My fellow Conservatives...please read this.

I consider Obama to be socially and economically ruining this nation. I am not prepared to back off one subatomic particle.

I think some of you have misconstrued my message.

I'm not asking anyone to compromise their principles.

What I'm referring to is the tendency of the losing party to eat it's own.

The blame and finger pointing.

The "Romney was too moderate" blames the moderates.

The "It was the social issues" blames the social conservatives.

The "folks who wasted there vote on Paul and Johnson cost us the election" blames the libertarians.

The permutation are endless.

We are a coalition party...alienating any coalition member hurts the party.

The point of my thread is that we need time to reflect and present opinions on how to proceed...not tear off a leg of the stool berate it as the fault...the root cause of defeat.

It's just not that simple.

That's what I mean by distancing oneself from defeat..."It's not me, I'm right, it's THOSE guys who are to blame"

The ego almost demands that response.

We need to fight that urge, changeling it into something more productive.

Does that clarify my intent?

Yes. However, there is a group to blame and that's the RNC. They have AGAIN failed to attract new voters while alienating lots of existing voters. The RNC failed because they have still been the party of big government just slightly less than Democrats.

I'm done holding my nose to vote for a fiscal liberal. I'm heading to Libertarian Party.

See ya.

Thanks for proving his point though. Conservatives will never win when the extremists in your party control your direction.


The woman said clearly she was going to vote for Obama because she got her phone for free?

Free. That's what she wanted. Free. That's what the bitch wanted.

Would you like to correct me?

So I guess I am an extremist for wanting someone else not to demand my tax dollars go to her?

Is that it?

PolitiFact | Adam Putnam: Obama campaign gives free cell phones to supporters

As far as you calling her a bitch. Thank you for helping drive away the moderate conservatives that would have voted republican this year. It was helpful.

I have a conservative majority now. You want to go at me asswipe? Fuck moderates. Pick your side.

We lost because we did not understand until the last week of the race that America would never take the haters again at the national level.

We should have been except for the haters in our far right wing.
Third party is the way to go. I'm not a conspiracy chick. I am none of the above. But I watched you guys lose the election because Romney in the last days played nice.

What the hell were you thinking?
Romney was an excellent candidate. He presented a wonderful vision for America. At the end of the day, the TMZ electorate got their way. Corruption won out.
Romney was a shit candidate, who lost in the previous primary to the previous shit candidate.

Next time around, Newt Gingrich, Michelle Bachmann, Dr. Ron Paul, Rick Santorum, Rick Perry, Herman Cain and John Huntsman should all be eliminated from consideration right off the top of the deck.

If ANY of those listed above throw their hats into the ring or win the nod next time around, I'm out of the Republican party. Add Palin, Huckabee, Romney, Ryan to the list too. If they don't put up a real (fiscal) conservative, I'm out.

Is anyone surprised that Obama won? I'm not. R&R are not conservative no matter how much they said they were. I had a wee bit of 'maybe they can win' the last couple of days but for the majority of the election I felt that Obama would get a 2nd term.

They say you have to hit rock bottom before you can start to climb back up.


Let's get some Libertarians up to national prominence. 8 years of voting GOP has been a big fat bucket of fail.
I consider Obama to be socially and economically ruining this nation. I am not prepared to back off one subatomic particle.

I think some of you have misconstrued my message.

I'm not asking anyone to compromise their principles.

What I'm referring to is the tendency of the losing party to eat it's own.

The blame and finger pointing.

The "Romney was too moderate" blames the moderates.

The "It was the social issues" blames the social conservatives.

The "folks who wasted there vote on Paul and Johnson cost us the election" blames the libertarians.

The permutation are endless.

We are a coalition party...alienating any coalition member hurts the party.

The point of my thread is that we need time to reflect and present opinions on how to proceed...not tear off a leg of the stool berate it as the fault...the root cause of defeat.

It's just not that simple.

That's what I mean by distancing oneself from defeat..."It's not me, I'm right, it's THOSE guys who are to blame"

The ego almost demands that response.

We need to fight that urge, changeling it into something more productive.

Does that clarify my intent?

Yes. However, there is a group to blame and that's the RNC. They have AGAIN failed to attract new voters while alienating lots of existing voters. The RNC failed because they have still been the party of big government just slightly less than Democrats.

I'm done holding my nose to vote for a fiscal liberal. I'm heading to Libertarian Party.

See ya.

You have to have the third party. The R's have fucked you guys over so big. And now you are dead in the water.

They failed so bad when Christie gave the election over. He fucked his own party. This is why I hate and detest the RNC now.

The woman said clearly she was going to vote for Obama because she got her phone for free?

Free. That's what she wanted. Free. That's what the bitch wanted.

Would you like to correct me?

So I guess I am an extremist for wanting someone else not to demand my tax dollars go to her?

Is that it?

PolitiFact | Adam Putnam: Obama campaign gives free cell phones to supporters

As far as you calling her a bitch. Thank you for helping drive away the moderate conservatives that would have voted republican this year. It was helpful.

I have a conservative majority now. You want to go at me asswipe? Fuck moderates. Pick your side.

I voted for Obama because of people like you. Deal with it. :badgrin:
Romney was a shit candidate, who lost in the previous primary to the previous shit candidate.

