My fellow Conservatives...please read this.

If the GOP can get itself truly right and longer stupid far right, we have a chance.
Not as a recognized part of the organization.

They can be outside and yammer all they want.

We had a party meeting here last Friday, and I made it quite clearl that any and all dissent would be polite, and that if there was any yelling, the meeting would be ended and held with the majority only.

Some did not attend but a few did and got the message.

This will happen administratively across the country, House, and will continue to grow as Republicans turn towards Christie, Boehner, Jindall, and the others who act and think sensibly.

The voting demographics have changed, and those who can't change won't be part of the administrative machinery.

Go ahead an continue on that road Jake, you'll make yourself obselete, there will be no difference between what you're offering the people and what the democrats are offering. It will become one party. So, that's either what you want, or you're just a poor naive sap who's being used. I'll ask again, please list the differences between your vision of the GOP and the democrat platform. Name 5 major differences.

Bump for you Jake, please address this. Thanks.
Not as a recognized part of the organization.

They can be outside and yammer all they want.

We had a party meeting here last Friday, and I made it quite clearl that any and all dissent would be polite, and that if there was any yelling, the meeting would be ended and held with the majority only.

Some did not attend but a few did and got the message.

This will happen administratively across the country, House, and will continue to grow as Republicans turn towards Christie, Boehner, Jindall, and the others who act and think sensibly.

The voting demographics have changed, and those who can't change won't be part of the administrative machinery.

Go ahead an continue on that road Jake, you'll make yourself obselete, there will be no difference between what you're offering the people and what the democrats are offering. It will become one party. So, that's either what you want, or you're just a poor naive sap who's being used. I'll ask again, please list the differences between your vision of the GOP and the democrat platform. Name 5 major differences.

Bump for you Jake, please address this. Thanks.

Here's a reciprocal challenge. List five major difference in the way Democrats and Republicans actually govern. Rhetoric and "platforms" don't count.
I am concerned only about the Republican Party.

I have explained clearly what we need to do, and we are going to do it.

We are not going to debate with you guys, because you lost.

We will be winners again our way, not yours.

Never debate with losers.

Not as a recognized part of the organization.

They can be outside and yammer all they want.

We had a party meeting here last Friday, and I made it quite clearl that any and all dissent would be polite, and that if there was any yelling, the meeting would be ended and held with the majority only.

Some did not attend but a few did and got the message.

This will happen administratively across the country, House, and will continue to grow as Republicans turn towards Christie, Boehner, Jindall, and the others who act and think sensibly.

The voting demographics have changed, and those who can't change won't be part of the administrative machinery.

Go ahead an continue on that road Jake, you'll make yourself obselete, there will be no difference between what you're offering the people and what the democrats are offering. It will become one party. So, that's either what you want, or you're just a poor naive sap who's being used. I'll ask again, please list the differences between your vision of the GOP and the democrat platform. Name 5 major differences.

Bump for you Jake, please address this. Thanks.
I am concerned only about the Republican Party.

I have explained clearly what we need to do, and we are going to do it.

We are not going to debate with you guys, because you lost.

We will be winners again our way, not yours.

Never debate with losers.

Go ahead an continue on that road Jake, you'll make yourself obselete, there will be no difference between what you're offering the people and what the democrats are offering. It will become one party. So, that's either what you want, or you're just a poor naive sap who's being used. I'll ask again, please list the differences between your vision of the GOP and the democrat platform. Name 5 major differences.

Bump for you Jake, please address this. Thanks.

So, you can't name any differences?
Who is 'you guys'? Who are 'we'? Please provide a link to this organized movement within the GOP?
Newby, our party lost with your platform.

Watch Jindall, Boehner, Christie, and Rubio move onto what I have described as what we will do to win.

I am not debating these matters with you in contrast to what you believe, which is now obsolescent.

We will win despite you now.
Newby, our party lost with your platform.

Watch Jindall, Boehner, Christie, and Rubio move onto what I have described as what we will do to win.

