My fellow Conservatives...please read this.

Ever wonder why Todd Atkins didn't get re-elected?

Why is a vast majority of the women vote not going to the republican party?

Could it be the extremist social conservative policies that would send us spiraling backwards through time itself?

Deal with it. The American people spoke. Your policies our out of touch with humanities progress towards an actual future we can care about. While the democrats aren't the party I would optimally vote for, at least they have their social policies straight.

You do realize that it was one single individual candidate who made a stoopid ass "legitimate" rape remark and he was roundly admonished by other conservatives and even asked to drop out. Do you always paint with a broad brush?

As to why women vote democrat, it is because of false issues drummed up for scare tatic purposes. If the democrats didn't have a complicent media and the playing field were level, that kind of shit would never get traction.

No it wasn't just one - one said the stuff about legitimate rape and another said babies conceived by rape are gifts from God.

Yes, just a few lame-brains spouting off. But it hurt. I personally believe the GOP's consistent positions on equal pay initiatives, abortion, imigration, same-sex marriage, etc ... hurt much more.

One, what is the GOP's position on 'equal pay initiatives'? Can you provide a link to exactly what you're talking about that's not an oped or media piece?

Two, what are your positions on imigration? Open border, let anyone that wants to walk in, just walk in? What is the liberal position exactly? You always criticize anyone else's position, but never seem to take one of your own. That's the other tactic that's been very successful, demonize everyone else's position while not taking any stance of your own that can be criticized. It's worked well, no one ever seems to notice that there's much criticism without any real solutions of their own to offer.
Let me clarify your doublespeak. The people who like free stuff have realized they need to keep the democrats in power to keep getting free stuff. Where it comes from doesn't matter since it is free.
Mischaracterizing people who've rejected your worldview is another good way to lose elections.

The people that have accepted your worldview have done so because of lies, propaganda, and promises of 'pie in the sky' goodies/freebies that will not be able to be kept. It will work for a while, but it will all come to an end eventually because there is no way to finance it. So, enjoy it while it lasts. ;)
Ever wonder why Todd Atkins didn't get re-elected?

Why is a vast majority of the women vote not going to the republican party?

Could it be the extremist social conservative policies that would send us spiraling backwards through time itself?

Deal with it. The American people spoke. Your policies our out of touch with humanities progress towards an actual future we can care about. While the democrats aren't the party I would optimally vote for, at least they have their social policies straight.

You do realize that it was one single individual candidate who made a stoopid ass "legitimate" rape remark and he was roundly admonished by other conservatives and even asked to drop out. Do you always paint with a broad brush?

As to why women vote democrat, it is because of false issues drummed up for scare tatic purposes. If the democrats didn't have a complicent media and the playing field were level, that kind of shit would never get traction.

No it wasn't just one - one said the stuff about legitimate rape and another said babies conceived by rape are gifts from God.

Yes, just a few lame-brains spouting off. But it hurt. I personally believe the GOP's consistent positions on equal pay initiatives, abortion, imigration, same-sex marriage, etc ... hurt much more.

I it was two idiots instead of one. Now I see why you use that big brush. Carry on.
As to why women vote democrat, it is because of false issues drummed up for scare tatic purposes. If the democrats didn't have a complicent media and the playing field were level, that kind of shit would never get traction.

This kind of thinking will continue to ensure future Democratic presidencies.

55% of women don't vote for your party because they don't agree with your vision for America. Ditto young voters.

Adapt or die.

Wrong. They don't vote for Republicans because the Democrats and media tell them the Republicans have a war on women and create false issues to support it. Sadly, there are far too many sheeple out there that trust what they are told instead of actually doing their own research.
Who did? And why are those things THE MOST IMPORTANT topic in the media and with liberal voters during an election where our economical fiscal position is about to crash?

No one "invented" it - it is a different vision of American. Rural parts of the country have ALWAYS been more wary of the federal government and urban voters have always been more accepting of a strong federal system.