Next time around, Newt Gingrich, Michelle Bachmann, Dr. Ron Paul, Rick Santorum, Rick Perry, Herman Cain and John Huntsman should all be eliminated from consideration right off the top of the deck.

If ANY of those listed above throw their hats into the ring or win the nod next time around, I'm out of the Republican party. Add Palin, Huckabee, Romney, Ryan to the list too. If they don't put up a real (fiscal) conservative, I'm out.

Is anyone surprised that Obama won? I'm not. R&R are not conservative no matter how much they said they were. I had a wee bit of 'maybe they can win' the last couple of days but for the majority of the election I felt that Obama would get a 2nd term.

They say you have to hit rock bottom before you can start to climb back up.


Let's get some Libertarians up to national prominence. 8 years of voting GOP has been a big fat bucket of fail.

Thank you.

Now I've done it before, we can do it again. You must go third party.

Thanks for proving his point though. Conservatives will never win when the extremists in your party control your direction.


The woman said clearly she was going to vote for Obama because she got her phone for free?

Free. That's what she wanted. Free. That's what the bitch wanted.

Would you like to correct me?

So I guess I am an extremist for wanting someone else not to demand my tax dollars go to her?

Is that it?

Sounds like Peggy the Mooch from 2008.Look her up, now THATS funny!!

'Obama de president now. I don't have to pay my rent, he gonna pay all my bills. . . . . '

Really? I never saw where anyone said that
PolitiFact | Adam Putnam: Obama campaign gives free cell phones to supporters

As far as you calling her a bitch. Thank you for helping drive away the moderate conservatives that would have voted republican this year. It was helpful.

I have a conservative majority now. You want to go at me asswipe? Fuck moderates. Pick your side.

I voted for Obama because of people like you. Deal with it. :badgrin:

And you. You make me want to make me my draw weight tighter. You don't even know what that is do you a kid in jammies. :D
May they form the American Hate Party. Rush can be the campaign spokesman.

The woman said clearly she was going to vote for Obama because she got her phone for free?

Free. That's what she wanted. Free. That's what the bitch wanted.

Would you like to correct me?

So I guess I am an extremist for wanting someone else not to demand my tax dollars go to her?

Is that it?

Sounds like Peggy the Mooch from 2008.Look her up, now THATS funny!!

'Obama de president now. I don't have to pay my rent, he gonna pay all my bills. . . . . '

Really? I never saw where anyone said that

You don't know Peggy? Holy toledo. Almost famous.
We have suffered a major setback...there is no denying that.

The natural kneejerk reaction it's to lash out, point fingers, distance oneself from defeat.

Instead, I would ask that you take time to process the election results and thoughtfully consider the ramifications of the election, the constructive criticism that you glean from that reflection, and how we can rectify the shortfall we suffered here.

What we need is an After Action Review, not a rerun of the Blame Game.

Defeat is a fork in the path leads to internal destruction, the other to strength through adversity.

Today we choose...choose wisely.

EDIT -- Before replying to this post, read the clarification here:


Today we watched Rome die. Pigs wanting more. At the trough. That's who won. Pigs. Swine screaming "I got my Obama phone".

I knew you couldn't stay away... now get back in's a war going on and we need you.

The woman said clearly she was going to vote for Obama because she got her phone for free?

Free. That's what she wanted. Free. That's what the bitch wanted.

Would you like to correct me?

So I guess I am an extremist for wanting someone else not to demand my tax dollars go to her?

Is that it?

Sounds like Peggy the Mooch from 2008.Look her up, now THATS funny!!

'Obama de president now. I don't have to pay my rent, he gonna pay all my bills. . . . . '

Really? I never saw where anyone said that


[ame=]Obama Is Going To Pay For My Gas And Mortgage!!! - YouTube[/ame]
PolitiFact | Adam Putnam: Obama campaign gives free cell phones to supporters

As far as you calling her a bitch. Thank you for helping drive away the moderate conservatives that would have voted republican this year. It was helpful.

I have a conservative majority now. You want to go at me asswipe? Fuck moderates. Pick your side.

I voted for Obama because of people like you. Deal with it. :badgrin:

yep. so did A LOT of other people too. Their purging of their party of any dissent turned A LOT of people off.
We have suffered a major setback...there is no denying that.

The natural kneejerk reaction it's to lash out, point fingers, distance oneself from defeat.

Instead, I would ask that you take time to process the election results and thoughtfully consider the ramifications of the election, the constructive criticism that you glean from that reflection, and how we can rectify the shortfall we suffered here.

What we need is an After Action Review, not a rerun of the Blame Game.

Defeat is a fork in the path leads to internal destruction, the other to strength through adversity.

Today we choose...choose wisely.

EDIT -- Before replying to this post, read the clarification here:

What last night proved is we lost. Conservatism and Republicans lost. We are out numbered now. We didn't just lose the election, we lost the country last night.

It's over. Better learn to love the European Model because there is no stopping it now.
I don't think that republicans will ever have power on a national level again, at least not for generations. We have tipped. There is no point to being a conservative who is just like a liberal, wants what liberals wants and does what liberals do. The nation has to go all the way down. The best thing that conservatives can do is withdraw and let the liberal cess pool do its work. Take care of your own, let the libs sink and by all means, do not help them out, it only encourages them.

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