My fellow Conservatives...please read this.

One problem with today's conservatism is their belief that compromise and negotiation are signs of weakness. Our Nation was built out compromise. Big problems can't be solved without them. We used to call those who could reach across the aisle and find common ground, statesman. Now they're called RINOs.

If anything is fucking up this country, it's those divisive sorts who are so doctrinaire in their political outlook, that they'll purge their party of those who act more like our founders.
The people that have accepted your worldview have done so because of lies, propaganda, and promises of 'pie in the sky' goodies/freebies that will not be able to be kept. It will work for a while, but it will all come to an end eventually because there is no way to finance it. So, enjoy it while it lasts. ;)

You're simply mistaken. I work for a small business. My dad ran a small business for 30+ years. I'm a free market capitalist. I'm a self-sufficient woman who is putting my daughter through college without debt (on her part or mine) or aid. I'm a hard working person who has been professionally succesful for years and who takes care of my kids.

I just, apparently, want this country to be something different from what you want it to be.

Villifying me as someone who wants freebies is why you lost this election.

I'm not part of the 47%, but my retired parents and my military husband are.

My husband paid the bill for your war-mongering by spending years in a middle eastern hellhole away from his family.

I know all about paying for things, Newby. DO YOU?

Where in my post did I personally characterize you as being anything? I characterized your worldview, which is exactly what you did for conservatives in the post I quoted.

Good luck with your small business, you're going to need it once new taxes and the healthcare law kicks in full force.
Mischaracterizing people who've rejected your worldview is another good way to lose elections.

And yet it is a proven view. Go figure.

Plenty of midlde class people voted for Obama last night. I'm one of them. I pay my taxes, I raise good kids, and I'm a good employee.

Your vilification of the other party will keep you from winning.

Go figure.

And you will get what you voted for, higher taxes, more unemployment, and more debt loaded onto the shoulders of your children and future grandchildren.
And yet it is a proven view. Go figure.

Plenty of midlde class people voted for Obama last night. I'm one of them. I pay my taxes, I raise good kids, and I'm a good employee.

Your vilification of the other party will keep you from winning.

Go figure.

Really? The other party villifying my party seemed to be a winning strategy. Odd, no?

The only explanation is just blinding partisanship, how else do you explain when reality is overlooked?
"One, what is the GOP's position on 'equal pay initiatives'? Can you provide a link to exactly what you're talking about that's not an oped or media piece?

Two, what are your positions on imigration? Open border, let anyone that wants to walk in, just walk in? What is the liberal position exactly? You always criticize anyone else's position, but never seem to take one of your own. That's the other tactic that's been very successful, demonize everyone else's position while not taking any stance of your own that can be criticized. It's worked well, no one ever seems to notice that there's much criticism without any real solutions of their own to offer."

One cited above

Two - You obviously haven't seen many of my posts as my positions are well documented here.

But to catch you up on this one:
My position on immigration is to offer a path to citizenship for those who are in this country illegally for a limited time. It would include a modest penalty (if it is too punative, they'll just stay underground) like $1,200 payable at $100 per month for a year. A year during which they are granted temporary working visas and at the end of the year they can get citizenship. They are here anyway. They aren't going away - we might as well get them on the tax roles. The penalty money is used to better secure our borders so that 1) we don't just have an unsustainable steady stream and 2) we can better defend ourselves against infiltration by terrorists.

The penalty also acts as a reward of sorts for those who did it legally (because they don't have to pay it). The actual penalty may need to be looked at in more depth to determine the threshold for "they'll just stay underground." I threw out the $100 per month figure a little too arbitrarily. But It's just an example.

Now are you REALLY interested in my position or were you just hurling vitrol?
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And yet it is a proven view. Go figure.

Plenty of midlde class people voted for Obama last night. I'm one of them. I pay my taxes, I raise good kids, and I'm a good employee.

Your vilification of the other party will keep you from winning.

Go figure.

And you will get what you voted for, higher taxes, more unemployment, and more debt loaded onto the shoulders of your children and future grandchildren.

And you think that those problems would have been solved with more tax cuts and a trillion of new defense spending? Wake up and see what's actually causing our debt. Obama has overseen the lowest growth in the federal government in over 50 years.

Your scare tactics haven't worked because they're based on false premises.
The media did not invent Sanctity of Marriage and anti-abortion without exception platform planks. The media didn't invent the GOP's failure to support equal pay for women intitiatives.

The notion that women didn't vote for the GOP because "the media drummed up false fears" of some of the most self-delusion crap I've seen on these boards. And That's saying something.

