My Final Offer!!!!

I have no opinion as to the general's decision on Obama vs. McCain being based on race. But, I don't think he was "used" by Bush. He went with the same intelligence that everyone else had when he made the UN speech. He is one in a large group of people against the war, after they were for it of course. Further, I don't believe he is as great a leader as he is given credit for. He is certainly not in the same class as Petreaus. Even though I think that Mike Mullen has turned into a YES man, he is a better Chairman than Powell ever was.

I wish Petreaus would run. He has leadership ability, foreign affairs experience, and is probably one of the smartest people in government at the present time. I believe President Obama gave him the CIA job to keep him quite until after the election. He'll fire him after he gets re-elected. If he gets re-elected.

On what grounds would he fire Patreaus?
I would vote for Powell in a heartbeat. In fact, he's on my 'wish list' for President. My ideal ticket would be Powell/Rice.

I adore Powell, and Condi is one of the smartest females in America.

Hell yeah! Powell would make a good President and Condi would be good as the VP.

JC Watts man!!! I wish he'd get into it. He'd be an outstanding President.
If you guys that stole my GOP can get Colin Powell to run for prez and I will vote for him. I am willing to overlook that United Nations "incident". That's my final offer.

That is all.

I hope he runs because as a general rule I only vote for people of color so that nobody thinks I'm a racist.
I have no opinion as to the general's decision on Obama vs. McCain being based on race. But, I don't think he was "used" by Bush. He went with the same intelligence that everyone else had when he made the UN speech. He is one in a large group of people against the war, after they were for it of course. Further, I don't believe he is as great a leader as he is given credit for. He is certainly not in the same class as Petreaus. Even though I think that Mike Mullen has turned into a YES man, he is a better Chairman than Powell ever was.

I wish Petreaus would run. He has leadership ability, foreign affairs experience, and is probably one of the smartest people in government at the present time. I believe President Obama gave him the CIA job to keep him quite until after the election. He'll fire him after he gets re-elected. If he gets re-elected.

On what grounds would he fire Patreaus?

Keeping him occupied and quite behind closed doors at Langley past the 2012 election will have passed. The purpose served. Obama is part of the crowd that called the general Betrayus. He'll have no more use for him so he'll put in another YES man like Paneta was. Although I give Paneta rep points for going off script with his comments concerning the EITs and Osama pictures. Peneta will of course go to DOD for further dismantling of that agency.
I disagree with your assessment on Powell's decision to back Obama. I think it had everything to do with race and nothing with the him being better than McCain.

McCain and Obama both sucked big time.

So everything is race for you huh...?


Funny....I didnt see him say that. He simply said that this one thing was race related....and quite possibly was...I dont know...I have reason to believe it was as well seeing as Powell, himself, really didnt have a valid reason to back Obama. Different ideology; difference of opinion on many topics for that matter.

But whatever....seems you were a pot calling the kettle black...ONCE AGAIN.
I have no opinion as to the general's decision on Obama vs. McCain being based on race. But, I don't think he was "used" by Bush. He went with the same intelligence that everyone else had when he made the UN speech. He is one in a large group of people against the war, after they were for it of course. Further, I don't believe he is as great a leader as he is given credit for. He is certainly not in the same class as Petreaus. Even though I think that Mike Mullen has turned into a YES man, he is a better Chairman than Powell ever was.

I wish Petreaus would run. He has leadership ability, foreign affairs experience, and is probably one of the smartest people in government at the present time. I believe President Obama gave him the CIA job to keep him quite until after the election. He'll fire him after he gets re-elected. If he gets re-elected.

On what grounds would he fire Patreaus?

Keeping him occupied and quite behind closed doors at Langley past the 2012 election will have passed. The purpose served. Obama is part of the crowd that called the general Betrayus. He'll have no more use for him so he'll put in another YES man like Paneta was. Although I give Paneta rep points for going off script with his comments concerning the EITs and Osama pictures. Peneta will of course go to DOD for further dismantling of that agency.

That sounds sneakey and wrong, Patreaus did a great job in Iraq and doing it in Afghanistan, I hope they don't do him dirty like that.
I'd vote for Powell in a heartbeat. The guy (still) oozes of integrity, intelligence, is fair and not a partisan hack. I really think if elected he'd be the best president we've had in a LONG LONG time.

He's one of the few real moderates in the public figure, and I think he'd really do what he thought was best for the country-not his party, and can't be bought.

Unfortunately I don't see him running for president.
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I don't see ANY of the other GOP hopefuls defeating Powell in a debate on "What would you do if president?" or "Foreign Policy". His only weakness as I see it would be on the economy. There is no "quick fix" for the economy so that doesn't bother me but people fall for snake oil salesmen on domestic issues all of the time. People just want to hear what makes them feel good even if the policy has no chance in hell of becoming legislation and law.

I don't even know what religion Powell is...and to me THAT'S a GOOD thing.

I repeat as earlier.. The only thing that matters when selecting a candidate is winning.

