction, the other to strength through adversity.

Today we choose...choose wisely.
The answer is we are screwed as a country. The GOP nominated a real moderate with a history of working across party lines. He chose as VP a smart guy who was serious about the budget. They promised credibly to do something about the entltlement crisis in Washington and work in a bipartisan way to rein in gov't debt and spending. They ran an excellent professional campaign that highlighted all of this.
The people voted for free shit instead.
That means we are fucked, screwed, out of luck, and dead in the water as a country. The culture of entitlement has taken hold and will be hard if not impossible to break.

A little over the top aren't you?

No matter who would have won, the sun will rise, life will go on as usual.

Anyone that believes politics has much to do with daily life here at ground level has swallowed too much political goop.

We get all hot and bothered by elections and nothing really changes....


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