My fellow Conservatives...please read this.

You lost, kiddo. We the real GOP are going to be winners. You can join us, but if not and remain denial, don't get in our ways. You RINOs are so 29 minutes ago.

So you voted for Obama? You won? Thanks for the confirmation. ;)

Why would I join you? I have no idea what you support, what you intend to promote, etc.. You refuse to talk about it, you're not going to win people to your ideas when you refuse to state what your ideas are. :lol: Who is 'we' and 'our'? Where is your organized movement's web page describing how/where you want the GOP to go? Is it all top secret?? :lol: Do you realize how stupid you look with one post after another saying the same thing without any substance? Apparently not, which is why I normally ignore you. I was trying to give you an opportunity to share what your ideas were for the GOP, and once again, you disappointed. All I can surmise from this Jake is that you are a complete fake. You've yet to prove me wrong. If you ever post anything of substance, maybe I'll change my mind. Until then, enjoy the boards. ;)
My name is Shelzin, and I support this message.
I have told Newby exactly what I support. He does not mind the economics, but is unhappy with the dumping of the soc con and cultural baggage, resents reaching out to "uppity" women and minorities, and so forth.

The old Far Right RINOS are old school, and their school is out. Forever.

I have told Newby exactly what I support. He does not mind the economics, but is unhappy with the dumping of the soc con and cultural baggage, resents reaching out to "uppity" women and minorities, and so forth.

The old Far Right RINOS are old school, and their school is out. Forever.


I'm not a 'he', I'm not old, and I'm not far right. You don't pay attention very well do you?
You are a far right loon with soc con and cultural baggage. You are a RINO. You act as ignorant as many of the far right males I have known.

I have told Newby exactly what I support. He does not mind the economics, but is unhappy with the dumping of the soc con and cultural baggage, resents reaching out to "uppity" women and minorities, and so forth.

The old Far Right RINOS are old school, and their school is out. Forever.


I'm not a 'he', I'm not old, and I'm not far right. You don't pay attention very well do you?
The hatred and immorality of the beagle9s will be no tolerated no longer in the GOP.

1. Acceptable revenue increase on the wealthy and a 9:1 budget cut across the board, defense through entitlements.

2. Stop the war on gays.

3. Reach out to women and minorities on the issues which are their concern.

4. Immigration reform tied to registration, border closure, and penalty enforcement on bad businesses who hire unregistered aliens.

5. Abortion restricted after three months to incest, rape, and life of the mother.

6. No promotion of religion by government tax dollars.

The above for starters.

The better way to fix it all, is to not empower, give money to, support, and/or give paychecks to those who will use that support and money to come back and destroy you with, your family, and your way of life in this nation, in which has been the case for far to long now, and for which has led to exactly the defeats in which we are experiencing to this day in all of this now.

Now wildly we have people saying hey, get rid of your morals, values and integrity, therefore replacing them with immoralism, sluttyism and the murdering of the unborn on a whim aftewards, and so on and so forth it all goes now, in which seems to be running rampant in the democrat platform anymore these days or is attached to it these days. I can't believe that this election scared the repubs so badly, that they have cowards running around suggesting that the platform of integrity and morals is a crazy thing to project and support now, and therefore should lead to people jumping ship by the thousands now.... Kidding me right ? All that has to be done, is to not support those who are immoral and sick in their deviant heads anymore, and everything will soon return to normal in this nation once more. It's that easy really....

Those are all democrat ideals. Might as well just get rid of the republican party. Tell me where any of what you listed differs from the democrat platform?
He's a closet democrat doing clean up, and that is what he thinks that he is doing now.... Beware of the spy's and infiltrators preying upon what they see as a weak party that has become confused and hurt by all of this in which they see as a set back now, because these kinds of cats will be out in force protecting their agenda and their King as they all try and move forward in their class warfare and new seperatist agenda in which they will pursue more vigorously now.
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I am an out in the open Republican who is cleaning up the trash of our far right. Beware of the far right's hatred and demeaning of Americans they don't like. These saps just don't get it, but they will as they get booted out the back door. This is the face of the GOP of Jindall, Christie, Boehner, Rubio and the new leadership.

The hatred and immorality of the beagle9s will be no tolerated no longer in the GOP.

1. Acceptable revenue increase on the wealthy and a 9:1 budget cut across the board, defense through entitlements.

2. Stop the war on gays.

3. Reach out to women and minorities on the issues which are their concern.

4. Immigration reform tied to registration, border closure, and penalty enforcement on bad businesses who hire unregistered aliens.

5. Abortion restricted after three months to incest, rape, and life of the mother.

6. No promotion of religion by government tax dollars.
I am an out in the open Republican who is cleaning up the trash of our far right. Beware of the far right's hatred and demeaning of Americans they don't like. These saps just don't get it, but they will as they get booted out the back door. This is the face of the GOP of Jindall, Christie, Boehner, Rubio and the new leadership.

The hatred and immorality of the beagle9s will be no tolerated no longer in the GOP.

