My fellow Conservatives...please read this.

I love it, Obama barely wins and the looney left thinks that the GOP is dead.

They aren't called LOLberals for nothing.


He had almost 60% of the vote. I don't think that's "Barely."

OBAMA 60,085,524*
ROMNEY 57,401,992

Gosh it was about 51 percent, Obama won you and the rest of the left can stop lying, oh wait, I guess you can't.

Let's try this again internet person. 1-(270/332)=18.6746988%.

Keep significant figures we obtain a number of 18.7%. 270 is what is needed to win, or exactly 50% of the electoral votes. So 50%+ 18.7%= 68.7% of the vote needed to win.

Tell me again how he won by a small margin?

He had almost 60% of the vote. I don't think that's "Barely."

OBAMA 60,085,524*
ROMNEY 57,401,992

Gosh it was about 51 percent, Obama won you and the rest of the left can stop lying, oh wait, I guess you can't.

Let's try this again internet person. 1-(270/332)=18.6746988%.

Keep significant figures we obtain a number of 18.7%. 270 is what is needed to win, or exactly 50% of the electoral votes. So 50%+ 18.7%= 68.7% of the vote needed to win.

Tell me again how he won by a small margin?

As I said, if you could, you could stop now.
I thought a homo liberal like you would be out giving free BJs to celebrate 4 more years of hell... instead of bothering us here, I guess you have no friends.

GoneBezerk has indeed gone bezerk.

Republicans need to make sure they are ready for the fiscal collapse.

Pull your money out of the stocks and bonds. Pay off your debts and be able to survive an economic collapse or major terrorist attack.

AQ will strike the US again because Obamination is ignoring them overseas, see Libya and Egypt. He is lying to the public that AQ has given up because UBL is dead, when in fact they are emboldened by him pulling out all combat forces from Iraq and promising to do the same in Afghanistan soon.

AQ sees Obamination as an ex-muslim and a wimp, not a good combo when dealing with islamic terrorists. The US can't hold back AQ as long as Obamination is allowing them to get closer and closer just like Bill Clinton did.

Be ready for major problems in the US because the idiots have kept the biggest idiot in charge.
the vast majority of Americans, but Democrat and Republican won't come to grips with the idea that we can't keep spending like there is no tomorrow.

They won't come grips with that idea because it is not true.

The economy is depressed because everyone is trying to save, but the weak economy makes for more debt. Spending is what is needed to break the vicious circle.

And it is hard to convince people that more spending and lower taxes (a.k.a Obama stimulus) were bad for economy, but less spending and higher taxes (fiscal cliff) would be just as bad. Many people are smart enough to see the contradiction.

It was telling that during the second "town hall" debate, there were many questions about jobs, but no one cared to ask how the candidates are planning to deal with deficits.

It is true.

And just like in politics, neither one of the extremes... which is where you are headed, will work.

We can't keep spending like there is no tomorrow. If we do, we will end up like Greece or Brazil in the 1980's.

Obama's Flood the Basement economic outlook is as bad as the Trickle Down economics model when taken to their full extent. There is a happy medium somewhere but unfortunately too many people (apparently you are one of them) think it has to be "my way or the highway".

And by the way, no one is saving because no one can save.

I was unemployed for 2.5 years of Obama's first term and much of that had to do with the Flood the Basement (aka anti-corporate) mentality of the administration. My retirement savings is gone much of it to penalties because I decided to use it to keep myself afloat rather than go on welfare.

Math isn't your strong suit is it?

Once Florida is settled Obama will win 62% of the vote.

Ass kicking

No Obama will most certainly not win 62% of the vote with Florida, unless they are 9% of the nation's voting population and everyone voted Obama. Ass kicked.

Hint: You're term challenged dipwad.

Obama currently has 303 votes, Florida would give him an additional 29 for 332 or 62% of the vote

That, my friend is a butt kicking
I thought a homo liberal like you would be out giving free BJs to celebrate 4 more years of hell... instead of bothering us here, I guess you have no friends.

GoneBezerk has indeed gone bezerk.

Republicans need to make sure they are ready for the fiscal collapse.

Pull your money out of the stocks and bonds. Pay off your debts and be able to survive an economic collapse or major terrorist attack.

AQ will strike the US again because Obamination is ignoring them overseas, see Libya and Egypt. He is lying to the public that AQ has given up because UBL is dead, when in fact they are emboldened by him pulling out all combat forces from Iraq and promising to do the same in Afghanistan soon.

AQ sees Obamination as an ex-muslim and a wimp, not a good combo when dealing with islamic terrorists. The US can't hold back AQ as long as Obamination is allowing them to get closer and closer just like Bill Clinton did.

Be ready for major problems in the US because the idiots have kept the biggest idiot in charge.

Speaking of BJs, sure fuckin' sucks to be a shit-talking wingnut like you, doesn't it?

