My fellow Conservatives...please read this.

When Democrats lose they point fingers at us and figure out a way to win.....even if it's not legit. Just win.

Winning is more important to them than being right.

I think that is what has become apparent from this election.

I don't think Romney was the wrong candidate and I don't think we did anything wrong. The Dems have figured out a way to win and it appears they don't really care what they have to do to accomplish that. We shouldn't point fingers at each other because we aren't at fault.

So our goal is to stop them next time......and the next time after that.
When Democrats lose they point fingers at us and figure out a way to win.....even if it's not legit. Just win.

Winning is more important to them than being right.

I think that is what has become apparent from this election.

I don't think Romney was the wrong candidate and I don't think we did anything wrong. The Dems have figured out a way to win and it appears they don't really care what they have to do to accomplish that. We shouldn't point fingers at each other because we aren't at fault.

So our goal is to stop them next time......and the next time after that.
I agree with that you are saying with the stipulation that it applies to both parties. I'm happy you see it in the democrats... But the fact that you are blinded by that and can't see the republican flaws of the same... Makes you worse than someone who hates democrats and has no idea why.
When Democrats lose they point fingers at us and figure out a way to win.....even if it's not legit. Just win.

Winning is more important to them than being right.

I think that is what has become apparent from this election.

I don't think Romney was the wrong candidate and I don't think we did anything wrong. The Dems have figured out a way to win and it appears they don't really care what they have to do to accomplish that. We shouldn't point fingers at each other because we aren't at fault.

So our goal is to stop them next time......and the next time after that.
I agree with that you are saying with the stipulation that it applies to both parties. I'm happy you see it in the democrats... But the fact that you are blinded by that and can't see the republican flaws of the same... Makes you worse than someone who hates democrats and has no idea why.

I'm not blinded by anything.

Democrats or liberals or communists.....whatever they want to call themselves....want us to doubt ourselves.

So basically you can pack that up your bunghole.
When Democrats lose they point fingers at us and figure out a way to win.....even if it's not legit. Just win.

Winning is more important to them than being right.

I think that is what has become apparent from this election.

I don't think Romney was the wrong candidate and I don't think we did anything wrong. The Dems have figured out a way to win and it appears they don't really care what they have to do to accomplish that. We shouldn't point fingers at each other because we aren't at fault.

So our goal is to stop them next time......and the next time after that.
I agree with that you are saying with the stipulation that it applies to both parties. I'm happy you see it in the democrats... But the fact that you are blinded by that and can't see the republican flaws of the same... Makes you worse than someone who hates democrats and has no idea why.

I'm not blinded by anything.

Democrats or liberals or communists.....whatever they want to call themselves....want us to doubt ourselves.

So basically you can pack that up your bunghole.
And my point has been further shown to be true.
You need to stick a written definition of socialism and of communism and of liberalism and of conservatism up your butt, you can assimilate what the terms really mean.

Your definition of "
When Democrats lose they point fingers at us and figure out a way to win.....even if it's not legit. Just win.

Winning is more important to them than being right.

I think that is what has become apparent from this election.

I don't think Romney was the wrong candidate and I don't think we did anything wrong. The Dems have figured out a way to win and it appears they don't really care what they have to do to accomplish that. We shouldn't point fingers at each other because we aren't at fault.

So our goal is to stop them next time......and the next time after that.
I agree with that you are saying with the stipulation that it applies to both parties. I'm happy you see it in the democrats... But the fact that you are blinded by that and can't see the republican flaws of the same... Makes you worse than someone who hates democrats and has no idea why.

I'm not blinded by anything.

Democrats or liberals or communists.....whatever they want to call themselves....want us to doubt ourselves.

So basically you can pack that up your bunghole.
Quote: Originally Posted by JakeStarkey
Yes, she does, and she is talking about the exceptions that prove the rule of the inhumanity of slavery. If she is actively preaching the "positive good of slavery" than her message is as foul as those who preached it in the 1850s.

You sir, are an idiot. I simply stated that the blacks in this country were awesome people and were making contributions, even as slaves.

Instead of considering the statement, you want to convict me of a hate crime that I did not committ. I have no interest in sustaining slavery of any kind (which is why I am against the gov't making "pets" of citizens: you know giving them food, shelter, medical care, just like the slave owners of old).

But by all means, pretend that the blacks brought to this country as slaves were kept as stupid animals that had to be yoked to a plow and whipped, that they were not intelligent enough to contribute, meaningfully. Who is the bigot, and the racist?

logical4u deliberately mischaracterizes the horror and tragedy of North American Negro chattel slavery.