1. Acceptable revenue increase on the wealthy and a 9:1 budget cut across the board, defense through entitlements.

2. Stop the war on gays.

3. Reach out to women and minorities on the issues which are their concern.

4. Immigration reform tied to registration, border closure, and penalty enforcement on bad businesses who hire unregistered aliens.

5. Abortion restricted after three months to incest, rape, and life of the mother.

6. No promotion of religion by government tax dollars.

Same as the democrat platform. :cuckoo:
The scary part to me is that so much of the ranting I here on here is exactly like the ranting I heard from the far right when SCOTUS ordered school desegregation.
"America isn't America anymore."
"We're gonna sucede"
"The country is turning its back on God"
"Shiftless commies"

Everytime you remind old, white Christians that America belongs to everyone else too - they throw a tantrum.

Did any of the things that you mention above "materialize" over time or since the days in which they first ranted and raved about it, and if so is this just the "see I told ya so faze", that is found now connected to the old rant maybe ?

Can some of the things in which you mention above, now be found to be true, and if so, were the old Christians right about some of their invisionment of some of this stuff to soon come to pass as they saw it, and therefore challenging the very moral and decent traditions and/or cultures in which were established throughout time, and that which were traditions and standards in which people still longed after in this nation to this very day ?

Yes there was a few things wrong of course over the brief history of this nation, and the nation has been working through the problems very good over the years, but right now it apears that many things can be de-railed by the wrong attitudes in all of this, and a surge of seperation could come out of all of this now, instead of a surge of unity instead.

The democrats have become deviders, and it will remain to be seen how all of this plays out now..
I am an out in the open Republican who is cleaning up the trash of our far right. Beware of the far right's hatred and demeaning of Americans they don't like. These saps just don't get it, but they will as they get booted out the back door. This is the face of the GOP of Jindall, Christie, Boehner, Rubio and the new leadership.

The hatred and immorality of the beagle9s will be no tolerated no longer in the GOP.

1. Acceptable revenue increase on the wealthy and a 9:1 budget cut across the board, defense through entitlements.

2. Stop the war on gays.

3. Reach out to women and minorities on the issues which are their concern.

4. Immigration reform tied to registration, border closure, and penalty enforcement on bad businesses who hire unregistered aliens.

5. Abortion restricted after three months to incest, rape, and life of the mother.

6. No promotion of religion by government tax dollars.

The far right is hammering you - but you KNEW that was gonna happen. The far right will still vote this platform because they will consider it better than a liberal Democratic platform. But NOW you have a real shot at the moderates who wouldn't vote for a far right platform.
I am an out in the open Republican who is cleaning up the trash of our far right. Beware of the far right's hatred and demeaning of Americans they don't like. These saps just don't get it, but they will as they get booted out the back door. This is the face of the GOP of Jindall, Christie, Boehner, Rubio and the new leadership.

The hatred and immorality of the beagle9s will be no tolerated no longer in the GOP.

1. Acceptable revenue increase on the wealthy and a 9:1 budget cut across the board, defense through entitlements.

2. Stop the war on gays.

3. Reach out to women and minorities on the issues which are their concern.

4. Immigration reform tied to registration, border closure, and penalty enforcement on bad businesses who hire unregistered aliens.

5. Abortion restricted after three months to incest, rape, and life of the mother.

6. No promotion of religion by government tax dollars.

The far right is hammering you - but you KNEW that was gonna happen. The far right will still vote this platform because they will consider it better than a liberal Democratic platform. But NOW you have a real shot at the moderates who wouldn't vote for a far right platform.

Outside of some entitlement cuts, I see no difference from the democrat platform.

Number 3 is just fluff with no content. What does 'reach out' mean? They're just platitudes, same as the dems.
The only riot after the election was by a bunch of white pampered students at Old Miss: so figures.

Our team loved beating them in football every year: stomp their faces in the mud!

These are policies acceptable to all mainstream Republicans: the wacks to the far right who don't like it are going to have to get over it. This is what will be in 2016. Talk to Jindall, Christie, Rubio, Boehner and dozens of other common sense Republicans.

1. Acceptable revenue increase on the wealthy and a 9:1 budget cut across the board, defense through entitlements. The GOP will compromise on this before the first of the year.
2. Stop the war on gays. We are part way there now.
3. Reach out to women and minorities on the issues which are their concern. Our rational leaders have been saying this for a week.
4. Immigration reform tied to registration, border closure, and penalty enforcement on bad businesses who hire unregistered aliens. The great majority of GOP, including many on the far right, believe this is the way to go.
5. Abortion restricted after three months to incest, rape, and life of the mother. Probably 20% of the far right will leave the party over this; good riddance. The platform sub-committee is holding hearings on this next week.
6. No promotion of religion by government tax dollars. The far right soc cons like Newby are going to have to suck it up.

The far right is going to have to come to terms, a more moderate platform rather than the Dems' liberal one or leave the party.
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The scary part to me is that so much of the ranting I here on here is exactly like the ranting I heard from the far right when SCOTUS ordered school desegregation.
"America isn't America anymore."
"We're gonna sucede"
"The country is turning its back on God"
"Shiftless commies"

Everytime you remind old, white Christians that America belongs to everyone else too - they throw a tantrum.

