My GOD the conspiracy cooks, anti-govt crowd, and cop haters are out in full force!!!

CaféAuLait;7140738 said:
This truly blows my mind. It has barely been more than 1 week, and the Glenn Beck/ Alex Jones / Radical right anti-govt, anti-cop crowd has gone F**KING INSANE. Its truly unbelievable. It didnt even take 10 days for them to go full batshit whacko, believing all the cops and government folks planned this attack, and did it.

And, LIKE I SAID a month or so ago..........they are now saying they saw undercover MILITARY members in the crowd before the bomb. They think the military is in on it. They are starting their turn against the military, like I said they would.

I dont know exactly what it was, or what point in time it happened. But a significant % of our population in the US has gone full batshit crazy with the anti-govt, anti-cop, and slowly even anti-military..........and began to truly believe their local, county, state and federal govts are ALL involved in this grand scheme to take away their civil liberties.

Its sad. Its pathetic. Its actually worrisome and scary......because their beliefs and radicalism wont change, but only get worse.

Pretty crazy, eh? These poor people have to listen to how our government supposedly did this to them! Very much reminds me of the man appointed to Obama's cabinet, Van Jones who signed the Truther Movement letters. And Congresswoman McKinney that signed the 9-11 Truther Movement letter, they both actually believed that Bush wired 100,000 to Mohammad Atta after the towers fell to pay him for the job. These conspiracists and the ones believing that our government blew up Boston are hurting the families and survivors, not to mention what they do to those they accuse.

:clap2::clap2::clap2: Well said.

I dont recall the 9-11 truthers being out 8 days later, on 9-18. Not mainstream anyway like they are with the "Boston Truthers" or whatever they'll call themselves.

Its almost like the anti-govt crowd had a knee jerk, involuntary reaction. They just HAD to respond to it with an anti-govt tune. The sight of people cheering and applauding the cops sent them over the edge.
I have to admit, I still have a lot of questions surrounding 9/11 but that's completely irrelevant. The kook bullshit we've had to put up with in the last few years is just stupid. First Benghazi now the insanity around something that's clearly open and shut like the Boston Bombing. It's especially disgusting given the right's reaction to any sort of dissension or questioning of the government under Bush. I really think these two Obama terms have just been a temper tantrum from the right as they're acting exactly like an exaggerated version of what their perception of the left was during Bush. The sad thing is, they're going to drive away the majority of intelligent people in their base while strengthening the lunatics on their side.
This truly blows my mind. It has barely been more than 1 week, and the Glenn Beck/ Alex Jones / Radical right anti-govt, anti-cop crowd has gone F**KING INSANE. Its truly unbelievable. It didnt even take 10 days for them to go full batshit whacko, believing all the cops and government folks planned this attack, and did it.

And, LIKE I SAID a month or so ago..........they are now saying they saw undercover MILITARY members in the crowd before the bomb. They think the military is in on it. They are starting their turn against the military, like I said they would.

I dont know exactly what it was, or what point in time it happened. But a significant % of our population in the US has gone full batshit crazy with the anti-govt, anti-cop, and slowly even anti-military..........and began to truly believe their local, county, state and federal govts are ALL involved in this grand scheme to take away their civil liberties.

Its sad. Its pathetic. Its actually worrisome and scary......because their beliefs and radicalism wont change, but only get worse.

When the Wall Steet protestors were showing disrespect for the police, these people were whistling a different tune.

And you liberals were the ones hating the police for supposedly suppressing their "freedom of speech". Funny how that works actually.

Only those on the right are allowed to speak poorly of the police.
CaféAuLait;7140738 said:
This truly blows my mind. It has barely been more than 1 week, and the Glenn Beck/ Alex Jones / Radical right anti-govt, anti-cop crowd has gone F**KING INSANE. Its truly unbelievable. It didnt even take 10 days for them to go full batshit whacko, believing all the cops and government folks planned this attack, and did it.

And, LIKE I SAID a month or so ago..........they are now saying they saw undercover MILITARY members in the crowd before the bomb. They think the military is in on it. They are starting their turn against the military, like I said they would.

I dont know exactly what it was, or what point in time it happened. But a significant % of our population in the US has gone full batshit crazy with the anti-govt, anti-cop, and slowly even anti-military..........and began to truly believe their local, county, state and federal govts are ALL involved in this grand scheme to take away their civil liberties.