I believe Powell could beat Obama.. Not easily...Obama is a lot stronger than anyone in the GOP gives him credit for. But if he is going to be beaten it will have to be by someone who is BETTER than he is... not by the assortment of clowns we are looking at right now.
I disagree with your assessment on Powell's decision to back Obama. I think it had everything to do with race and nothing with the him being better than McCain.

McCain and Obama both sucked big time.

So everything is race for you huh...?


Nope. I don't care about race at all. But I do think it's likely that it motivated General Powell's decision or at least influenced it to a degree.
On what grounds would he fire Patreaus?

Keeping him occupied and quite behind closed doors at Langley past the 2012 election will have passed. The purpose served. Obama is part of the crowd that called the general Betrayus. He'll have no more use for him so he'll put in another YES man like Paneta was. Although I give Paneta rep points for going off script with his comments concerning the EITs and Osama pictures. Peneta will of course go to DOD for further dismantling of that agency.

That sounds sneakey and wrong, Patreaus did a great job in Iraq and doing it in Afghanistan, I hope they don't do him dirty like that.

I agree. I'm a huge Petreaus fan. He not only has experience but his degrees are in running government. It would be nice to have someone in charge who knows what the F he is doing.
I don't see ANY of the other GOP hopefuls defeating Powell in a debate on "What would you do if president?" or "Foreign Policy". His only weakness as I see it would be on the economy. There is no "quick fix" for the economy so that doesn't bother me but people fall for snake oil salesmen on domestic issues all of the time. People just want to hear what makes them feel good even if the policy has no chance in hell of becoming legislation and law.

I don't even know what religion Powell is...and to me THAT'S a GOOD thing.

I repeat as earlier.. The only thing that matters when selecting a candidate is winning.

I believe Powell could beat Obama.. Not easily...Obama is a lot stronger than anyone in the GOP gives him credit for. But if he is going to be beaten it will have to be by someone who is BETTER than he is... not by the assortment of clowns we are looking at right now.

You make some good points. A commonality on this thread is that all the people thought to be good GOP candidates are black. The reason for that is that they can address the issues that need attention in this country without being called a racist, and that is a shame.
I don't see ANY of the other GOP hopefuls defeating Powell in a debate on "What would you do if president?" or "Foreign Policy". His only weakness as I see it would be on the economy. There is no "quick fix" for the economy so that doesn't bother me but people fall for snake oil salesmen on domestic issues all of the time. People just want to hear what makes them feel good even if the policy has no chance in hell of becoming legislation and law.

I don't even know what religion Powell is...and to me THAT'S a GOOD thing.

I repeat as earlier.. The only thing that matters when selecting a candidate is winning.

I believe Powell could beat Obama.. Not easily...Obama is a lot stronger than anyone in the GOP gives him credit for. But if he is going to be beaten it will have to be by someone who is BETTER than he is... not by the assortment of clowns we are looking at right now.

You make some good points. A commonality on this thread is that all the people thought to be good GOP candidates are black. The reason for that is that they can address the issues that need attention in this country without being called a racist, and that is a shame.

OK. What are Obama's strengths? Did being black help him or hurt him in the last race? Does it help him or hurt him now? Does one have to be a racist to look at the situation objectvely and identify "being black" as ultimately a strength for Obama? How does a GOP candidate counter Obama's "Blackness"? trying to play cards like The "Reverend Wright Card" didn't work very well did they.

Me personally, I don't care about race or color unless there is an advantage or a disadvantage to winning because of it. A lot of things that should not matter, do, and we are foolish to ignore them.

Some white folks just don't like their ******* uppity. I can't change that. Obama can't change that. As much as some deny that, that is exactly how they feel and it doesn't fool me.

SO... I see Powell being black as an advantage in running against Obama. Is it really "being black" in the sense of whether an artist such as "Common" is an issue? It wouldn't be for Powell. I doubt Powell listens to rap or hip hop. In fact Powell is the only guy that could bring up an issue like that against Obama in a direct debate and get away with it. Can you imagine any white prospective candidate even bringing it up?

Again I am only "In it to win it". Powell has the tools to be a fine president plus he has the only thing besides the contender, Cain, that can counter Obama's blackness.

So if that answer satisfies you then we have to explore the reasons why Powell refused to throw his hat in the ring already. I believe I can answer that also. I believe Powell was convinced that he would get assassinated for being black if he ran for president. Well that is not an issue now is it. He let Obama run out on the ice and test it for safety. :lol:

I suspect he might have a different outlook about the negatives of being black his own damn self now. Now that Obama opened the door maybe the BEST black man should walk through it to challenge him.
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I don't see ANY of the other GOP hopefuls defeating Powell in a debate on "What would you do if president?" or "Foreign Policy". His only weakness as I see it would be on the economy. There is no "quick fix" for the economy so that doesn't bother me but people fall for snake oil salesmen on domestic issues all of the time. People just want to hear what makes them feel good even if the policy has no chance in hell of becoming legislation and law.

I don't even know what religion Powell is...and to me THAT'S a GOOD thing.

