My fellow Conservatives...please read this.

This is more or less my take on why I stopped voting Republican, and won't until the platform changes.

[ame=]Ben Swann: Did 2012 Republicans Blow It On State's Rights? - YouTube[/ame]
This is more or less my take on why I stopped voting Republican, and won't until the platform changes.

Ben Swann: Did 2012 Republicans Blow It On State's Rights? - YouTube

Great video... and I agree with what it is saying. The problem is that the GOP has to give up it's 'social conservative' values in favor of fiscal or governing/constitutional values, and your video illustrates that catch 22 really well. However, you'll find the same issues in the democrat party too. You have them promoting abortion as choice and privacy of the bedroom for gays, etc... yet there they are implementing government control of your healthcare, throwing government in the middle of something they claimed should be private. Offering no choice when it comes to controling your life and if/when you'll spend your money on health insurance. They're all hypocrits to an extent, they all seek to increase government power and control. But changing the GOP platform to look identical to the democrat one isn't going to solve anything either.
:lol: You losers can stay in denial.

We will move forward.

Jake seems to think all republicans have the same platform. Except him.

Well, he does keep referring to that elusive 'we', but won't give any details on who that 'we' is or any evidence to back it up.

Save your breath Jake, you have nothing of value to contribute to the discussion. We've heard what you have to say, it's nothing new or different from the last 10 posts you've made, there's no further point in restating it over and over again. Seriously.
This is more or less my take on why I stopped voting Republican, and won't until the platform changes.

Ben Swann: Did 2012 Republicans Blow It On State's Rights? - YouTube

The problem Republicans are suffering from right now, is that if you truly believe you are the party of individual freedom and liberty - well then you have to trust people with it. The biggest danger, when it comes to individual freedom, is that when you give it to people, you might not like what they do with it.

This really sums it up for me. Republicans like to tell people how to live every bit as much as Democrats - they just have a different list of orders in hand.
And pointing out how out of touch with mainstream America the GOP has become.

What I find disturbing is that ANYONE would base their vote on the issue of abortion, anyway. Nothing is going to change Roe v. Wade, and even if it somehow WAS reversed the issue would revert to the individual states.

There are a myriad of things that are vastly more important that we need to focus on, like the debt and deficit, the global over-reach of the military, the loss of civil rights, the encroaching police state and the supply of AFFORDABLE energy that would spur economic development and JOBS.

To YOU (and me, sort of) those things are much more important.

But neither you nor I have a uterus, do we?

That fact might change significantly what we imagine is most important, don't you think?

Almost ALL of the uterii owners I know put 'abortion on demand' so low on their list of priorities they need a second page.
This is more or less my take on why I stopped voting Republican, and won't until the platform changes.

Ben Swann: Did 2012 Republicans Blow It On State's Rights? - YouTube

The problem Republicans are suffering from right now, is that if you truly believe you are the party of individual freedom and liberty - well then you have to trust people with it. The biggest danger, when it comes to individual freedom, is that when you give it to people, you might not like what they do with it.

This really sums it up for me. Republicans like to tell people how to live every bit as much as Democrats - they just have a different list of orders in hand.

Libertarians don't tell you how to live.
You have just described yourself.

The party will no longer sustain the platform of political death in the future.

You are in denial.

:lol: You losers can stay in denial.

We will move forward.

Well, he does keep referring to that elusive 'we', but won't give any details on who that 'we' is or any evidence to back it up.

Save your breath Jake, you have nothing of value to contribute to the discussion. We've heard what you have to say, it's nothing new or different from the last 10 posts you've made, there's no further point in restating it over and over again. Seriously.
You lost, kiddo. We the real GOP are going to be winners. You can join us, but if not and remain denial, don't get in our ways. You RINOs are so 29 minutes ago.
The scary part to me is that so much of the ranting I here on here is exactly like the ranting I heard from the far right when SCOTUS ordered school desegregation.
"America isn't America anymore."
"We're gonna sucede"
"The country is turning its back on God"
"Shiftless commies"

Everytime you remind old, white Christians that America belongs to everyone else too - they throw a tantrum.
Watch Newby is even a white male, but a Hispanic female, but will still ranting.
You lost, kiddo. We the real GOP are going to be winners. You can join us, but if not and remain denial, don't get in our ways. You RINOs are so 29 minutes ago.

So you voted for Obama? You won? Thanks for the confirmation. ;)

Why would I join you? I have no idea what you support, what you intend to promote, etc.. You refuse to talk about it, you're not going to win people to your ideas when you refuse to state what your ideas are. :lol: Who is 'we' and 'our'? Where is your organized movement's web page describing how/where you want the GOP to go? Is it all top secret?? :lol: Do you realize how stupid you look with one post after another saying the same thing without any substance? Apparently not, which is why I normally ignore you. I was trying to give you an opportunity to share what your ideas were for the GOP, and once again, you disappointed. All I can surmise from this Jake is that you are a complete fake. You've yet to prove me wrong. If you ever post anything of substance, maybe I'll change my mind. Until then, enjoy the boards. ;)
The scary part to me is that so much of the ranting I here on here is exactly like the ranting I heard from the far right when SCOTUS ordered school desegregation.
"America isn't America anymore."
"We're gonna sucede"
"The country is turning its back on God"
"Shiftless commies"

Everytime you remind old, white Christians that America belongs to everyone else too - they throw a tantrum.

Which 'ranting' in this thread reminded you of that?
The better way to fix it all, is to not empower, give money to, support, and/or give paychecks to those who will use that support and money to come back and destroy you with, your family, and your way of life in this nation, in which has been the case for far to long now, and for which has led to exactly the defeats in which we are experiencing to this day in all of this now.

Now wildly we have people saying hey, get rid of your morals, values and integrity, therefore replacing them with immoralism, sluttyism and the murdering of the unborn on a whim aftewards, and so on and so forth it all goes now, in which seems to be running rampant in the democrat platform anymore these days or is attached to it these days. I can't believe that this election scared the repubs so badly, that they have cowards running around suggesting that the platform of integrity and morals is a crazy thing to project and support now, and therefore should lead to people jumping ship by the thousands now.... Kidding me right ? All that has to be done, is to not support those who are immoral and sick in their deviant heads anymore, and everything will soon return to normal in this nation once more. It's that easy really....

The better way to fix it all, is to not empower, give money to, support, and/or give paychecks to those who will use that support and money to come back and destroy you with, your family, and your way of life in this nation, in which has been the case for far to long now, and for which has led to exactly the defeats in which we are experiencing to this day in all of this now.

Now wildly we have people saying hey, get rid of your morals, values and integrity, therefore replacing them with immoralism, sluttyism and the murdering of the unborn on a whim aftewards, and so on and so forth it all goes now, in which seems to be running rampant in the democrat platform anymore these days or is attached to it these days. I can't believe that this election scared the repubs so badly, that they have cowards running around suggesting that the platform of integrity and morals is a crazy thing to project and support now, and therefore should lead to people jumping ship by the thousands now.... Kidding me right ? All that has to be done, is to not support those who are immoral and sick in their deviant heads anymore, and everything will soon return to normal in this nation once more. It's that easy really....


Not sure I get your point, but you're welcome to your opinion. ;)

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