My fellow Conservatives...please read this.

There are thousands of these.

Newby, stop the hate, stay on board, or if you wish to continue to hate gays and minorities and women, please cut off the train and wave good bye nicely.

You have no evidence that I hate anyone. Does it make you feel good to lie about other people? And I am a woman you dipshit. :cuckoo:

This is what Starkey and those like him are to the Republican party

If we had stayed with economics and deregulation, instead of demeaning women, hispanics, gays, and other minorities, we would have won.

The soc con values will be out of the plank, and the hate will be cut out.

I think you're right, Jake.

But if the GOP cannot rally the HATE wing of the party, then what do their numbers looks like?

Then the GOP is a much smaller party.

Who will be left will be the same as the GOP was back around 62...the party of THNIKING conservatives.

I actually LIKED those guys, even though I usuallly disagreed with their POVs.

But at least I could UNDERSTAND the logic behind their arguments.

With the modern GOP standing in as the party of hate, I don't understand (more like I find disgusting) most of what that party stands for.

I feel the same sympathy for a thinking libertarian type GOPer as I feel for the THINKING Liberals in the Democratic party.

In both cases they're groups of people thinking rationally that have had to ally themselves with people who are more motivated by EMOTIONAL appeals or MAGICAL THINKING.

BOTH parties have their STUPID wings.
You make these accusations just as Jake the snake does, but do you dare to place names to those who are in government, and that would fit with your accusations ? At least let those for whom you claim are bad, defend themselves, instead of all this party blanket talk and/or blanket rhetoric you guy's are using here, in order to suggest wide spread corruption or hatred going on wildly within the targetted groups in which you guy's are attacking. Names PLease ! If you won't give names, then you are out to destroy an entire party or cripple it, but to then replace it with what ? This probably should be targetted more at Jake, but you seem to sympothize with him, and so I wrote it for both of you.
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Anyone who thinks that the social issues, and that of ones race wasn't a big factor still in this nation, then they missed this election, because people voted with their social conscience in play (not for their wallets), and they did it to the democrats favor is what they did once again. Now the repubs do have a dis-connect with the new social thinking in this nation, but it is because the repubs always figured that people would never go this far for some of the deviant things in which are now previlent and are burned into the democrats new destructive mindsets, along with their dependent constituents/voting blocks in which they have worked to create over time, and thus depend upon in order to remain in power.

The only way to reverse this trend, is to work to out the horrors / side effects of these new social wants and so called needs in which these people have now or have since put into the main stream (just like a virus finally making it into the main bloodstream), in which then eventually kills it's host in the end. The repubs need an antidote for the new virus that has infected this nation's main blood stream now, and all they have to do is show the soars and skin falling off of their bones, in order to show the after effects and/or results of their actions and so called wants in which they also want for their brothers and sisters to enjoy within this nation right along with them. This nation is the best in the world now at covering up evil and evil thinkings or worse evil things gone very wrong for those who wanted to touch the stove when it was hot, even though there are those who warned them not to touch that stove when it was hot.
Anyone who thinks that the social issues, and that of ones race wasn't a big factor still in this nation, then they missed this election, because people voted with their social conscience in play (not for their wallets), and they did it to the democrats favor is what they did once again. Now the repubs do have a dis-connect with the new social thinking in this nation, but it is because the repubs always figured that people would never go this far for some of the deviant things in which are now previlent and are burned into the democrats new destructive mindsets, along with their dependent constituents/voting blocks in which they have worked to create over time, and thus depend upon in order to remain in power.

The only way to reverse this trend, is to work to out the horrors / side effects of these new social wants and so called needs in which these people have now or have since put into the main stream (just like a virus finally making it into the main bloodstream), in which then eventually kills it's host in the end. The repubs need an antidote for the new virus that has infected this nation's main blood stream now, and all they have to do is show the soars and skin falling off of their bones, in order to show the after effects and/or results of their actions and so called wants in which they also want for their brothers and sisters to enjoy within this nation right along with them. This nation is the best in the world now at covering up evil and evil thinkings or worse evil things gone very wrong for those who wanted to touch the stove when it was hot, even though there are those who warned them not to touch that stove when it was hot.

