My fellow Conservatives...please read this.

I have never disagreed with you more than I do in reading this post.

Romney is/was no where close to being a moderate.
That's incorrect. He WAS. Not is... WAS. Before this election and during his actual term.

But when you flip flop like he did I guess you can choose what to believe.

So you are saying that today he became a moderate?
No... I"m saying he WAS a moderate. Before he was running for president. It's where all the flip flop jargon comes from. He WAS a moderate with some moderate stances. He now IS not a moderate based on current stances.
bornright just bornrighting along. Incredible. Get back to us when the trial starts.
Can you imagine what it would have been like if Jimmy Carter had been re-elected instead of Ronald Reagan? We are fixing to find out. The only thing that is going to save us is this Lybian thing. How can anyone doubt that he will be impeached. The only negative thing about that is Biden is next in line.

I think you will be aware of it. I just hope it doesn't take too long.
Conservatism is dead in the United States. It's only chance of survival anywhere is to formally divide the country. The best thing conservatives can do for themselves is identify a hospitable nation and take their industry there. Just like Lot ran from Sodom, don't look back.

You guys need to all move to Texas and secede.

sorry, we get half the country
the vast majority of Americans, but Democrat and Republican won't come to grips with the idea that we can't keep spending like there is no tomorrow.

They won't come grips with that idea because it is not true.

The economy is depressed because everyone is trying to save, but the weak economy makes for more debt. Spending is what is needed to break the vicious circle.

And it is hard to convince people that more spending and lower taxes (a.k.a Obama stimulus) were bad for economy, but less spending and higher taxes (fiscal cliff) would be just as bad. Many people are smart enough to see the contradiction.

It was telling that during the second "town hall" debate, there were many questions about jobs, but no one cared to ask how the candidates are planning to deal with deficits.
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We have suffered a major setback...there is no denying that.

The natural kneejerk reaction it's to lash out, point fingers, distance oneself from defeat.

Instead, I would ask that you take time to process the election results and thoughtfully consider the ramifications of the election, the constructive criticism that you glean from that reflection, and how we can rectify the shortfall we suffered here.

What we need is an After Action Review, not a rerun of the Blame Game.

Defeat is a fork in the path leads to internal destruction, the other to strength through adversity.

Today we choose...choose wisely.

EDIT -- Before replying to this post, read the clarification here:

I read your clarification. I am not blaming our own I fully blame the majority of baffoons that didn't give a crap about their grandchildren and voted for the fail in the WH. What in the hell could they be thinking? Oh that's a trick question.
I love it, Obama barely wins and the looney left thinks that the GOP is dead.

They aren't called LOLberals for nothing.


He had almost 60% of the vote. I don't think that's "Barely."

OBAMA 60,085,524*
ROMNEY 57,401,992

Gosh it was about 51 percent, Obama won you and the rest of the left can stop lying, oh wait, I guess you can't.
the vast majority of Americans, but Democrat and Republican won't come to grips with the idea that we can't keep spending like there is no tomorrow.

They won't come grips with that idea because it is not true.

The economy is depressed because everyone is trying to save, but the weak economy makes for more debt. Spending is what is needed to break the vicious circle.

And it is hard to convince people that more spending and lower taxes (a.k.a Obama stimulus) were bad for economy, but less spending and higher taxes (fiscal cliff) would be just as bad. Many people are smart enough to see the contradiction.

It was telling that during the second "town hall" debate, there were many questions about jobs, but no one cared to ask how the candidates are planning to deal with deficits.

when will you keneysians ever get a grip...? Obama is spending us into oblivion....and it's NOT WORKING....although BO will probably pat himself on the back when the dollar goes bust...

one option you didn't mention is less spending and less taxes....(the R/R plan) dealt with the deficits by producing more income through an expanding economy....the only real way to deal with it...
I love it, Obama barely wins and the looney left thinks that the GOP is dead.

They aren't called LOLberals for nothing.


He had almost 60% of the vote. I don't think that's "Barely."

Math isn't your strong suit is it?

Actually, it is. He obtained 11.9% more votes than he needed to win.