I am not debating these matters with you in contrast to what you believe, which is now obsolescent.

We will win despite you now.

You're not debating them? :lol: When have you ever 'debated' anything with anyone?

You won't name or take a position to debate, you're freakin' hilarious.

Jake says, 'I'm a republican, but I don't agree with their platform, the infamous 'we' that remains unnamed is going to take over the GOP and turn it into the democrat party. But I'm incapable of listing that which makes 'us' different than the democrat party'.

Does that about sum it up? ;)
Newby, our party lost with your platform.

Watch Jindall, Boehner, Christie, and Rubio move onto what I have described as what we will do to win.

I am not debating these matters with you in contrast to what you believe, which is now obsolescent.

We will win despite you now.

What's 'my' platform, Jake?
You're wasting your time with Jake. He just repeats himself and doesn't discuss/defend anything.

Oh, I know... ;) I just love exposing it. :lol: If he had an ounce of self respect and truly believed in his 'cause', whatever it is (because he certainly won't name it), he'd be able to articulate exactly what it is, how it differs from the current GOP, and more importantly, how it differs from the democrat platform. But, he can't do any of that. He can't even tell you what he means by 'far right' when he keeps throwing it out there. If he can't get pinned to a position, then he doesn't have to defend it, all he has to do it hurl dirt at the things he supposedly doesn't agree with. A leftist tactic.
I think he means libertarians when he says far right. Not sure. He thinks we cost him the election even though every Gary Johnson vote wouldn't her saved Romney.
I think he means libertarians when he says far right. Not sure. He thinks we cost him the election even though every Gary Johnson vote wouldn't her saved Romney.
The ones counted anyway. I won't claim it's the same everywhere.. But they got my county wrong.
I think he means libertarians when he says far right. Not sure. He thinks we cost him the election even though every Gary Johnson vote wouldn't her saved Romney.

No, he means the 'religious right', he's pro-abortion and for gay marraige, yet insists he's a republican. I keep asking what values he has that matches the republican platform and he insists that he and 'his kind' are going to take over the GOP and change the platform. When you ask him for details on what they're going to change, he refuses to give any. I simply asked him to list the major differences from his version of the GOP platform and the democrat platform, which he again refused. Funny stuff. :lol:
Newby, we lost, which means our platform lost, because it no longer reaches women and minorities among others.

So why debate with you losers?

You can onboard or fall by the wayside. Up to you.

Newby, our party lost with your platform.

Watch Jindall, Boehner, Christie, and Rubio move onto what I have described as what we will do to win.

I am not debating these matters with you in contrast to what you believe, which is now obsolescent.

We will win despite you now.

You're not debating them? :lol: When have you ever 'debated' anything with anyone?

You won't name or take a position to debate, you're freakin' hilarious.

Jake says, 'I'm a republican, but I don't agree with their platform, the infamous 'we' that remains unnamed is going to take over the GOP and turn it into the democrat party. But I'm incapable of listing that which makes 'us' different than the democrat party'.

Does that about sum it up? ;)
Newby, we lost, which means our platform lost, because it no longer reaches women and minorities among others.

So why debate with you losers?

You can onboard or fall by the wayside. Up to you.

Newby, our party lost with your platform.

Watch Jindall, Boehner, Christie, and Rubio move onto what I have described as what we will do to win.

I am not debating these matters with you in contrast to what you believe, which is now obsolescent.

We will win despite you now.

You're not debating them? :lol: When have you ever 'debated' anything with anyone?

You won't name or take a position to debate, you're freakin' hilarious.

Jake says, 'I'm a republican, but I don't agree with their platform, the infamous 'we' that remains unnamed is going to take over the GOP and turn it into the democrat party. But I'm incapable of listing that which makes 'us' different than the democrat party'.

Does that about sum it up? ;)

Yeah, you're right, you can't debate with someone that refuses to admit exactly what it is he stands for, which is what you do. ;) Why you won't admit to what you stand for is the question? But, I think most have figured it out. ;)

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