My fellow Conservatives...please read this.

I don't buy that "slightly richer" part in the least....The Democrat Party is absolutely loaded down with bazillionaires like Jeff Immelt, Bill Gates, Hollywood celebutards, Wall Street banksters and the like.

Of course. I'm just talking about public perception - the image Republicans have been pegged with. It doesn't much matter whether it's true or not. The Democrats sell themselves as supporters of civil liberties and defenders against corporate greed - both laughably wrong - but people buy it.

Still... as I said, I don't think the answer is for the Republicans to get better at lying than the Democrats. I think they should follow RP's lead and get better at telling the truth. People respond to that. It's what real leadership is all about.

And the insinuation is that Romney didn't tell the truth? He ran a very forthcoming and proper campaign that was predicated upon hope, principle, success and integrity.

That said, I get the over-arching point. The state of Republican party is shiz.


Romney and his boy were a couple of fuckin' liars! There's no "insinuation" about it.
We have suffered a major setback...there is no denying that.

The natural kneejerk reaction it's to lash out, point fingers, distance oneself from defeat.

Instead, I would ask that you take time to process the election results and thoughtfully consider the ramifications of the election, the constructive criticism that you glean from that reflection, and how we can rectify the shortfall we suffered here.

What we need is an After Action Review, not a rerun of the Blame Game.

Defeat is a fork in the path leads to internal destruction, the other to strength through adversity.

Today we choose...choose wisely.

You have your parties confused bro. Only democrats lash out. The only thing we can look forward to is that the administration might tell the truth for a while since they have nothing to lose and we can point fingers and play the blame game.

Please, spare us...:lol:
Just a suggestion.....stop calling your fellow Republicans who aren't ultra Conservative RINOs and making them feel like outsiders.

Work with the Moderates and the Democrats and realize that if you want all those changes that Conservatives talk's not going to happen overnight...might not even happen in your lifetime.

Too much, too fast is the Conservatives' biggest weakness.

I used to be a Republican....but I was never a Conservative....I got lambasted over and over for my I left the party and went Blue. Kerry was the first Dem Presidential Candidate I voted for....and in our local battles, I still will vote Republican if the guy isn't some ultra rightie.

I could have gone left again if Jack had stayed alive. In my mind Layton was the perfect leader.

You guys keep going Libertarian. That's what you call them. Jack Layton was like the perfect leader. I guess he would have been libertarian in your mind.

He was every man. Fiscally conservative, but with a heart. Left wing, but not that far left. He liked success. He wanted every province (aka as states) to succeed.

Too bad he died so young. I think the only way America can succeed is if you pull what we did up here.

Where a conservative prime minister can still play jumping jack flash on the keyboards, still be cool enough to know that gay pride week involves a rainbow and can still foster cats at our "people's house".

And a be a Prime Minister to every one.
A much bigger win than Minority George in 2000. Shut up, predfan, and stop being silly.
Which "TEA Party conservative" was that?...You mean the Wisconsin boy blunder, who begged and pleaded to have TARP passed? :lol:

No, he means the asshole at the top of the ticket who pandered to Teabaggers to get the nomination then became a moderate in the general, but still had to try and preserve some TP cred at the same time.
I wish to thank Mr. Paul, to Mr Gingrich, to Mr Santorum to Mr. Cain say we are all one.

So sick of the Roves.
We are not all one... That's the problem.

You are saying hey... We all have to be one voice... Well... I agree. However... I don't like your voice anymore than you do mine. Which one of us needs to give a little? I lost this election no matter if Obama or Mitt won. You? Are you supporting the republican party? Perhaps you should bend a bit my way. If not... Well... Next election will be an awful lot like this one if you, and republicans in general, don't learn from the past.
Like many of you, I went to bed in near tears last night and woke up depressed this morning. But after thinking it through, there are some things to consider:

1. Romney, despite how miuch some of you have perceived him to be a flip flopper or sending mixed messages, is a very decent, honest, capable, successful person. He is what many of us believed America needed at this particular time to address the most critical issues. But what if he had no chance and would have been blocked at every juncture and ripped to shreds? What if that left the perception that his very good ideas were in fact failures? We would have gained nothing and would have lost traction to restore the best of what America has been and is when we do have the opportunity to do that.

2. Maybe we need four more years of lethargy and wrong headedness to bring the country to its senses and clear the path for a genuine leader of principle, courage, and right ideas to succeed? I dunno. But fighting academia, Hollywood, the media, and a small but persistent group of 'libertarians' who didn't care if they were spoilers is a really tough hurdle for any candidate of any caliber to get over.

3. But if America is not strong enough to withstand four more years of somebody like Obama, we are doomed anyway. I prefer to believe that most of us still hold similar values in our hearts and that most of us still believe in the same things, and we will endure.

Did you also consider all the Carter analogies you were posting on here when arguing why Obama would lose? A lot of us certainly remember.
I love it, Obama barely wins and the looney left thinks that the GOP is dead.

They aren't called LOLberals for nothing.