Many were "kept as stupid animals." She better look up what growing sugar involved in terms of the slave population. She better go look at the auction blocks, the execution blocks and gallows, the shackles and whips and brands.

Many, despite all of this, did contribute meaningfully IN SPITE OF SLAVERY.

I suspect logical4u was brain damaged. I know she is morally damaged.

So YOU say the same thing that I did (but feel it is necessary to document already documented horrors of slavery), and then scold me on "morals"? Jakey, you have already provided evidence for us, that YOU, have no morals.

You choose to demonstrate a desire to see special groups elevated above all others, even as risk of repeating history with the colors of people changing places. There is no consideration that it would be "wrong" to do that (no matter what color, race, sex, religion, etc), just a bitter anger demanding "revenge" (sound familiar?).

Understand that if you take away inexpensive "energy", slavery will happen again. And the ruling class (the ones the liberals keep telling us are sooooo smart, that BTW have little wisdom) will be the ones that use food, shelter, and healthcare as "shackles". Are the conservatives the ones that want "energy" controlled and taxed (to control it)? Are the conservatives the ones that are telling people that other people will be forced to pay for health care for others? Are the conservatives the ones telling people that others should "give" food and shelter to those "less fortunate" (if they are able to work, or not)? Your "ability" to ignore facts and tout the liberal water is truly amazing.
Many blacks were awesome in the 1850s despite the fact they were horribly abused by slave owners.

Dear, that is the point you are missing.

Slavery was no blessing, period.
I will answer you with, We can no longer accept platforms of soc con values that demean women's rights, exalt Christian recognition publicly over other faiths, promote Randian libertarianism, ignore legitimate minority needs, empower neo-con imperialism, and justify hateful rhetoric in defense of GOP goals.

How are women's rights being demeaned?

How is Christianity being "exalted"?

Is promoting libertarianism (Randian or otherwise), illegal?

How are "legitimate" minority needs being ignored?

Who is currently in the white house, and does he "empower" neo-con imperialism?

What, specifically, is "hateful rhetoric", in defense of GOP goals?
The questions answer themselves, logical4u, if you research them.

Since you have a pre-determined bias, you will have to educate yourself, because right now you twist evidence to fit your skewed view of life.

Tis what tis.
I will answer you with, We can no longer accept platforms of soc con values that demean women's rights, exalt Christian recognition publicly over other faiths, promote Randian libertarianism, ignore legitimate minority needs, empower neo-con imperialism, and justify hateful rhetoric in defense of GOP goals.

How are women's rights being demeaned?

How is Christianity being "exalted"?

Is promoting libertarianism (Randian or otherwise), illegal?

How are "legitimate" minority needs being ignored?

Who is currently in the white house, and does he "empower" neo-con imperialism?

What, specifically, is "hateful rhetoric", in defense of GOP goals?

He won't answer those...
They have been answered, minimind, in the election.

We, the mainstream GOP, will never run a favorite of the wacky far right and libertarian wings again.

You are going to find increasingly the local leaderships, much less the state and national, will debate your points. That is over.
Resistance to Ledbetter and the insistence that abortion be illegal, period. Check the party platform be your answer.

Make sure your answer is not a question but a response.

From what I understand, the stance on abortion: no gov't funds should be used to provide abortions to women that "choose" to become pregnants, and then change their mind. In a medical emergency, it is between the mother and the doctor. There are very few people that want a "law" banning all abortions (it would be abused).

Conservatives do not believe in making laws that benefit one group over another. By trying to control behavior to benefit a specific group, that groups rights are disregarded or limited. This does not benefit society, and it does not help to protect the rights in the future (if the rights of this group can be limited today, the rights of that group will be limited tomorrow).

Explain how either of those beliefs infringe on "women" and their rights.
Conservatives do indeed believe in laws that benefit one group over another.

That is why we have Rule of Law.

For instance, criminals are penalized for their behavior.
I believe in protection of the mother in cases of rape, incest, and her health.

No fetus has a right to jeopardize its mother.

As a Former GOP member, I'd just like to say that you lost me and at least half a dozen other posters on these boards because you went too far right. Anecdotal - not scientific - evidence, yes.

But many of us have noticed a disconnect between what you are and what you say you are.

You say you are a party of smaller government and less government intrusion.
But you try to tell women when to give birth and when not to give birth.
And you try to tell people who they are allowed to marry and who they are not allowed to marry.

