My God! Look at the Trump scandals from just the past week!

Another week of nothingburgers. Is Hillary behind bars yet?
When was Hillary charged with anything? Or anyone around her? One dirtball husband from her divorced assistant. Sure maybe SOMETHING will stick there.
If President Barak Obama had so much as uttered the words, Russians are okay.....the fake GOP would have his head on a plate......the man said cling to guns and bible and the media and the GOP spent months rippin him a new one....yet this white privilge bastard can do what ever the fuck he wants, say what ever the fuck white people like and its all good.....and yaw mean to tell me this fuckin country ain't racist? Get the fuck outta here
If President Barak Obama had so much as uttered the words, Russians are okay.....the fake GOP would have his head on a plate......the man said cling to guns and bible and the media and the GOP spent months rippin him a new one....yet this white privilge bastard can do what ever the fuck he wants, say what ever the fuck white people like and its all good.....and yaw mean to tell me this fuckin country ain't racist? Get the fuck outta here
You know how they roll.

Can you get banned bringing up Trump's debacles?

What about pointing out right wing panic?
If President Barak Obama had so much as uttered the words, Russians are okay.....the fake GOP would have his head on a plate......the man said cling to guns and bible and the media and the GOP spent months rippin him a new one....yet this white privilge bastard can do what ever the fuck he wants, say what ever the fuck white people like and its all good.....and yaw mean to tell me this fuckin country ain't racist? Get the fuck outta here

Well he did utter the words to the Russian president that were secretly picked up on a hot mic, "When I am reelected I'll have more flexibility."

Does that count?
OMG. I started this thread a month ago.

And there have been so many scandals, we can't remember them all.

It's not every week, it's every fuking day.
If President Barak Obama had so much as uttered the words, Russians are okay.....the fake GOP would have his head on a plate......the man said cling to guns and bible and the media and the GOP spent months rippin him a new one....yet this white privilge bastard can do what ever the fuck he wants, say what ever the fuck white people like and its all good.....and yaw mean to tell me this fuckin country ain't racist? Get the fuck outta here
You know how they roll.

The funny thing about that guy rolling, is that he did it on the grass.
Democrats can think up lies faster than the press can print them.
The press is getting their source material from Trump and the GOP.
Democrats could never match the bizarre that comes from the GOP and Trump.
Do catch up.

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