Its sad. Its pathetic. Its actually worrisome and scary......because their beliefs and radicalism wont change, but only get worse.

Pretty crazy, eh? These poor people have to listen to how our government supposedly did this to them! Very much reminds me of the man appointed to Obama's cabinet, Van Jones who signed the Truther Movement letters. And Congresswoman McKinney that signed the 9-11 Truther Movement letter, they both actually believed that Bush wired 100,000 to Mohammad Atta after the towers fell to pay him for the job. These conspiracists and the ones believing that our government blew up Boston are hurting the families and survivors, not to mention what they do to those they accuse.

:clap2::clap2::clap2: Well said.

I dont recall the 9-11 truthers being out 8 days later, on 9-18. Not mainstream anyway like they are with the "Boston Truthers" or whatever they'll call themselves.

Its almost like the anti-govt crowd had a knee jerk, involuntary reaction. They just HAD to respond to it with an anti-govt tune. The sight of people cheering and applauding the cops sent them over the edge.

Thanks. It was pretty quick, within days if I recall correctly. It started with the hole in the Pentagon being too small and building 7 falling " late".

Honestly, I've seen conspiracy dingdongs for the just about every major event. Do you recall when they came out and still are for Columbine? There are full length movies on that. Amazing!
When the Wall Steet protestors were showing disrespect for the police, these people were whistling a different tune.

And you liberals were the ones hating the police for supposedly suppressing their "freedom of speech". Funny how that works actually.

Only those on the right are allowed to speak poorly of the police.

No, you are not allowed to bash the police, nor are the righties, all because both of you sit there and praise or abhor them according to what they do and how they do it. First the police are "evil and oppressive" for pepper spraying OWS protestors in New York, then they (the Boston PD) are heroes when they apprehended Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. On the right they praised the NYPD for their heroic response to 9/11, yet are now bashing them for the way they apprehended Tsarnaev.

I just don't understand it.

And oh by the way, the last time I checked, you get terribly disturbed with right wingers when they criticize the president. I'm calling all of you out here.
I have to admit, I still have a lot of questions surrounding 9/11 but that's completely irrelevant. The kook bullshit we've had to put up with in the last few years is just stupid. First Benghazi now the insanity around something that's clearly open and shut like the Boston Bombing. It's especially disgusting given the right's reaction to any sort of dissension or questioning of the government under Bush. I really think these two Obama terms have just been a temper tantrum from the right as they're acting exactly like an exaggerated version of what their perception of the left was during Bush. The sad thing is, they're going to drive away the majority of intelligent people in their base while strengthening the lunatics on their side.

Re: 9-11 I don't think it's bad to ask questions at all. In fact I think it best. I am still confused by some of it.
I have to admit, I still have a lot of questions surrounding 9/11 but that's completely irrelevant. The kook bullshit we've had to put up with in the last few years is just stupid. First Benghazi now the insanity around something that's clearly open and shut like the Boston Bombing. It's especially disgusting given the right's reaction to any sort of dissension or questioning of the government under Bush. I really think these two Obama terms have just been a temper tantrum from the right as they're acting exactly like an exaggerated version of what their perception of the left was during Bush. The sad thing is, they're going to drive away the majority of intelligent people in their base while strengthening the lunatics on their side.

Hey, I love how hypocrites work. "Your administration did it, now ours can and there's nothing you can do about it." Remember how the Obama Administration promised to be "the most transparent administration in history"?

And I quote:

President Barack Obama said:
My Administration is committed to creating an unprecedented level of openness in Government. We will work together to ensure the public trust and establish a system of transparency, public participation, and collaboration. Openness will strengthen our democracy and promote efficiency and effectiveness in Government.

Turns out his admin got (and is getting) poor grades on FOIA requests.

Quoting Raw Story here from March 16, 2010:

One year later, Obama’s requests for transparency have apparently gone unheeded. In fact a provision in the Freedom of Information Act law that allows the government to hide records that detail its internal decision-making has been invoked by Obama agencies more often in the past year than during the final year of President George W. Bush.