Yeah, because tradional marraige that's been around for thousands of years, and not killing your unborn child are just completely radical points of view.

What 'equal pay initiative'???? I keep waiting for you to define it.
Senate GOP blocks Democrats' equal pay bill

The media didn't invent GOP platform planks that call for abortion bans even in the case of rape and incest, the GOP's blocking of an equal pay intiative (cited above), sanctity of marriage legislation, etc ...

The notion that women don't embrace the GOP in large enough numbers because of the "media" is some of the most self-delusional crap I've heard on these boards. And that - my friends - is saying something.

That bill was not about equal pay. Are you seriously suggesting that equal treatment under the law for women hasn't been on the books for decades already? How did the GOP block it when they are in the minority?
Too funny - the far right swears up and down that their views being unpopular with women is a media concoction. They get a woman on here who expresses her option to the contrary and THEY invent a personae of her in order to attack her??????????

Yeah, it's all a media gambit. Cloaked in Hyper-partisanism??????

LOL - Have a great day.
The GOP idea of good governing.

The media did not invent Sanctity of Marriage and anti-abortion without exception platform planks. The media didn't invent the GOP's failure to support equal pay for women intitiatives.

The notion that women didn't vote for the GOP because "the media drummed up false fears" of some of the most self-delusion crap I've seen on these boards. And That's saying something.

link? I've already said, there are equal pay laws on the books. If they are not being enforced, then citizens should be beating down the doors of government to do so. Simply passing yet another law to pile on top of the others makes for good publicity I guess, but why are people being suckers for tricks like that?

Reps were against it for the right reasons, to allow people to go back decades to file suit would have caused a nightmare, it had nothing to do with 'equal pay', and he knows it. A perfect example of the distortions and lies that are used by the left.
Senate GOP blocks Democrats' equal pay bill

The media didn't invent GOP platform planks that call for abortion bans even in the case of rape and incest, the GOP's blocking of an equal pay intiative (cited above), sanctity of marriage legislation, etc ...

The notion that women don't embrace the GOP in large enough numbers because of the "media" is some of the most self-delusional crap I've heard on these boards. And that - my friends - is saying something.

That bill was not about equal pay. Are you seriously suggesting that equal treatment under the law for women hasn't been on the books for decades already? How did the GOP block it when they are in the minority?

Fillabuster - they've conducted 247 in the Senate in the last four years. But it's the president who is obstructionist, huh?

Dude - you been drinking the Fox news kool-aide so long and so hard you can't see straight. Good luck to you.
"One, what is the GOP's position on 'equal pay initiatives'? Can you provide a link to exactly what you're talking about that's not an oped or media piece?

Two, what are your positions on imigration? Open border, let anyone that wants to walk in, just walk in? What is the liberal position exactly? You always criticize anyone else's position, but never seem to take one of your own. That's the other tactic that's been very successful, demonize everyone else's position while not taking any stance of your own that can be criticized. It's worked well, no one ever seems to notice that there's much criticism without any real solutions of their own to offer."

One cited above

Two - You obviously haven't seen many of my posts as my positions are well documented here.

But to catch you up on this one:
My position on immigration is to offer a path to citizenship for those who are in this country illegally for a limited time. It would include a modest penalty (if it is too punative, they'll just stay underground) like $1,200 payable at $100 per month for a year. A year during which they are granted temporary working visas and at the end of the year they can get citizenship. They are here anyway. They aren't going away - we might as well get them on the tax roles. The penalty money is used to better secure our borders so that 1) we don't just have an unsustainable steady stream and 2) we can better defend ourselves against infiltration by terrorists.

The penalty also acts as a reward of sorts for those who did it legally (because they don't have to pay it). The actual penalty may need to be looked at in more depth to determine the threshold for "they'll just stay underground." I threw out the $100 per month figure a little too arbitrarily. But It's just an example.

Now are you REALLY interested in my position or were you just hurling vitrol?

So how can you support what the dems/obama want to allow then, which is complete amnesty? What about people that continue to break the law and come in? No one should be arrested and deported, ever? How can you demonize republicans for wanting the law to be followed, which would be in the best interest of this country as a whole? How is letting millions of illegal immigrants into the country good for this nation as a whole?
LOL. It was not 'liberals' that made the statements that so alienated women, minorities, and the young people of this nation. It was the radical wing of the GOP. A wing that has had far too much influence. And then there are the statements like that of Mitch McConnel, where he stated that defeating the President was far more important than the economic well being of the citizens of this nation.

