My fellow Conservatives...please read this.

I see you're regressing to baby-talk.

I'll leave you here now. Make sure you go potty before you toddle off to bed, skippy.
We have suffered a major setback...there is no denying that.

The natural kneejerk reaction it's to lash out, point fingers, distance oneself from defeat.

Instead, I would ask that you take time to process the election results and thoughtfully consider the ramifications of the election, the constructive criticism that you glean from that reflection, and how we can rectify the shortfall we suffered here.

What we need is an After Action Review, not a rerun of the Blame Game.

Defeat is a fork in the path leads to internal destruction, the other to strength through adversity.

Today we choose...choose wisely.

EDIT -- Before replying to this post, read the clarification here:

In a race that was ours to win--we managed to lose

It started in the Republican primary season. The too far right took over several state caucus's--voting for Rick Santorum a man that was sooo far socially right on issues--that he is actually on video recording stating that--via a state ballot--your next door neighbor should be able to vote on whether or not you use birth control contraceptives or not. He continually went after Gays in this country--and all he did was talk about abortion and his personal view of family values.

Then the primary debates themselves--when Rick Perry was actually boooed off the stage for stating that if you didn't give children of illegals--(who through no fault of their own are here an opportunity of higher education)--you didn't have a heart. Of course Mitt Romney picked up on this and stated he was going to send out Gestapo squads to rip out illegal grandma's from their now legal family unit and send them back to nothing. Not realizing that this illegal grandma now has LEGAL U.S. family children and grandchildren in this country that VOTE. So what Reagan--Bush 1 and Bush 2 enjoyed--the Hispanic vote- the too far rights in the Republican party chased them to Obama.

Then Newt Gingrich just had to bring up birth control pills--and along with all of the above--the war on Hispanics and women--STARTED. Mitt Romney won the nomination but by the time he was able to move to center (as all politicians do)--it was too late.

And until right wing Republicans realize that no one can legislate the personal behavior of others or legislate their own personal views of morality from Washington D.C.--they will continue to lose elections until they no longer exist.

And this is how the Republicans in this country snatched defeat right out of the jaws of victory.

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We have suffered a major setback...there is no denying that.

The natural kneejerk reaction it's to lash out, point fingers, distance oneself from defeat.

Instead, I would ask that you take time to process the election results and thoughtfully consider the ramifications of the election, the constructive criticism that you glean from that reflection, and how we can rectify the shortfall we suffered here.

What we need is an After Action Review, not a rerun of the Blame Game.

Defeat is a fork in the path leads to internal destruction, the other to strength through adversity.

Today we choose...choose wisely.

EDIT -- Before replying to this post, read the clarification here:

In a race that was ours to win--we managed to lose

It started in the Republican primary season. The too far right took over several state caucus's--voting for Rick Santorum a man that was sooo far socially right on issues--that he is actually on video recording stating that--via a state ballot--your next door neighbor should be able to vote on whether or not you use birth control contraceptives or not. He continually went after Gays in this country--and all he did was talk about abortion and his personal view of family values.

Then the primary debates themselves--when Rick Perry was actually boooed off the stage for stating that if you didn't give children of illegals--(who through no fault of their own are here an opportunity of higher education)--you didn't have a heart. Of course Mitt Romney picked up on this and stated he was going to send out Gestapo squads to rip out illegal grandma's from their now legal family unit and send them back to nothing. Not realizing that this illegal grandma now has LEGAL U.S. family children and grandchildren in this country that VOTE. So what Reagan--Bush 1 and Bush 2 enjoyed--the Hispanic vote- the too far rights in the Republican party chased them to Obama.

Then Newt Gingrich just had to bring up birth control pills--and along with all of the above--the war on Hispanics and women--STARTED. Mitt Romney won the nomination but by the time he was able to move to center (as all politicians do)--it was too late.

And until right wing Republicans realize that no one can legislate the personal behavior of others or legislate their own personal views of morality from Washington D.C.--they will continue to lose elections until they no longer exist.