Have a nice 4 years, shithead. :D
GoneBezerk is why my GOP lost in part: his hatred is no longer acceptable to the American people as a whole. They will not accept it any more. I would suggest he go find a 3rd party of hatred where he will be happy because his tantrums are no longer going to get him acceptance in the GOP. Watch what Boehner does to the TP during the lame duck session: he knows what he wants, and he will reach across the aisle for governance if necessary.
GoneBezerk is why my GOP lost in part: his hatred is no longer acceptable to the American people as a whole. They will not accept it any more. I would suggest he go find a 3rd party of hatred where he will be happy because his tantrums are no longer going to get him acceptance in the GOP. Watch what Boehner does to the TP during the lame duck session: he knows what he wants, and he will reach across the aisle for governance if necessary.

Boehner's got aspirations for 2016 and the way Republicans nominate "moderates", he's got a shot at the nomination at least.

Yeah, yeah, I'm sure I will hear from conservatives that Boehner is a strong conservative... funny, I heard that about Romney.

Once Florida is settled Obama will win 62% of the vote.

Ass kicking

No Obama will most certainly not win 62% of the vote with Florida, unless they are 9% of the nation's voting population and everyone voted Obama. Ass kicked.

Hint: You're term challenged dipwad.

Obama currently has 303 votes, Florida would give him an additional 29 for 332 or 62% of the vote

That, my friend is a butt kicking

That would be 62% of the electors. You vote for them dipwad. Your butt usually that red?
I would support Boehner as the GOP nominee in 2016 if he can get this spending under control, extend the tax cuts, and control the corporations from trying to make us their slaves.
GoneBezerk is why my GOP lost in part: his hatred is no longer acceptable to the American people as a whole. They will not accept it any more. I would suggest he go find a 3rd party of hatred where he will be happy because his tantrums are no longer going to get him acceptance in the GOP. Watch what Boehner does to the TP during the lame duck session: he knows what he wants, and he will reach across the aisle for governance if necessary.

Boehner's got aspirations for 2016 and the way Republicans nominate "moderates", he's got a shot at the nomination at least.

Yeah, yeah, I'm sure I will hear from conservatives that Boehner is a strong conservative... funny, I heard that about Romney.


Boehner has been one of our worst Speakers of the House. His legislative accomplishments are non existent. He has passed no major bills and couldn't pass a budget. He barely avoided a government shutdown and default on our debt

Unless he is able to act like a Speaker is supposed to and pound out some compromises, he will be viewed as a failure
I would support Boehner as the GOP nominee in 2016 if he can get this spending under control, extend the tax cuts, and control the corporations from trying to make us their slaves.

What has Boehner accomplished as Speaker?
Failure from the Dem side is not a requirement for GOP nomination, RW.

If he does what I say above, he has as good a chance as anybody.
To me Congress needs to cut spending (real and meaningful deep cuts). Very shortly after those are in place AND cuts actually made, some tax increases should be enacted. Ones that apply to everyone.
Boehner has been one of our worst Speakers of the House. His legislative accomplishments are non existent. He has passed no major bills and couldn't pass a budget. He barely avoided a government shutdown and default on our debt

Unless he is able to act like a Speaker is supposed to and pound out some compromises, he will be viewed as a failure

I found him very effective in keeping Obama in check. Expect the same this term.
Boehner has been one of our worst Speakers of the House. His legislative accomplishments are non existent. He has passed no major bills and couldn't pass a budget. He barely avoided a government shutdown and default on our debt

Unless he is able to act like a Speaker is supposed to and pound out some compromises, he will be viewed as a failure

I found him very effective in keeping Obama in check. Expect the same this term.

He wasn't terribly effective at stopping the Teahadists in the caucus from trashing the GOP brand, though.
We have suffered a major setback...there is no denying that.

The natural kneejerk reaction it's to lash out, point fingers, distance oneself from defeat.

Instead, I would ask that you take time to process the election results and thoughtfully consider the ramifications of the election, the constructive criticism that you glean from that reflection, and how we can rectify the shortfall we suffered here.

What we need is an After Action Review, not a rerun of the Blame Game.

Defeat is a fork in the path leads to internal destruction, the other to strength through adversity.

Today we choose...choose wisely.

EDIT -- Before replying to this post, read the clarification here:
You get props from me dude...great thread.
Boehner has been one of our worst Speakers of the House. His legislative accomplishments are non existent. He has passed no major bills and couldn't pass a budget. He barely avoided a government shutdown and default on our debt

Unless he is able to act like a Speaker is supposed to and pound out some compromises, he will be viewed as a failure

I found him very effective in keeping Obama in check. Expect the same this term.

He wasn't terribly effective at stopping the Teahadists in the caucus from trashing the GOP brand, though.

Everyone joined the Tea Party of their own freewill.
Boehner has been one of our worst Speakers of the House. His legislative accomplishments are non existent. He has passed no major bills and couldn't pass a budget. He barely avoided a government shutdown and default on our debt

Unless he is able to act like a Speaker is supposed to and pound out some compromises, he will be viewed as a failure

I found him very effective in keeping Obama in check. Expect the same this term.

Are government shutdowns and default on debt payments keeping Obama in check? As it is, Boehners only legacy will be protecting tax cuts for the wealthy

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