The demographics are now skewing against you and your positions. Either lead opinion back to you or deal with the new realities. Your "it's the media's fault" meme is lame, worn out, and the antithesis of self reliance.

So now it's 'urban' versus 'rural'? I thought is was conservative views? So which is it? Conservative or rural? Or are they both one and the same?

What are 'my positions'? You don't even know me, yet you claim to know what 'my positions' are. :lol:

I've obviously ticked you off. For that I apologize.

But yes, Rural and "Conservative" tend to walk hand in hand. Urban and progressive do the same. I trust you were watching where the votes for each different vision for America came from.

And I can tell you that the majority of Americans believe the Republican Party is majoring in the minors. To the majority, this election was not about the immediate, but more about the long-term vision of America - an inclusive America. The media didn't invent the GOP platform that excludes gay people, many women, many Latinos, etc...

When I say "your" positions - you are absolutely right. I don't know what your positions are - I should have said GOP positions. I apologize.
When someone reads the replies to your post and notices some of the avatar pictures the "conservatives" use it is difficult to take them serious. I refer to Rabbi's avatar. You make your own judgement.
And then look at the posts that have been put up since last night.
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You do realize that it was one single individual candidate who made a stoopid ass "legitimate" rape remark and he was roundly admonished by other conservatives and even asked to drop out. Do you always paint with a broad brush?

As to why women vote democrat, it is because of false issues drummed up for scare tatic purposes. If the democrats didn't have a complicent media and the playing field were level, that kind of shit would never get traction.

No it wasn't just one - one said the stuff about legitimate rape and another said babies conceived by rape are gifts from God.

Yes, just a few lame-brains spouting off. But it hurt. I personally believe the GOP's consistent positions on equal pay initiatives, abortion, imigration, same-sex marriage, etc ... hurt much more.

One, what is the GOP's position on 'equal pay initiatives'? Can you provide a link to exactly what you're talking about that's not an oped or media piece?

Two, what are your positions on imigration? Open border, let anyone that wants to walk in, just walk in? What is the liberal position exactly? You always criticize anyone else's position, but never seem to take one of your own. That's the other tactic that's been very successful, demonize everyone else's position while not taking any stance of your own that can be criticized. It's worked well, no one ever seems to notice that there's much criticism without any real solutions of their own to offer.

Exactly. There are already multiple laws on the books. Why aren't they being enforced instead of creating additional legislation so it looks like your are "doing something" in order to win votes. It's a false issue.
The people that have accepted your worldview have done so because of lies, propaganda, and promises of 'pie in the sky' goodies/freebies that will not be able to be kept. It will work for a while, but it will all come to an end eventually because there is no way to finance it. So, enjoy it while it lasts. ;)

You're simply mistaken. I work for a small business. My dad ran a small business for 30+ years. I'm a free market capitalist. I'm a self-sufficient woman who is putting my daughter through college without debt (on her part or mine) or aid. I'm a hard working person who has been professionally succesful for years and who takes care of my kids.

I just, apparently, want this country to be something different from what you want it to be.

Villifying me as someone who wants freebies is why you lost this election.

I'm not part of the 47%, but my retired parents and my military husband are.

My husband paid the bill for your war-mongering by spending years in a middle eastern hellhole away from his family.

I know all about paying for things, Newby. DO YOU?
The media did not invent Sanctity of Marriage and anti-abortion without exception platform planks. The media didn't invent the GOP's failure to support equal pay for women intitiatives.

The notion that women didn't vote for the GOP because "the media drummed up false fears" of some of the most self-delusion crap I've seen on these boards. And That's saying something.
Let me clarify your doublespeak. The people who like free stuff have realized they need to keep the democrats in power to keep getting free stuff. Where it comes from doesn't matter since it is free.
Mischaracterizing people who've rejected your worldview is another good way to lose elections.

And yet it is a proven view. Go figure.

Plenty of midlde class people voted for Obama last night. I'm one of them. I pay my taxes, I raise good kids, and I'm a good employee.

Your vilification of the other party will keep you from winning.

