My God Is On Facebook.....And He's Awesome

The cartoon is inacurate. The Catholic Church does not teach that homosexual orientation is not a sin, but acting on it is a sin.

Homosexuality | Catholic Answers

That is a distinction that liberals can't understand, because they lack the wisdom to understand it, or they deliberately refuse to understand.

I see. So just deny the manner in which "god" made you, and you're good! Masturbate furiously, and try not to get your hands on assault weapons! Last thing we want is a bunch of unauthorized orgasms out there. Our god may be in charge of billions of stars, trillions of planets, millions of galaxies and possibly countless multi-verses, but he's positively OBSESSED with your no-no-naughty bits, and that's what counts.

You think because God knows all in a giant universe, he can't see what is small in the eyes of man? Here's what Jesus said:

What is the price of two sparrows--one copper coin? But not a single sparrow can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it.

Matthew 10:29

You fail to understand how big God is.

Also, human beings with eternal souls are far more important than sparrows, or even entire galaxies.

Cool, so he's got it all covered! That explains the Nigerian children being raped and murdered on a damned-near hourly basis.
If you care about this, God has given you the free will to do something about it.

What's your plan?

Oh that's solid. God is allowing thousands of Nigerian children to be raped and murdered to give a white guy the opportunity to fix it. It's all a test, huh? Are you trying to make my point for me?

There is no god. Grow up. Santa also doesn't fit down your chimney, nutjob.

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