Did any of the things that you mention above "materialize" over time or since the days in which they first ranted and raved about it, and if so is this just the "see I told ya so faze", that is found now connected to the old rant maybe ?

Can some of the things in which you mention above, now be found to be true, and if so, were the old Christians right about some of their invisionment of some of this stuff to soon come to pass as they saw it, and therefore challenging the very moral and decent traditions and/or cultures in which were established throughout time, and that which were traditions and standards in which people still longed after in this nation to this very day ?

Yes there was a few things wrong of course over the brief history of this nation, and the nation has been working through the problems very good over the years, but right now it apears that many things can be de-railed by the wrong attitudes in all of this, and a surge of seperation could come out of all of this now, instead of a surge of unity instead.

The democrats have become deviders, and it will remain to be seen how all of this plays out now..

No - the old rants can quickly and easily boiled down to: "White Christian men built this country into the great position it is in and I'm afraid of letting everyone else in on the American dream."

Today - same song second verse. They were wrong then and they are wrong again now.

Unity - Unum. Hitler had unity. Sadaam had unity. Pol Pot had unity.

What makes our unum different? What makes it special? What makes our Unum a beacon to the world? Our pluribus. E pluribus Unum. Out of MANY one.

Anyone who won't tolerate someone or something different can get unity. That's no feat at all. What makes ours special is that we can unite despite our diversity. Our diversity makes us stronger and it is certainly nothing to fear. It is something to cherish.

The American Dream belongs to EVERY American. Rich or poor; black, white, red, yellow, brown, etc ...; Christian, Muslim, and athiest; gay or straight; Everyone has an equal share in the American Dream.

THAT is the "more perfect union" and what makes the United States the envy of oppressed people around the world.
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The only riot after the election was by a bunch of white pampered students at Old Miss: so figures.

Our team loved beating them in football every year: stomp their faces in the mud!

These are policies acceptable to all mainstream Republicans: the wacks to the far right who don't like it are going to have to get over it. This is what will be in 2016. Talk to Jindall, Christie, Rubio, Boehner and dozens of other common sense Republicans.

1. Acceptable revenue increase on the wealthy and a 9:1 budget cut across the board, defense through entitlements. The GOP will compromise on this before the first of the year.
2. Stop the war on gays. We are part way there now.
3. Reach out to women and minorities on the issues which are their concern. Our rational leaders have been saying this for a week.
4. Immigration reform tied to registration, border closure, and penalty enforcement on bad businesses who hire unregistered aliens. The great majority of GOP, including many on the far right, believe this is the way to go.
5. Abortion restricted after three months to incest, rape, and life of the mother. Probably 20% of the far right will leave the party over this; good riddance. The platform sub-committee is holding hearings on this next week.
6. No promotion of religion by government tax dollars. The far right soc cons like Newby are going to have to suck it up.

The far right is going to have to come to terms, a more moderate platform rather than the Dems' liberal one or leave the party.

My Gawd, the ignorance. You couldn't find one post on this board, and I've been here for 3 years, where I have advocated the promotion of religion using government tax dollars. Now you're just down to beign a plain idiot.

Now abortion is okay the first 3 months?? :lol: What happened to no abortion except rape, incest, and life of the mother? You can't even keep straight what you claim to support from one post to the next.
Newby can babble all s/he wants. Doesn't matter at all. The party is changing,a nd she is invited to come along and participate.

The only riot after the election was by a bunch of white pampered students at Old Miss: so figures.

Our team loved beating them in football every year: stomp their faces in the mud!

These are policies acceptable to all mainstream Republicans: the wacks to the far right who don't like it are going to have to get over it. This is what will be in 2016. Talk to Jindall, Christie, Rubio, Boehner and dozens of other common sense Republicans.

1. Acceptable revenue increase on the wealthy and a 9:1 budget cut across the board, defense through entitlements. The GOP will compromise on this before the first of the year.
2. Stop the war on gays. We are part way there now.
3. Reach out to women and minorities on the issues which are their concern. Our rational leaders have been saying this for a week.
4. Immigration reform tied to registration, border closure, and penalty enforcement on bad businesses who hire unregistered aliens. The great majority of GOP, including many on the far right, believe this is the way to go.
5. Abortion restricted after three months to incest, rape, and life of the mother. Probably 20% of the far right will leave the party over this; good riddance. The platform sub-committee is holding hearings on this next week.
6. No promotion of religion by government tax dollars. The far right soc cons like Newby are going to have to suck it up.

The far right is going to have to come to terms, a more moderate platform rather than the Dems' liberal one or leave the party.

My Gawd, the ignorance. You couldn't find one post on this board, and I've been here for 3 years, where I have advocated the promotion of religion using government tax dollars. Now you're just down to beign a plain idiot.

Now abortion is okay the first 3 months?? :lol: What happened to no abortion except rape, incest, and life of the mother? You can't even keep straight what you claim to support from one post to the next.

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