My fellow Conservatives...please read this.


The woman said clearly she was going to vote for Obama because she got her phone for free?

Free. That's what she wanted. Free. That's what the bitch wanted.

Would you like to correct me?

So I guess I am an extremist for wanting someone else not to demand my tax dollars go to her?

Is that it?

Sounds like Peggy the Mooch from 2008.Look her up, now THATS funny!!

'Obama de president now. I don't have to pay my rent, he gonna pay all my bills. . . . . '

Really? I never saw where anyone said that

What, they don't have youtube up Obama's ass?

[ame=]Obama Is Going To Pay For My Gas And Mortgage!!! - YouTube[/ame]
"We", comrade, are the decent good Americans in the GOP: we are not racists, we are not crazy religionists, we stay out of other peoples' beds, we are not sexists.

Either change it, or you will have to leave, because the GOP cannot win on hate. The rest of America told you "no" last night, comrade.


We lost because we did not understand until the last week of the race that America would never take the haters again at the national level.

We should have been except for the haters in our far right wing.
Third party is the way to go. I'm not a conspiracy chick. I am none of the above. But I watched you guys lose the election because Romney in the last days played nice.

What the hell were you thinking?

We? You have a mouse in your pocket comrade?
Well how do you fight the people who actually want all the freebies?

I want my free shit women? How do you fight this?

You can't embarass them enough? They like being welfare whores. They shove it in our faces.

You give me your money. That's what they are saying and now we have a President to prove it.

So that's the new game. You give me money.

Aren't you ashamed of yourselves?

You don't "fight" it. You don't "shame" people. You change minds and hearts.


How many years how many billions?

Okey dokey Mac, I've seen that you are a straight up owner of a business like I used to be.

Said person comes in, says I don't want to work but give me money.

You as a business owner say what?

This is the welfare of today. This is their attitude. Fucking give me money. That's them.

I'm not going to do that shit. I'm not going to give anymore.
Republicans need to nominate better candidates

Romney was a good candidate. Gingrich, Santorum, Cain and Paul were not

Allowing the Tea Party to swamp your primaries and run candidates who are an embarassment to your party is not a winning strategy
Paul was screwed out of the nomination by the Republican Party.
Well, he was certainly screwed out of a role in creating the platform and a speaking spot....I strongly suspect that little bit of jiggery-pokery cost the GOP somewhere in the neighborhood of 3% - 8% of their total turnout.

I'm wondering if the Republican establishment has even run that fact through their brains yet.

Judging by the numbers 4% would've made the difference.
"We", comrade, are the decent good Americans in the GOP: we are not racists, we are not crazy religionists, we stay out of other peoples' beds, we are not sexists.

Either change it, or you will have to leave, because the GOP cannot win on hate. The rest of America told you "no" last night, comrade.


We lost because we did not understand until the last week of the race that America would never take the haters again at the national level.

We should have been except for the haters in our far right wing.

We? You have a mouse in your pocket comrade?

Get back to me Jake when you tell me you don't want to force a person to pay for some one elses birth control.

Or when you want to take tax dollars from someone to abort a 8 month old baby. You want to rip that kid out of your womb?

By all means be a swine and kill it. But don't ask the rest of us to pay for your fuck up.
Stop the hate, tinydancer, it does not work anymore. American told you "no: last night. Get into the fight for welfare reform, but leave out the wackiness, the sexism, the racism, the far religiousness nonsense.

America is moving on.

Get on board, or get walked over.

"We", comrade, are the decent good Americans in the GOP: we are not racists, we are not crazy religionists, we stay out of other peoples' beds, we are not sexists.

Either change it, or you will have to leave, because the GOP cannot win on hate. The rest of America told you "no" last night, comrade.

We? You have a mouse in your pocket comrade?

Get back to me Jake when you tell me you don't want to force a person to pay for some one elses birth control.

Or when you want to take tax dollars from someone to abort a 8 month old baby. You want to rip that kid out of your womb?

By all means be a swine and kill it. But don't ask the rest of us to pay for your fuck up.
The natural kneejerk reaction it's to lash out, point fingers, distance oneself from defeat.

This is what I'm seeing the most of, so far.


Got that right:

Hey he was so angry over Ryan being picked over him.

What a douche bag. What a fuck head that he could screw over Romney because he wasn't picked as VP.

Frankly I've never seen the like. Not even up here.
We have suffered a major setback...there is no denying that.

The natural kneejerk reaction it's to lash out, point fingers, distance oneself from defeat.

Instead, I would ask that you take time to process the election results and thoughtfully consider the ramifications of the election, the constructive criticism that you glean from that reflection, and how we can rectify the shortfall we suffered here.

What we need is an After Action Review, not a rerun of the Blame Game.

Defeat is a fork in the path leads to internal destruction, the other to strength through adversity.

Today we choose...choose wisely.

EDIT -- Before replying to this post, read the clarification here:

Sane words but sorry the nation is fucked.
Stop the hate, tinydancer, it does not work anymore. American told you "no: last night. Get into the fight for welfare reform, but leave out the wackiness, the sexism, the racism, the far religiousness nonsense.

America is moving on.

Get on board, or get walked over.

"We", comrade, are the decent good Americans in the GOP: we are not racists, we are not crazy religionists, we stay out of other peoples' beds, we are not sexists.