And this is how the Republicans in this country snatched defeat right out of the jaws of victory.

The reason they tried to go social on the issues (even though they as businessmen are generally bad at it), was mainly because that is what the Dems were doing in this election, and this was always where they (the dems are good at) and were focusing on mainly, and so what happened was that the dems had been working on the social issues and/or that aspect of these races for all these years now, even though they were losing in alot of these races over the years, it mattered not because they were awaiting the final pay off to come. Now the repubs you see, well they are always judged upon the economic issues that are pressing the nation, and this is because alot of them are your business leaders and businesmen, in which these repubs always championed and did well within the economic landscape, or at least until Bill Clinton and his democrats set them up for their destruction & for the big kill finally on down the road as it were. Bill and his antics all came crashing back on everyone down the road as it were, and it has been clean up time ever since.

Repubs are good managers & business people, but they are real bad on the social issues, but for some reason people are thinking more these days on the social issues, and this no matter if they are poor and getting poorer in life as a result of, and the dems know this, and so they stay focused on the social landscape for all these years, especially while they were indoctronating and creating bad public schools, reprograming the young peoples minds, mixing very volital cocktails of human beings together, creating government dependency amongst many, and growing government in which they (the dems own and have championed over the years as well), so they had finally created a voting block full of dependents, liberals, failures and rebellious young adults, illegal aliens etc. who were convinced finally that the repubs were their sworn enemy in life (i.e. bad socialites who hate always the people), and not that of their friend in which in this plan of theirs (the dems had created over time, and all in order to convince the people of) showed up in this election once again this time around big time.

Hold steady repubs, because they (the dems eventually will implode), just wait and see, then it will be back to business in this nation once again for all.
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And until right wing Republicans realize that no one can legislate the personal behavior of others or legislate their own personal views of morality from Washington D.C.--they will continue to lose elections until they no longer exist.

Oh so your opinion is to deregulate personal behavior in this nation, otherwise to let people just abuse and carry on against one another like the wild wild west once was (picking winners and losers), sort of like what the people were accusing the dems and the repubs of doing when they deregulated business in America ? Don't these two have the same consequences in the end for everyone involved ?

How about lets just enforce good regulations and laws that have been on the books that have always worked, and maybe try and quit experimenting with all of the things that don't need fixed, especially without the good peoples permission and votes upon.
If we had stayed with economics and deregulation, instead of demeaning women, hispanics, gays, and other minorities, we would have won.

The soc con values will be out of the plank, and the hate will be cut out.
If we had stayed with economics and deregulation, instead of demeaning women, hispanics, gays, and other minorities, we would have won.

The soc con values will be out of the plank, and the hate will be cut out.
If you were a real republican, a libertarian, a moderate or even a neutral, then you would maybe have a good size dog in this fight, but since you are a democrat shill posing as someone or something else, then no one is really listening to ya, and that is what I gather when it comes to you and your reputation here. So you have fun with that jake the snake...
Another Dooshette Doofette popping up in queue, getting swept in the gutter as we GOP clean house of the toxic no-longer-assets.

Jake, if anyone is likely to be purged from the GOP, it's going to be "moderates" like you who backed Romney...

Romney is already getting thrown under the bus by the rest of the GOP.

And frankly, if the GOP nominates an ultra-right winger and he loses bigger than Romney, you might have a point.

But trying to blame Romney's loss on Conservatives after you guys beat them over the head until they submitted to the Weird Mormon Robot, and at the end of the day, he got less votes than McCain did.
Since you are not a Republican, beagle9, merely a drone for the far right haters, what you say is meaningless. It has no more importance than, say, bigrebnc, who has repeatedly said he is not GOP.

You guys simply don't count.

We are going to work on leaner government, massive budget cuts, a revenue raise of 1:9, downsizing banks and insurance companies and the military-industrial complex so they can't be too big too fail and threaten all of us if they do.