It's simple but true. The country is in shambles now, let it all play out. Let the Republicans regroup and overhaul.. Let the hurt really be felt by the takers when the well runs dry. The Obama type candidate then will be out on his ass.
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Yes people lets all give up the things that make us decent humans shall we???? let us live in fear of being able to talk about our social morels???? Let us be shamed in to not talking about what Abortion really is! let us quietly say nothing as our wallets are emptied to teach our daughters that morals are wrong! let us be bullied in to never admitting you believe in Christ! Let us drop all the teachings of our parents and grandparents cause it might make some uncomfortable! Let us silently allow our children to be more sexual promiscuous and abortions more prevalent as long as some dicks dont have to hear the other side ! LET US SELL OUR FUCKING SOULS FOR A FEW FUCKING VOTES!!!!!!!

I will not be told to remain quiet cause of cowards who only want to smoke dope get laid and KILL the consequences of a their decision! I will not be made out to be evil for respect the right to fucking LIFE for innocents! I will not remain quiet about that my faith is made out to be evil just cause I believe babies shouldn't be killed! How much is your dignity and soul worth?
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Yes people lets all give up the things that make us decent humans shall we???? let us live in fear of being able to talk about our social morels???? Let us be shamed in to not talking about what Abortion really is! let us quietly say nothing as our wallets are emptied to teach our daughters that morals are wrong! let us be bullied in to never admitting you believe in Christ! Let us drop all the teachings of our parents and grandparents cause it might make some uncomfortable! Let us silently allow our children to be more sexual promiscuous and abortions more prevalent as long as some dicks dont have to hear the other side ! LET US SELL OUR FUCKING SOULS FOR A FEW FUCKING VOTES!!!!!!!

I will not be told to remain quiet cause of cowards who only want to smoke dope get laid and KILL the consequences of a their decision! I will not be made out to be evil for respect the right to fucking LIFE for innocents! I will not remain quiet about that my faith is made out to be evil just cause I believe babies shouldn't be killed! How much is your dignity and soul worth?

I agree and will add that blacks voted because of skin color.
After action review: Don't nominate the loser who lost in the primaries to the last loser, as have the last two GOP losers.
But, of course, you offer this advice as an uninterested observer from the Libertarian Party, with no dog in this fight since you didn't vote for Mitt. Right?
Under those pretenses... Yes.

However... I won't speak for Odd... But I would have voted republican if they would have put up someone worthy of voting for. So... Suddenly what he just said it does become vary relevant.
To call out bigots for bigotry, like calling out bigrebnc for being a bigot and a redneck, is not bigotry, it is American truthtelling. :lol:
To call out bigots for bigotry, like calling out bigrebnc for being a bigot and a redneck, is not bigotry, it is American truthtelling. :lol:
You like calling out bigots for their bigotry, well all the people ask is that you give it equal time for all whom are bigots in high places, but you won't do that because you have an agenda in which is poltical and leans heavily to the left it apears, and so it only rolls one way with you ain't that right ole jake the snake starkey?
To call out bigots for bigotry, like calling out bigrebnc for being a bigot and a redneck, is not bigotry, it is American truthtelling. :lol:
You like calling out bigots for their bigotry, well all the people ask is that you give it equal time for all whom are bigots in high places, but you won't do that because you have an agenda in which is poltical and leans heavily to the left it apears, and so it only rolls one way with you ain't that right ole jake the snake starkey?

Yes I am a bigot but jake is a bigot in the worst way one that denies that he is one.
Huh . . . did you say something? :lol:

To call out bigots for bigotry, like calling out bigrebnc for being a bigot and a redneck, is not bigotry, it is American truthtelling. :lol:
You like calling out bigots for their bigotry, well all the people ask is that you give it equal time for all whom are bigots in high places, but you won't do that because you have an agenda in which is poltical and leans heavily to the left it apears, and so it only rolls one way with you ain't that right ole jake the snake starkey?

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