Either change it, or you will have to leave, because the GOP cannot win on hate. The rest of America told you "no" last night, comrade.

Get back to me Jake when you tell me you don't want to force a person to pay for some one elses birth control.

Or when you want to take tax dollars from someone to abort a 8 month old baby. You want to rip that kid out of your womb?

By all means be a swine and kill it. But don't ask the rest of us to pay for your fuck up.

Third party. Did it up here. And I know how to do it.
Well how do you fight the people who actually want all the freebies?

I want my free shit women? How do you fight this?

You can't embarass them enough? They like being welfare whores. They shove it in our faces.

You give me your money. That's what they are saying and now we have a President to prove it.

So that's the new game. You give me money.

Aren't you ashamed of yourselves?

You don't "fight" it. You don't "shame" people. You change minds and hearts.


How many years how many billions?

Okey dokey Mac, I've seen that you are a straight up owner of a business like I used to be.

Said person comes in, says I don't want to work but give me money.

You as a business owner say what?

This is the welfare of today. This is their attitude. Fucking give me money. That's them.

I'm not going to do that shit. I'm not going to give anymore.

As a business owner, I point to the door and hope they have the intellectual capacity to get my drift.

This isn't a political problem. It's deeper than that, it's a cultural problem. It can't be solved at the ballot box, it's far too ingrained for that. This could take ten, twenty years, because it's taken decades to create. But I'd rather start now than not start at all.

I sure as hell understand your anger. I just think the best way to solve the problem is to help people understand that feeding into the entitlement attitude ultimately hurts more than it helps. It's like chemotherapy, sometimes the cure is worse than the disease. That's gonna take time.

You don't "fight" it. You don't "shame" people. You change minds and hearts.


How many years how many billions?

Okey dokey Mac, I've seen that you are a straight up owner of a business like I used to be.

Said person comes in, says I don't want to work but give me money.

You as a business owner say what?

This is the welfare of today. This is their attitude. Fucking give me money. That's them.

I'm not going to do that shit. I'm not going to give anymore.

As a business owner, I point to the door and hope they have the intellectual capacity to get my drift.

This isn't a political problem. It's deeper than that, it's a cultural problem. It can't be solved at the ballot box, it's far too ingrained for that. This could take ten, twenty years, because it's taken decades to create. But I'd rather start now than not start at all.

I sure as hell understand your anger. I just think the best way to solve the problem is to help people understand that feeding into the entitlement attitude ultimately hurts more than it helps. It's like chemotherapy, sometimes the cure is worse than the disease. That's gonna take time.


And how in the hell do you suppose we do that? By electing democrats? By trying to reason with them? Sane words based on nothing.
Just a suggestion.....stop calling your fellow Republicans who aren't ultra Conservative RINOs and making them feel like outsiders.

Work with the Moderates and the Democrats and realize that if you want all those changes that Conservatives talk's not going to happen overnight...might not even happen in your lifetime.

Too much, too fast is the Conservatives' biggest weakness.

I used to be a Republican....but I was never a Conservative....I got lambasted over and over for my I left the party and went Blue. Kerry was the first Dem Presidential Candidate I voted for....and in our local battles, I still will vote Republican if the guy isn't some ultra rightie.
After action review: Don't nominate the loser who lost in the primaries to the last loser, as have the last two GOP losers.

Republicans need to nominate better candidates

Romney was a good candidate. Gingrich, Santorum, Cain and Paul were not

Allowing the Tea Party to swamp your primaries and run candidates who are an embarassment to your party is not a winning strategy
Paul was screwed out of the nomination by the Republican Party.

Please....Paul was fourth in a four man race
Sounds like Peggy the Mooch from 2008.Look her up, now THATS funny!!

'Obama de president now. I don't have to pay my rent, he gonna pay all my bills. . . . . '

Really? I never saw where anyone said that

What, they don't have youtube up Obama's ass?

[ame=]Obama Is Going To Pay For My Gas And Mortgage!!! - YouTube[/ame]

I watched it again

Can you point out where she said Obama would pay for her gas and Mortgage?

You aren't lying are you?
After action review: Don't nominate the loser who lost in the primaries to the last loser, as have the last two GOP losers.

Romney was an excellent candidate. He presented a wonderful vision for America. At the end of the day, the TMZ electorate got their way. Corruption won out.

Here ya go, shit-talker...


Please do that if you won't stop the hate, the sexism, the racism, etc. A third party would be great, and it would force the two parties back to the center as they co-opt the better parts of it.

Please do so.

Stop the hate, tinydancer, it does not work anymore. American told you "no: last night. Get into the fight for welfare reform, but leave out the wackiness, the sexism, the racism, the far religiousness nonsense.

America is moving on.

Get on board, or get walked over.

Get back to me Jake when you tell me you don't want to force a person to pay for some one elses birth control.

Or when you want to take tax dollars from someone to abort a 8 month old baby. You want to rip that kid out of your womb?

By all means be a swine and kill it. But don't ask the rest of us to pay for your fuck up.

Third party. Did it up here. And I know how to do it.
As for Mitch McConnell, his derisive statement released last night is typical of an old, craggy, ass hole attitude about things that drives us away from a once great party.

He's probably the biggest loser of all from last night. His party was given two good chances in a row to make him Senate Majority Leader and fucked them both up!


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