My fellow Conservatives...please read this.

Guy writes: "And if ALL pregnancies jeopardize the mother, then ALL abortions must be allowed, according to YOUR logic."

No, not at all. The women accept that jeopardy with most Americans believing that abortions should only be permitted for cases of rape, incest, and the health of the mother.

This is their decision, not yours.
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I don't have to prove anything when it is you who made the unsustainable comment, Immie: "My position is that we have two far left parties and neither one of them are worth a pile of horseshit." You certainly are entitled to your opinion, but too "far left" of what: what you think is appropriate? Prove it.

Well, when both parties are pushing us toward socialism, the antithesis of the idea of freedom, then both parties are "too far left".

IMHO, America has always prided itself on being "the land of the free and the home of the brave" and quite frankly both parties are trying their damnedest to remove the freedom part.



Neither Party is ‘pushing us toward socialism,’ they both have many faults and failings, but that’s not one of them.
Socialism: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods. merriam-webster

Thanks, Immanuel, for demonstrating that neither party is meeting your definition of socialism.

You can't be serious?

First, that is absolutely what the Democratic Party is attempting to do and they are not hiding from that truth. Witness Obamacare which can be described as "one small step for the Democratic Party. One giant leap into socialism".

Now, it is a little bit more difficult to see it in regards to the Republican Party, but as mentioned earlier... Obamacare was their idea first. They also gave us the Patriot Act which was a huge step to controlling the masses. The citizens of this country are not going to give up their rights easily. That's why the Patriot Act followed by NDAA are so dangerous.

One's actions speak louder than their words and the actions of the Republican Party mimic and follow along like willing lapdogs with those of the Democratic Party.

You can pretend all you want, but both parties are working to eliminate your right to be a productive citizen and working to control our ability to produce.

I don't have to prove anything when it is you who made the unsustainable comment, Immie: "My position is that we have two far left parties and neither one of them are worth a pile of horseshit." You certainly are entitled to your opinion, but too "far left" of what: what you think is appropriate? Prove it.

Well, when both parties are pushing us toward socialism, the antithesis of the idea of freedom, then both parties are "too far left".

IMHO, America has always prided itself on being "the land of the free and the home of the brave" and quite frankly both parties are trying their damnedest to remove the freedom part.



Neither Party is ‘pushing us toward socialism,’ they both have many faults and failings, but that’s not one of them.

Like hell it is not.

Immie, you are making simplistic accusations without any evidence.

Show us how socialism is exactly being implemented.
Immie, you are making simplistic accusations without any evidence.

Show us how socialism is exactly being implemented.

I did already... Obamacare.

Obamacare is the first step to government control of the Health Insurance Industry. Once the government has that in place and it fails as it is bound to do since we cannot afford it, the next step is single-payer health insurance... taa dah! government controls 1/6th of the U.S. economy. From there it is... "GAME OVER".

Socialism: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods. merriam-webster

Thanks, Immanuel, for demonstrating that neither party is meeting your definition of socialism.

You can't be serious?

First, that is absolutely what the Democratic Party is attempting to do and they are not hiding from that truth. Witness Obamacare which can be described as "one small step for the Democratic Party. One giant leap into socialism".

Now, it is a little bit more difficult to see it in regards to the Republican Party, but as mentioned earlier... Obamacare was their idea first. They also gave us the Patriot Act which was a huge step to controlling the masses. The citizens of this country are not going to give up their rights easily. That's why the Patriot Act followed by NDAA are so dangerous.

One's actions speak louder than their words and the actions of the Republican Party mimic and follow along like willing lapdogs with those of the Democratic Party.

You can pretend all you want, but both parties are working to eliminate your right to be a productive citizen and working to control our ability to produce.