Jefferson had to fight the anti-science, anti-reason, pro-fundalmental religionists, and easily won. So will we.

If we had stayed with economics and deregulation, instead of demeaning women, hispanics, gays, and other minorities, we would have won.

The soc con values will be out of the plank, and the hate will be cut out.
If you were a real republican, a libertarian, a moderate or even a neutral, then you would maybe have a good size dog in this fight, but since you are a democrat shill posing as someone or something else, then no one is really listening to ya, and that is what I gather when it comes to you and your reputation here. So you have fun with that jake the snake...
If we had stayed with economics and deregulation, instead of demeaning women, hispanics, gays, and other minorities, we would have won.

The soc con values will be out of the plank, and the hate will be cut out.

I think you're right, Jake.

But if the GOP cannot rally the HATE wing of the party, then what do their numbers looks like?

Then the GOP is a much smaller party.

Who will be left will be the same as the GOP was back around 62...the party of THNIKING conservatives.

I actually LIKED those guys, even though I usuallly disagreed with their POVs.

But at least I could UNDERSTAND the logic behind their arguments.

With the modern GOP standing in as the party of hate, I don't understand (more like I find disgusting) most of what that party stands for.

I feel the same sympathy for a thinking libertarian type GOPer as I feel for the THINKING Liberals in the Democratic party.

In both cases they're groups of people thinking rationally that have had to ally themselves with people who are more motivated by EMOTIONAL appeals or MAGICAL THINKING.

BOTH parties have their STUPID wings.
The thinking GOP will reach out to the mod and con wings of the Dems, the centrists, the independents.

We will win in 2016.
Unless you voted for one of the wack 3rdparty groups. You weren't that stupid, were you?

Not going to follow his nonsense anymore than Guy's.

You guys are simple far right trash that we GOP are sweeping into the gutter.

Another Dooshette Doofette popping up in queue, getting swept in the gutter as we GOP clean house of the toxic no-longer-assets.

You guys simply don't count.

The soc con values will be out of the plank, and the hate will be cut out.

Guess it's okay to hate certain people, eh Jake?

If we had stayed with economics and deregulation, instead of demeaning women, hispanics, gays, and other minorities, we would have won.

The soc con values will be out of the plank, and the hate will be cut out.

I think you're right, Jake.

But if the GOP cannot rally the HATE wing of the party, then what do their numbers looks like?

Then the GOP is a much smaller party.

Who will be left will be the same as the GOP was back around 62...the party of THNIKING conservatives.

I actually LIKED those guys, even though I usuallly disagreed with their POVs.

But at least I could UNDERSTAND the logic behind their arguments.

With the modern GOP standing in as the party of hate, I don't understand (more like I find disgusting) most of what that party stands for.

I feel the same sympathy for a thinking libertarian type GOPer as I feel for the THINKING Liberals in the Democratic party.

In both cases they're groups of people thinking rationally that have had to ally themselves with people who are more motivated by EMOTIONAL appeals or MAGICAL THINKING.

BOTH parties have their STUPID wings.
You or the brainless wonder haven't got a fucking clue. The GOP when you get rid of scum like stakey and those like him will be better off.
Tar and Father their fucking asses show no quarter and give them the black flag.
The haters will be cut out of the party. Those who want to play by the rules are invited to stay.

To call bigots out for bigotry is not bigotry itself.

Those who say such are bigots of inside-out brains.
Newby, stop the hate, stay on board, or if you wish to continue to hate gays and minorities and women, please get off the train and wave good bye nicely.
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Newby, stop the hate, stay on board, or if you wish to continue to hate gays and minorities and women, please cut off the train and wave good bye nicely.

You have no evidence that I hate anyone. Does it make you feel good to lie about other people? And I am a woman you dipshit. :cuckoo:
Newby remains in denial but is not hating at the moment: step forward. Your language has toned down, which is good.

So you are saying you are now opposed to abortion with exceptions for incest, rape, and life of the mother.
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