I repeat as earlier.. The only thing that matters when selecting a candidate is winning.

I believe Powell could beat Obama.. Not easily...Obama is a lot stronger than anyone in the GOP gives him credit for. But if he is going to be beaten it will have to be by someone who is BETTER than he is... not by the assortment of clowns we are looking at right now.

You make some good points. A commonality on this thread is that all the people thought to be good GOP candidates are black. The reason for that is that they can address the issues that need attention in this country without being called a racist, and that is a shame.

OK. What are Obama's strengths? Did being black help him or hurt him in the last race? Does it help him or hurt him now? Does one have to be a racist to look at the situation objectvely and identify "being black" as ultimately a strength for Obama? How does a GOP candidate counter Obama's "Blackness"? trying to play cards like The "Reverend Wright Card" didn't work very well did they.

Me personally, I don't care about race or color unless there is an advantage or a disadvantage to winning because of it. A lot of things that should not matter, do, and we are foolish to ignore them.

Some white folks just don't like their ******* uppity. I can't change that. Obama can't change that. As much as some deny that, that is exactly how they feel and it doesn't fool me.

SO... I see Powell being black as an advantage in running against Obama. Is it really "being black" in the sense of whether an artist such as "Common" is an issue? It wouldn't be for Powell. I doubt Powell listens to rap or hip hop. In fact Powell is the only guy that could bring up an issue like that against Obama in a direct debate and get away with it. Can you imagine any white prospective candidate even bringing it up?

Again I am only "In it to win it". Powell has the tools to be a fine president plus he has the only thing besides the contender, Cain, that can counter Obama's blackness.

So if that answer satisfies you then we have to explore the reasons why Powell refused to throw his hat in the ring already. I believe I can answer than also. I believe Powell was convinced that he would get assassinated for being black if he ran for president. Well that is not an issue now is it. He let Obama run out on the ice and test it for safety. :lol:

I suspect he might have a different outlook about the negatives of being black his own damn self now. Now that Obama opened the door maybe the BEST black man should walk through it to challenge him.

If nothing else...I appreciate your honesty. It is a refreshing change for this board.
Besides honesty, political conversation without everyone calling each other a bunch of names is a nice change.

Huggy, I don't care about a candidate's race either. I think that the white candidates having to temper their narrative so as not to offend people is the shame. Even though I don't think Colin Powell would be he best candidate, I would vote for him if the present crop does not improve, provided he ran of course. Maybe he didn't run because he has skeletons in the closet. I don't know this, just talking. What about a Hispanic candidate? They are the largest minority and will probably play a deciding role in the 2012 election.

What are Obama's strengths? I'm not sure he has any.
Did being black help in the last election? What helped more than anything is that the electorate voted for an anti-Bush.
Besides honesty, political conversation without everyone calling each other a bunch of names is a nice change.

Huggy, I don't care about a candidate's race either. I think that the white candidates having to temper their narrative so as not to offend people is the shame. Even though I don't think Colin Powell would be he best candidate, I would vote for him if the present crop does not improve, provided he ran of course. Maybe he didn't run because he has skeletons in the closet. I don't know this, just talking. What about a Hispanic candidate? They are the largest minority and will probably play a deciding role in the 2012 election.

What are Obama's strengths? I'm not sure he has any.
Did being black help in the last election? What helped more than anything is that the electorate voted for an anti-Bush.

If that is the general mindset of the republican party this time around they do not stand a chance. This isn't Carter. Traditionally the GOP has had the lock on defense as a given benefit in debate and the dems have had to side step that issue or at best just not appear weak. There isn't a single hopeful that can match Obama on things military or terrorism. He got Bin Ladin and there were no successful attacks on our soil except the guy that went nutz on the military base in Texas I think it was. Obama wound down Iraq. He has almost completely destroyed the Taliban in Afghanistan and killed four times as many terrorists in Pakistan and elsewhere in two years than Bush did in almost two terms. If the GOP doesn't see that as a strength then they are fools. Only an experienced military leader can counter Obama on defense. There is only one I can think of.

On the economy it is a wash at best for the GOP. They can squak all they want about what if and Obama ruined things but America isn't stupid. The GOP have no PROOF they could have done better. Trickle down to people paying $4 a gallon for gas doesn't wash any more. People are seriously broke and scared still and one thing that the GOP doesn't realize is that folks don't change horses that easily unless there is a guarantee of immediate change that will benefit them. All the GOP seems to talk about is taking things away. Giving more tax breaks to the super wealthy is tolerable when everyone is making money. It insults the intelligence of the average voter in an economy like this.

The truth is that there are few issues the GOP wannabee's can run on that will do anything but satisfy some of their base and that will not be enough.

Powell may not be the only hope for the GOP but off hand I cannot think of a better one.
Oh ya one more thing....

Here is how I would sell Powell the the American public.

"OK Jr... You didn't screw things up TOO step aside and let a REAL man take charge!"

I would pitch it just like that from announcement to inauguration.

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