My fellow Conservatives...please read this.

Newby, our party lost with your platform.

Watch Jindall, Boehner, Christie, and Rubio move onto what I have described as what we will do to win.

I am not debating these matters with you in contrast to what you believe, which is now obsolescent.

We will win despite you now.

NO, a conservative platform was not used for the Republican nominee (Romny started his own version of "affordable care", remember). It was a watered down platform (supposedly to bring in more people). How did that work out.... not to well.

The Bill of Rights is for ALL citizens.
the Constitution is for ALL citizens.
Those that promote gov't for groups are "dividing & conquering.
The scary part to me is that so much of the ranting I here on here is exactly like the ranting I heard from the far right when SCOTUS ordered school desegregation.
"America isn't America anymore."
"We're gonna sucede"
"The country is turning its back on God"
"Shiftless commies"

Everytime you remind old, white Christians that America belongs to everyone else too - they throw a tantrum.

Maybe because "everyone else" wants to have America riding on the backs of "old, white Christians". If they wanted to really make a statement, they could have their own communities promoting whatever their beliefs were, and prove to all of us, just how well they work.
killing babies is all demoncrat knows, not a one of them ever thought about a c section and the possibility of saving both lives.. tis what it tis. tisn't it?
The scary part to me is that so much of the ranting I here on here is exactly like the ranting I heard from the far right when SCOTUS ordered school desegregation.
"America isn't America anymore."
"We're gonna sucede"
"The country is turning its back on God"
"Shiftless commies"

Everytime you remind old, white Christians that America belongs to everyone else too - they throw a tantrum.

Did any of the things that you mention above "materialize" over time or since the days in which they first ranted and raved about it, and if so is this just the "see I told ya so faze", that is found now connected to the old rant maybe ?

Can some of the things in which you mention above, now be found to be true, and if so, were the old Christians right about some of their invisionment of some of this stuff to soon come to pass as they saw it, and therefore challenging the very moral and decent traditions and/or cultures in which were established throughout time, and that which were traditions and standards in which people still longed after in this nation to this very day ?

Yes there was a few things wrong of course over the brief history of this nation, and the nation has been working through the problems very good over the years, but right now it apears that many things can be de-railed by the wrong attitudes in all of this, and a surge of seperation could come out of all of this now, instead of a surge of unity instead.

The democrats have become deviders, and it will remain to be seen how all of this plays out now..

No - the old rants can quickly and easily boiled down to: "White Christian men built this country into the great position it is in and I'm afraid of letting everyone else in on the American dream."

Today - same song second verse. They were wrong then and they are wrong again now.

Unity - Unum. Hitler had unity. Sadaam had unity. Pol Pot had unity.

What makes our unum different? What makes it special? What makes our Unum a beacon to the world? Our pluribus. E pluribus Unum. Out of MANY one.

Anyone who won't tolerate someone or something different can get unity. That's no feat at all. What makes ours special is that we can unite despite our diversity. Our diversity makes us stronger and it is certainly nothing to fear. It is something to cherish.

The American Dream belongs to EVERY American. Rich or poor; black, white, red, yellow, brown, etc ...; Christian, Muslim, and athiest; gay or straight; Everyone has an equal share in the American Dream.

THAT is the "more perfect union" and what makes the United States the envy of oppressed people around the world.

...."No - the old rants can quickly and easily boiled down to: "White Christian men built this country into the great position it is in and I'm afraid of letting everyone else in on the American dream."

NO. They are like: hey I built my life by myself, with hard work, sacrifice and making better choices. They welcome you to do the exact same thing, not leech off everyone else.

Today - same song second verse. They were wrong then and they are wrong again now.

Please be specific. How are "conservative values" wrong?

Unity - Unum. Hitler had unity. Sadaam had unity. Pol Pot had unity.

This is a democrat/liberal/communists/islamic desire, not a conservative policy.

What makes our unum different? What makes it special? What makes our Unum a beacon to the world? Our pluribus. E pluribus Unum. Out of MANY one.

Then why are the libs trying to make "one" religion (the gov't), instead of embracing the many, especially "Christian" faiths?

Anyone who won't tolerate someone or something different can get unity. That's no feat at all. What makes ours special is that we can unite despite our diversity. Our diversity makes us stronger and it is certainly nothing to fear. It is something to cherish.

Please demonstrate the "tolerance" of Christian beliefs and values with the democrats.

The American Dream belongs to EVERY American. Rich or poor; black, white, red, yellow, brown, etc ...; Christian, Muslim, and athiest; gay or straight; Everyone has an equal share in the American Dream.

