My fellow Conservatives...please read this.

They leave and create a C. The point is they get on board or they will be put off the train.
They leave and create a C. The point is they get on board or they will be put off the train.

Or they'll just stay put and be the vocal minority that continues to irritate but serves the function of the sideshow freaks in the circus that is the GOP.
Not as a recognized part of the organization.

They can be outside and yammer all they want.

We had a party meeting here last Friday, and I made it quite clearl that any and all dissent would be polite, and that if there was any yelling, the meeting would be ended and held with the majority only.

Some did not attend but a few did and got the message.

This will happen administratively across the country, House, and will continue to grow as Republicans turn towards Christie, Boehner, Jindall, and the others who act and think sensibly.

The voting demographics have changed, and those who can't change won't be part of the administrative machinery.

They leave and create a C. The point is they get on board or they will be put off the train.

Or they'll just stay put and be the vocal minority that continues to irritate but serves the function of the sideshow freaks in the circus that is the GOP.
He's basing what's 'mainstream GOP' on his own opinion apparently.

And pointing out how out of touch with mainstream America the GOP has become.

What I find disturbing is that ANYONE would base their vote on the issue of abortion, anyway. Nothing is going to change Roe v. Wade, and even if it somehow WAS reversed the issue would revert to the individual states.

There are a myriad of things that are vastly more important that we need to focus on, like the debt and deficit, the global over-reach of the military, the loss of civil rights, the encroaching police state and the supply of AFFORDABLE energy that would spur economic development and JOBS.

But social issues are the easy topics for the uneducated to understand, which is why they pound away at them. The fact that 'womens rights' were one of the top reasons younger women voted for Obama is very telling. Their so dummed down that our economic situation means nothing to them, they just think everything will continue on as it always has been and if not, the government will make sure everyone is taken care of. That's what the democratic party counts on election after election and why they focus so much on these 'social' so called issues.
What I find disturbing is that ANYONE would base their vote on the issue of abortion, anyway. Nothing is going to change Roe v. Wade, and even if it somehow WAS reversed the issue would revert to the individual states.

There are a myriad of things that are vastly more important that we need to focus on, like the debt and deficit, the global over-reach of the military, the loss of civil rights, the encroaching police state and the supply of AFFORDABLE energy that would spur economic development and JOBS.

That's just one of the reasons I believe the ultra-right crowd is counter-productive for the GOP. They DEMAND that GOP candidates state their views on abortion and then start bickering about it. I've had my Christainity questioned by some because I don't always vote for the most anti-abortion candidate I can find.

But I do believe that an extra conservative justice or two on the court could swing things against Roe v Wade. SCOTUS has reversed previous courts before - they could do it again.

In the mean time American citizens are assassinated and spied on by the government without any form of due process, the debt is soaring, unemployment is everywhere, incomes are down, poverty is up especially among minorities, we are doing military shit in like 20 countries... etc etc

Yes, for anyone on either side to be concerned about 'womens rights' or gay marriage is completely absurd. Yet that's how Obama won the election, cause it obviously wasn't for economical issues since his track record sucks in that regard.
I am basing it on what the new plank is going to say in 2016, because we will have the overwhelming numbers at convention.

You prodeath-to-mother types are going to lose big time.

Then why doesn't the platform say that? Why doesn't the VP nominee say that?

He's basing what's 'mainstream GOP' on his own opinion apparently.

Can you link me to any evidence of this so called 'movement' within the GOP other than your opinion? Cause I ain't seeing it.
Not as a recognized part of the organization.

They can be outside and yammer all they want.

Or they can stay right where they are so we can paint all republicans with the same brush.

Makes things much easier, don't you agree? :)
The hatred and immorality of the beagle9s will be no tolerated no longer in the GOP.

1. Acceptable revenue increase on the wealthy and a 9:1 budget cut across the board, defense through entitlements.

2. Stop the war on gays.

3. Reach out to women and minorities on the issues which are their concern.

4. Immigration reform tied to registration, border closure, and penalty enforcement on bad businesses who hire unregistered aliens.

5. Abortion restricted after three months to incest, rape, and life of the mother.

6. No promotion of religion by government tax dollars.

The above for starters.

The better way to fix it all, is to not empower, give money to, support, and/or give paychecks to those who will use that support and money to come back and destroy you with, your family, and your way of life in this nation, in which has been the case for far to long now, and for which has led to exactly the defeats in which we are experiencing to this day in all of this now.

Now wildly we have people saying hey, get rid of your morals, values and integrity, therefore replacing them with immoralism, sluttyism and the murdering of the unborn on a whim aftewards, and so on and so forth it all goes now, in which seems to be running rampant in the democrat platform anymore these days or is attached to it these days. I can't believe that this election scared the repubs so badly, that they have cowards running around suggesting that the platform of integrity and morals is a crazy thing to project and support now, and therefore should lead to people jumping ship by the thousands now.... Kidding me right ? All that has to be done, is to not support those who are immoral and sick in their deviant heads anymore, and everything will soon return to normal in this nation once more. It's that easy really....