Major agencies cited that exemption to refuse records at least 70,779 times during the 2009 budget year, compared with 47,395 times during President George W. Bush’s final full budget year, according to annual FOIA reports filed by federal agencies.

An Associated Press review of Freedom of Information Act reports filed by 17 major agencies found that the use of nearly every one of the law’s nine exemptions to withhold information from the public rose in fiscal year 2009, which ended last October.

The AP review comes on the heels of another bit of government transparency news: that the Obama Administration has threatened to veto a congressional intelligence bill because it objects to efforts to increase intelligence oversight.

Among other things, the proposed legislation would subject intelligence agencies to General Accountability Office review. US intelligence agencies are currently immune from review by the Congressional auditing office.

Obama agencies invoking secrecy provision more often than under Bush | The Raw Story

Yeah sure. You have lots and lots of room to talk.

Once again quoting Cause of Action (pro transparency group):

“For an administration that claims to be, ‘the most transparent administration in history,’ a grade of C-, coupled with the finding that nearly three quarters of the offices were unable to respond to our request within a 30 day window and therefore noncompliant with the law, signals that perhaps this administration is merely average at best...”

No, just... no, BB.
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And you liberals were the ones hating the police for supposedly suppressing their "freedom of speech". Funny how that works actually.

Only those on the right are allowed to speak poorly of the police.

No, you are not allowed to bash the police, nor are the righties, all because both of you sit there and praise or abhor them according to what they do and how they do it. First the police are "evil and oppressive" for pepper spraying OWS protestors in New York, then they (the Boston PD) are heroes when they apprehended Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. On the right they praised the NYPD for their heroic response to 9/11, yet are now bashing them for the way they apprehended Tsarnaev.

I just don't understand it.

And oh by the way, the last time I checked, you get terribly disturbed with right wingers when they criticize the president. I'm calling all of you out here.

When did I ever bash the police?
I have to admit, I still have a lot of questions surrounding 9/11 but that's completely irrelevant. The kook bullshit we've had to put up with in the last few years is just stupid. First Benghazi now the insanity around something that's clearly open and shut like the Boston Bombing. It's especially disgusting given the right's reaction to any sort of dissension or questioning of the government under Bush. I really think these two Obama terms have just been a temper tantrum from the right as they're acting exactly like an exaggerated version of what their perception of the left was during Bush. The sad thing is, they're going to drive away the majority of intelligent people in their base while strengthening the lunatics on their side.

Hey, I love how hypocrites work. "Your administration did it, now ours can and there's nothing you can do about it." Remember how the Obama Administration promised to be "the most transparent administration in history"?

And I quote:

President Barack Obama said:
My Administration is committed to creating an unprecedented level of openness in Government. We will work together to ensure the public trust and establish a system of transparency, public participation, and collaboration. Openness will strengthen our democracy and promote efficiency and effectiveness in Government.

Turns out his admin got (and is getting) poor grades on FOIA requests.

Quoting Raw Story here from March 16, 2010:

One year later, Obama’s requests for transparency have apparently gone unheeded. In fact a provision in the Freedom of Information Act law that allows the government to hide records that detail its internal decision-making has been invoked by Obama agencies more often in the past year than during the final year of President George W. Bush.

Major agencies cited that exemption to refuse records at least 70,779 times during the 2009 budget year, compared with 47,395 times during President George W. Bush’s final full budget year, according to annual FOIA reports filed by federal agencies.

An Associated Press review of Freedom of Information Act reports filed by 17 major agencies found that the use of nearly every one of the law’s nine exemptions to withhold information from the public rose in fiscal year 2009, which ended last October.

The AP review comes on the heels of another bit of government transparency news: that the Obama Administration has threatened to veto a congressional intelligence bill because it objects to efforts to increase intelligence oversight.

Among other things, the proposed legislation would subject intelligence agencies to General Accountability Office review. US intelligence agencies are currently immune from review by the Congressional auditing office.

Obama agencies invoking secrecy provision more often than under Bush | The Raw Story

Yeah sure. You have lots and lots of room to talk.

Once again quoting Cause of Action (pro transparency group):

“For an administration that claims to be, ‘the most transparent administration in history,’ a grade of C-, coupled with the finding that nearly three quarters of the offices were unable to respond to our request within a 30 day window and therefore noncompliant with the law, signals that perhaps this administration is merely average at best...”