Everyone CAN dream. It is only those that work hard, make sacrifices and better choices, that get to collect and keep rewards.

THAT is the "more perfect union" and what makes the United States the envy of oppressed people around the world

..."more perfect union"... has nothing to do with it. Those people are interested in the freedom and liberty that promise opportunity (not to be kept in a caste, or class system because of who their parents were). Many of the legal immigrants are warning (that is WARNING) us of the direction the country is going:
Cubans: Castro said the same things before he was in power
Polish, Hungarians, and other eastern Europeans: we saw this before the Nazis rose to power, we heard the same talk of "fairness" and "unity" before the communists took over, it did not end well
Cambodians, Chinese, Vietnamese: we saw this before millions of people in our countries were killed, "after" those promising great promises gained power.
etc, etc, etc

But you can be a Jim Jones or Charles Manson zombie if that is what you want to be.
No fetus has the RIGHT to jeopardize the mother: fact of life. The mother has the right to accept that jeopardy and deal with it as she wishes. That is the conservative position.

Here, you must've missed it...

EVERY fetus jeopardizes the mother, some more, some less, but ALL to some degree.
We have suffered a major setback...there is no denying that.

The natural kneejerk reaction it's to lash out, point fingers, distance oneself from defeat.

Instead, I would ask that you take time to process the election results and thoughtfully consider the ramifications of the election, the constructive criticism that you glean from that reflection, and how we can rectify the shortfall we suffered here.

What we need is an After Action Review, not a rerun of the Blame Game.

Defeat is a fork in the path leads to internal destruction, the other to strength through adversity.

Today we choose...choose wisely.

EDIT -- Before replying to this post, read the clarification here:

Obviously most conservatives who have subscribed to this thread have elected the path to internal destruction; they will not choose wisely, as admonished by the OP.
The limits of religious tolerance are set by SCOTUS: follow it, logicaleu.

The social compact is a fact of America life, logical4e: learn it, love it, or leave it.

A more perfect union does not mean libertarianism, logical4u.

Religious liberty does not mean, logical4u, that you get to impose yours on me in a public tax-supported forum.

logical4u, whites can no longer parasite off their contributions in the past.

We are not going to ever have your religious communitarian state: not going to happen.

Logical4u, the only "exceptionalism" here in America is American exceptionalism. Accept it.
You deliberately, GunPissedOnestra, change the comment. A women has the RIGHT to accept the limit of the jeopardy that a pregnancy begins.

No fetus has the RIGHT to jeopardize the mother: fact of life. The mother has the right to accept that jeopardy and deal with it as she wishes. That is the conservative position.

Here, you must've missed it...

EVERY fetus jeopardizes the mother, some more, some less, but ALL to some degree.
The far right has missed the point of what the middle mainstream Republican leadership is telling them because of the elections: the debate is over, you lost.
They have been answered, minimind, in the election.

We, the mainstream GOP, will never run a favorite of the wacky far right and libertarian wings again.

You are going to find increasingly the local leaderships, much less the state and national, will debate your points. That is over.

No they were not answered. Accusations were made, instead of examining the record of dems over the last four years.

How about you answer them, since you are telling us they are so.

How are women's rights being demeaned?

How is Christianity being "exalted"?

Is promoting libertarianism (Randian or otherwise), illegal?

How are "legitimate" minority needs being ignored?

Who is currently in the white house, and does he "empower" neo-con imperialism?

What, specifically, is "hateful rhetoric", in defense of GOP goals?
The hatred and immorality of the beagle9s will be no tolerated no longer in the GOP.

1. Acceptable revenue increase on the wealthy and a 9:1 budget cut across the board, defense through entitlements.

2. Stop the war on gays.

3. Reach out to women and minorities on the issues which are their concern.

4. Immigration reform tied to registration, border closure, and penalty enforcement on bad businesses who hire unregistered aliens.

5. Abortion restricted after three months to incest, rape, and life of the mother.

6. No promotion of religion by government tax dollars.

The above for starters.

The better way to fix it all, is to not empower, give money to, support, and/or give paychecks to those who will use that support and money to come back and destroy you with, your family, and your way of life in this nation, in which has been the case for far to long now, and for which has led to exactly the defeats in which we are experiencing to this day in all of this now.

Now wildly we have people saying hey, get rid of your morals, values and integrity, therefore replacing them with immoralism, sluttyism and the murdering of the unborn on a whim aftewards, and so on and so forth it all goes now, in which seems to be running rampant in the democrat platform anymore these days or is attached to it these days. I can't believe that this election scared the repubs so badly, that they have cowards running around suggesting that the platform of integrity and morals is a crazy thing to project and support now, and therefore should lead to people jumping ship by the thousands now.... Kidding me right ? All that has to be done, is to not support those who are immoral and sick in their deviant heads anymore, and everything will soon return to normal in this nation once more. It's that easy really....