He's to fucking stupid to be anything else.
It is true "ObamaCare" is closer to a socialist health care system, but let me say why that could be a good thing.
First, a socialist health care system has some incentive to make people well. A free capitalistic health care system has a lot of incentive to keep people sick if they can get away with it. My friend recently had to fly overseas to have her MS cured (yes, there is a cure: chemo to kill the immune system and stem cell treatment to help build it up again MS free) because she says the MS society in America wants to keep her sick as it is run by the companies making millions off of MS drugs.
Second, of course, cost. I had a baby overseas. Cost to me: $7. I had a baby in the US. Cost to me: $10,000.00. A bad example, I know, but think of all of those people who are literally dying in the US because they can't afford health care. The conservatives are saving unborn babies, but how many other people are they trying to kill through their opposition to "ObamaCare"?
Government regulation that empowers the health insurance industry and makes it ever more profitable is not socialism.

If you think differently, show us (1) how and (2) why it is bad.

Your assertions are insufficient.

Immie, you are making simplistic accusations without any evidence.

Show us how socialism is exactly being implemented.

I did already... Obamacare.

Obamacare is the first step to government control of the Health Insurance Industry. Once the government has that in place and it fails as it is bound to do since we cannot afford it, the next step is single-payer health insurance... taa dah! government controls 1/6th of the U.S. economy. From there it is... "GAME OVER".

Immie, you are making simplistic accusations without any evidence.

Show us how socialism is exactly being implemented.

OMG, the irony in that single statment almost made me spit my tea out onto the monitor.. Thanks for the laugh Jake! You never fail to deliver... unless of course it's debate.. :lmao:

Why should anyone back up what they say to you? You've never done it yourself once. ;)
Immie made an assertion but won't support it.

You make assertions but won't support them.

Yes, neither of you back up what you say.

Immie, you are making simplistic accusations without any evidence.

Show us how socialism is exactly being implemented.

OMG, the irony in that single statment almost made me spit my tea out onto the monitor.. Thanks for the laugh Jake! You never fail to deliver... unless of course it's debate.. :lmao:

Why should anyone back up what they say to you? You've never done it yourself once. ;)
Immie made an assertion but won't support it.

You make assertions but won't support them.

Yes, neither of you back up what you say.

Immie, you are making simplistic accusations without any evidence.

Show us how socialism is exactly being implemented.

OMG, the irony in that single statment almost made me spit my tea out onto the monitor.. Thanks for the laugh Jake! You never fail to deliver... unless of course it's debate.. :lmao:

Why should anyone back up what they say to you? You've never done it yourself once. ;)

That is a lie. I have backed it up multiple times. I'm surprised at you, Jake for saying such an out and out lie. Tell me you are not turning into another TDM.

You backed up nothing. You made an assertion. Assertions are not evidence. Ever. When you offer good evidence, then folks can respond to it instead of the person making assertions. When you tell us exactly how the government is controlling the health insurance industry is socialism, we can go from there. Regulation is not socialism. Check the definitions.

That is your problem, not ours. You are our equivalent of TDM.
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You backed up nothing. You made an assertion. Assertions are not evidence. Ever. When you offer good evidence, then folks can respond to it instead of the person making assertions. When you tell us exactly how the government is controlling the health insurance industry is socialism, we can go from there. Regulation is not socialism. Check the definitions.

That is your problem, not ours. You are our equivalent of TDM.

Kind of hard to prove something that is in the future. I didn't say I had evidence or proof. I made an assertion of what is coming about.

My assertion is that Obamacare is a giant leap into socialism.

When you can prove the future... get back to me.

I never said I had evidence of the future.

Since you don't understand what socialism is and that government control of the means of production is IN FACT socialism, I can't help you. Maybe you should read the definition you posted earlier?

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In the meantime, people like you, Jake, just continue to take away the freedoms that our forefathers fought so valiently for.

The only absolute proof that will be available will only come when we (or our children) look back at the days before Bush and Obama and ask "What the Hell happened to America?"

Germans of the late 1800's will only look down at us from their heavenly seats and say, "those who will not learn from history are doomed to repeat it".

We didn't learn from them now we are doomed to repeat their mistakes.

Immie, has been posted in the Board several times, and you have not shown a correlation of "socialism" and "Obamacare" other than you think regulation is socialism. It's not.

So many of us served to protect your freedoms, Immie, and they would be ashamed of your comments.

The only way Americans will look back and say "Where did it all go wrong?" is if either the libertarian or extremist right wings of the GOP take over and really muck things up.

We are in no danger from technocrats like Obama or Romney who are left of center to right of center.

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