No, just... no, BB.

Can anyone summarize what this guy is rambling about?
And you liberals were the ones hating the police for supposedly suppressing their "freedom of speech". Funny how that works actually.

Only those on the right are allowed to speak poorly of the police.

No, you are not allowed to bash the police, nor are the righties, all because both of you sit there and praise or abhor them according to what they do and how they do it. First the police are "evil and oppressive" for pepper spraying OWS protestors in New York, then they (the Boston PD) are heroes when they apprehended Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. On the right they praised the NYPD for their heroic response to 9/11, yet are now bashing them for the way they apprehended Tsarnaev.

I just don't understand it.

And oh by the way, the last time I checked, you get terribly disturbed with right wingers when they criticize the president. I'm calling all of you out here.

You haven't been around long enough to call anyone out on anything. Go back out to play and let the adults talk.

I have to admit, I still have a lot of questions surrounding 9/11 but that's completely irrelevant. The kook bullshit we've had to put up with in the last few years is just stupid. First Benghazi now the insanity around something that's clearly open and shut like the Boston Bombing. It's especially disgusting given the right's reaction to any sort of dissension or questioning of the government under Bush. I really think these two Obama terms have just been a temper tantrum from the right as they're acting exactly like an exaggerated version of what their perception of the left was during Bush. The sad thing is, they're going to drive away the majority of intelligent people in their base while strengthening the lunatics on their side.

Hey, I love how hypocrites work. "Your administration did it, now ours can and there's nothing you can do about it." Remember how the Obama Administration promised to be "the most transparent administration in history"?

And I quote:

Turns out his admin got (and is getting) poor grades on FOIA requests.

Quoting Raw Story here from March 16, 2010:

Obama agencies invoking secrecy provision more often than under Bush | The Raw Story

Yeah sure. You have lots and lots of room to talk.

Once again quoting Cause of Action (pro transparency group):

“For an administration that claims to be, ‘the most transparent administration in history,’ a grade of C-, coupled with the finding that nearly three quarters of the offices were unable to respond to our request within a 30 day window and therefore noncompliant with the law, signals that perhaps this administration is merely average at best...”

No, just... no, BB.

Can anyone summarize what this guy is rambling about?

Can you read?

To summarize, I called you a hypocrite. You call right wingers out for reacting negatively to anyone criticizing the Bush Administration, essentially accusing the Administration itself of being non-transparent, when you act the same exact way when people call out lefties and furthermore, Obama for acting the same way. It turns out you left wingers have nothing to brag about either.
Only those on the right are allowed to speak poorly of the police.

No, you are not allowed to bash the police, nor are the righties, all because both of you sit there and praise or abhor them according to what they do and how they do it. First the police are "evil and oppressive" for pepper spraying OWS protestors in New York, then they (the Boston PD) are heroes when they apprehended Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. On the right they praised the NYPD for their heroic response to 9/11, yet are now bashing them for the way they apprehended Tsarnaev.

I just don't understand it.

And oh by the way, the last time I checked, you get terribly disturbed with right wingers when they criticize the president. I'm calling all of you out here.

You haven't been around long enough to call anyone out on anything. Go back out to play and let the adults talk.


Actually, I've been around for 25 years, so I am more than qualified to be an adult, two you can't call yourself an adult when you make such a snide comment. Or are you mad that I called you down too?

Seniority? Never heard of it!
This truly blows my mind. It has barely been more than 1 week, and the Glenn Beck/ Alex Jones / Radical right anti-govt, anti-cop crowd has gone F**KING INSANE. Its truly unbelievable. It didnt even take 10 days for them to go full batshit whacko, believing all the cops and government folks planned this attack, and did it.

And, LIKE I SAID a month or so ago..........they are now saying they saw undercover MILITARY members in the crowd before the bomb. They think the military is in on it. They are starting their turn against the military, like I said they would.

I dont know exactly what it was, or what point in time it happened. But a significant % of our population in the US has gone full batshit crazy with the anti-govt, anti-cop, and slowly even anti-military..........and began to truly believe their local, county, state and federal govts are ALL involved in this grand scheme to take away their civil liberties.

Its sad. Its pathetic. Its actually worrisome and scary......because their beliefs and radicalism wont change, but only get worse.

