My God Is On Facebook.....And He's Awesome


Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2011
Inside Mac's Head
My God goes by the name of "Possibilities".

Anything's possible, but if God is, it is my humble opinion that the ancient stories starring the the family of Abraham: The Torah, The New Testament and The Qur'an, are NOT the last word on such a being.
No, Man... You just pointed out that Monkey documentation for God exists.

That's a whole 'nother critter. :thup:
The cartoon is inacurate. The Catholic Church does not teach that homosexual orientation is not a sin, but acting on it is a sin.

Homosexuality | Catholic Answers

That is a distinction that liberals can't understand, because they lack the wisdom to understand it, or they deliberately refuse to understand.
The cartoon is inacurate. The Catholic Church does not teach that homosexual orientation is not a sin, but acting on it is a sin.

Homosexuality | Catholic Answers

That is a distinction that liberals can't understand, because they lack the wisdom to understand it, or they deliberately refuse to understand.

I see. So just deny the manner in which "god" made you, and you're good! Masturbate furiously, and try not to get your hands on assault weapons! Last thing we want is a bunch of unauthorized orgasms out there. Our god may be in charge of billions of stars, trillions of planets, millions of galaxies and possibly countless multi-verses, but he's positively OBSESSED with your no-no-naughty bits, and that's what counts.
The cartoon is inacurate. The Catholic Church does not teach that homosexual orientation is not a sin, but acting on it is a sin.

Homosexuality | Catholic Answers

That is a distinction that liberals can't understand, because they lack the wisdom to understand it, or they deliberately refuse to understand.

I see. So just deny the manner in which "god" made you, and you're good! Masturbate furiously, and try not to get your hands on assault weapons! Last thing we want is a bunch of unauthorized orgasms out there. Our god may be in charge of billions of stars, trillions of planets, millions of galaxies and possibly countless multi-verses, but he's positively OBSESSED with your no-no-naughty bits, and that's what counts.

You think because God knows all in a giant universe, he can't see what is small in the eyes of man? Here's what Jesus said:

What is the price of two sparrows--one copper coin? But not a single sparrow can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it.

Matthew 10:29

You fail to understand how big God is.

Also, human beings with eternal souls are far more important than sparrows, or even entire galaxies.
The cartoon is inacurate. The Catholic Church does not teach that homosexual orientation is not a sin, but acting on it is a sin.

Homosexuality | Catholic Answers

That is a distinction that liberals can't understand, because they lack the wisdom to understand it, or they deliberately refuse to understand.

I see. So just deny the manner in which "god" made you, and you're good! Masturbate furiously, and try not to get your hands on assault weapons! Last thing we want is a bunch of unauthorized orgasms out there. Our god may be in charge of billions of stars, trillions of planets, millions of galaxies and possibly countless multi-verses, but he's positively OBSESSED with your no-no-naughty bits, and that's what counts.

You think because God knows all in a giant universe, he can't see what is small in the eyes of man? Here's what Jesus said:

What is the price of two sparrows--one copper coin? But not a single sparrow can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it.

Matthew 10:29

You fail to understand how big God is.

Also, human beings with eternal souls are far more important than sparrows, or even entire galaxies.

Cool, so he's got it all covered! That explains the Nigerian children being raped and murdered on a damned-near hourly basis.
The cartoon is inacurate. The Catholic Church does not teach that homosexual orientation is not a sin, but acting on it is a sin.

Homosexuality | Catholic Answers

That is a distinction that liberals can't understand, because they lack the wisdom to understand it, or they deliberately refuse to understand.

Why does the Christian Faith in general and the Catholic sect in particular require sacrifice in this world? :eusa_eh:

Even when I was a believer I failed to understand what value or virtue that God could see in fasting and other self-deprecating practices.

These days I lump fasting in with the more bloody forms of religious self-flagellation as easily as I lump the followers of The Torah, The New Testament and The Qur'an in to one funky religion of many sects seeking to please The God of Abraham, as described in The Torah.
The cartoon is inacurate. The Catholic Church does not teach that homosexual orientation is not a sin, but acting on it is a sin.

Homosexuality | Catholic Answers

That is a distinction that liberals can't understand, because they lack the wisdom to understand it, or they deliberately refuse to understand.

I see. So just deny the manner in which "god" made you, and you're good! Masturbate furiously, and try not to get your hands on assault weapons! Last thing we want is a bunch of unauthorized orgasms out there. Our god may be in charge of billions of stars, trillions of planets, millions of galaxies and possibly countless multi-verses, but he's positively OBSESSED with your no-no-naughty bits, and that's what counts.

You think because God knows all in a giant universe, he can't see what is small in the eyes of man? Here's what Jesus said:

What is the price of two sparrows--one copper coin? But not a single sparrow can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it.

Matthew 10:29

You fail to understand how big God is.

Also, human beings with eternal souls are far more important than sparrows, or even entire galaxies.

God is as big as you need Him to be.

A just, loving and powerful Father figure to fix a dangerous world is the ancient wish still driving the need.

A firm hand and sound advice to guide us and then sit in judgement over us and the complex relationships that we weave with our Words during our short, but intense flashes of Sentience on this Timeline.

Something about wishes, horses and saddle-sore dreamers...

The truth is that our history paints a bloody picture of cruel, greedy, little bastards pushing their own DNA down the Timeline, often at the expense of others, clawing tooth and organized nail out of a diverse and dangerous biosphere that spent the last 4+ billion years focused on survival on a dog-eat-dog world, just like Evolution predicts.

If Momma's little bastards have a Father, His name is Time.

The cartoon is inacurate. The Catholic Church does not teach that homosexual orientation is not a sin, but acting on it is a sin.

Homosexuality | Catholic Answers

That is a distinction that liberals can't understand, because they lack the wisdom to understand it, or they deliberately refuse to understand.

I see. So just deny the manner in which "god" made you, and you're good! Masturbate furiously, and try not to get your hands on assault weapons! Last thing we want is a bunch of unauthorized orgasms out there. Our god may be in charge of billions of stars, trillions of planets, millions of galaxies and possibly countless multi-verses, but he's positively OBSESSED with your no-no-naughty bits, and that's what counts.

You think because God knows all in a giant universe, he can't see what is small in the eyes of man? Here's what Jesus said:

What is the price of two sparrows--one copper coin? But not a single sparrow can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it.

Matthew 10:29

You fail to understand how big God is.

Also, human beings with eternal souls are far more important than sparrows, or even entire galaxies.

Cool, so he's got it all covered! That explains the Nigerian children being raped and murdered on a damned-near hourly basis.
If you care about this, God has given you the free will to do something about it.

What's your plan?

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