You say you are the party of "opportunity for all"
but you filibuster equal pay for women initiative and tell Latinos to go "home."

The list goes on, but in sum I'd just suggest that you match your actions to your words.

just mho.
In other words you believe a baby has no right to life.....How small you are.

"Every" baby jepordizes the life of their mother. Ask a woman that was pregnant if there were not effects from being pregnant and giving birth. Genetics, lifestyle, and life choices make those dangers more of less of a problem.
No fetus has the RIGHT to jeopardize the mother: fact of life. The mother has the right to accept that jeopardy and deal with it as she wishes. That is the conservative position.
Overturning Court decisions is a job for the Courts, not the Legislature, even if the motives are pure. No one is telling Latinos to 'go home', 50 million of them ALREADY ARE home. We're telling criminal illegal aliens to go home. See the difference?

Blocking the will of the majority by filibustering a bill providing an avenue for restitution for women who are victims of pay discrimination isn't real popular with women.

"Self Deport" tells Latinos "we don't want you here" and they aren't going to vote for you.

Wander around the delusionary rhetoric tree all you want. It's NOT dealing with the issues and it's NOT winning you voters.

Giving women's pay issues to the gov't to decide, will result in less women working, not more.

Are you saying that it is okay with you for people to break the law? Is it okay for them to use others' IDs? Is it okay for them to reduce the amount of wages in this country (those that want "cheap" labor will keep illegals here as long as they can supress their wages)? Is it okay for Americans to compete with beginning jobs (minimim wage) with illegals that will work for less? Is it okay for illegals to use tax funded programs to unethically finance their lifestyle, while others are turned away?

Please answer so I know that you are not wandering around the delusionary rhetoric tree.
They have been answered, minimind, in the election.

We, the mainstream GOP, will never run a favorite of the wacky far right and libertarian wings again.

You are going to find increasingly the local leaderships, much less the state and national, will debate your points. That is over.

See what I mean?
The hatred and immorality of the beagle9s will be no tolerated no longer in the GOP.

1. Acceptable revenue increase on the wealthy and a 9:1 budget cut across the board, defense through entitlements.

2. Stop the war on gays.

3. Reach out to women and minorities on the issues which are their concern.

4. Immigration reform tied to registration, border closure, and penalty enforcement on bad businesses who hire unregistered aliens.

5. Abortion restricted after three months to incest, rape, and life of the mother.

6. No promotion of religion by government tax dollars.

The above for starters.

The better way to fix it all, is to not empower, give money to, support, and/or give paychecks to those who will use that support and money to come back and destroy you with, your family, and your way of life in this nation, in which has been the case for far to long now, and for which has led to exactly the defeats in which we are experiencing to this day in all of this now.

Now wildly we have people saying hey, get rid of your morals, values and integrity, therefore replacing them with immoralism, sluttyism and the murdering of the unborn on a whim aftewards, and so on and so forth it all goes now, in which seems to be running rampant in the democrat platform anymore these days or is attached to it these days. I can't believe that this election scared the repubs so badly, that they have cowards running around suggesting that the platform of integrity and morals is a crazy thing to project and support now, and therefore should lead to people jumping ship by the thousands now.... Kidding me right ? All that has to be done, is to not support those who are immoral and sick in their deviant heads anymore, and everything will soon return to normal in this nation once more. It's that easy really....

How about:

cut $9 from gov't budgets for every $1 increase in taxes.

notate where gays are doing "battle" (are there armed military chasing them down, drones, etc)?

Women, is it important to have a country where you are safe, where you can raise a family, where you can work, where your children are unmolested by "professionals" (teachers, coaches, etc)?

Eliminate public assistance for people that do not have documentation.

Abortion not paid for by gov't funds (unless medical, not phsycological emergency). Public awareness campaigns on the dangers of unmarried motherhood, unwanted pregnancy, and the statistics for what happens if you do these things.

If workers/employees want to "celebrate" a religious holiday (with employers' permission), there should be no preventative measures. Those that do not want to participate should not be ridiculed or punished. Chistian holidays are in place on the national holiday list. Either let them be (and allow explanation) or take the holidays, away. If a private citizen has donated property with the express intentions being to support a religious symbol (cross) or park that can be used by church, the gov't should allow those events to continue or return the property to the original family that donated it. "Art" that represents the Christian faith should not be ridiculed, removed or destroyed because some people disagree with it, any more than any other "art" should be destroyed. There should be no law prohibiting the discussion of religions (including Christianity).

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