Those are all democrat ideals. Might as well just get rid of the republican party. Tell me where any of what you listed differs from the democrat platform?
I am mainstream American Republican, you are a far right extremist pretender.

What I believe will be party platform in 2016.

The hatred and immorality of the beagle9s will be no tolerated no longer in the GOP.

1. Acceptable revenue increase on the wealthy and a 9:1 budget cut across the board, defense through entitlements.

2. Stop the war on gays.

3. Reach out to women and minorities on the issues which are their concern.

4. Immigration reform tied to registration, border closure, and penalty enforcement on bad businesses who hire unregistered aliens.

5. Abortion restricted after three months to incest, rape, and life of the mother.

6. No promotion of religion by government tax dollars.

The above for starters.
You claim to be a republican/conservative I guess is what I am gathering here, but you are a closet democrat infiltrator is all that you are, who is posing as a repubican/conservative trying to convert the party over to becoming a democrat party affiliate/wing of some sort, while wearing a republican/conservative hat in the process. So sad..

Jake, why don't you move to the democrat party? That's what you are. Please tell me what you disagree with from the democrat platform.
And pointing out how out of touch with mainstream America the GOP has become.

What I find disturbing is that ANYONE would base their vote on the issue of abortion, anyway. Nothing is going to change Roe v. Wade, and even if it somehow WAS reversed the issue would revert to the individual states.

There are a myriad of things that are vastly more important that we need to focus on, like the debt and deficit, the global over-reach of the military, the loss of civil rights, the encroaching police state and the supply of AFFORDABLE energy that would spur economic development and JOBS.

To YOU (and me, sort of) those things are much more important.

But neither you nor I have a uterus, do we?

That fact might change significantly what we imagine is most important, don't you think?

Are you claiming there aren't women in this country who are opposed to abortion. I have a uterus, and I still believe it's wrong to kill your unborn child. We have hypocrisy for that right in our laws. A woman can kill her baby, but no one else can or they are charged with murder. So, it's a 'person with rights' if the mother wants it, if the mother doesn't want it, then it's a 'blob' of tissue. So every potential human is seen as having rights or not having rights based on the mother's desires of wanting the baby or not? How screwed up is that?
They leave and create a C. The point is they get on board or they will be put off the train.

:lol: I'd have some respect for you if you could point to any legitimate movement within the GOP that mirrors what you're posting here.
Not as a recognized part of the organization.

They can be outside and yammer all they want.

We had a party meeting here last Friday, and I made it quite clearl that any and all dissent would be polite, and that if there was any yelling, the meeting would be ended and held with the majority only.

Some did not attend but a few did and got the message.

This will happen administratively across the country, House, and will continue to grow as Republicans turn towards Christie, Boehner, Jindall, and the others who act and think sensibly.

The voting demographics have changed, and those who can't change won't be part of the administrative machinery.

They leave and create a C. The point is they get on board or they will be put off the train.

Or they'll just stay put and be the vocal minority that continues to irritate but serves the function of the sideshow freaks in the circus that is the GOP.

Go ahead an continue on that road Jake, you'll make yourself obselete, there will be no difference between what you're offering the people and what the democrats are offering. It will become one party. So, that's either what you want, or you're just a poor naive sap who's being used. I'll ask again, please list the differences between your vision of the GOP and the democrat platform. Name 5 major differences.
Because that is what the platform will say next time as we reach out to women and minorities.

We will stop bowing down to evangelical Christians.

The demographics have changed, and we will meet the changing needs.

I have been a Republican all of my life and the soc cons and the neo-cons and the haters better wise up.

Abortion only for rape, incest, and health of the mother is clearly mainstream GOP.

Then why doesn't the platform say that? Why doesn't the VP nominee say that?

He's basing what's 'mainstream GOP' on his own opinion apparently.
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Thank you. I am not a Dem, and I am not part of the far right extremism that nearly wrecked out country.
Or they can stay right where they are so we can paint all republicans with the same brush.

Makes things much easier, don't you agree? :)

But Jake IS a republican... :eusa_shhh:

I know he is. Who said I was including him in the "we"? :)

Well, typically when you're having a conversation with another person, i.e. talking directly to them, and you say 'we', that's considered inclusive of the party that you're conversing with. ;)
Not as a recognized part of the organization.

They can be outside and yammer all they want.

We had a party meeting here last Friday, and I made it quite clearl that any and all dissent would be polite, and that if there was any yelling, the meeting would be ended and held with the majority only.

Some did not attend but a few did and got the message.

This will happen administratively across the country, House, and will continue to grow as Republicans turn towards Christie, Boehner, Jindall, and the others who act and think sensibly.

The voting demographics have changed, and those who can't change won't be part of the administrative machinery.

Or they'll just stay put and be the vocal minority that continues to irritate but serves the function of the sideshow freaks in the circus that is the GOP.

Go ahead an continue on that road Jake, you'll make yourself obselete, there will be no difference between what you're offering the people and what the democrats are offering. It will become one party. So, that's either what you want, or you're just a poor naive sap who's being used. I'll ask again, please list the differences between your vision of the GOP and the democrat platform. Name 5 major differences.

Bump for you Jake, please address this. Thanks.

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