How about:

cut $9 from gov't budgets for every $1 increase in taxes.

notate where gays are doing "battle" (are there armed military chasing them down, drones, etc)?

Women, is it important to have a country where you are safe, where you can raise a family, where you can work, where your children are unmolested by "professionals" (teachers, coaches, etc)?

Eliminate public assistance for people that do not have documentation.

Abortion not paid for by gov't funds (unless medical, not phsycological emergency). Public awareness campaigns on the dangers of unmarried motherhood, unwanted pregnancy, and the statistics for what happens if you do these things.

If workers/employees want to "celebrate" a religious holiday (with employers' permission), there should be no preventative measures. Those that do not want to participate should not be ridiculed or punished. Chistian holidays are in place on the national holiday list. Either let them be (and allow explanation) or take the holidays, away. If a private citizen has donated property with the express intentions being to support a religious symbol (cross) or park that can be used by church, the gov't should allow those events to continue or return the property to the original family that donated it. "Art" that represents the Christian faith should not be ridiculed, removed or destroyed because some people disagree with it, any more than any other "art" should be destroyed. There should be no law prohibiting the discussion of religions (including Christianity).
These are the things in which the starkey bunch say cost the repubs this election, and that the repubs will have no part in these things in order to win in 2016... I agree with you logic4u, and I think we can get this nation back on track for all, but a canidate must not fear these things, because the majority of the American public was wanting these things pushed more heavily, but they weren't represented properly in this election as they should have been.
No fetus has the RIGHT to jeopardize the mother: fact of life. The mother has the right to accept that jeopardy and deal with it as she wishes. That is the conservative position.

Here, you must've missed it...

EVERY fetus jeopardizes the mother, some more, some less, but ALL to some degree.
He will not understand what you mean.
The silly girl is imitating the smart wing. Some of that is what we want. Check above you will see she is copying my revenue to cuts of 1 to 9, stop the war on gays, reach out to women and minorities, and logical immigration reform.

What we will not accept from you far right and libertarians anymore: no anti-gay positions; no anti-woman positions on abortion beyond exceptions for rape, incest, and life of the mother; no neo-con imperialism; and no soc con values that impose one religion above another or infringes on those who wish to have nothing to with religion.

Follow these rules, and the mainstream will allow the far right to stay. Try to change them, and the far right will be driven into the political wilderness.

The hatred and immorality of the beagle9s will be no tolerated no longer in the GOP.

1. Acceptable revenue increase on the wealthy and a 9:1 budget cut across the board, defense through entitlements.

2. Stop the war on gays.

3. Reach out to women and minorities on the issues which are their concern.

4. Immigration reform tied to registration, border closure, and penalty enforcement on bad businesses who hire unregistered aliens.

5. Abortion restricted after three months to incest, rape, and life of the mother.

6. No promotion of religion by government tax dollars.

The above for starters.

How about:

cut $9 from gov't budgets for every $1 increase in taxes.

notate where gays are doing "battle" (are there armed military chasing them down, drones, etc)?

Women, is it important to have a country where you are safe, where you can raise a family, where you can work, where your children are unmolested by "professionals" (teachers, coaches, etc)?

Eliminate public assistance for people that do not have documentation.

Abortion not paid for by gov't funds (unless medical, not phsycological emergency). Public awareness campaigns on the dangers of unmarried motherhood, unwanted pregnancy, and the statistics for what happens if you do these things.

If workers/employees want to "celebrate" a religious holiday (with employers' permission), there should be no preventative measures. Those that do not want to participate should not be ridiculed or punished. Chistian holidays are in place on the national holiday list. Either let them be (and allow explanation) or take the holidays, away. If a private citizen has donated property with the express intentions being to support a religious symbol (cross) or park that can be used by church, the gov't should allow those events to continue or return the property to the original family that donated it. "Art" that represents the Christian faith should not be ridiculed, removed or destroyed because some people disagree with it, any more than any other "art" should be destroyed. There should be no law prohibiting the discussion of religions (including Christianity).
These are the things in which the starkey bunch say cost the repubs this election, and that the repubs will have no part in these things in order to win in 2016... I agree with you logic4u, and I think we can get this nation back on track for all, but a canidate must not fear these things, because the majority of the American public was wanting these things pushed more heavily, but they weren't represented properly in this election as they should have been.

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