Obama wins by over 100 electoral votes
Dems pick up two seats in the Senate

GOP squandered a chance to take both
Which "TEA Party conservative" was that?...You mean the Wisconsin boy blunder, who begged and pleaded to have TARP passed? :lol:

No, he means the asshole at the top of the ticket who pandered to Teabaggers to get the nomination then became a moderate in the general, but still had to try and preserve some TP cred at the same time.

Hence we have this outcome.

If losing to a President who is residing over an unemployment rate of 7.9% -- which, by the way, is higher than it was when he took office, I think -- doesn't cause a little sober introspection, a long and thoughtful gaze into the nearest mirror, then nothing will.

Keep moving to the right, let's see how that goes.

We have suffered a major setback...there is no denying that.

The natural kneejerk reaction it's to lash out, point fingers, distance oneself from defeat.

Instead, I would ask that you take time to process the election results and thoughtfully consider the ramifications of the election, the constructive criticism that you glean from that reflection, and how we can rectify the shortfall we suffered here.

What we need is an After Action Review, not a rerun of the Blame Game.

Defeat is a fork in the path leads to internal destruction, the other to strength through adversity.

Today we choose...choose wisely.
The answer is we are screwed as a country. The GOP nominated a real moderate with a history of working across party lines. He chose as VP a smart guy who was serious about the budget. They promised credibly to do something about the entltlement crisis in Washington and work in a bipartisan way to rein in gov't debt and spending. They ran an excellent professional campaign that highlighted all of this.
The people voted for free shit instead.
That means we are fucked, screwed, out of luck, and dead in the water as a country. The culture of entitlement has taken hold and will be hard if not impossible to break.

I have never disagreed with you more than I do in reading this post.

Romney is/was no where close to being a moderate.

Yeah, we're screwed. But we are screwed because the vast majority of Americans, but Democrat and Republican won't come to grips with the idea that we can't keep spending like there is no tomorrow, because if we do... there won't be.

We have suffered a major setback...there is no denying that.

The natural kneejerk reaction it's to lash out, point fingers, distance oneself from defeat.

Instead, I would ask that you take time to process the election results and thoughtfully consider the ramifications of the election, the constructive criticism that you glean from that reflection, and how we can rectify the shortfall we suffered here.

What we need is an After Action Review, not a rerun of the Blame Game.

Defeat is a fork in the path leads to internal destruction, the other to strength through adversity.

Today we choose...choose wisely.
The answer is we are screwed as a country. The GOP nominated a real moderate with a history of working across party lines. He chose as VP a smart guy who was serious about the budget. They promised credibly to do something about the entltlement crisis in Washington and work in a bipartisan way to rein in gov't debt and spending. They ran an excellent professional campaign that highlighted all of this.
The people voted for free shit instead.
That means we are fucked, screwed, out of luck, and dead in the water as a country. The culture of entitlement has taken hold and will be hard if not impossible to break.

I have never disagreed with you more than I do in reading this post.

Romney is/was no where close to being a moderate.
That's incorrect. He WAS. Not is... WAS. Before this election and during his actual term.

But when you flip flop like he did I guess you can choose what to believe.
The answer is we are screwed as a country. The GOP nominated a real moderate with a history of working across party lines. He chose as VP a smart guy who was serious about the budget. They promised credibly to do something about the entltlement crisis in Washington and work in a bipartisan way to rein in gov't debt and spending. They ran an excellent professional campaign that highlighted all of this.
The people voted for free shit instead.
That means we are fucked, screwed, out of luck, and dead in the water as a country. The culture of entitlement has taken hold and will be hard if not impossible to break.

I have never disagreed with you more than I do in reading this post.

Romney is/was no where close to being a moderate.
That's incorrect. He WAS. Not is... WAS. Before this election and during his actual term.

But when you flip flop like he did I guess you can choose what to believe.

So you are saying that today he became a moderate?

I love it, Obama barely wins and the looney left thinks that the GOP is dead.

They aren't called LOLberals for nothing.

I'm not saying the GOP is dead.

One thing's for sure, though: we got plenty more to LOL about than you right now and we're damn sure gonna take advantage of it.


If losing to a President who is residing over an unemployment rate of 7.9% -- which, by the way, is higher than it was when he took office, I think -- doesn't cause a little sober introspection, a long and thoughtful gaze into the nearest mirror, then nothing will.

Keep moving to the right, let's see how that goes.


Nah nah nah nah nah hah hey hey hey good bye. The Republicans have been trying to score center. That's why they lost in the end. I am sobbing.

Look what happened up here. Liberals tried to take the center, they got nuked. They got freaking killed.

You have to define yourself. That's why I love libertarians. Closest thing to our conservative party that you can get.

You must define yourself. You have to go third party; It's not easy. But we did it.
Can you imagine what it would have been like if Jimmy Carter had been re-elected instead of Ronald Reagan? We are fixing to find out. The only thing that is going to save us is this Lybian thing. How can anyone doubt that he will be impeached. The only negative thing about that is Biden is next in line.
bornright just bornrighting along. Incredible. Get back to us when the trial starts.
Can you imagine what it would have been like if Jimmy Carter had been re-elected instead of Ronald Reagan? We are fixing to find out. The only thing that is going to save us is this Lybian thing. How can anyone doubt that he will be impeached. The only negative thing about that is Biden is next in line.

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