Here in Oregon, we have had some exceptional Republican governors. Yet, for the last 20 years, the GOP here has ran people that were constantly treading on the brink of going to prison for felonious conduct. And the radical right wing religious anti-tax people have controlled the party. When the GOP nationally and in this state get back to the Eisenhower Republican, then they will once again have a chance at my vote, and that of many others. As the GOP stands right now, no way I can consider voting for any of them.

What is an eisenhower republican?
Too funny - the far right swears up and down that their views being unpopular with women is a media concoction. They get a woman on here who expresses her option to the contrary and THEY invent a personae of her in order to attack her??????????

Yeah, it's all a media gambit. Cloaked in Hyper-partisanism??????

LOL - Have a great day.

Sounds like you can't defend what you've put up on here, so you're cutting and running. No one did remotely what you suggested, but your lie is yet another example of what the left does. Not surprising, and always expected.

I'm a woman, and there is no 'war against women', you can let it go now, your guy won.

Have a good day yourself. ;)
LOL. It was not 'liberals' that made the statements that so alienated women, minorities, and the young people of this nation. It was the radical wing of the GOP. A wing that has had far too much influence. And then there are the statements like that of Mitch McConnel, where he stated that defeating the President was far more important than the economic well being of the citizens of this nation.

Here in Oregon, we have had some exceptional Republican governors. Yet, for the last 20 years, the GOP here has ran people that were constantly treading on the brink of going to prison for felonious conduct. And the radical right wing religious anti-tax people have controlled the party. When the GOP nationally and in this state get back to the Eisenhower Republican, then they will once again have a chance at my vote, and that of many others. As the GOP stands right now, no way I can consider voting for any of them.

What is an eisenhower republican?
A guy who shuffles some papers, golfs, goes to all the ruling class cocktail parties, and says "yes dear" to lolberals.
Senate GOP blocks Democrats' equal pay bill

The media didn't invent GOP platform planks that call for abortion bans even in the case of rape and incest, the GOP's blocking of an equal pay intiative (cited above), sanctity of marriage legislation, etc ...

The notion that women don't embrace the GOP in large enough numbers because of the "media" is some of the most self-delusional crap I've heard on these boards. And that - my friends - is saying something.

That bill was not about equal pay. Are you seriously suggesting that equal treatment under the law for women hasn't been on the books for decades already? How did the GOP block it when they are in the minority?

Fillabuster - they've conducted 247 in the Senate in the last four years. But it's the president who is obstructionist, huh?

Dude - you been drinking the Fox news kool-aide so long and so hard you can't see straight. Good luck to you.

What about the bill and what it was really about?

So you're standing by the notion that this bill would have instantly brought about 'equal pay' for women the day it was passed? My income would have increased?
Plenty of midlde class people voted for Obama last night. I'm one of them. I pay my taxes, I raise good kids, and I'm a good employee.

Your vilification of the other party will keep you from winning.

Go figure.

And you will get what you voted for, higher taxes, more unemployment, and more debt loaded onto the shoulders of your children and future grandchildren.

And you think that those problems would have been solved with more tax cuts and a trillion of new defense spending? Wake up and see what's actually causing our debt. Obama has overseen the lowest growth in the federal government in over 50 years.

Your scare tactics haven't worked because they're based on false premises.

Obama will lower taxes? Reduce the debt?lower UE?

You buy this? And how much?
Senate GOP blocks Democrats' equal pay bill

The media didn't invent GOP platform planks that call for abortion bans even in the case of rape and incest, the GOP's blocking of an equal pay intiative (cited above), sanctity of marriage legislation, etc ...

The notion that women don't embrace the GOP in large enough numbers because of the "media" is some of the most self-delusional crap I've heard on these boards. And that - my friends - is saying something.

That bill was not about equal pay. Are you seriously suggesting that equal treatment under the law for women hasn't been on the books for decades already? How did the GOP block it when they are in the minority?

Well, the bill was about equal pay but it was to require employers to PROVE that the reason a woman was making less was due to qualifications or productivity etc. and not due to gender. The Republicans quite correctly identified that as an impossible requirement that would line deep pockets of lots of lawyers and result in endless litigation. And it would be a huge incentive for employers to not hire women in the first place.

Of course the leftwing MSM did not portray it that way but made it look like the Republicans were not willing to allow equal pay for women. Total intellectual dishonesty, but again, those women who didn't bother to do their homework, bought into it.
FWIW...I am a moderate, independent voter. I've voted for more Republican presidents in my lifetime than Democrats. My vote was the Republican party's to lose...and they did.

We'll never recover. Shall I send you a Thank You card when we reach the 20 Trillion in debt?

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