Go figure.
Conservatism is dead in the United States. It's only chance of survival anywhere is to formally divide the country. The best thing conservatives can do for themselves is identify a hospitable nation and take their industry there. Just like Lot ran from Sodom, don't look back.

Good idea, here are a few Utopias ...

1) Somalia - Not 'less' government...NO government

2) Russia - Conservative Russia

People simply do not realize that Russia is a deeply conservative country.

Fiscal policy is buttressed on a low, flat rate of income tax (13%), and there is virtually no social safety net, with spending on unemployment security, medical provision, disability aid, infrastructure, the environment, and urban regeneration far lower, in both absolute terms and as a percentage of GDP, than its G8 contemporaries.

Similarly, military spending is high in comparison — and growing — medical care is available free in theory, but requires private insurance or additional cash payment in practice, and businesses are in reality pretty un-regulated.

If that doesn’t sound to you like a set of policies Newt Gingrich or William F Buckley would support, then you don’t know your dyed in the wool conservatives from your woolly jumper wearing liberals.


1) Somalia - they kill people, regardless of ideology

2) Russia - they kill liberals. More than 300 journalists killed in Russia since 1993
After action review: Don't nominate the loser who lost in the primaries to the last loser, as have the last two GOP losers.

So we should have voted for Ron Paul who lost to both of them? I mean this cricitism does pretty much mean we shouldn't have voted for Ron Paul either. And I know alot of people who might disagree with that. I thought you were one of them. I could be wrong.
Mischaracterizing people who've rejected your worldview is another good way to lose elections.

And yet it is a proven view. Go figure.

Plenty of midlde class people voted for Obama last night. I'm one of them. I pay my taxes, I raise good kids, and I'm a good employee.

Your vilification of the other party will keep you from winning.

Go figure.

Really? The other party villifying my party seemed to be a winning strategy. Odd, no?
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Conservatism is dead in the United States. It's only chance of survival anywhere is to formally divide the country. The best thing conservatives can do for themselves is identify a hospitable nation and take their industry there. Just like Lot ran from Sodom, don't look back.

Good idea, here are a few Utopias ...

1) Somalia ....

Somalia! We have a winner!
Senate GOP blocks Democrats' equal pay bill

The media didn't invent GOP platform planks that call for abortion bans even in the case of rape and incest, the GOP's blocking of an equal pay intiative (cited above), sanctity of marriage legislation, etc ...

The notion that women don't embrace the GOP in large enough numbers because of the "media" is some of the most self-delusional crap I've heard on these boards. And that - my friends - is saying something.
The media did not invent Sanctity of Marriage and anti-abortion without exception platform planks. The media didn't invent the GOP's failure to support equal pay for women intitiatives.

The notion that women didn't vote for the GOP because "the media drummed up false fears" of some of the most self-delusion crap I've seen on these boards. And That's saying something.

link? I've already said, there are equal pay laws on the books. If they are not being enforced, then citizens should be beating down the doors of government to do so. Simply passing yet another law to pile on top of the others makes for good publicity I guess, but why are people being suckers for tricks like that?
FWIW...I am a moderate, independent voter. I've voted for more Republican presidents in my lifetime than Democrats. My vote was the Republican party's to lose...and they did.
And yet it is a proven view. Go figure.

Plenty of midlde class people voted for Obama last night. I'm one of them. I pay my taxes, I raise good kids, and I'm a good employee.

Your vilification of the other party will keep you from winning.

Go figure.

Really? The other party villifying my party seemed to be a winning strategy. Odd, no?

No one has to vilify the republican party in its current state. It does that on its own.
Mischaracterizing people who've rejected your worldview is another good way to lose elections.

And yet it is a proven view. Go figure.

Plenty of midlde class people voted for Obama last night. I'm one of them. I pay my taxes, I raise good kids, and I'm a good employee.

Your vilification of the other party will keep you from winning.

Go figure.

And yet, Obam has vilified the other party like no President before him and it didnt keep him from winning. I see a very obvious disconnect there.

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