Wow, reminds me of all those crazy pathetic radical loons that came out throwing around their conspiracy theories into believing President George W. Bush actually allowed 9-11 to happen. The irony that we should see an op such as this coming from the left.
poor Bucky, whining again

waaaaa, people are questioning if the police or government might of been WRONG in how they did things

he acts like he was born just yesterday..
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CaféAuLait;7140738 said:
This truly blows my mind. It has barely been more than 1 week, and the Glenn Beck/ Alex Jones / Radical right anti-govt, anti-cop crowd has gone F**KING INSANE. Its truly unbelievable. It didnt even take 10 days for them to go full batshit whacko, believing all the cops and government folks planned this attack, and did it.

And, LIKE I SAID a month or so ago..........they are now saying they saw undercover MILITARY members in the crowd before the bomb. They think the military is in on it. They are starting their turn against the military, like I said they would.

I dont know exactly what it was, or what point in time it happened. But a significant % of our population in the US has gone full batshit crazy with the anti-govt, anti-cop, and slowly even anti-military..........and began to truly believe their local, county, state and federal govts are ALL involved in this grand scheme to take away their civil liberties.

Its sad. Its pathetic. Its actually worrisome and scary......because their beliefs and radicalism wont change, but only get worse.

Pretty crazy, eh? These poor people have to listen to how our government supposedly did this to them! Very much reminds me of the man appointed to Obama's cabinet, Van Jones who signed the Truther Movement letters. And Congresswoman McKinney that signed the 9-11 Truther Movement letter, they both actually believed that Bush wired 100,000 to Mohammad Atta after the towers fell to pay him for the job. These conspiracists and the ones believing that our government blew up Boston are hurting the families and survivors, not to mention what they do to those they accuse.

:clap2::clap2::clap2: Well said.

I dont recall the 9-11 truthers being out 8 days later, on 9-18. Not mainstream anyway like they are with the "Boston Truthers" or whatever they'll call themselves.

Its almost like the anti-govt crowd had a knee jerk, involuntary reaction. They just HAD to respond to it with an anti-govt tune. The sight of people cheering and applauding the cops sent them over the edge.

It was very shortly after 9/11 not sure it was within 10 days but it was by 14 days the nuts came out of the woodwork blaming the government.

I have followed the investigative story on this bombing and I really haven't heard any conspiracies, in fact this board is the first I heard and will ignore the BS.

BTW: since when is Jones and Beck considered mainstream?
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Its not often that I say a person is a danger to the country or stability of society just from their speech. But sometimes they are. Like radical Muslim clerics who preach hate and murder.

But Glenn Beck and Alex Jones are pushing themselves closer and closer to that level.

I wonder why they aren't held complicit when one of their nutter followers goes off the deep end and kills someone.
I have seen more anger here against the authorities for shutting down mass transit,turning off cell phone coverage and telling people to stay home for a few hours then for the bombing itself.
Its not often that I say a person is a danger to the country or stability of society just from their speech. But sometimes they are. Like radical Muslim clerics who preach hate and murder.

But Glenn Beck and Alex Jones are pushing themselves closer and closer to that level.

I wonder why they aren't held complicit when one of their nutter followers goes off the deep end and kills someone.

That is an interesting point in a nation in which a lowlife presidential scum manipulated white trash opinion in favor of war for thirty years while corporations bought fake-liberal politicians' votes in support of neocon nuttiness, culminating in Junebug actually invading two sovereign nations under false pretenses in or around 2002 or 2003.

Not to mention that corporations routinely kill and maim US citizens in workplaces and get off with no criminal penalties and small civil penalties. It is the rare instance where families of the killed and maimed at the hands of corporations get justice today.

It'd be interesting to chart, say, the last ten years' numbers of how many Americans have been killed and maimed working for the US government and the number killed and maimed working jobs in other US incorporated entities, versus the number of US citizens killed and maimed by terrorists.
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Its not often that I say a person is a danger to the country or stability of society just from their speech. But sometimes they are. Like radical Muslim clerics who preach hate and murder.

But Glenn Beck and Alex Jones are pushing themselves closer and closer to that level.

I wonder why they aren't held complicit when one of their nutter followers goes off the deep end and kills someone.

You really love the drama and let your emotions run.

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