my friends: we need Bernie to run as a independent, win, enact the green new deal, & save the planet

Any Green New Deal sweeping enough to meet this moment must address what and how we consume. Rapidly phasing out fossil fuels in the energy sector, essential as that is, won’t automatically create the consumption patterns needed to remake our relationship with the planet. And without a clear policy vision that defines sustainable and egalitarian consumption, explains why it matters, and charts a democratic path to get there, a transformative Green New Deal faces long political odds.

the campaign against the Green New Deal has already started. the right is literally SHAKING IN THEIR BOOOOOOOTS!

Sebastian Gorka Warns CPAC Of Ocasio-Cortez 'Trying To Take Your Hamburgers' Like Stalin | HuffPost

He already has bent the knee to kiss Biden’s ass.
If bernie runs 3rd party it could help trump or biden

its too soon to know

but it wont help bernie
One option would be to ban Russian natural gas imports. Russian natural gas emits 47% more greenhouse gases than American natural gas, making its continued importation into the United States nearly indefensible, especially to the more environmentally minded. Further restrictions on oil and gas from both Saudi Arabia and Russia could be considered in the future, which would send a clear message to OPEC that their destructive moves won’t go unanswered.

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