Whoops, sorry, that's not including Florida, which would make it about 18% more votes than he needed to win.
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the vast majority of Americans, but Democrat and Republican won't come to grips with the idea that we can't keep spending like there is no tomorrow.

They won't come grips with that idea because it is not true.

The economy is depressed because everyone is trying to save, but the weak economy makes for more debt. Spending is what is needed to break the vicious circle.

And it is hard to convince people that more spending and lower taxes (a.k.a Obama stimulus) were bad for economy, but less spending and higher taxes (fiscal cliff) would be just as bad. Many people are smart enough to see the contradiction.

It was telling that during the second "town hall" debate, there were many questions about jobs, but no one cared to ask how the candidates are planning to deal with deficits.

when will you keneysians ever get a grip...? Obama is spending us into oblivion....and it's NOT WORKING....although BO will probably pat himself on the back when the dollar goes bust...

one option you didn't mention is less spending and less taxes....(the R/R plan) dealt with the deficits by producing more income through an expanding economy....the only real way to deal with it...


What has Obama spent money on?
At least 303 EC votes (probably 332) and a solid majority in the popular vote to Bush's minority presidency and 5 EC majority in 2000.

Think before you write, please.

I love it, Obama barely wins and the looney left thinks that the GOP is dead.

They aren't called LOLberals for nothing.


He had almost 60% of the vote. I don't think that's "Barely."

OBAMA 60,085,524*
ROMNEY 57,401,992

Gosh it was about 51 percent, Obama won you and the rest of the left can stop lying, oh wait, I guess you can't.
I'm positive the liberals will lampoon this thread mercilessly.

They would like nothing better than to witness the self destruction of the Republican party.

Simply ignore it.

They have their motivation....we recognize is no threat.

Alinsky's rules only work if you allow yourself to be cowed by them.

EDIT at 9:30...I am happy to amend this post to read "Some Liberals" as some have posted gracious comments in this thread...kudos to them.


Those of us who are not conservative or republican would love nothing more than to work with a Republican Party interested in responsible governance, pursuing fiscal conservatism, and abandoning the dogma of the social/radical right.

We hope republicans see yesterday not as a ‘setback’ but as an opportunity to start to engage in constructive, pragmatic dialogue with all political factions to find solutions to our Nation’s problems.
Republicans need to make sure they are ready for the fiscal collapse.

Pull your money out of the stocks and bonds. Pay off your debts and be able to survive an economic collapse or major terrorist attack.

AQ will strike the US again because Obamination is ignoring them overseas, see Libya and Egypt. He is lying to the public that AQ has given up because UBL is dead, when in fact they are emboldened by him pulling out all combat forces from Iraq and promising to do the same in Afghanistan soon.

AQ sees Obamination as an ex-muslim and a wimp, not a good combo when dealing with islamic terrorists. The US can't hold back AQ as long as Obamination is allowing them to get closer and closer just like Bill Clinton did.

Be ready for major problems in the US because the idiots have kept the biggest idiot in charge.
We will see that happen during the lame duck session, perhaps. Boehner is making noises that he will not be ruled by the Tea Party activists in the House this time, that he will build a majority with Dems if he has to in order to (1) make sure the tax cuts don't expire in return for (2) good deficit and debt reduction (defense as well as entitlements) and (3) appropriate immigration reform and (4) the end of the GOP war on homosexuals and (5) adoption of appropriate exemptions to abortion of rape and incest and life of the mother.
GoneBezerk has indeed gone bezerk.

Republicans need to make sure they are ready for the fiscal collapse.

Pull your money out of the stocks and bonds. Pay off your debts and be able to survive an economic collapse or major terrorist attack.

AQ will strike the US again because Obamination is ignoring them overseas, see Libya and Egypt. He is lying to the public that AQ has given up because UBL is dead, when in fact they are emboldened by him pulling out all combat forces from Iraq and promising to do the same in Afghanistan soon.

AQ sees Obamination as an ex-muslim and a wimp, not a good combo when dealing with islamic terrorists. The US can't hold back AQ as long as Obamination is allowing them to get closer and closer just like Bill Clinton did.

Be ready for major problems in the US because the idiots have kept the biggest idiot in charge.

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